Domineering president's otaku wife

32 The worst pasta

The shiny key, with Mu Yan's body temperature. Touching the lines, I still feel a little prickly. I guess I just hit it.

"I should have given it to you yesterday, but I was in a hurry and didn't have time to match it."

Lin An'an held the key tightly: "I'm so happy."

Mu Yan was embarrassed: "It's just the key, besides..."

"No, this is your trust in me, and I will protect it well." Lin An'an hung the key with his favorite killing pill and shook it excitedly to show it to Mu Yan.

Mu Yan grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go. What do you want to eat at noon?"

At the end of the lunch break, Lin An'an couldn't wait to avoid the crowd and show Du Yue and Xiao Ling the key like a treasure.

The two nodded and looked at her encouragingly.

Just when Lin An'an was full of joy, QQ suddenly rang. It was Xiao Ling.

"After the first step is successful, it is the second step."

She hurried back: "What's the second step?"

"Of course, it's a good place to trap him. As soon as the man comes home, there will be hot meals waiting for him. How can he be willing to leave you!"

"But I can't cook."

"What! Are you a woman or not? Xiao Ling sent her a series of pig-headed expressions.

"Really not, is there any quick success?"

"Cook spaghetti. Western pie is easy."

Xiao Ling thought, she really didn't know how Gu Mingjun endured it at the beginning.

When he was about to get off work, Mu Yan told Lin An'an that he had something to do and would go back later. She first rushed into the bookstore, bought a fool recipe textbook, and then went into the supermarket, carrying a lot of things home.

Holding the noodles in one hand and the pot in the other hand, she tried to recall the steps she had just seen - put noodles first or water first.

Tomatoes are cut of different sizes, and onions make her shed a lot of tears for no reason. How come there is no recipe to teach people how not to cut their hands when she shed tears?

Finally, we are about to take the most critical step.

Lin An'an stood as far away as possible, holding the pot lid in his left hand and holding the cut ingredients in his right hand, ready to pour them into the pot.

In her heart, three, two, one, she shouted hard to strengthen herself.

"Hey!" The sound was instantly covered by the sound of splashing oil

"Oh, my God." Lin An'an escaped from the kitchen screaming against the lid of the pot.

She squatted by the kitchen door until the sound calmed down before she dared to go in again. Looking at the dishes in the pot, half of them were burnt and half uncooked. And the boiling water over there has boiled all over the stove.

It's a mess.

Mu Yan came home and was stunned to see the pasta on the table covered with black, red and red toppings.

Lin An'an sat by the table with his head down, like a child who did something wrong and didn't dare to speak.

Mu Yan put down the things in his hand, walked over and sat opposite her: "What's wrong?"

"I, I was going to cook dinner for you." Lin An'an's voice was as low as a mosquito humming.

Mu Yan laughed and said, "As a result, the kitchen was almost lit."

Lin An'an suddenly raised his head and replied very seriously, "That's not yet, but... soon."

"Hahahaha, let's go, let's see how much you burned the kitchen." Mu Yan took her into the kitchen and couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the "battlefield" that had been cleaned in a hurry.

"It's really a little more exaggerated than I thought." With that, he picked up the ingredients that had not been cleaned up by the stove and said, "I don't know much food, but I'm still a little confident in cooking pasta. I'll cook it for you."

Lin An'an stood aside and watched Mu Yan skillfully boil water. After the water boiled, sprinkled a little salt in it, poured a little olive oil, and then scattered the noodles naturally in the pot.

"Just cook like this for eight minutes." Mu Yan bent down to confirm the size of the fire.

"Why put salt and oil?"

"The noodles cooked in this way will be more chewy. Now let's peel the meat sauce. Take a chopstick and choose a softer tomato like a string of sugar-coated haws on it. I'll do magic for you.

Lin An'an handed the skewered tomatoes to Mu Yan. Mu Yan smiled mysteriously, opened another stove, and put the tomatoes on the fire to roast.

In just a few seconds, the skin of the tomatoes became a small roll.

"It's amazing." Lin An'an's eyes were shining.

"Actually, cooking is also fun. Can you peel it for me and cut it into small pieces?

Just as Lin An'an cut the diced tomatoes, Mu Yan had already placed several small bowls containing mushroom slices, diced onions, minced meat, diced ham and diced carrots. I also took out the cooked noodles and passed them in cold water.

Looking at Mu Yan's cooking, it's like a brilliant conductor doing the most outstanding performance in Vienna's Golden Hall. Lin An'an was dumbfounded. By the time she came to her senses, she had already sat at the table and began to enjoy the food.

Mu Yan lowered his head and carefully rolled up the noodles: "Actually, I'm very moved today. You don't have to force yourself too much in the future."

"Ye." Lin An'an sat opposite him and looked at him with great happiness.

"Mu Yan," while eating, Lin An'an suddenly called him, "I've never lived with someone I like before. I know I have many shortcomings..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Mu Yan: "Don't worry, I will give you happiness."


"I will make you feel happy."

Lin An'an quickly waved his hand: "I just want to be with you. As long as I can be happy with you, I will feel very happy."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

After dinner, the two watched TV and talked about the company. Mu Yan casually asked, "Why does the president want you to go to his office today?"

"Oh, it is said that I am required to be responsible for the pull-up advertisement of Shiseido, and they have told me all the requirements."

"That's good. Maybe you will be promoted if you add more tasks? What's the requirement? Do you want me to help you?"

"No, this is my job. I want to do it myself, and I can't always rely on you. When I lived with the president, he refused to take my work home, probably because he was afraid that I would ask him for help. Speaking of Gu Mingjun, Lin An'an pouted.

"Will he still stipulate this for you?"

"Yes, his rules are too much. I can't pile my things in the living room. I have to wash the dishes immediately after eating. The public area needs to be cleaned once every three days, and every time I rest on the lounge chair on the balcony, I will be driven away by him and lie down by myself. Lin An'an broke his finger to count Gu Mingjun's crimes.

"I didn't expect you to have so many rules," Mu Yan smiled. "Is it fun to live with the president?"

"It's not funny at all."

"But when I saw what you just said, your expression was very cute."

Looking at Mu Yan's face, Lin An'an suddenly thought of what a stupid thing he had just done. How could he talk about the president in front of Mu Yan? Maybe Mu Yan still mind this matter now. No, he must be minding. If he doesn't care, how can he ask me what the president did to call me to the office?

When she thought of this, she couldn't wait to slap herself twice.

At the same time, there is more than one entangled place and more than one entangled person.

Qin Luo, who was sitting in the bar with Kong Yier, was still struggling with everything during the day. He turned his head and looked at Kong Yier's side face and felt that the dim light seemed to cover her with a thin veil. He could see clearly and could not see clearly. Obviously, he was sitting next to himself, but he felt that the distance was so far away.

Isn't it said that there are only 6 people between any two people on earth? Why do you feel that there are 6 billion people between you and me?

Qin Luo drank silently.

"Tay a joke to me." Kong Yier is not in such a good mood today as she disguised. Although he has accepted the fact that Mu Yan likes Lin An'an and the fact that they have dated, he watched them walk into the company hand in hand, which directly shattered Kong Yier's last trace of expectation.

She knows what kind of smile can convey to others, but how can her deep feelings deceive herself!

"Joke? OK, OK, let me think about it." Qin Luo seemed to be a student suddenly named by the teacher, busy recalling interesting stories.

"Today, I saw one on the Internet that Cao Cao invited Liu Bei for a drink. Liu Bei couldn't go because he had something to do. He sent Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to go there. Cao Cao pulled Dian Wei to accompany him. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Guan Yu blushed and said, "Brother, there is a problem that has puzzled me for many years. I don't know whether to talk about it or not." Zhang Fei said with a black face, 'Actually, I have the same question!' The four faces looked at each other and said with one voice, "Who the hell is the blue-faced Dou Erton?"

Hearing this, Kong Yier couldn't stand up with laughter. Qin Luo hit the iron while it was hot and shook another burden: "Then Zhang Fei asked again, 'Why do they call me scum!'"

"Hahahaha." Kong Yier didn't care about the image and lay on the table and laughed.

Qin Luo was suddenly encouraged and talked more: "I told Xiao Ai this story today, but she didn't smile and couldn't understand."

Kong Yier covered her stomach and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "She is young and may not have heard this song."

"I'm relieved to finally make you happy."

Kong Yier's face changed greatly and looked at him in panic.

Qin Luo quickly waved his hand: "When you were in the company, I didn't think you were unhappy. It's just a little feeling here. Maybe I thought too much."

"Thank you, Qin Luo."

Kong Yier returned to the hazy state just now, but this time, Qin Luo felt that she was so real.

The next day, Lin An'an didn't leave his seat all morning according to his own ideas. He wrote a very satisfactory plan and showed it to Gu Mingjun.

Gu Mingjun pointed to the brief picture she drew and said, "It doesn't matter what's inside, but you should at least design the cover. I don't have any desire to open it at all."

Lin An'an was so hit that she didn't drink a sip of water all afternoon and has been writing and painting. When she looked up from the computer, she found that everyone in the office had gone.

In the early days, only the lively and bright office was still lit above her head. Although the incandescent lamp is very bright, the range is limited. If the halo passes, it is endless darkness, which has spread to the distance. The familiar tea room has also become like a magic cave, as if all kinds of demons and monsters will run out at any time.

It's horrible.

She packed her things quickly and wanted to leave quickly. Suddenly, she saw that the president's room was still on. Stretching his neck, Gu Mingjun hasn't left yet. Fortunately, there is a living person.

She walked over and knocked on the door: "President, haven't you gone back yet?"

Gu Mingjun looked at her from behind the document and said casually, "The reason why the so-called leader can be a leader is that he is working hard when others are resting."

Lin An'an glanced at him: "Cut."

Gu Mingjun put on his coat and cleaned up the table: "It's almost time to go back."

"Wait for me." Lin An'an rushed back to get her bag.

The two entered the elevator, and Lin An'an thought that he should call Mu Yan.

"Have you finished socializing?"

"It will take another hour!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home."

Hanging up the phone, Gu Mingjun casually asked, "How's it going?"

"How about what?"

"You get along well."

"It's simply a fairy couple."

"If only it's not the Condor Heroes."

"The Condor Heroes are also very good."

"Don't you know how many years Yang Guo and the little dragon girl were finally separated!"

"Raven's mouth!" Lin An'an stared with anger.

She got out of the elevator and said goodbye to Gu Mingjun. She habitually touched her pocket and suddenly found that the big thing was not good and the key was left in the company.

What should I do? Do you take the elevator upstairs alone? What a horror! She couldn't help looking at Gu Mingjun.

"President! Wait for me."