Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 13 New Machine Gun Camp Supervision 2

Zhao Dongyun looked at Yuan Shikai, Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui and others, and also thought to himself that as a member of the Beiyang system, he naturally understood the problems facing Beiyang now, as well as the many problems faced by Yuan Shikai and the people present.

Today's Beiyang is no longer the glory of Li Hongzhang's era. After the two defeats of Jiawu and Gengzi, China was not only branded with humiliation, but also made the Beiyang system plummet. People say that Li Hongzhang recommended Yuan Shikai at the last moment and handed over Beiyang's family to Yuan Shikai, but They rarely say that it was a mess that Li Hongzhang handed over to Yuan Shikai.

As the largest political group in China today, the actual managers of North China not only can't even take out an arsenal in the North Sea, but also Yuan Shikai can't even take out millions of taels of silver for the standing army. No one believes this kind of thing.

Zhao Dongyun knew these difficulties, but he still said, "Of course, the import of ordnance is still necessary in a short period of time. I just said that we must plan for the long term. We can't import weapons forever!"

After listening to Zhao Dongyun's words, Yuan Shikai said again: "The problem of ordnance does exist. Whether it is importing or preparing the manufacturing bureau, we will discuss these later!"

Then he looked at Zhao Dongyun again: "You put your mind on machine guns these times. I hope to see your machine gun camp take shape on the day of the formation of the standing army!"

Yuan Shikai's request is not simple. Although the Qing court has just approved the official number of the Beiyang Standing Army, in fact, its editing work began when Yuan Shikai first acted as the governor of Zhili last year. That is to say, the left town of the Standing Army has been trained for half a year, waiting for the official number. After becoming an army, more importantly, the preparation and training of the standing army has regulations to follow. Both infantry, artillery and cavalry can be handled according to the experience of the new army, but this machine gun battalion can be regarded as a new thing, and Zhao Dongyun basically has to start from scratch.

However, Zhao Dongyun couldn't refuse anything from Yuan Shikai's words and immediately said, "Your Excellency, don't worry, Dongyun will definitely not let you down!"

Although there was a small episode of the arsenal in the middle of this meeting, the main body still revolved around the new machine gun battalion. After the meeting, Zhao Dongyun was officially sent by the supervision office of the new machine gun battalion.

At this time, Zhao Dongyun's official title was "Jianzhizhou Liuzhili Appointment", the grade is the fourth grade, and the task is "Second Battalion of the Right Wing of the Wuwei Right Army" and the "Supervision Office of the New Machine Gun Battalion", in which Zhizhou is his official title, the fourth grade is his grade, and the command and supervision are only temporary missions, so Strictly speaking, Zhao Dongyun has not been promoted compared with Zhao Dongyun last year, but his dispatch has changed.

Of course, in this era, grade is worthless, and what is really valuable is dispatch.

Why are they also governors, but the governor of Zhili is more valuable than the governors of other provinces, because the people who are the governor of Zhili have a lot of appointments. For example, Yuan Shikai also serves as the governor of Zhili, but also serves as the minister of Beiyang, the minister of railways, the minister of electricity, the minister of conference and consultation, etc. The concentration of dispatches made Yuan Shikai the most powerful feudal official in China today.

The same is true for Zhao Dongyun. There is no difference between three grades and four grades. The official title is a magistrate or a magistrate is not much different for him. What is important is the dispatch he has received, and today given him the name of new machine gun camp supervision means that he can take My influence penetrated into the Beiyang system.

After coming out of the governor's mansion, Zhao Dongyun originally went straight back to the house, but he hadn't taken two steps yet. Behind him was someone shouting, "Dongyun!"

Looking back, Wang Yingkai came quickly. The new army uniform on his body was about to burst. As he walked, the fat on his body trembled. It was difficult to believe that the man in front of him was one of the core generals in the Beiyang New Army.

In today's impression, the Beiyang New Army in this era is undoubtedly the trend of the times, especially the officers among which should be strong and decent. After matching a new army uniform, most people have to shout 'fake foreign devils'.

However, although Wang Yingkai in front of him is wearing a military uniform, he still looks like a new army because he is fat and he still has a braid. Zhao Dongyun feels that he still wears an old-style imperial uniform or a horse jacket.

Wang Yingkai walked in two steps, and the fat on his face shook: "Dongyun, why are you in such a hurry!"

Although Zhao Dongyun and Wang Yingkai do not have a mutual relationship, they are much higher in positions, and the other party is one of the bosses of the Beiyang New Army. Naturally, Zhao Dongyun will not openly laugh at his obesity and immediately said, "I want to go back to my house to have a look before returning to the camp!"

Wang Yingkai didn't care: "Don't be busy going back to the camp. I also know that you are alone in Baoding. I invited some people to Chongyulou for a drink tonight. Come too!"

Although Wang Yingkai looked out of tune and spoke in a leisurely and kind tone, Zhao Dongyun scolded in his heart: You fat man, fought with Duan Qirui. What did you do to pull me up?

Now a member of the Beiyang New Army knows that Wang Yingkai and Duan Qirui fight against each other and are almost everywhere, which has been fully shown from the meeting just now. Now Wang Yingkai called Zhao Dongyun to the banquet, and it was clear that he wanted to dig the corner of Duan Qirui's wall.

But looking at Wang Yingkai's harmless smile, it is also difficult for Zhao Dongyun to refuse directly, because if he refuses directly, it is equivalent to making it clear that he will stand on Duan Qirui's side. In the future, Wang Yingkai will have to keep wearing small shoes on him.

He immediately said, "Then Dongyun nagging the lord several times the wine!"

Wang Yingkai showed a satisfied look and said, "Ok, let's talk about it in the evening!"

After saying that, he didn't wait for Zhao Dongyun to go out directly, leaving Zhao Dongyun to show a bitter smile. Since he has been in the Beiyang system, factional struggle is inevitable. If he is still an irrelevant camp instructor, then no one will pay attention to him, but since he served as the right wing Since the unification of the Second Battalion, he has become a middle-level member of the Beiyang system and is inevitably affected by the competition of the factions within Beiyang.

Looking up at the bright sky, and then turning to look at the gate of the governor's mansion behind him, Zhao Dongyun muttered: I also turn to Yuan Shikai. Why should I give up my head and turn to you, Wang Yingkai!

Although he doesn't care about Wang Yingkai's solicitation, there is no need to offend people for no reason. Wang Yingkai's personal invitation can be regarded as giving Zhao Dongyun enough face. If Zhao Dongyun does not agree to the banquet, he will be a naked slap in the face of Wang Yingkai**.

Although the good mood of the new machine gun camp supervision was slightly destroyed by Wang Yingkai, today is still a good day for Zhao Dongyun, so he did not drive the horse directly as usual, but walked slowly around the streets of Baoding with interest.

This made a strange scene appear on the streets of Baoding. A young soldier in a blue-gray officer's dress was like a local bun who entered the city for the first time. He looked around and was curious about everything on the street. This situation made Lin Yongquan, who led the horse behind him, feel strange.

Zhao Dongyun accepted the original memory, but the memory in his mind is one thing, and seeing it with his own eyes is another thing. Everything on the street of Baoding in front of him makes him feel strange and novel.

Now the streets of Baoding seem to be at the melting point of an era. The transportation alone is an eye-opener for Zhao Dongyun: there are people riding donkeys and mules on the bluestone board road, some people sitting in mule cars, and there are powerful homes in carriages. In addition, some people just passed by Dongyang in Baoding. In addition, Zhao Dongyun also saw a young man riding a bicycle across the market.

If Zhao Dongyun and his party ride a horse, the street in front of us has fully demonstrated the unique atmosphere of the late Qing Dynasty.

However, Zhao Dongyun regarded these people in front of him as scenery, and in the eyes of others, Zhao Dongyun and others are not scenery!

Zhao Dongyun could even hear Si Si whisper.

In a teahouse on the side of the street, a black-eyed man with a cigarette rod and swallowed a big smoke said, "Those are fake foreign devils. Look, they look really disgusting. Those clothes are the same as those worn by foreign devils. You can know they are barbarians at a glance!"

A thin-faced man next to him who was eight feet tall but didn't have a few pounds of meat also said, "Well, look at them. They all walk like long cock-eyed eyes, and they don't know the way. They are not afraid of falling to death, and their waist is so straight that they are not afraid of breaking bones!"

"Hey, what you said is that these fake foreign devils have forgotten the rules of their ancestors one by one. Look at the leader, he actually shaved off his braids. It's really loses the face of our ancestors, and the clothes are disgusting to look at. Tut, there are our ancestors' coats wearing comfortable!"

When Zhao Dongyun heard these whispers, he looked up at the two people and wanted to say something, but after half a day, he couldn't say anything. Finally, he took a deep breath to calm his mood. However, even the air was full of ignorance and depravity at this time.

Turning his head, he took the reins directly from Lin Yongquan's hand, and then turned over the horse. When the whip waved his legs, he rode away. Lin Yongquan behind him didn't know what was wrong with his boss, so he could only hurried to get on the horse. His body was not yet seated. The whip in his hand waved wildly, and in an instant, he rode a war horse to chase Zhao Dongyun away.

Zhao Dongyun and Lin Yongquan galloped their horses, and their palms hit the bluestone slabs, making a thumping sound like thunder in a sunny day and winter. The man in the teahouse was shocked by the sound of the horse's hoofs, and he couldn't stand at his feet.

It was not easy to hold the railing to make himself stand firm. At this time, when I saw that the two fake foreign devils had galloped away, their legs were slightly separated, and then they took a deep breath and shouted, "You fake foreign devils, don't let the uncle look at you again, otherwise I will definitely want you to look good!"

After saying that, he turned around proudly. At this time, the tea guest inside also shouted: "The third master is bold enough!"

The third master smiled with satisfaction, and then held the cigarette gun with his arm and arched his hand to the tea guest inside, as if he had done a great thing.