Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 36 Fuyuan Yarn Factory

Fuyuan yarn factory, this is a spinning factory opened by Zhao Dongyun after integrating other industries in his family last year. The original idea was just to let the family enter the industry, so as not to rely on the land and traditional shops of the old family to live. At best, it is a landlord's old wealth, which can no longer keep up with the times. It has been completed, and the assets have also been expanded on a large scale.

Therefore, Zhao Dongyun gritted his teeth and sold many industries in his hometown. In addition, he also moved out a lot of silver buried in his old house and collected 100,000 taels of silver to buy a yarn factory in Tianjin and purchase equipment for expansion.

The yarn factory was originally opened by British foreigners, but because the foreigner wanted to return to the UK to enjoy happiness, he sold it at a discount to Zhao Dongyun, and then changed its name to Fuyuan Yarn Factory.

Because it is an acquisition, the original workers, equipment, and even trading channels are still there. Zhao Dongyun just changed his family as the general office and didn't care much.

The name of the general office of Fuyuan Yarn Factory after the acquisition is Zhao Chenbin. Judging from his surname, you can know that he is a member of the Zhao family. He is a distant uncle of Zhao Dongyun. He used to be the big shopkeeper of the second room of the Zhao family and managed many shops in the second room. Now that those shops are gone, he was also taken by Zhao Dongyun to be a Fuyuan yarn factory. General Office.

Although he is older and belongs to the old school, he doesn't know much about spinning machines, but it doesn't matter. In the past, he actually managed money and people, and the actual affairs of the factory are still managed by the original managers.

Because the yarn factory was started by foreigners from the beginning, a group of senior management is actually also held by foreigners. Naturally, the management system is also Western-style, and there are not many drawbacks of the Chinese factory in this era. For this reason, Zhao Dongyun did not have administrative and business management after accepting this yarn factory. The reason for the replacement is that there is no need and Zhao Dongyun can't find a better person to replace them.

Besides, if there was no original group of middle and senior managers in Fuyuan Yarn Factory, Zhao Dongyun would not have spent a lot of money to acquire it!

Since the acquisition of the factory last year, Zhao Dongyun has invested a lot of money, so he has added some equipment and expanded the scale. This year's performance has been very impressive. Several foreign managers and engineers of Fuyuan Yarn Factory said that now that the situation is very good, and the investment scale should be increased. It won't be long before Fuyuan Yarn Factory can It has become the first yarn factory in Zhili.

The words of Zhili First Yarn Factory are naturally false. Nowadays, no matter how poor China's modern industry is, there are several large factories in the textile industry, hundreds of thousands of assets and even hundreds of watts of silk and yarn factories. Naturally, it is not his Fuyuan yarn factory with only 100,000 assets to win the first place.

But it is feasible to increase investment and expand the scale.

In terms of the market, although most parts of China are in the stage of self-cultivation and weaving, there are still urban residents who do not. They all have to wear clothes, so the textile market in modern China is not small, but these huge markets are mostly occupied by foreign capital.

In the past, although domestic capital has developed slightly, it is still not mainstream, and most of it is concentrated on enterprises such as government-run and government-run enterprises. There are relatively few real private-funded factories, and most of these private capital are small workshops, with very few assets of more than 10,000 taels.

However, after the year of Gengzi, especially after Yuan Shikai came to power last year, not to mention the whole of China, but at least in North China led by Zhili, it has set off a wave of new policy reform.

Maybe in the eyes of future generations, Yuan Shikai is a thief, a traitor and a traitor, etc. However, in China after the year of Gengzi, Yuan Shikai is a pioneer of reform that has been highly expected by many people. This reform is not limited to the military, but also has education reform, industrial and commercial reform, official system reform, legal reform, etc.

For example, the development of modern education in China has been established under the auspices of Yuan Shikai and a number of modern universities such as Shandong University Hall. At the same time, middle schools and primary schools have been built in various places, forming a modern education system that is enough to replace the imperial examination system, and finally sent the imperial examination into the garbage heap of history.

Naturally, this industry and commerce is also one of Yuan Shikai's many new reform policies. Although no company law has been established or the Ministry of Industry and Commerce has been established at this time, it is not far away under the promotion of Yuan Shikai, Zhang Zhidong and others. In history, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce will be established next year, and the company law will be promulgated to promote the development of industry and commerce. Policy.

Before this, due to the vigorous promotion of Yuan Shikai and the determination of the imperial court to carry out industrial and commercial reform after the year of Gengzi, which made many people who saw the political trend invest heavily in industry and try to take the lead in the new policy trend, which led to the rapid growth of private capital invested in industry.

Zhao Dongyun's Fuyuan yarn factory wants to expand, which is also the product of this big back scene!

"Last year, after we received the yarn factory, we spent about 40,000 taels of cash in cash to buy machine guns to expand production. After the expansion, the output and sales volume of our yarn factory increased significantly. This spring alone reached the sales volume before the increase in production. In this way, the sales volume of the yarn factory increased twice as much as before, and the new machine was added as a new system. , it requires less labor and more production, so the net profit is more than twice as much as before. Zhao Chenbin is an old man in his fifties. Although he used to be a big shopkeeper, he also dealt with foreigners. Therefore, he is an old-fashioned man and wears a horse coat and drags his braids, but his knowledge is not narrow.

"Before coming, I also discussed it with Will, the technician in the factory. He said that if we can invest another 40,000 taels of silver to buy the machine, the output will have to be doubled, and the manager Daugall also said that if we can invest another 40,000, plus the profits of the yarn factory itself to expand production, then our Fuyuan yarn factory may not be able to become the first yarn factory in Zhili. !"

After listening to Zhao Chenbin's words, Zhao Dongyun was not very surprised, because since the beginning of the year, due to the large increase in production and sales of Fuyuan yarn factory, Dagger, the manager of Fuyuan yarn factory, wrote to him, hoping that Zhao Dongyun could continue to invest and expand the scale, saying that the market prospect is very good now, and he will wait for the investment to expand. , just say directly, 'People are stupid and have a lot of money, come quickly'.

But it's one thing to have prospects. It's another thing to take out money to increase capital. Zhao Dongyun is not a big chaebol. He has hundreds of thousands of taels of silver on hand at any time. In fact, he spent nearly 100,000 taels last year to acquire Fuyuan yarn factory and buy equipment, and this money is much of the property of his second house. The industry sold one by one, and got out all the money in the inventory, and then it was ready.

That is to say, he took out all the money that the second house of the Zhao family can take out. Although the Zhao family still has a lot of family assets, those are immovable real estate, such as farms, houses and so on. He can't fill all the family's assets in order to open a factory. It's not.

After thinking about it, he said, "I have also thought about the increase of capital and production. This matter is very good, but it is not easy for the family to continue to bring silver directly. In that case, I'm afraid the old mother will be worried!"

Like most conversations, after saying the premise, there will usually be a but, so Zhao Dongyun next said, "However, Fuyuan yarn factory can't sit back and see the good opportunity to expand. I have thought about it for some time and feel that it can be solved from two aspects. First, you can borrow money to expand production, and second, let's see if you can talk to other houses. Say, let them also invest in it.

After listening to his words, Zhao Chenbin looked embarrassed: "We have tried to borrow money. It's not that no one borrows it, but the conditions are too high. I talked to several foreign banks in Tianjin and said that it's okay to borrow money, but most of them require participation in shares, and the interest of not participating in shares is also quite high, which is not as straight. Pick up those bank demolitions!"

"As for finding other houses to buy shares, not to mention whether they have the courage to enter the industry, but this Fuyuan yarn factory is ultimately the industry of our second house, how can it be cheaper than the other houses!"

Zhao Dongyun smiled and said, "They are all the Zhao family. Why do you need to distinguish so clearly? Besides, it's just let them buy shares. Even if they have the courage to take out tens of thousands of taels, they can't take up many shares. They just give them a financial source to support their family."

The reason why Zhao Dongyun wants to let several other houses of the Zhao family join in is not that they are really missing tens of thousands of taels of silver. He has a bigger plan. First of all, the role of the clan in this era is still very huge. He is fooling around in the Beiyang system, and may rebel one day. At that time, the more people will help him, the better. At that time, who else will support him more than the children of the Zhao family?

In addition to wanting more children of the Zhao family to join him, he also wants to gather the financial resources of the whole Zhao family and start a larger enterprise in the future. For example, the arsenal he had been thinking about some time ago is a good thing to pay attention to.

It's just that Zhao Dongyun didn't have enough money, so he naturally put his mind on those relatives. Although they are all local rich people, they have a lot of shops and farms. After hundreds of years of accumulation, they have buried a lot of silver ingots in their own homes. If they It is estimated that it will not be a problem to gather hundreds of thousands of taels of financial resources.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, China did not have no money, but the money was concentrated in the people. To be precise, it is on the gentry landlord group. Think about how much money flowed into China from foreign countries in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but the government is still poor and complains, and there is no such a circulation of money in the market, so where has this money gone? Most of them were buried in the underground of their own houses by those landlords.

And the silver, buried in the ground, will not give you a 'small silver ingot'. Only by digging it out and investing can you make money.

Zhao Dongyun wants to integrate the financial resources of the whole Zhao family, but although several heads of the Zhao family are staring at the name of the Zhao family, in fact, they have been separated for decades, and it is not easy to integrate.

"Distress said last year that he also wanted to run a yarn factory, and he also sent several people to Fuyuan to study. I don't know what's going on now?" Zhao Dongyun continued: "Since the third uncle has done this, he naturally wants to run an industry. If he starts with tens of thousands of yuan from scratch, it's better to directly buy shares in Fuyuan Yarn Factory to make a bigger and stronger job!"

Zhao Dongyun did not stop talking, but continued: "It's just that other rooms will not take out too much cash to buy shares for a while. I'm afraid they will have to find another way to find the money needed to expand production!"