Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 66 Baby, strive for happiness by yourself

For a long time, Bai Moxin also knew that Bo Yifeng was tired of her words, but the more bored he was, the more he drank, and Bai Moxin looked at him drinking glass of wine for himself. Bo Yifeng was just immersed in his own world and was completely drunk, but he kept thinking about the baby after getting drunk, which made Baibo very unhappy.

"Well, I knew you were thinking about that baby all the time." Bai Mo looked angrily at Bo Yifeng lying on the sofa and was really angry. He thought he had successfully attracted him, but he spent so long on him that he treated himself like this.

"Bo Yifeng, I don't believe it. You will refuse my body." Bai Moxin smiled proudly and contemptuously. In his eyes, men are all the same, outside and inside.

She took out her mobile phone again, made the phone call just now, and then learned what she wanted. After thinking about it, Bai Moxin called the man again. After hanging up, she came to start implementing her plan. This time, she must succeed.

The restaurant where Baby and Situye are located is located at the bustling intersection of the city, next to the hotel restaurant, various entertainment venues, and the flow of people will reveal the prosperity of the city to the end.

"Baby, are you full?" Situ Ye looked at the baby who only ate a little and was very worried about her body. She was a girl, why did she always eat so little?

"I'm full, really." The baby said and touched his round stomach. Although it was only two months old, when the baby touched his stomach, he could always feel the heartbeat of little Babe, which made her particularly comfortable.

"Don't make yourself hungry, besides, you are not alone now." Situ Ye still said uneasily.

"Don't worry, senior, I'm a qualified mother." The baby said proudly. She is still a little guilty about this. Because of Bo Yifeng's incident, she has always been depressed, especially when she didn't shed tears before she knew that little Babe was still feeling herself.

"If possible, tell Bo Yifeng as soon as possible. Do you still want to wait until your stomach is big before telling him?" Situ Ye has a man's possessiveness, especially like Bo Yifeng. In case the baby doesn't tell him, maybe the baby will be angry again.

As soon as the baby heard Situ Ye tell Bo Yifeng, he felt wronged, "I want to tell him every time, but I dare not." The baby's nose is sour, as if it is sour to the heart.

"Why?" Situ Ye is very confused. He understands that the baby loves him very much, but why does he feel so afraid of him?

"s senior, what do you think I should do?" The baby suddenly cried, which made Situ Ye unable to stand it.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?" Situ Ye quickly took out a tissue for her. Her cry attracted all the people. No, it was everyone's scolding eyes that shot at her consistently.

The baby is like finding the right person to talk to, venting the pain that has accumulated in his heart for a long time. Situ Ye did not continue to stop it but let her vent. Yes, it's much better to cry as much as you want than to hold it in your heart.

For a long time, the baby finally got tired of crying. But at this time, she found that she was so ashamed to cry in front of the seniors, and there were so many people in the restaurant.

"Cry well." Situ Ye looked at her who stopped sobbing and continued to hand her a few facial tissues.

"I'm sorry, senior, I made you laugh." The baby's face is red, and the large black frame eyes have already been put aside by the baby. Now that he looks at it, his eyes are as big as walnuts.

"It's okay. You won't laugh at you as a senior." Situ Ye is telling the truth. Baby, can you reveal your emotions in front of me? Do you really treat me as your own person or a confidant?

"sor, I'm much better today." The baby took a breath.

Situ Yexiang knew what kind of thing was worth her sadness, and his intuition told him that it must have something to do with Bo Yifeng.

"sor, I..." The baby was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

"Say it, if you don't say it, it won't be uncomfortable in your heart." Situ Ye continued to persuade.

The baby calmed down for a while, "Senger, Bo Yifeng seems to have an affair." She suffocated her mouth and was helpless.

"What do you mean?" Situ Ye was shocked. He knew that the baby loved him more than anything else, but Bo Yifeng's attitude was that he obviously wanted to be a domineering landlord, but he didn't know why he cherished the baby.

"I don't know how to face him now." The baby covered his head and had a headache. "However, I feel sad not to see him. It's so contradictory."

Situ Ye can see the painful appearance, and his heart is also very painful. Baby, can you make it clear? Maybe, there may be a misunderstanding. He doesn't want the baby to make a confused decision. Sometimes what Yajing sees may not be true.

The baby raised his head, opened his eyes that once puzzled him, and looked at him. At this time, in those eyes, there are only complaints, and some are only grievances. S senior, I didn't see it once and didn't ask him back. He was ambiguous and didn't say anything.

The baby opened his eyes, blinked the tears in his eyes, and continued to say, "If he trusts me a little, he should feel guilty and tell me clearly, but he only knows how to be perfunctory."

Situ Ye looked at the baby sadly. Is this your life? Living in days without self-confidence and living around people with no sense of trust.

"Baby, listen to me." Situ Ye grabbed the baby's arm as if to comfort him. Remember, no matter what happens, you have to grasp your own happiness. Situ Ye is not the kind to take advantage of people's danger. What she wants is the baby's happiness. No matter whether the baby will really leave Bo Yifeng in the future, if she leaves, she must seize the opportunity to make her happy: if the baby's current marriage is still irreparable, then he hopes that the baby can try again, because he understands that he has always We all know that Bo Yifeng is her dream, and he doesn't want the baby's dream to be destroyed in his hands.

"Gor, I really can." The baby looked at him and looked at Situ Ye's firm eyes. Well, your happiness is in your own hands. Now is not the time to mourn, but to take action.

"There is nothing you can't do, as long as you work hard."

"Ye-huh, I will." The baby laughed. It's just that the face that was originally full of tears looks desolate, like a weather-beaten person.

"Baby, if something happens, don't forget that the senior will always support you." Situ Ye is very firm. Although he supports the baby to pursue happiness, he should also strive for his own happiness. Baby, as long as you live a better life, I can feel at ease.

"En." The baby just nodded.

The two continued to flirt for a long time before leaving, and someone hiding in the dark looked excited. Take out the camera in your hand. Inside is a photo of Situ Ye and the baby eating together just now. However, taken from a certain angle, such a photo looks particularly ambiguous.

The man took out his mobile phone and naturally dialed the familiar number, "They went out and got the photo. Don't forget the money you promised me."

"It won't be less than yours, 200,000 yuan, as a commission." There is obviously the sound of white foam over there.

"Well, do you send 200,000 to beggars, at least 500,000 yuan from the previous base." The man was rough and a little evil. He played with the camera in his hand and looked at it one by one. If he buys the media, it will be very valuable, but his purpose is not the media, but the white foam heart. Seriously, this woman is really charming. Thinking of her hot appearance last night, he once again felt irresistible.

"Don't take an inch. You said you would give 1 million." She is a little angry, which is obviously blackmail.

"The 1 million I said at the beginning was just for me to follow, and I didn't ask for photos. As you know, it's easy to investigate with the power of President Bo and the Situ family. You see how much risk I take."

"Okay, where are they now?" Bai Moxin didn't want to entangle with him too much. She still took out this little money. When Bo Yifeng got it, she dumped him.

"I've already gone out." Before he finished speaking, he would hang up the phone. But he doesn't care. They just want to make money. Other disputes are none of his business