Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 1 The Dawn of Xin Chou Year

"This year, in the 27th year of Guangxu, that is, 1901, the Qing court just signed the Xinchou Treaty with the great powers to compensate 450 million taels of silver! Um, and Yuan Shikai has just replaced Li Hongzhang as the governor of Zhili!" Zhao Dongyun took a pen, wrote and drew in a small notebook, and wrote down names.

"Now the Beiyang New Army is in its infancy, and it is also a training with the army. If you grasp it better, you should be able to find a solid position in the army in the future expansion, but you have no foundation in the right army of the Wuwei. It's not easy here!" Thinking of this, Zhao Dongyun felt bored for a while.

He was originally an ordinary person in the 21st century, but he inexplicably possessed a new army officer in the late Qing Dynasty. At the beginning, he was quite excited, thinking that he could finally save the country and the people and become a national hero, but his mind slowly changed over time.

The original idea of purely for the country and the people has disappeared unconsciously. Instead, the idea is to live a better life and control more power.

The body he possessed is Zhao Dongyun, whose name is Yang. He was born in an ordinary gentry family in Suqian, Jiangsu Province. He graduated from Tianjin Wubei School in 1898, and was then sent by an official to study at the Berlin Military Academy in Germany. After two years of study, he returned to China and entered the Wuwei Right Army. At present, he is teaching in the camp school of the Right Army of Wuwei. Xi.

Since the defeat of the First Sino-Japanese Empire, the court has begun to prepare for a new army. Last year's Gengzi Incident once again deeply stimulated the Qing court and began to completely abandon the old army to prepare for large-scale training of the new army. Yuan Shikai is now ready to report to the Qing court, saying that he would follow the example of the right military guard army to train the Beiyang standing army. However, the Beiyang standing army is needed Many qualified new-style officers, especially those who have returned from studying abroad.

In this case, Zhao Dongyun, who returned to China as a stay in Germany, also has advantages that others do not have, but after having the advantage of this hardware, he must also have software advantages, such as network advantages!

Zhao Dongyun put down his pen, then kneaded the paper full of words on the table into a ball and stood up: "It seems that I have to take a look at Duan Qirui, a senior of Liude!"

Duan Qirui also had the experience of studying military in Germany, but many years earlier than Zhao Dongyun. At present, he is the commander of the artillery team of the Wuwei Right Army, and also serves as the general office of various schools of Wuwei Right, the rank of governor, and the third grade.

Duan Qirui is not only Zhao Dongyun's predecessor, but also his immediate superior.

Zhao Dongyun knows that his advantage is the education abroad, and the disadvantage is the network. Because of his average background, he can't rely on his parents. At the same time, because he is relatively young, he does not have enough time to build his own connections.

In this case, even if Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun are not familiar with each other, Zhao Dongyun still plans to go to Duan Qirui's house, and he has to take advantage of every interpersonal relationship.

The next day, Zhao Dongyun rode out on horseback. Immediately, he wore the new military uniform of the Right Army of the Wuwei. The predecessor of the Right Guards Army was the new army, which was the first army in Chinese history to fully imitate Western France. From soldiers' practices to equipment and even military uniforms, it imitated the German army, so this new army's Military uniforms also have a strong German style.

Wearing a new military uniform, he is completely different from the people on the street. In addition, his bare head is compared with the ordinary people around him who wear horse coats and long braids, as if they were people from two worlds.

Zhao Dongyun cut off his braids when he was studying in Germany. Of course, this has nothing to do with revolutionary and political tendencies. There are several reasons, such as soldiers dragging a braid to affect the battle, and compared with braids affecting battlefield rescue, for example, it is not hygienic, and the most important one is that Zhao Dongyun can't stand the contemptuous eyes cast by foreigners.

It is said that the Chinese regard foreigners as barbarians, but in the eyes of foreigners in the late Qing Dynasty: Chinese people with braids and skirts are barbarians!

So Zhao Dongyun, like most contemporary international students, clicked the braids on his head as soon as he gritted his teeth. At the same time, for the convenience of battlefield rescue, he simply learned from many foreign military officers to shave his head.

After returning to China, except for having to temporarily bring a fake braid on some formal occasions, most of the time Zhao Dongyun had a bald head. Most of Zhao Dongyun's colleagues and superiors turned a blind eye to this situation. After all, although the court repeatedly ordered that it was forbidden to cut braids, there were few people in the place. Taking the ban of the court seriously, it is estimated that the court will have to order the new army to cut their braids after a few years.

After riding a horse for a while, Zhao Dongyun quickly came to Duan Qirui's mansion. After the doorman of the house was notified, Zhao Dongyun was led into a side hall to wait. After drinking two sips of tea, he saw Duan Qirui come in.

Zhao Dongyun got up quickly and said, "I've met your excellency!"

Duan Qirui smiled and looked at Zhao Dongyun and said, "Don't be polite. Sit down!"

For this descendant who stayed in Germany, Duan Qirui has also had contact with him before, but he is not too familiar with it. At best, he has only seen him several times. Now he also feels quite strange to see Zhao Dongyun suddenly come to him. I don't know why he came to him?

Then, the two began to chat. Since they both graduated from Tianjin Wubei School and also had the experience of studying military in Germany, the two naturally could not be separated from their old school life and German career. In this process, Zhao Dongyun deliberately and inadvertently separated himself from Duan Qirui's alumni. The department has been raised several floors, and some words reveal a little admiration for the predecessors.

In this way, the conversation between the two soon changed from the upper and lower levels in the officialdom to the conversation between seniors and juniors. The topic also slowly went from the past to the current situation, and from last year's Gengzi chaos to the preparation of the Beiyang Standing Army.

"I heard that Lord Xian has prepared to report to the court to prepare for the Beiyang Standing Army, but there are not many officials who know the Western Law today. The officials of this Beiyang Standing Army should also be drawn from our Wuwei Right Army!" Zhao Dongyun seemed to mention this intentionally or unintentionally, but Duan Qirui has been in the military for many years. As an important subordinate of Yuan Shikai, he can't see through the meaning contained in Zhao Dongyun's words.

For Zhao Dongyun, Duan Qirui had been in contact with him before, but he did not have a deep relationship. He knew that after returning to China, because he was a rare talent to stay in Germany, his grade was relatively fast. Less than a year after returning to China, he was 'still stay in the original province to make up for it', and added four grades, and was taught by Wuwei Youjun in the camp school.

However, the top wear in the late Qing Dynasty was worthless. Anyone who threw out thousands of silver could get an official uniform. What is really valuable is the dispatch, that is, the actual position. Although Zhao Dongyun's grade is not low, his position is actually not high. He is just a teacher in the Wuwei Right Army Camp School. To put it bluntly, he is a military instructor.

Now that Zhao Dongyun finds himself here, he should like the Beiyang Standing Reserve Army and wants to be a practical officer, but the seat in the Beiyang Standing Reserve Army is just a little bit. In addition, there are many people staring at those positions. Not to mention that Duan Qirui will not easily recommend Zhao Dongyun. Even if he is ready to help, it is The heart is powerless.

After all, Zhao Dongyun's grade is there. If he wants to hold a real position, it must be at least one battalion officer. However, the position of the battalion officer can be decided by his Duan Qirui. There are only about ten battalion officers in a right army, and the Beiyang Standing Army in preparation is only more than a dozen battalion officers in Zuo Town. The position of these forces in charge of real power was basically decided by Yuan Shikai himself.

So in the face of Zhao Dongyun's intention to go to the Beiyang standing army, Duan Qirui did not directly agree, but he did not directly refuse Zhao Dongyun. After all, Zhao Dongyun's qualifications are there, and everyone knows that Yuan Shikai is going to expand his army on a large scale. Sooner or later, Zhao Dongyun will rise. In addition, Zhao Dongyun is his descendants, and it is not impossible to pull him in due course.

Duan Qirui's thoughts will naturally not tell Zhao Dongyun, so Zhao Dongyun felt a little disappointed in the next conversation, and Qirui has refused to give him a formal reply.

After saying goodbye to Duan Qirui, Zhao Dongyun felt a sense of loss when walking on the street and thought to himself that it seemed that Duan Qirui, the senior of Liude, was unreliable. He had to think about other ways. He could not stay in the camp school all the time as a teacher.

Zhao Dongyun in his previous life is not a history expert. He only knows a general idea of the history of the late Qing Dynasty. For example, he knew that large-scale reforms were carried out in the late Qing Dynasty, but he did not know much about the details of the reform. For example, he knew that the six towns of Beiyang were formed in the late Qing Dynasty, but you really want him to say Beiyang six He is not clear about the development of the town. After all, no ordinary people in later generations will study the details of the beginning and end of the establishment of the army in the six towns of Beiyang.

However, although he doesn't know much about the details, he also knows that the large-scale development of the Beiyang New Army began after the Gengzi Incident, that is to say, from now on is a period of large-scale expansion of the Beiyang New Army. If Zhao Dongyun wants to control power, he must seize the opportunity to climb up quickly in this wave.

If you say that you will be delayed for several years in Suiying School and find a way after the formation of Beiyang Six Town, the cucumber dishes will be cold!

Under such circumstances, in order to find a real position in the Beiyang Standing Army and to really take root in the Beiyang New Army, Zhao Dongyun tried his best. In addition to visiting Duan Qirui, he also visited several other superiors and colleagues, and even walked the doorway of Feng Guozhang. , I saw Feng Guozhang.

But the effect is not as good as Zhao Dongyun expected.

With the passage of time, the Beiyang Standing Army has gradually taken shape. A large number of officers have been transferred from the Wuwei Right Army to serve. Each of them is happily promoted and made a fortune. Only Zhao Dongyun is still a teacher in the camp school, which makes him gradually worried. Come on.

However, he did not know that Yuan Shikai, Duan Qirui and others were sitting together in the Baoding Governor's Mansion at this time.

Yuan Shikai looked at the list in his hand and said, "The right army of Wuwei has drawn a lot of people to go to the Beiyang Standing Army. Now several positions are short of people. Tell me who is suitable among these people!"

In this list in Yuan Shikai's hand, the three words Zhao Dongyun are sandwiched in the middle of many names!