
Chapter 1 People are forced

"Please let me go. I don't dare to steal from you anymore."

In 1997, in a corner of a street in S City, China, a thin teenager was praying to the owner of a steamed bread shop.

"Fog, how many times have you come to my place to steal?! Damn, I really don't know, right?!" The boss looked at the weak teenager, smiled disdainfully, and then shouted loudly.

"I swear, it's really the first time." The teenager lowered his head silently, dared not look at the boss, and replied weakly.

"Get out of here! Hurry up and call your parents, double the compensation to me, and let you go immediately, otherwise you will work here for the rest of your life!" Naturally, the boss will not easily let go of the little fat sheep, and then threatened loudly.

"I don't have parents." The teenager secretly glanced at the boss and replied in a low voice.

"Grass!" Naturally, the boss would not believe the teenager's words, and then slapped him to the ground, "Don't play tricks on me!"

"Woo-woo... I'm really hungry, so I came to steal your steamed bread. Please forgive me." The teenager finally couldn't help sobbing in a low voice.

The passers-by next to him also immediately gathered around and pointed out to the teenager and the boss, but no one came out to stop him.

The boss frowned and then scolded everyone, "Damn, what are you looking at? Get out of here quickly, or I'll beat you together!"

The crowd of onlookers immediately calmed down. Everyone knows that the owner of this steamed bread shop is the local snake here. If there is a fight, they can call a lot of helpers, so they dare not talk more.

The boss looked at the crowd, sneered a few times, and did not disperse them. Then he pulled the teenager over, grabbed the rope next to him and tied him up.

"Ah, it hurts..." The teenager immediately shouted, and his body also struggled hard.

"Grass!" When the boss saw that the teenager did not cooperate, he suddenly twitched on his face: "You are fucking moving, and I will kill you!"

Five fingerprints immediately appeared on the young man's beautiful cheeks. Due to the boss's ** power, he did not dare to move again, but from the teenager's almost distorted face, it can be seen how painful he was at this time.

A minute later, the boss breathed a sigh of relief and slapped him, as if he had completed a work of art, and couldn't help but get excited. Then he hung the teenager on a tree at the door.

"Hey, why is this man like this? He is just a child. It's too cruel to him!" Finally, an old lady looked at the painful appearance of the teenager on the tree and said with heartache.

"Shh, old lady, speak quietly. This man is a pervert. Be careful of being heard by him, even you!" A passer-by immediately grabbed the old man and whispered.

The boss took out a cigarette and threw it in his mouth, took a sip of it fiercely, and then blew it at the teenager.

"Cough...cough..." The teenager immediately coughed and his body kept struggling in mid-air.

"Hahahaha! Are you happy?!" The boss looked at the teenager like this and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

The teenager knew that the boss would not let go easily, so he simply turned his head aside and stopped talking. He has been numb since he was a child.

"Grass! I'm asking you something!" The boss saw that the teenager ignored himself and immediately kicked him.

The teenager's body immediately echoed in mid-air, but at this time, he bit his lips fiercely to prevent himself from making a sound, because he knew that if he begged for mercy loudly at this time, he would only add 'in interest' to the boss. When he calmed down, he should let himself go.

"Yo? You're quite tough. Damn, I asked you to pretend!" Then he directly grabbed the teenager's collar and slapped him in the face one by one.

"Bang! Papa! Papa!" The crisp sound of the palm hitting the face came into everyone's ears.

Soon, the teenager's cheeks became swollen.

The onlookers next to him laughed again and were indifferent to this matter, but some kind-hearted people turned their heads elsewhere and couldn't bear to see this sad scene.

"Fure, what happened?" Just then, several people suddenly squeezed into the crowd and asked the owner of the steamed bun shop.

When the boss saw several people in uniform coming over, he immediately laughed and said attentively, "Why did Brother Liu come here? I have a little thing to deal with.

The C tube known as Brother Liu frowned and then looked at the teenager, "What's wrong with this boy? Let you use such a big 'punishment'.

"Oh ha, it's not a big deal, but he always comes to our store to steal things, so he will punish him a little. Well, I'm going to take him to you soon." The boss continued to say, secretly looking at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei nodded slightly, motioned to understand, and then laughed, "Haha, I thought it was something. Don't worry, it's handed over to me." Then he asked the teenager, "What's your name?"

The teenager looked at C tube a few times and replied indifferently, "Li Yu."

Liu Wei nodded and then said to several people in the company, "Go and take him down and take him away."

The boss immediately took out a box of cigarettes and scattered one for several people, and then said to Liu Wei, "Ha ha, your brother Liu is doing justice."

Liu Wei lit the cigarette with a smile and said leisurely, "Wang ruffian, you can't do this in the future. In case something happens, it's not good."

"Yes, yes, Brother Liu is right." Wang ruffian bowed his head and bowed again, and was completely two people just now.

"Dad, what's wrong with this man?" At this moment, a six- or seven-year-old child beside Liu Wei suddenly asked him.

Liu Wei touched the child's head and said coldly, "He was beaten like this because of stealing."

"What?" The child seemed to be very interested in Li Yu. He walked over slowly, frowned and asked, "Why are you stealing?"

Li Yu snorted coldly and ignored the child, because he knew that the child was the son of the leading C tube, and the C tube was also notoriously bad.

"I'm asking you!" When the child saw that Li Yu didn't say anything, he asked.

Li Yu still didn't respond and turned his head to one side.

Where is your family? Don't they give you something to eat?" The child asked to himself.

After hearing this, Li Yu's face changed slightly. He smiled a few times and replied coldly, "I have no family."

"Why are you so bad? It turned out to be a child that no one wanted. The child seemed to have got the answer and said something that he was about to go back to his father.

"What are you talking about?" Li Yu suddenly grabbed the child's shoulder and asked faintly. At this time, his eyes also turned red, very strange, as if he were going to bleed.

When the child saw Li Yu's eyes, he was directly scared to cry.

"Grass! Li Yu, what are you going to do!" Liu Wei was so scared that he was afraid that Li Yu would do something and ran over.

"You say it again!" Li Yu didn't notice the approach of others at all, and still shouted at the child.

"Dad save me, Dad save me!" The child was stunned at this time, and his legs couldn't stop shaking and kept shouting at Liu Wei.

"Ah!" Li Yu roared, and then grabbed the child's neck and used all his strength. Now he seems to have lost his mind and desperately wants to kill the 'enemy' in front of him.

The onlookers were also very scared at this time. They didn't expect that such a poor child just now would become so terrible for some reason, especially his blood-red eyes, which made many adults see and their bodies trembled violently.

Liu Wei immediately came over and broke Li Yu's hand fiercely.

Li Yu gritted his teeth and tightened his hand. At this time, he had completely entered the state of rampage.

"Grass!" Liu Wei roared, and then picked up a stick next to him and hit it directly on Li Yu's arm.

"Kka!" Li Yu's arm was directly fractured, but he didn't seem to feel anything, and then stared at Liu Wei's eyes.

Liu Wei was also shocked, and then suddenly kicked Li Yu to the ground, "Fuck your mother!" He roared loudly and then beat Li Yu.

Several C tubes next to him also quickly supported the child, and then joined the beating.

Li Yu lay on the ground, dodge, quietly stared at several people, pulled an evil smile at the corners of his mouth, and then slowly closed his eyes...

Liu Wei was still not relieved at this time and continued to carry out his own violence. OK.

None of the onlookers on the road dared to move forward to dissuade them. This is the case here. It is still full of the darkness of society and officials protecting each other. Sometimes they are more like gangsters, ruffians and hooligans!

When Wang ruffian saw that several people were really angry, he immediately came forward, grabbed Liu Wei as hard as possible, and whispered, "Brother Liu, so many people are watching. Don't kill anyone. Let's get this boy to you."

Liu Wei took a few breaths, then slowly stopped his hand and sorted out the uniform that had just been wrinkled by his violent movements. He shouted coldly, "Okay, stop beating, get this boy away!"

Several people also stopped when they heard the words and set up the unconscious Li Yu.

"No, Brother Liu, you... your son seems to be out of breath!"

"What?!!!" This sentence was really like a bolt from the blue for Liu Wei, and he was immediately dumbfounded. Then he hurried to the child, examined it carefully, and immediately cried...

The onlookers will smile at all, and there is no sign of regret at all. Is this retribution?

I don't know how long it took, Liu Wei finally came to his senses, picked up the child, then looked at Li Yu fiercely and shouted, "What the fuck are you doing? Hurry up and take him back!"

"Yes, yes!" Several people saw that Brother Liu was angry without any neglect. They immediately set up Li Yu and followed Liu Wei.

At this time, everyone slowly dispersed and shook their heads helplessly, as if they had seen the next fate of the teenager.

Wang ruffian looked at Li Yu, who had been taken away, and suddenly spit on the ground, "Fool, even Liu Wei's son dares to move. It's really lawless."

"Oh? Can you tell me what law is and what heaven is here? At this moment, a burly man in a leather suit slowly came over, followed by two people. Looking at the momentum, he knew that they were not ordinary people.

As soon as Wang ruffian wanted to go back and enter the store, he suddenly found that someone answered the words, and his eyebrows frowned tightly. He immediately turned his head. At this time, he saw that he was looking at him without a smile, and his eyes were also shining from time to time. A breath of the superior came to his face, and then he did not dare to be careless and asked tentatively: "Friend, are you Taoist?"

The man nodded and said indifferently, "That's right."

Wang ruffian's eyebrows were locked. He had never seen him, but his momentum should be a big shot. Were the three of them sent from above to crackdown? He quickly continued to ask, "You seem to care about that child?"

"We're not here to listen to your nonsense. Tell me where they took the teenager!" At this moment, a man with yellow hair next to him who looked like a younger brother suddenly asked loudly.

Wang ruffian was scared and trembling with his voice, or asked unrevelledly, "Tell me first, who are you?"

Another man with silver hair looked disdainfully at the ruffian, then put his foot on his chest and asked coldly, "Say the address."

Wang ruffian got up directly and flew nearly two meters. He lay on the ground and struggled for a long time, but he couldn't get up. It is estimated that several of his ribs have been broken.

"Don't challenge my patience." The leading man looked at the miserable appearance of the ruffian Wang and said lukewarmly.

Wang ruffian did not dare to pretend to be arrogant now. He took a breath of cold air and immediately replied, "They went to the C tube brigade."

The leading man looked at Wang Ruffian with a little meaning, and then led the two quickly to the C management brigade.

The ruffian stared at the back of the three people who left, gritted his teeth fiercely, and then took out his mobile phone from his pocket. "Hey, I've met a hard stubble. Let the brothers..."

Li Yu was tied up and taken to a small dark house at this time, and did not come to the C tube brigade.

Liu Wei came to his side with a sad face and directly picked up a basin of cold water next to him and poured it on Li Yu.

Li Yu's body trembled violently and finally woke up, but as soon as he woke up, he immediately fainted in pain, and his arm had been interrupted just now. At this time, it is constantly moaning...

"Fuck your mother!" Liu Wei roared, then grabbed Li Yu's hair, opened his eyes wide, and said fiercely, "I'll let you die today!" Let you die!"

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