Domineering president's otaku wife

27 The most tangled chapter

"Do you remember what you were going to say to me yesterday?" Mu Yan stood side by side with Lin An'an. He looked at the water and said quietly.

"I..." Lin An'an lowered her head and scolded herself in her heart. It was really useless.

"If you don't say anything, I will say it!" Mu Yan suddenly turned his face to her.

Lin An'an took a step back when he heard this sentence.

Mu Yan was amused by her reaction and took a step forward.

The two retreated in this way, and Lin An'an gradually retreated to the lake that could no longer retreat.

"Where else do you want to go? An'an."

Lin An'an stopped!

"Finally, I won't retreat." Mu Yan smiled.

Lin An'an blushed and wondered why his father didn't make it longer when he named me.

Mu Yan gently took her hand: "I like you."

Lin An'an's IQ dropped directly to zero.

"What about you? How do you feel about me?"

"I..." She looked up at Mu Yan. Oh, my God, it was the first time I saw such an expression on Mu Yan's face. She was so focused and expectant, a little shy, but more hot.

"Ye." She nodded and lowered her head again.

"What does En mean?" Mu Yan found it was so funny to tease her.

Lin An'an heard from his tone that he was intentional, pushed him away and walked to the door. Mu Yan caught up with her and took her hand again: "I'll take you home."


The two sat in the car, and the driver asked where he was going. Mu Yan looked at her with a smile. Lin An'an hurriedly said the name of the community and suddenly remembered Gu Mingjun at home.

What to do! Must not let Mu Yan know that he lives with other men.

Mu Yan was saying something excited all the way, but Lin An'an didn't hear it at all. She was thinking about how to send Mu Yan away before she got home.

"I'm here. Thank you today. I have to go to work tomorrow. You should go back early."

Before the car stopped, Lin An'an quickly said the prepared lines.

"Can't you drive a taxi in your community? It's okay. I'll take you upstairs. It's already so late. It's quite dark.

"No, it's too late. You'd better go back quickly. It will be difficult to take a taxi later.

"Are you afraid of ghosts?" Mu Yan remembered what she looked just now and laughed again.

Lin An'an felt that she began to sweat behind her back. Looking back to the winding roads in the community and the floor lamps installed by the developers who insisted on installing petty bourgeoisie, she only nodded: "You'd better send me in."

The two walked downstairs. Lin An'an thought that even if he was eaten by a ghost in the elevator, he could not let Mu Yan go upstairs.

She looked at Mu Yan's face and found that he was also looking at herself, and she could read a little look of looking forward to going upstairs from his face. Lin An'an took a deep breath: "Thank you very much today. Go back and rest early."

Mu Yan took her hand reluctantly: "Don't you invite me to go up and sit down?"

" house is too messy, next time."

"Okay." Mu Yan stretched out his arm and hugged her gently, "I see you go upstairs."

Lin An'an nodded, silently pushed out of Mu Yan's arms, and slowly walked into the elevator.

Mu Yan looked at the number of the elevator and jumped up and went back contentedly.

Standing alone in the elevator, Lin An'an seemed to be a completely changed person, and the reserved shyness just now disappeared. She patted her face with her hand: "What happened just now? Am I dreaming?"

Entering the door, she didn't even have time to change her shoes, so she rushed to Gu Mingjun's room barefoot: "President, Mu Yan confessed to me! President..."

The scene in front of her scared her, and Gu Mingjun curled up with a thick quilt and trembled.

"President, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as he saw her, Gu Mingjun was very angry and only hated that he was weak now. He lay down and roared, "Did you forget to pay the gas bill?"

"I don't want to go out on the weekend. I was going to hand it in on Monday."

"I have been boiling water to disinfect you in the afternoon, and the gas has been used up for a long time."

"It's not what I want to disinfect." Lin An'an looked at Gu Mingjun aggrievedly.

"You mean that there is no hot water in the middle of my shower. Do you deserve it?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean." Lin An'an squatted by the bed and hurriedly tucked the quilt for Gu Mingjun. Inattention, his cold hand touched his face, and Gu Mingjun was so cold that he trembled.

"Are you a human or a zombie?"

Lin An'an suddenly stood up: "Mu Yan doesn't dislike my cold hands and has been holding me all the time."

"Wait a minute, do you confess?"

"Mu Yan confessed to me, and I also accepted him." Lin An'an became excited when she mentioned this. She took two steps back and bowed to Gu Mingjun like a Japanese. "Thank you for your care during this period. I think I will move out soon."

"Hurry up and harm him." Gu Mingjun turned his head to one side.

"Cut, the president is really strange. Haven't you always supported me in love? Now you don't even say congratulations. Isn't it just washing cold water? What's the big deal? Lin An'an grabbed his handbag and turned into his room.

Sitting in front of the computer and facing the newly updated Naruto, she was not interested at all and still scolded Gu Mingjun: "Huh, stingy."

The ending fell on the word "ghost". Suddenly, she felt her heart tightened and turned to look behind her. There was nothing. Slowly turned around and took a sharp look behind it, there was still nothing.

"Don't be afraid, think about Mu Yan, you won't be afraid. Mu Yan, Mu Yan, Mu Yan, will the ghost come out from under the bed?

Lin An'an stood down and ran into Gu Mingjun's room.

After lying down for a while, Gu Mingjun finally felt warm. While wiping his nose, he reached out to turn off the light. Suddenly, he touched a cold thing, which scared him to quickly withdrew his hand. Looking up, it was Lin An'an.

Lin An'an stood by his bed with a smile, holding a cup of hot water and two medicines in his hand: "President, have you taken the medicine? I have a special medicine for colds here.

Gu Mingjun looked at her from head to toe as if he didn't know her.

Lin An'an stepped forward, stuffed the medicine into Gu Mingjun's hand, held the cup and sent it to his lips, still looking at him with a smile.

Gu Mingjun put the medicine under his nose and smelled it. He didn't find any strange smell, so he carefully put it in his mouth and drank two sips of water in Lin An'an's hand.

"I will recover soon after taking the medicine." Lin An'an stood up, smiled at him, and ran out in a blink of an eye. Gu Mingjun was about to lie back with doubts. Lin An'an ran back quickly again.

She held the quilt pillow and said breathlessly, "President, you are a patient. If you don't feel well overnight, you need to drink water or something. It's better to have someone to take care of it. I'd better sleep here tonight."

Gu Mingjun suddenly sat up and said, "What on earth are you going to do?"

"Take care of patients." Lin An'an began to spread the mattress on the ground as she spoke.

"Go back to your room." Helpless anger surged up in his heart and turned into a strong airflow coughing out of his throat.

"President, if you are like this, don't show your ability. Have a good sleep." Lin An'an got into the quilt and quickly closed his eyes.

Gu Mingjun was so angry that he coughed again, and the "culprit" has fallen asleep.

In the morning, Lin An'an drooled and dreamed that Mu Yan was about to bow his head and kiss him. Suddenly, she felt a pain in her waist. As soon as she turned over, she saw Gu Mingjun sitting by the bed and kicking herself.

"What are you doing!"

"I feel very uncomfortable. I can't go to work today. Please buy some medicine for me after work." After saying that, he fell asleep.

Lin An'an's sleepiness was already scared by her pale face. She reached out and touched Gu Mingjun's forehead, which was so hotter than last night. Maybe because she had been busy with the press conference before, the cold was far more serious than expected.

"You go to bed first and I'll be right back after work." Lin An'an pressed his quilt on his **, ran back and moved all his ** dolls, and put them by Gu Mingjun's bed. "Let them accompany you first when I'm away."

Although I'm very worried, I still have to go to work.

Lin An'an was still a little embarrassed to see Mu Yan in the company, but when she saw that Mu Yan was still focused on her work as usual, she also forced herself to calm down.

Except for occasionally smiling across a long desk, the two are actually no different from usual. Therefore, if Lin An'an hadn't confessed to Xiao Ling and Du Yue, they would not have known the whole thing so soon.

"An'an, you are so awesome. Unexpectedly, he defeated Kong Yier, a beautiful woman who could not be defeated. At lunch, Xiao Ling has been sighing.

Speaking of Kong Yier, Lin An'an still feels a little guilty: "But I think Kong Yier is in good condition today. I have been discussing typesetting with Qin Luo, and I don't think she has been affected."

Du Yue nodded: "This is the difference between perfect women and ordinary people. Even if you beat her, you will never beat her.

"Okay, okay, I know. You don't have to repeat this all the time." Lin An'an said impatiently.

Du Yue and Xiao Ling looked at each other and smiled: "Seeing that you have never been in love. We all think you are that kind of otaku. You are always worried about this. It seems superfluous."

Otaku! Lin An'an suddenly woke up. Yes, you can't immerse yourself in the joy of love. Think about how much you must pay attention to your words and deeds to hide the bad habits of otaku in your body when you are with Mu Yan in the future.

When she was about to get off work, Mu Yan stopped her.

"I have two movie tickets. Let's go to see them tonight."

"I'm sorry, I have something urgent today. How about tomorrow?" Lin An'an looked at Mu Yan with an embarrassed face.

"What's so urgent?" Mu Yan looked at her expression and became a little worried.

"It's not a big deal." Lin An'an hesitated and couldn't speak. Suddenly, she saw the clock. She grabbed her handbag and ran out. He waved his hand while running, "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Mu Yan put his hand into his pocket and felt a little lonely with two movie tickets that had not been taken out. He turned around and walked to Qin Luo and said, "What's the matter tonight? Go to the cinema with me."

"Come here, I have something to tell you." Qin Luo, who had been holding back all day, walked to the tea room with Mu Yan.

After confirming that there was no one, Qin Luo grabbed Mu Yan's shoulder: "Are you with Lin An'an?"

"Yes." Mu Yan's face was full of unconcealed smiles.

"Did she confess to you?"

"No, I confessed to her."

"Didn't Lin An'an say anything when you confessed?"

"She is so stupid that she can't say anything. She only knows that she is there. She looks really cute." Mu Yan recalled Lin An'an's expression last night and began to laugh secretly again.

"She didn't say anything to your confession? Don't you think it's strange?"

"Maybe it's too shy."

"Muyan, I'll tell you one thing. Although it can't be said to represent anything, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Ha ha, Qin Luo, your serious expression looks as if you want to tell me that you love me."

Qin Luo had no psychological understanding of Muyan's joke: "The day before the press conference, I passed Lin An'an's desk and happened to ring her mobile phone. Do you know what I saw? I saw..."

"Qin Luo, what are you talking about?"

Kong Yier saw Qin Luo dragging Mu Yan to the tea room, afraid that he would tell his sorrows for Mu Yan, and kept paying close attention to the movement inside. But I can't hear the dialogue at all, so I can only be anxious.

She became more and more excited to see Qin Luoyue's words, and rushed in regardless of thirty-seven or twenty-one.

However, Kong Yier is Kong Yier after all, still maintaining her moderate smile.

Qin Luo grabbed Mu Yan's arm and shook it in the air: "He invited me to watch a movie."

"Hey, don't talk like a mountain with a broken arm." Mu Yan quickly shook off his hand and said, "What are you looking for us for?"

Kong Yier kept a professional smile: "President Gu didn't come to work today. Let's go to see him later."



The tea room suddenly quieted down, and Mu Yan and Kong Yier looked at Qin Luo curiously. Why not?

"I, I mean, the president must have a rest. It's too disturbing for us to go there." Qin Luo poked the coffee machine with his fingertips.

"But I heard that the president has no relatives here, and I don't think there are many friends. Let's buy some food to see him, put it down and leave."

"Yier is right."

"Then wait for me. I'll go to the bathroom." Qin Luo ran out of the door quickly and prayed in his heart that Lin An'an answered the phone quickly.