Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 25 Angel Heart

The nun just wanted to say no, but she thought that Father Henry and several other monks and nuns had died, and now there were still many corpses and blood all over the floor in the church. Although she had given her body and mind to God, she couldn't help trembling her calves and immediately accepted the refusal that reached her mouth. Go back.

At this time, it was only half an hour before Zhao Dongyun led his army to disperse the mobi. Under the shooting and expulsion of hundreds of cavalry by Zhao Dongyun, the mobuses were quickly dispersed. Of course, the bodies of the mobus were also left all over the ground during the expulsion process.

Although nine out of ten of these mob are bewitched by magic sticks, few rebel, most of them have the idea of echoing people, and even many of them are purely to see the fun, they have become corpses on the ground, which is quite pitiful to say.

But Zhao Dongyun has always believed that poor people must have something to hate. If you are deceived and do something wrong, you can't say it's not your fault. It's like others asking you to kill people, and you don't know how to kill, so you stupidly kill people. After being caught, you defend yourself that those who don't know are not guilty!

Nonsense, shooting you is not negotiable!

Zhao Dongyun just used powerful means to carry out armed expulsion. After killing and injuring dozens of people, the remaining mob all fled in a swarm. In the face of those fleeing mob, Zhao Dongyun was also too lazy to look for it overnight to deal with this kind of mass mob chaos. The first is to kill the first criminal, and the second is to be fierce. If you kill more accomplices, the rest of the people will naturally go home and be good people. There is no need to kill them all as rebels and so on.

If you really want to kill all, you have to kill at least 50,000 people in Shunde Mansion, and you have to really bleed like a river!

Although Zhao Dongyun is self-respecting for being cruel, he has not slaughtered civilians in the whole village and county.

After hundreds of mob besieging Pingxiang Church were killed and injured dozens of people, all the rest ran away. Zhao Dongyun did not intend to pursue and suppress it overnight, so he hurriedly cleaned the small battlefield of Pingxiang Church and was ready to withdraw.

Due to his own injury, only two soldiers were slightly injured. For those mobs, the seriously injured who could not be saved made up for a bayonet and tied them up and took them away. As for those bodies, they could only wait for the follow-up local officials to deal with. Anyway, Zhao Dongyun was not in the mood to let his soldiers mine other people's bodies. Body.

So after leaving a body with more than 20 wounded prisoners, Zhao Dongyun led his troops to leave Pingxiang Church. At this time, it was actually nearly 9 p.m., and he did not plan to rush overnight, so he stayed in nearby Pingxiang for one night and returned to the county tomorrow.

Pingxiang is also a small village, with only a hundred families. There are also many people in the village who participated in the Boxers, the United Village Association and so on. Many people directly participated in the siege of the church. Therefore, when Zhao Dongyun led the army into Pingxiang, nearly half of the young people in the village were less, and most of them were afraid of being caught and fled. A few were killed or simply caught.

In order to prevent accidents, he did not let all the troops enter the village, but stationed in the open space on the edge of the village. He did not live in the best local house as usual, but only found a farmyard outside the village to live in.

"Don't worry, my father-in-law, I'll just stay overnight and leave early tomorrow morning!" Looking at the white-haired old man who was trembling, Zhao Dongyun couldn't bear to scare him. He immediately said a few good words and also gave a color to the guards around him: "Give my father-in-law money!"

After receiving the ten eagles handed over by the guard, the father-in-law seemed to be a little afraid to be a direct subordinate, but he also dared not refuse to stand there with a silver dollar in a daze. Zhao Dongyun looked at his heart and felt depressed. Can't he let me be a good person?

Immediately frowned: "Get out of here with the silver!"

The father-in-law ran out of the yard like an amnesty!

"Can't you be kind to them?" The little nun beside her said, "They are also God's people!"

Zhao Dong smiled and said, "Do you think I was bad to them just now?"

The nun nodded and still looked at him with pure eyes.

Zhao Dongyun doesn't want to explain too much to her: "That's because you don't know what's bad yet!"

Zhao Dongyun asked himself that he was a good man who did not slaughter this village where half of the men were mobs, so after a pause, he said, "At least one-third of the mobs who besieged your church just now are the villagers of this village!"

Zhao Dongyun felt it was necessary to remind her: "Father Henry and several other monks and nuns in your church died at their hands!"

After hearing this, the nun looked entangled, but after a long time, she looked up at Zhao Dongyun again as if she had made some determination: "Father Henry and they have been summoned by the Lord. Too many people have died tonight, so we should forgive those who are still alive!"

Zhao Dongyun was speechless after listening. What's the reason?

Is religion so powerful that it can abruptly brainwash people like this?

Looking at this nun in detail, Zhao Dongyun muttered in his heart, "It's beautiful, but her brain is a little abnormal!"

Of course, he didn't say this and immediately said, "You go wash first and then eat and go to bed!"

This was not only said to her, but also to him. He began to travel for several hours in the afternoon, and then dealt with blood corpses in the church for a long time. His body was not covered with dust, but stained with blood. He had to wash it!

Although the rented farmyard is simple, it is not small. There are several large rooms around. After entering the house, the soldiers have already prepared hot water. After being slightly clear and clean, they put on their casual clothes and ready to sleep after eating, but after looking at the candlelight in the nun's room outside, they changed it again. A military uniform.

At this time, the soldiers outside also came in and said, "Dinner is ready!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded: "Please come over for dinner!"

After saying that, Zhao Dongyun took advantage of this spare time to go out. A group of officers under him had also gathered for dinner outside. Zhao Dongyun nodded secretly after scanning his eyes. These officers still abided by the rules and did not drink!

Seeing Zhao Dongyun come out, Wu Changlan and others got up quickly, but Zhao Dongyun stretched out his hand first and said, "You're welcome to sit down. You have worked hard today. Today, it's not convenient for us to drink outside, so I also toast you with tea instead of wine!"

Wu Changlan said, "You're welcome, this is all our internal affairs!"

Zhao Dongyun did not be too polite to them and immediately said, "But after resting at night, we should also arrange the night vigilance, so as not to let the molls take advantage of the chaos!"

Wu Changlan said, "The Ministry of Vocational knows!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded again and retreated. Naturally, as a main official, it was not easy for him to stay for too long. Otherwise, those officers would be free to eat and drink.

As a new-style officer, many of the officers in the army are from Tianjin Wubei School, and a few of them return to China. Whether it is Tianjin Wubei School or the period of studying abroad, most of their teachers are foreigners. In addition, when Yuan Shikai held the new army, he extremely emphasized all imitations of Western law, so these officers not only wore Western-style officers, but also some other habits had the shadow of Western-style officers.

However, many deep-rooted things cannot be changed, such as respect and inferiority between superiors and officials.

Whenever Zhao Dongyun eats with his subordinates, he always needs to take care of too much, which makes Zhao Dongyun, who has the souls of later generations, very unaccustomed to it. Later, he simply stopped eating with his subordinates.

In this way, he can eat comfortably, and his subordinates can no longer be restrained!

returned to her room and saw that the nun was already sitting there. At present, she had just taken a shower and her hair was still wet. She was wearing a nun's robe. Of course, it was not the one that had just been broken, but another one.

Zhao Dongyun did not know that nuns' dogma allowed nuns and men to eat alone. In fact, he didn't care. He just felt that as a man, he had the obligation to invite single women of his colleagues to dinner together. Of course, there was more selfish desire here.

It's just that he was a little surprised that the nun came here without any refusal!

Naturally, he did not know that he had not concealed his lust for this nun from his subordinates. As a superior, there are naturally too many people under his hands who feel worried about him.

So when preparing dinner, in addition to preparing a table for the officers outside, the people below only prepared another table for Zhao Dongyun, but they did not prepare it alone for the nuns. In this way, if the nuns don't want to be hungry, they can either go outside to eat with Zhao Dongyun's subordinates or eat with Zhao Dongyun. Rice.

Compared with eating with five or six men, it is more decent to eat alone with Zhao Dongyun.

Zhao Dongyun didn't know this. He sat opposite the nun and said, "I don't know what your name is yet!"

The nun opposite seemed to be a little uncomfortable with Zhao Dongyun. She frowned and said, "My name is Fang Ruolian"

Zhao Dongyun listened and said, "That's a good name!" Then he took a big bite of the dish and said, "My name is Zhao Dongyun!"

"I know!" Fang Ruolian is not used to Zhao Dongyun's casual conversation style. According to ordinary concepts, believers must be respectful when they see priests, nuns and so on. Even non-religious ordinary people will not talk nonsense and maintain a certain respect.

But Zhao Dongyun in front of him seems to regard her as an ordinary beautiful woman!

Not to mention, it's really like this. Zhao Dongyun, like most of the people who grew up under the red flag in later generations, is a complete atheist. He really can't have any respect for priests, nuns and so on.

On the contrary, he was more curious about why such a beautiful woman went to be a nun, and also curious about how eye-catching the nun in front of him would be if she took off her robe.