Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 18 Marriage World, Bob's World

"Tease you." Although Bo Yifeng really wants to take the baby back, the reality is very cruel.

"Ah, I'm not unwilling to, really, I'm not ready yet." The baby thought he was angry and quickly explained, but the picture became darker and darker.

"That is to say, you also want to." Bo Yifeng really felt that the baby was very attractive, so he couldn't help teasing her again.

"..." The baby wants to find a place to bury himself. He is so embarrassed to say such a blatant thing. Why didn't he find out that he was such a person before?

"I'm sure that if I don't let you go back, your father will come out." Yi Feng really has a bad feeling, and he always feels hairy behind his back.

"Baby, it's late. Come back to bed quickly." Ning's father's voice suddenly appeared.

"Oh, I know." When the baby saw his father standing at the door, he promised and jumped off Bo Yifeng's body and said with a smile, "You are hairy behind your back because you are going to be beaten by my father, hehe. All right, Yi Feng, I'll go back first. You can also go to bed." The baby looked at Yi Feng playfully, then looked at his father, and finally ran to his father.

Yi Feng originally wanted to give the baby a good night kiss, but under the strict guard of Ning's father, no treachery could succeed. Well, the night is very good, but how can there be a baby? Therefore, it is destined that some people will have insomnia and some people will be happy tonight.

The summer heat is not suitable for going out, but it can't affect Baby Ning. On Sunday, Nangong Xing took Baby Ning to the wedding photography shop where Bob was located. Although the layout of this store does not look very gorgeous, the plainness in the eyes is not annoying, especially against the oven-like weather outside. The store is obviously much more comfortable. As soon as Ning entered, he felt very fresh.

This store is called "Marriage World" and was established after Bob returned to China. Bob used to be the leader of the French Milan Fashion Weekly. He has always disliked him. In order to get rid of the complicated living environment, he decided to return to China and then fade out. But now that he is famous, there are still many rich people who want to invite him to do styling, but most of them can't. Because he always feels that the design of the shape needs to be felt. Only when the person sees the right eye will he do the design by himself. And if he faces a person who can't refuse, he will send his assistants.

And Nangong Xing is different, because when he had nothing, Nangong Xing helped him in France, and he was also the Bole who witnessed his success. At that time, it was not easy to make a breakthrough in Milan and let people recognize him. Not only that, even if Bob is full of design inspiration, there is no way out. Because he has offended many famous people in the industry, just because of his arrogance and dignity. At that time, Nangong Xing, who stayed in France, happened to meet him who was drunk in a bar and once drank and talked happily, so the two met. Although Nangong Xing's personality was wandering, he admired this kind of backbone and ambitious person very much.

Bob didn't know Nangong Xing's*, but he trusted him very much because he regarded himself as a real friend rather than a charity. Nangong Xing also knew that an arrogant person like him needed not money, but access, so behind Bob, Nangong Xing helped him again and again when he was in trouble. Of course, these were all known to Bob afterwards. So, since then, Nangong Xing has become a really grateful friend of Bob.

Standing at the high end, but not very cold, Bob finally understood that such a life was not suitable for him after three years, so he remembered Nangongxing and came to T City, just because if Nangongxing encountered something, he could also help.

"Xiao Mi, where's your boss?" Nangong Xing, who pushed the door and came in, called the intern receptionist here with his ** voice, who was also Bob's cousin Huo Xiaomi. Indoors and Sunday, photographers and designers went home to rest. Only two receptionists are left.

"Please, don't call me Xiaomi every time you come. I'm your Xiaomi, and my name is Xiaomi, which is the third sound. The third sound. Hearing such a yindang voice, Huo Xiaomi didn't have to guess who it was. He must be the second young master of Nangong. Every time he comes, he has to give full play to his ruffian personality, and then his eyes shine when he sees a beautiful woman.

"Oh, it's all the same. They're all my little ami." Nangong Xing said and touched his ** hands on Xiaomi's face, but soon, Xiaomi took advantage of her mountain-like momentum and waited for him back. I don't know why every time he comes here, he bullies Xiaomi. Although Xiaomi is not fat, she has a baby fat face. So every time he looked at Xiaomi's fat little face, Nangong Xing wanted to go up and pinch it twice.

"Second young master, you have nothing to do but go to the Three Treasures Hall. Tell me, what are you doing here?" Huo Xiaomi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, although she has long learned from Bob that Nangong Xing is kind to him. And Xiaomi also can't deny that although he is not bad, his mouth is too cheap and his hands are too short. Hey, with a pair of evil faces, it's simply, how to put it, it's still evil.

"Xiaomi, don't you quarrel with him every time?" Bob came down from the design room upstairs and said to Xiaomi. Er Shao, sit down, don't stand." Bob saw the two people standing there and said politely and took them to sit on the sofa.

Baby Ning didn't see him for the first time. When Xiaoli and Nangong got married, the bridesmaid's baby saw him once. Bob and Nangong Xing are about the same height, but they are not as charming as Nangong Xing, nor the harshness of Bo Yifeng. Instead, they have a literary atmosphere, which is probably the unique charm of designers.

"Oh, boss, it's not that you don't know. He made trouble first every time." Xiaomi pretended to be wronged and ran behind Bob and said.

"Er Shao, if you like our Xiaomi, marry him back. Marry back, and it happens that the two of them are slowly teasing. Bob teased Nangong Xing.

"Ah, I'm going to pour tea first." When Xiaomi heard his boss's words and saw the expression that Nangong Xing was ready to speak, he immediately opened his mouth and ended the topic. She is really going to collapse, because every time Nangong Xing speaks, there will definitely be nothing good.

"Yes, is this Bo Yifeng's fiancee?" Bob asked when he saw Ning Baobao standing behind Nangong.

"En, this is the world's invincible and lovely baby Ning, our eldest baby." Nangong Xing said exaggeratedly.

"Nangongxing, you need to smoke, don't you?" Baby Ning looked at Nangong Xing's bad face and really wanted to beat him. She really doubted whether Bo Yifeng would be ruined by him if he stayed with Nangong for a longer time. But the baby forgot that Bo Yifeng and Nangong Xing came from the same school from childhood to adult. They have known each other for many years, and of course, the baby will not know them who often patronize the Bo family.

"I should wait for Bo Yifeng to pick me up and come with him. Hey, how can we drop the price with you?" As soon as the baby thought of it, he suddenly received a phone call from Yi Feng today, saying that he suddenly had something to do at hand. He asked her to go with Nangong Xing first, and he arrived later. She doesn't blame him, because men's careers are so busy. But when he saw Nangong Xing's bad expression, the bad factors in his heart kept drilling out.