
Chapter 158 Money and No Place to Spend

Originally, I just wanted to relax, but I didn't expect that there would be something unexpected and gain. However, for this reason, Yang Yu's trip was not in vain. However, after the matter was over, Yang Yu did not want to have much contact with Huang Jincai and others. After gently declined Huang Jin to invite him to have fun, he and Huangcai made an appointment to contact each other. Yang Yu said goodbye to Jincai and left from the side door of Jiangnan Building.

As soon as he left the Jiangnan Building, Yang Yu grabbed Yang's big mouth around his neck and said, "Good boy, you hid it deep enough and stunned Ye Shi'an. Let me ask you, your boy couldn't even eat enough food, but it's one by one. Is it possible that you are really the young master on the first floor of Jiangnan. Master?"

Yang laughed and said, "My father is really the young master of the first floor in the south of the Yangtze River, but now the first floor in the south of the Yangtze River is gone. I'm still a young master. Isn't he starving since I was a child? As soon as my father had free time, he bragged me and said how glorious and how powerful it was. You don't even know how young I was. How did it come out? Just listening to my father's stinky words made me drool, but we haven't eaten pork and haven't seen the pig run away. Just say something casually. Look at the shock of Ye Shi'an. Haha, in fact, I'm all nonsense. Is there any lotus smell of shrimp balls I ate? I just covered it casually. It's okay. Masked that Ye Shi'an."

Yang Yu laughed and said, "You guys have destroyed the Jiangnan Building, but I'm just curious that the first floor in Jiangnan is opened by your family. Is it possible that your father cooks in person?"

Yang Dazui said, "Of course, how can some ancestral things be taught to others? Anyway, some dishes have to be cooked in person. Mr. Bai was the top student in high school, and my father was not qualified to cook in person. That's my grandfather's kitchen. You can ask Mr. Bai later. Hey, that's an unprecedented event. Brother, do you want to learn? If you learn, my father will take care of it and teach you.

Yang Yu laughed and scolded, "Go to your place. Our place is just some meat or something. You asked me to learn to cook Jiangnan cuisine. What should I do? Besides, I'm used to eating and running legs. I'm just eating some big fish and meat now. Eating meat and drinking is our style. Today, I haven't had enough to eat for a long time. Do you think this is just a cheap life?

Yang's big mouth suddenly patted his thigh and said, "Hey, big brother, you got to the point. I'm still hungry. Let's find a place to continue eating?"

Gao Yongming also said happily, "Let's go, and find a restaurant to eat. Brother, I've seen through it. Let's not find an expensive place. Let's find a place that suits our taste. We are poor. No matter how much money we have, what can you do if you can't eat other people's delicacies."

Yang Yu laughed and said, "Walking, when I saw a restaurant on this street, we went in and ordered something to eat. I didn't believe it. I still can't find a suitable restaurant. After so long, I've been a hard life, and I'm wasted a waste today."

Just leave. This time, the three of them no longer have to find a big restaurant that looks luxurious to eat. They really go in the roadside shops one by one. After entering, ask what they are best, and then eat and see if it suits their mouth. If it doesn't suit their mouth, they will leave, whether it's a big meal or a small meal. I can't let it go. I just ate more than a dozen restaurants in a row.

Yang Yu found that he had been with Yang Dazui for a long time, and he had become able to eat a lot. After eating more than a dozen restaurants in a row, the three foodies finally couldn't eat any more, and began to think about what to do next.

Walking on the street, Yang Yu picked his teeth and said lazily, "We came out this time to spend money. The so-called warm Sichun, are you two interested in finding a girl?"

Yang Dazui said disda: "Brother, with my handsome and romantic, I have to go to a brothel. Do you know that there is a loss of identity? I think that when our old man was in Yunzhou, the best brothel was never there. If you want to find it, you have to find a daughter-in-law, which is called Ben. What's the matter? If I want to spend money to find a girl, that's nothing. If I want to go to you, I won't go.

After thinking about it seriously, Gao Yongming also shook his head and said, "I won't go either. I can't pull that face down. I'm embarrassed to go. I'm very pure."

Yang Yu laughed and said, "Ok, insightful, I'm very gratified to see you so promising. Since everyone doesn't want to go, then I won't go, but my knowledge about how to spend money is limited to eating, drinking, gambling and gambling. Needless to say, I'm not interested in gambling. I don't want to smoke. Is it that when we have money, we only have to eat and drink?"

Yang scratched his head and said, "It's not easy to spend money. Well, no, we really don't seem to have a place to spend money now? Brother, what do you think we should do?"

Yang Yu looked at Gao Yongming and said, "Fatty, you still have some experience. What do you think we should do?"

Gao Yongming said without hesitation, "Go to the best bow and arrow workshop. I want to customize the best arrows and the best arrows. Don't we have money and have no place to spend them? Can you make some arrows with pure gold for me?"

Yang Yu did not hesitate to extend a middle finger to Gao Yongming and said, "You are really a bitch. Sure enough, you have money and no place to spend. You are a prodigal. But I like it. Go ahead. You have to find a bow and arrow shop at Hukou Pass. You can play whatever you want. Big mouth, what about you?"

After thinking for a long time, Yang Dazui said, "I don't want anything, but there is something wrong with my father. He always thinks he doesn't even have a decent bowl when eating. Now that he has money, I'll bring him a whole set of utensils back, such as pots and pans, all of which are the best for him."

Yang Yu waved his hand and said, "Everything is the best. There is no shortage of these things. By the way, and Mr. Bai, when he came this time, Mr. Bai didn't mention anything, but scholars must like books, the four treasures of the study and so on. Let's get the best for him. Let's go and make a big purchase."

Anyway, it also costs money. Naturally, they bought it when they saw what they liked. Yang Yu hired a big car in the carriage. When they saw what they wanted, they bought it and threw it on the carriage. Walking all the way, they soon found that a big car was not enough. They quickly asked the driver to go back and transfer a few more carriages to continue. Continue the purchase.

After wandering all afternoon and seeing the night fall, Yang Yu and the others found a good-looking hotel to stay in, temporarily stored all the things they bought in the hotel and began their journey to find delicious food again.