
Chapter 88 Anti-Undercover

Li Yu came to the hall, picked up a bottle of beer and drank it. Seeing the dense couple around him, he couldn't help smiling. The cat's head died, and he could go to explain to the nightingale. He also wanted to call the nightingale and ask her out, but now it's a critical moment. With the cat's secret hand, he can know Taoist cat's head is not simple. You must not have any flaws, otherwise your previous achievements will be abandoned.

The next day, Mary packed up her things and immediately came to Li Yu's side.

"Thank you for letting me find the dignity of living again."

Li Yu smiled, "It's not because of me, it's you."

Mary smiled at Li Yu. This time, she smiled more innocently than ever, as if she had returned to girlhood. "I'm sorry about what happened last time. Your girlfriend is very beautiful."

Li Yu looked at her, lit a cigarette, and then said faintly, "You are also very beautiful."

"Thank you." Mary said, then looked at Li Yu a few more times and turned around and left directly.

Li Yu looked at her leaving back and took a deep breath of smoke.

Soon, Mary returned to the cat's head territory.

After seeing Mary come back, the cat's head immediately grabbed her and asked loudly, "What the fuck is going on?"

Mary looked at him contemptuously and replied loudly, "What's going on with you now?" I've done that for you, and you didn't kill Li Yu!"

"Grass!" The cat's head slapped Mary to the ground, "Fuck old man?"

Mary immediately stood up and stared at the cat's head fiercely, "When did I overshadow you?"

The cat's head snorted coldly, "You told me that Li Yu went to the seaside by himself."

"Yes." Mary replied coldly.

"But what's wrong with his 200 little brother?"

Mary took out a cigarette from her bag and lit it, and said lightly, "Just ask your little brothers who have escaped."

"FUCK, I've already asked, you bitch, unite with outsiders!" The cat's head cursed loudly again.

Mary was anxious, "Call him, and I'll confront him!"

"Okay, go and call the dog over. I'd like to see what else you bitch have to say."

After a while, the dog ran over and said, "Brother Cat, are you looking for me?"

The cat's head nodded slightly and said indifferently, "Try this bitch about the interception of Li Yu that day."

The dog suddenly had a cold war. At this time, he saw Mary standing aside, and then said nervously, "Well, this is how this happened. That's it. That day, we received..."

"Grass! You just have to tell me the truth, and you're shivering!" The cat head shouted angrily when he saw that the little brother's words were incoherent.

"Yes, yes, I don't jib." The dog hurriedly answered a few times, then took a deep breath and said slightly, "We received the boss's order to stop Li Yu. When we just passed, there was nothing to do. Who knows that after a while, 200 little brothers came out of nowhere with guns in their hands. Our leader was killed on the spot, and then the boss sent someone. Come to support us, but it is not Li Yu's opponent. Brother Wei was also arrested because of this bitch, otherwise there would not have been so many brothers. Whoo-hoo..." The younger brother said, the more he became engaged. Now he has entered the play and really cried.

Mary sneered a few times, suddenly grabbed the dog's collar and shouted, "Fuck you lying again!"

The little brother broke out in a cold sweat and quickly shouted, "No, no, what I said is true. Other brothers can testify."

Mary looked at the dog contemptuously and then said to the cat's head, "Do you know why you can't fight Li Yu? It's because everyone under you is fucking stupid!"

"Get out!" The cat's head slapped Mary again, and then scolded, "Fuck your mother! I usually support you and support you, but how dare I rebel at the critical moment? Do you want to kill me?"

Mary touched her face and said faintly, "Okay, I'll prove it to you." After saying that, he walked to the dog again.

took a deep breath and asked loudly, "Okay, do you think Li Yu took 200 people to surround you?"

"Yes, yes."

"They still have guns in their hands, don't they?"

The little brother didn't know what Mary was going to say, and he didn't dare to be careless, but nodded slightly.

"What kind of gun are they holding?"

"A, AK47."

Mary immediately sneered and said indifferently, "You had sixty pairs of people, holding machetes and so on, and 200 of them had machine guns on their bodies. So why did they only kill your leader and let you go? Waiting for the cat's head to send someone to save you?"

"This, this, what he thinks, how do I know?" The little brother was silent for a while and said carelessly.

Mary smiled again and said to the cat's head, "We really don't know what he thinks, but I know that Li Yu's power has exceeded 700 people, and an old Dalian with a lot of power has no IQ at all? Looking at you to ask for help? Then wait quietly?"

After listening to Mary's words, the cat's head also frowned. Why didn't he think of it? Yes, when the little brother called himself, he had already said that Li Yu had a gun in his hand, and he would watch the enemy call for support? I have been fooling around for so many years, and of course I know that this kind of thing will definitely not happen.

Then he shouted to the dog, "Are you really lying?"

The dog was really scared at this time and said quickly, "No, there is no boss. I really didn't lie to you."

The cat's head kicked the dog down. "Fuck, if you're telling the truth, why are you nervous?"

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, the dog suddenly knelt down in front of the cat's head and begged loudly, " boss, I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't lie to you. Please forgive me!"

The cat's head got the real answer at this time, and suddenly became angry and shouted, "Fra! My plan has been ruined by you idiots. Hurry up and tell me the real situation at that time!"

"Well, I said, I said, it was like this at that time. That day we went to block Li Yu. At that time, there was only him and a driver, so we went up and slashed them. His driver immediately hung up. Who knew that he was so powerful and supported us for a long time. In the end, he finally lost his strength, and we were about to kill him. At that time, Li Yu suddenly pulled out a gun.

"What gun?" The cat squinted and asked.

"Hands, pistols."

"What! Did one pistol scare more than 60 of you?

At this time, the dog was so scared that he couldn't speak and nodded repeatedly.

The cat's head took a deep breath and then continued to say, "Go on."

"Then our leader called you and asked for support. After a while, several trucks came. We thought it was our people. We were very happy at that time. Who knows, as soon as they came down, they cut down our people. Our brothers hung up a lot at that time. Later, our people finally came. Brother Wei was very smart. Seeing that there were not many people than Li Yu, he fought with him one-on-one and stabilized him.

The cat's head lit a cigar and then said indifferently, "Then Wei was caught by Li Yu?"

"Yes, yes, boss, please forgive me. We are afraid that you will be blamed, so we lied to you."

The cat's head laughed a few times, and then his face turned cold, "Okay, good, you are all promising. If Mary hadn't come back, would you have to hide it from me for the rest of your life?"

As soon as the cat's head finished speaking, he picked up a machete directly from the table and chopped down the dog's head.

The dog didn't even have a chance to shout, so he died and his brain splashed all over the ground.

"Drag him out and dismember the body." The cat looked at the dog's body and said faintly. Then it seemed to suddenly remember something and immediately said to Mary, "Mary, it was not good for Brother Cat just now. It's your fault. Then why did you come back?"

A sneer gushed out from the corners of Mary's mouth. She had already guessed that the cat's head would ask, and then said, "Brother Cat, I don't blame you, but you suspect me, which makes me very sad. Wei was caught by Li Yu. I immediately took the opportunity to run out. I'm afraid Li Yu has guessed that I was an undercover agent."

The cat's head hugged Mary and slowly closed its eyes. "Mary, you are suffering. I don't blame you for this."

Mary didn't say anything more and hugged the cat's head tightly, but her eyes showed a cold light and a sarcastic smile on the corners of her mouth.