Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 138 Yi Feng, I forgive you, but you want me to be more

Chapter 138 Yi Feng, I forgive you, but how good you want me to be

But Bo Yifeng just ignored her expression. The baby doesn't dare to get angry. Does it still have to be like last night? No, she can't indulge him in sleeping with herself one after another, even though nothing happened.

"Baby, go out, I have something to say to you." Bo Yifeng looked at the baby a little evilly. He just thought about it. No matter what, he must use the shortest time to save the baby's heart. Otherwise, what should he do if there is a person who feels pressure like Situ Ye?

"What did you say?" The baby knew that she couldn't go out. She had just been kissed by him, and looking at his eyes, what kind of look made people feel numb.

"Go out and say, you can't wake up the baby." Bo Yifeng came close to the baby and whispered to her ear.

The baby can't stand his ambiguous breath. It's too much to challenge her bottom line and go out. She is afraid that Bo Yifeng will eat her.

In fact, the baby doesn't know that Bo Yifeng just wants to eat her now. He hasn't touched her for several years. As a wife, she still won't let him eat it.

Bo Yifeng is very close to her, so close that even the pores on the baby's face can be seen. This kind of skin is still as good as it was, and it really doesn't look like a mother who gave birth to a child.

He looked at the baby like this. Although he was distracted, he still had to do business. So he shouted, "Baby." At this time, the baby suddenly turned over

The baby knew that the baby had been sleeping uneasy. In order to prevent her from waking up, she quickly stuck Bo Yifeng's hand and wanted to take him out. "Okay, okay, let's go out and talk."

Anyway, whatever he wants to say tonight, he will finish telling me, so as not to procrastinate and make her have a hard time.

Bo Yifeng is very happy, because the baby is now holding his hand. Although according to the baby's confused personality, she must not know what she is doing, but she does what he wants.

The baby pulled him out of the room and looked at him with a straight face, but his expression had not yet been set, and the big pervert attacked her lips again.

"Bo Yifeng, go away." The baby pushed, but he couldn't resist his toughness. It was too much to forcibly insult himself in the name of speaking.

No matter how much Bao Yifeng resisted, Bo Yifeng continued to kiss her sweetness and kissed the lips that made him miss him for many years.

The baby blocked the ground for a while, but still couldn't escape his claws and finally had to let him do whatever he wanted. It's just that she is so unwilling that he can do such a thing to himself.

Bo Yifeng also felt that the baby was not resisting himself and thought that she had compromised, but when he felt the wetness on his face, he suddenly woke up, "Baby, I'm sorry." Bo Yifeng picked up her face at a loss and apologized. He just wants to kiss her, just want to feel her existence. Why is she so sad? Does he hate her so much?

"Bo Yifeng, I hate you, I hate you so much." Hearing her words, the baby beat her chest with his weak and boneless hand. Damn, why do you always bully her? She is so undignified in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Bo Yifeng tried to wipe away her tears with his hand, but he didn't know what the baby's eyes were made of, and tears kept flowing.

"Go away, why do you bully me?" The baby cried uncontrollably, but suppressed her voice. She couldn't let the little baby, as well as Bo's father and mother Worry.

"Baby, I just can't help it." Bo Yifeng watched her cry and beat herself, but was afraid that she would hurt herself, so he hugged her and stopped her behavior. Although she hit herself, the baby said for a long time that his body was like an iron beating, and her hands hurt. Therefore, he can feel that the baby's hand must be very painful, but he doesn't know it.

"Let go of me." The baby's face was buried in his chest, and his voice was dull, but he couldn't get rid of his arms. Is that what the baby wants? She just wants to live a plain life.

"Baby, I won't let go. If I did something wrong before, I should. Really, baby, it used to be my fault. I didn't care about your feelings and was blindly self-righteous. However, from now on, I will tell you everything and hide it from you, but it's very dangerous. You... Are you willing to bear it?" Bo Yifeng's eyes are also red. He doesn't want the baby to get involved, but he wants to be selfish for his own happiness.

Bo Yifeng looked at the baby indifferent and knew that she was thinking about it. After all, she loved him so much at the beginning, but after so many years of grinding, Bo Yifeng did not know how small his position had become in the baby's heart. However, she is chasing the baby, and no one can change the fact that she is his wife.

"Baby, I will protect you, protect the baby, and protect everyone in the family, but are you willing to accept me and give me this opportunity." Bo Yifeng never knew that he could say such a thing, but when he saw her hesitation, he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't catch her thoughts.

The baby is indeed considering whether to respond to his words. She knows what kind of person Bo Yifeng is. He can't talk or coax women, otherwise he wouldn't have left at the beginning. However, she is so contradictory. Because in her heart, it is understandable to love Bo Yifeng, otherwise she would not accept the pursuit of the senior for so many years.

The senior is very good, but Bo Yifeng's figure always appears in her mind and always disturbs her dreams.

Bo Yifeng was a little anxious. He couldn't figure out what was thinking in the baby's head, but she was sure that she was thinking complicated. Baby, don't you want to give the baby a complete home? Don't you know what the baby wants? He is a little flustered. Even if the baby quarrels with himself, at least two people can communicate. With communication, everything can be solved, but now the baby would rather clear his thoughts there than talk to himself.

"Yi Feng, can I go back and think about it?" The baby grabbed him and hugged his arm and wanted him to let go. Now he can't face him at all.

"Baby, no, reply to me now. I'm afraid you'll go back and think nonsense." Bo Yifeng refused. At this time, you must be tough and domineering, otherwise you don't know what the world will look like after another day.

"Don't be so strong, okay? I just go back and think about it." The baby frowned, and his eyes were very dry because of crying, so his whole face looked particularly bitter, which made Bo Yifeng's heart hurt to death.

"Baby." Bo Yifeng is obedient and not strong, but he will also give him an answer if he is not strong. Tonight, he will rest on the baby.

"Yi Feng, you... Don't you pay attention to the foam heart? The baby had to say what he was very afraid of. Bai Moxin is a big head, and it will definitely not be better with her.

"What does our business have to do with her?" Bo Yifeng almost fainted. Why did he talk about it for a long time? The baby was still struggling with white foam.

"Why don't you care?" The baby was angry. Although there was a lack of trust between them, Bai Moxin and Bo Yifeng had always been unclear. How could she agree to him so inexplicably?

"Baby, let's go into the room and say, okay? I'll tell you all what's going on, but don't be excited, okay?" Bo Yifeng stopped the baby's aura for fear of accidentally waking up the baby in the room.

The baby was also said by Bo Yifeng and found that he was out of state, so when Bo Yifeng brought him to the house, the baby found that his reaction was too slow.

"Baby, what do you want to say tomorrow? Go to bed first." Bo Yifeng saw that his plan had taken the first step. Of course, he had to take advantage of the victory and capture the baby's heart first.

"No, I'll go back and sleep with the baby." When the baby saw that Bo Yifeng did not want to talk about his performance, he looked at himself with his clothes and was depressed for a while.

Really, perish.

"The baby is asleep. You are not afraid to wake her up." Bo Yifeng put his arms around her waist when the baby was not paying attention, and then naturally came to her ear.

The baby is numb and soft. She knew that Bo Yifeng knew every ** point in her heart, but how could she be conquered by this action so disappointingly?

"Baby, anyway, you owe me these five years." Bo Yifeng said sentimental words and insisted that the baby sympathize with him.

"Yi Feng, I know it's my fault to take the baby away, but sometimes, I have a reason to do things." The baby knows that she must have a pimple in her heart for this matter. Even if I left impulsively, it was for everyone's good.

"Baby, tell me, tell me if it's okay, why you want to leave, why did you disappear in my world without even looking back? Five years, why can you drink your parents to contact me but not contact me? I'm your husband, don't you know that I'm also suffering?" What Bo Yifeng said was very uncomfortable, and the baby also felt the tears of the man flowing on his neck.

The baby turned around and stroked his cheek sorely, and Bo Yifeng knew that the baby was willing to open his eyes and look at him after all. Although he did not know why she left, at least she was willing to accept herself again.

The baby is not an active person, but he tiptoed up and kissed thin Yifeng's lips. Originally, he wanted to kiss his eyes, but his height was limited. Even if he raised his feet, he could only barely reach his chin.

Bo Yifeng felt the baby's behavior, slightly bowing his head, sparking everywhere, and then the beauty of the past made the two fall, and then the world seemed to turn.

The baby is not in pain. After so many years of depression, she also needs liberation, and so does Bo Yifeng. What he needs is the baby's love and her care for herself.

There are some things that you don't need to say much and let nature take its course. Maybe what you think now will be different from what you want. Happiness needs to be fought for, just like the wrong decision she made at the beginning. What she wants is a comfortable and comfortable life.

Bo Yifeng, I hope you can give me that kind of life in the future. I hope you can really trust me.