
Chapter 49 It's not easy to mess with me

At this time, nearly 20 people gathered around, and a young man shouted, "Brother Longhair, are you all right?"

"Grass! I'm about to be killed, so you guys are here! Hurry up and do them! Fight to the death!" Long hair saw his little brother coming before he dared to speak loudly, and then struggled to get up.

"Get out of here!" Zhang Feng cursed and directly picked up a keyboard and hit his long hair on the head.

His long hair was hit on his head and immediately ran behind his little brother with his head in his arms. Although it doesn't hurt very much, it's embarrassing to make a fool of himself in front of his younger brother.

Twenty little brothers with long hair immediately scolded and surrounded them.

"Grass!" Li Yu scolded, kicked the little brother closest to him, kicked the man nearly a meter away, and the people behind him were unlucky.

Tianfeng and others immediately entangled with everyone.

The result is obvious that these 20 little brothers are not enough to eat at all, and they all fell to the ground in less than five minutes.

Maybe several people didn't feel satisfied and fought violently against their little brother on the ground.

At this time, I knew that I had encountered a hard stubble. Just now, when I saw these people playing games, it was obviously not like this! Thinking that it was a little fat sheep, they could make a lot of money. Who knew that they changed their faces faster than turning over a book. If a word didn't fit, they started fighting directly. Knowing that these people were not ordinary people, they immediately ran away.

Li Yu looked at him contemptuously and immediately chased after him. Not to mention the Internet cafe on the crowded road, even in the flat fields in the suburbs, he could not run away from Li Yu.

Li Yu ran quickly, slowly accelerated, and the last one kicked on the back of his long hair.

The long hair suddenly jumped forward, fell to the ground, and coughed vigorously.

Li Yu slowly came over and grabbed his hair. "I really don't know what makes you confident." After saying that, a fist fell on the long-haired face.

The long hair spit out two mouthfuls of blood foam, accompanied by a few teeth, and his face was swollen. It can be imagined how heavy Li Yu's punch was.

He smiled reluctantly, "Old man, boss, I'm ignorant. Please forgive me this time."

"You have ruined my interest. Just a fucking ignorant word?"

"Well, what do you say?"

Li Yu snorted coldly, "Don't you want to make some money from me?" OK! You prepare 10,000 yuan for me immediately, and I will let you go."

Ah? Boss, don't I owe you a thousand? What's more, I can't raise so much money now.

Li Yu hung a evil smile on the corners of his mouth, "It's only ten times now. If you can't get it out in ten minutes, it will double another ten times. If you really don't have money, just leave a few fingers!"

His long hair shivered violently and looked at Li Yu's eyes, as if he was really not scaring himself. He immediately shouted at his little brother, "Go and withdraw the money."

In less than five minutes, the long-haired little brother came back with a bag in his hand.

Long hair took the bag and walked to Li Yu: "This is me, all my money."

Li Yu looked at him, ignored him directly, and pulled the network manager over with one hand. "You didn't see anything just now, did you?"

"I didn't see it, I didn't see it." The network manager was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Very good, this little money can be regarded as compensation for your Internet cafe machine." After saying that, Li Yu kicked the bag, and 100 yuan * immediately floated away in the air, and then said, "Everyone in the Internet cafe listens to me. Whoever fucking grabs this money belongs to him."

After listening to it, the network manager immediately squatted down and picked it up one by one.

Everyone in the Internet cafe looked at me, I looked at you, and finally rushed over to grab these*.

Li Yu and others took advantage of the chaos and went out.

Long hair saw Li Yu and others walk out of the door before taking out their mobile phones.

"Hey, boss, I was bullied when I fought with someone just now!"

"Where were you beaten?" A beautiful sound came from the opposite side.

"It's in the racing Internet cafe."

"Wait for me, come right away!"

In less than ten minutes, I saw a handsome teenager leading more than 50 people to the Internet cafe.

"Strongzi, why were you beaten like this?"

The man who was beaten by Li Yu wiped the blood on his head and said bitterly, "Just now, my brothers and I had a good time in the Internet cafe. Suddenly, a group of people came to look for trouble. I didn't watch it for a moment and fought with them. There were many people, so..."

The handsome teenager patted Qiangzi: "I'll make the decision for you. Where did they go?"

"When I went out, I went east."

"Ye, you and the injured brother should go to the hospital to bandage first, and the other brothers will go after them with me!" After saying that, he took the lead and ran out.

The handsome teenager didn't run long and saw several people walking forward. He felt very suspicious and slowly approached. Sure enough! They were still discussing the fight and immediately shouted, "Hold in front of me!"

"Grass! Don't people have eyes today? Do you like to find us?" Zhang Feng turned his head and said leisurely.

The handsome teenager snorted coldly: "Did you hit my brother in the Internet cafe just now?"

Li Yu heard that the boss of the two came and looked back with great interest.

"Is that you?" The handsome teenager said in surprise when he saw Li Yu.

Huh? Boss, do you know this little white face? Zhang Feng hurriedly asked Li Yu.

Li Yu frowned and did not answer. He was very familiar with his figure, but he had no impression of him.

"Li Yu, you are too rampant! I admit that I lost to you last time, but you don't have to touch my brother!" The handsome teenager said angrily when he saw that Li Yu had no reaction.

Li Yu thought for a while, and then suddenly hung an evil smile at the corners of his mouth, "Are you a wolf?"

The handsome teenager still stared at Li Yu fiercely and didn't say anything.

"I said, why didn't you dare to let me see your true face that day? It turned out to be a little white face!" Li Yu said with great interest.

"Don't go too much!"

"What can it be if it's too much! You are just a loser." This sentence popped out of Li Yu word by word.

The little brother of the wolf couldn't listen and was ready to move. The wolf quickly stopped it and then said, "Just a temporary victory, can you be so rampant?"

Li Yu sneered twice, turned around and continued to walk, and replied leisurely, "I said you won't beat me. If you don't believe it, just try it."

The front wolf looked at Li Yu's back and clenched his fist, "I'll step on you sooner or later!"

After a long time, Li Yu and others returned to the field.

The devil immediately asked, "Brother Yu, that little white face is the big front wolf of Fenghuo High School?"

Li Yu lit a cigarette, "Ye, I have already had a hand in touch with him, and he is also very strong."

"Grass! If I had known that I would meet him, I would have brought more brothers and killed him directly. Let's see how Fenghuo High School pretends to be!" Zhang Feng said fiercely.

Li Yu took a deep breath and then highlighted a few smoke rings. "Since he wants to play, let's have fun with him."

"But it was really good when I beat people just now!" Zhang Feng**. He said swungly.

"Cool j8! If it weren't for the boss, it would have been you and me lying on the ground at that time!" The stars echoed immediately.

"Damn! I've done two more, okay?"

Star suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha! You fucking turned over two, so why are there so many footprints behind you!"

Zhang Feng immediately took off his coat, took a look, and suddenly looked at the stars with hatred: "Fug! You didn't tell me earlier! I said that so many people on the street keep looking at me again! It's not over with you!" After saying that, he rushed to the stars.

The star immediately ran to the door, "Flaw! You've been so fucked, don't worry about me!"

"If you don't tell me, I'll have something to do with you!" After saying that, he caught up.

Everyone watched these two live treasures keep chasing, laughing happily, and shouting from time to time...