Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 147 Speed, Bo Liang Meets

Chapter 147 Speed, Bo Liang Meets

"Baby, I know where to find her." Liang Sicheng has never been so excited. He got used to being cold. For Mengyao, he knew that she still loved herself in her heart, otherwise her son would not have been called Xiaoxing and would not be so cute.

"That, that..." The baby didn't know how to say anything. She didn't say anything. How could he know where Sister Mengyao was? However, this man's power also seems to be quite strong.

I don't want Bo Yifeng to say that I have people in all corners of the city, and I don't see him. It's unreliable. It's really unreliable.

The baby was still complaining about Bo Yifeng. Who knew that when she was still complaining there, the door was suddenly opened. No, to be precise, it was knocked open.

"Yi Feng." The baby looked at Bo Yifeng who hit the door and couldn't calm down in an instant. He was just complaining that the man suddenly appeared in front of him. The baby felt that the world was becoming more and more incredible.

"Baby." Bo Yifeng is very excited. Sure enough, the baby is here. But when he saw that Ning Baobao's hand was held by the man, he couldn't calm down at all. Let go of your hand."

Liang Sicheng knew that Bo Yifeng had the ability to find here, but he didn't expect that he would come so quickly.

And Baby Ning was also found by what he said that his hand was also caught by the man opposite. I don't know if he doesn't want to be misunderstood by Bo Yifeng, or something. The baby instinctively took his hand back and lowered his head in shame.

In fact, she bowed her head. If she was aboveboard, Bo Yifeng would not think about anything, but when she saw the baby's face blushing, she lowered her head delicately. Bo Yifeng subconsciously thought that the baby was like this because of that man.

"Baby, come here." He called angrily that she was his wife. If he saw her being caught by other men without being angry, he was too unconscious of a man.

"Oh, I know." Baby Ning, like a child who did something wrong, was called by Bo Yifeng and ran over. Bo Yifeng felt relieved when he saw that the baby was so obedient. It seemed that he must have misunderstood the baby just now.

If the baby refutes himself, he will definitely fight that man now. He took the opportunity to hold the baby in his arms and looked at Liang Sicheng in a demonstration.

"President Bo is really fast." Liang Sicheng didn't care what his expression was, and he sat quietly in his seat. He has been planning to meet Bo Yifeng for a long time. After all, half of the reason why he came to t is for Mengyao, and the other half is because of Bo Yifeng.

"It seems that you have expected me to come back." Bo Yifeng didn't know what this man wanted to do. With his connections, he couldn't find out the origin of this man. It can really be said that his details are not so easy to investigate.

"Of course I know, otherwise you would really come in so easily." He said naturally and called the subordinates outside to come in. "Come on, I didn't see President Bo coming and asked someone to make tea."

"President Bo, please sit down." He politely invited. After all, he couldn't neglect it in his own place, and he didn't bring the baby with his promise.

"No, I'm just looking for someone. You don't have to sit down." Bo Yifeng's tone was very stiff, especially when he said he was looking for someone, and he specially pulled the baby closer.

Before, there was a Situ Ye who stared at his wife. It was not easy for that man to stay abroad and didn't come back. Now another man has appeared, which can not make him worried. Although she is not afraid of the baby's cheating, he doesn't believe it.

And Baby Ning was stunned by their conversation, "Yi Feng, do you know him?" She asked curiously that Liang Sichen was a gangster. She knew, but how could Bo Yifeng know him as a businessman?

The baby looked up at Bo Yifeng. Because his posture was not very comfortable, the baby wanted to move. Who knew that Bo Yifeng actually hugged him so tightly, and through Bo Yifeng's shoulder, he saw a lot of people standing outside. No, to be precise, they were all black people. Good boy, don't tell her that this was brought by Bo Yifeng.

She wondered more, "Why are there so many people outside?" She looked at Bo Yifeng and asked. When I first came, there were only two or three people outside, but I didn't have a long time in this room, and a large group of people came. The baby is confused now.

"Baby, it seems that you don't know what kind of person your ex-husband is." Liang Sicheng deliberately shouted ambiguously, and his eyes looked at Bo Yifeng. He knows the status of Baby Ning in Bo Yifeng's heart. He has investigated the matter between them for a long time, so he knows it well.

"Well, of course I know." The baby did not notice the provocation to Bo Yifeng in his tone, nor did he see Bo Yifeng's face.

"Baby, stop talking, let's go back." Bo Yifeng doesn't want the baby to listen anymore. This man is very dangerous. He can accurately know that he can come soon, which means that his bottom has been found by him. What kind of identity is he?

"Oh. No, no." The baby nodded and suddenly shook his head. Her business has not been done yet.

"What, don't go back with me." Bo Yifeng's eyes widened, and then stared at Baby Ning desperately, with an expression of why you didn't follow me.

"No, I'm here to ask about Sister Mengyao, and I don't understand how to get there." When the baby saw Bo Yifeng's expression of wanting to beat people, she quickly explained, but later she thought about why she explained so much. She didn't do anything, but this idea was immediately covered up by herself.

The baby doesn't want Bo Yifeng and Liang Sichen to fight. Bo Yifeng misunderstood what expression he and Liang Sichen have at first glance, but Liang Sichen is a gangster and will definitely suffer from game division. She really doesn't want anything wrong with Bo Yifeng.

"What." Bo Yifeng calculated a lot, but he didn't figure out that the baby came for a woman, but it's better for women than for men.

"Yes, he is the father of Little Star." The baby explained. If you don't say it now, Bo Yifeng will have quarreled with him later.

"Then what do I want from you?" Bo Yifeng was even more puzzled. Since it was for Meng Yao, why did he look for his woman? He looked at Liang Sichen very strangely, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he became. Oh, by the way, I saw this person yesterday afternoon, but I must have seen him before.

"Bo always doesn't think I'm familiar." Liang Sichen saw that Bo Yifeng did not recognize himself, but felt his familiar expression, so he asked.

Bo Yifeng was suddenly hit by what he was thinking, and his heart skipped. Khan, this person is too mysterious.

"We met in Japan." Liang Sichen said in one word.

Bo Yifeng heard Japan and instantly opened his mind, "You are Liang Sichen, Liang Ruo's son." He remembered the people they had met in Japan.

When I was with the Black Dragon, the boss of the Qinglong Gang, I once met Liang Ruo. At that time, I was only 20 years old, and now more than ten years have passed. The teenager who roared and followed Liang Ruo was actually a man who was stressful in front of him.

Liang Sichen is at most one or two years younger than himself, but he was very good at laughing at the beginning. Bo Yifeng will always remember that picture of a bright teenager walking into the house with his elderly father.

Looking at Liang Sichen, Bo Yifeng felt that time was really a double-edged sword. A person can become so much that I really don't know what kind of experience it is. However, in fact, Liang Sicheng is the heir of the European mafia. To sit firmly in that position, the previous habits, the former people, and all the previous naivety must be put aside.

Just like yourself, if you want to stand on your feet, you must learn to disguise your true emotions.

"Mr. Bo is willing to sit down." Liang Sichen knew that Bo Yifeng remembered himself. After all, there was still a little friendship between them, even after so many years.

"You really know each other." Baby Ning saw Bo Yifeng sitting on the sofa with him, and then asked. It's wonderful that these two people have known each other in Japan. But what was Bo Yifeng doing when he was in Japan?

Well, read books desperately in class.

"Sicheng, let's get straight to the point. If you come to T City, it's not just for Qin Mengyao." Bo Yifeng looked at Liang Sichen, who was also sitting opposite them, and said. In the past, that's how he and Leng Siruo called him, because Liang Sichen himself said that he didn't like the people he was interested in calling him so strange.

"How can I see it?" Liang Sichen sat down, looked at Bo Yifeng, and then drank the tea sent by his servants.

"If you are looking for someone, you will definitely be quiet. How can you bring so many people here?" He pointed to a group of people outside and then analyzed. What he said is well-founded. For example, he brought a few people when he came to the baby, and they were all trustworthy. However, when I found this place smoothly, there were few people's house, and the man in black came to Endo in an instant.

He has seen a lot of the world. Of course, he won't be afraid, but it's strange that there are still people with so many people in this city where he controls this.

"You still can't hide anything from you as before." Liang Sicheng shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I have never met you and your more amazing person in my life.

Bo Yifeng's hanging heart was relieved. Seeing Liang Sichen's expression, he knew that the essence of this person was still there, and it was the one he met at the beginning.

"I brought the baby here today. I was abrupt. Let's get together another day, and Leng Siruo, Nangong brothers." Liang Sicheng saw that Baby Ning looked confused, but still felt that today was not the time to talk about business. It seemed that Baby Ning really didn't know anything about Bo Yifeng.

Since Bo Yifeng didn't let her know, he didn't do anything too much.

Bo Yifeng also saw Liang Sicheng's mind. If there is anything, it will definitely be inconvenient for their men to solve it. If the baby is present. If he guessed correctly, Liang Sicheng would definitely be involved in the Bai family when he came back this time.