
Chapter 92 Is this a Qiongyao drama? Ask for red tickets,)

Soon, Li Dong's group of people took the cat's head to Bamen*. Without saying a word, they directly took the cat's head to the room where Wei was detained last time.

Li Yu waved his hand and asked the little brothers to go out first. Only Li Dong and others stayed in the room.

"Now that you are in my hands, you'd better cooperate with me." Li Yu lit a cigarette and said lightly.

The cat's head moved. Maybe the rope on his body was too tight, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Then he said, "No problem. Can I ask you a question before that?"

Li Yu nodded slightly.

"Since you have successfully let Li Dong approach me, why do you want to waste such a lot of hard work and catch me in a suburban bar? Instead of letting Li Dong kill me directly.

Li Yu smiled and said indifferently, "It's very simple. I just want to see if you are the last person. If you are just a chess piece, it doesn't make sense for me to kill you. There are countless people like you behind."

The cat's head laughed at himself and whispered, "My cat's head has been on the road for decades. It's the first time I've seen a teenager like you, and it's not bad to fall into your hands."

Li Yu lit another cigarette and then said, "You are not much worse, but you are too impatient to do things, but you are still very successful and provoked my previous relationship with my brother."

"You mean Zhang Aoran? In fact, I didn't expect that I accidentally pulled out this matter. I didn't expect that your relationship with the soul club would be so complicated, which just made you lose the protection of the soul club.

A smile surged on Li Yu's face and said indifferently, "Do you think I have today's power, which is protected by others?"

The cat's head was shocked and then asked, "Isn't it?"

Li Yu took a deep breath of smoke and didn't say anything. In the face of these honors, he didn't know how much he had paid. If he really wanted to rely on Zhang Aoran and the nightingale to help him until now, he might as well go back to S City to be a prince of the underworld.

The cat's head sighed and whispered, "Okay, I've finished asking. Now it's your turn."

Li Yu hung an evil smile on the corners of his mouth, "I have no grudge against you, and I have never even seen it. Why do you want to destroy me?"

"Because your power has developed too fiercely."

"Ha ha, don't you find that your answer is too general? I have investigated you. Your power in J City is not very big, and you are attached to the door of some big gangs. Why are they not in a hurry? You excitedly took action first?

The cat head sighed at Li Yu again, and then laughed at him, "It seems that I can't hide anything from you. Yes, I'm just a pawn in this conspiracy."

Li Yu narrowed his eyes and asked faintly, "Who is the person behind?"

"Did you let me go if I said?" The cat head did not answer Li Yu's question and suddenly asked.

"No." Li Yu also answered decisively.

"You're really strange. Can't you stabilize me first, then get the answer, and then shut up?" The cat head looked at Li Yu with great interest and said.

Li Yu smiled and whispered, "I can also vaguely guess something now. I just want to prove my answer."

"If I say that several bosses in J City want to destroy you, will you believe it?" The cat said casually.

Li Yu's face sank, narrowed his eyes and thought seriously. The situation was more serious than he thought.

"Young man, although I was defeated by you, I still want to advise you not to be too independent. You must find your own allies, otherwise you will die miserably. They don't move you now. They are just guessing your relationship with the soul club. If they find out, your power will be destroyed overnight. Of."

Li Yu thought about it carefully. What the cat head said was not wrong at all. His power developed too fast. In a short period of time, it developed into a gang of hundreds of people. Those bosses would definitely not watch it.

For a long time, Li Yu slowly looked at the cat's head and said indifferently, "Thank you for your words."

The cat's head smiled at Li Yu, and then slowly closed his eyes. At this time, he already knew his fate.


Li Yu walked out slowly...

Li Yu's mood is very complicated now, which is more serious than he expected. Unexpectedly, all the forces want to start with himself.

Then Li Yu suddenly patted himself on the head, "Fud! How can I forget such an important thing? Immediately took out his mobile phone and called the nightingale.

"Sorry, what you dialed is an empty number, please..." It's just the sound of the system coming from the opposite side.

Li Yu suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately dialed Zhang Aoran again, which was still the same.

Li Yu cursed secretly. What he was most worried about still happened. He quickly picked up his coat and walked out. He still wanted to go to the seaside to try his luck. He didn't know where the headquarters of the soul club was...

For a long time, Li Yu finally drove to the seaside and saw a figure wearing a white windbreaker at a reef in the distance. He was overjoyed and finally met him. Immediately walked over quickly.


"Don't call me Master." Bai Ying said faintly, and then slowly turned around.

Li Yu smiled and shouted, "Then why are you still waiting for me here?"

Bai Ying looked at Li Yu coldly and said indifferently, "You misunderstood. I come here every day just to find the shadow of the past."

Li Yu lit a cigarette with a smile and said casually, "I'm here today to explain this to you. When I'm finished, you can consider whether you want me as an apprentice."

"Texit about it." The expression on Bai Ying's face finally changed a little, and he now especially wants to know the reason for this matter.

"Before that, I want to ask a question. Don't you believe me at all from beginning to end?"

"I also doubted it, but your performance really made me sad."

Li Yu smiled and spoke after a while. From Mary's approach to herself to scratching the cat's head, she told Bai Ying without a trace of reservation.

After hearing this, Bai Ying's mouth opened slightly and was greatly surprised. After a long time, he said leisurely, "Are you true?"

Li Yu hung an evil smile on the corners of his mouth, "Think about it, have I ever done something with the nightingale?"

Bai Ying lowered his head slightly, thought hard, and then said loudly, "It seems that we are all too extreme. I believe you."

Li Yu's face also showed surprise, "Why?"

Bai Ying laughed, "Because I believe I really didn't see the wrong person." Then he grabbed Li Yu, and how excited he was at this time.

Li Yu's fist also waved fiercely at the air, and then shouted loudly to Bai Ying, "Master! Thank you!"

Bai Ying suddenly smiled awkwardly, "Don't say that. We are all wrong about you. It's our fault."

"Hey, by the way, what about the nightingale and Aoran?" Li Yu giggled and then suddenly asked.

Bai Ying's face suddenly sank and hesitated for a long time before saying, "They have left."

"What?!" Li Yu shouted loudly.

Bai Ying sighed and then said, "You came late. Just a few days ago, they were secretly sent away by the boss."

Li Yu frowned and asked anxiously, "Where did you send them?"

"Only the boss knows. After that incident, the nightingale was really sad and desperate. The boss was afraid of what would happen to her, so he let arrogantly accompany her out for a walk."

Li Yu's eyes began to turn red, roared at the sky, and then plunged into the sea. Perhaps only this cold sea could calm him down.

Bai Ying looked at Li Yu quietly and sighed gently. At this time, he didn't know how to comfort Li Yu. Now he can't contact Aoran and the nightingale. Only the boss knows their whereabouts. Even if he asks, he won't say it. He can't tell the news to the two at all, and he also feels uncomfortable with Li Yu in his heart. Ping, in the final analysis, his boss still dislikes Li Yu's strength and can't identify with him.

Li Yu didn't know that the body's obstruction many times was to look down on himself, and now several bosses in J City gave themselves an alarm that they could no longer develop their power, otherwise he would definitely attack himself. Now he doesn't know what to do. Can he only make all this a pity?