Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 45 Accompanying School

As early as last year, Duan Qirui had already reminded Zhao Dongyun that he hoped that Zhao Dongyun could get married as soon as possible to avoid others accusing him of being too young, immature and stable.

At that time, Zhao Dongyun also carefully considered this issue and knew that his marriage could not be delayed for too long. After all, he was not an ordinary person but a Beiyang soldier. More importantly, he was in a high position at a young age. Qing court officials with the same status as him were generally over 40, even if they were very young. Most of the Beiyang system are also more than 30 or 40, and there are very few real-powerful officers like him who have become alternate magistrate and Zheng Sanpin in their twenties.

His age is an important obstacle to his further promotion. If he is not married, he is a thorough young man in the eyes of the imperial princes. Even if Zhao Dongyun has the talent to train the army, he still has many scruples about using it, not to mention the rapid promotion of Zhao Dongyun. He ascended to the sky step by step.

Therefore, from a political point of view, his marriage has also become an important obstacle to his further rise.

Last year, although Zhao Dongyun also considered this problem, he thought that the time should not be so tight. In addition, Zhao Dongyun has been in a busy state since last year. From last year's Xin Chou Winter Exercise to the Guangzong Civil War at the turn of this spring and summer to the current expansion of machine gun camps and the establishment of arsenals, these things One after another, Zhao Dongyun unconsciously forgot his marriage.

On the other hand, this is also a great interference effect on his concept of later generations. According to his later ideas, this came back from Guangzong and hooked up with Fang Ruolian. Although this girl is still a nun, she has a good appetite for him, so she will live together. If according to the process of later generations, this cohabitation After that, they either separated if they felt it was not suitable, or they lived for a long time to get a marriage certificate.

It's just that in this era, this idea doesn't seem to be very good. At least Housekeeper Xu is very dissatisfied with this, so he made a special report to Zhao's mother. Zhao's mother had more opinions. For this reason, she not only scolded Zhao Dongyun fiercely, but also asked Zhao Chenliang to help Zhao Dongyun find a suitable marriage partner.

"The Lin family comes from a scholarly family, and has been an official for four or five generations in a row, and it is said that she is also beautiful, and the female red is also one by one!" Zhao Chenliang played the role of matchmaker at this time and introduced the marriage partners he found one after another in front of Zhao Dongyun.

"If this doesn't feel good, there is also the direct daughter of the second wife of the Chen family, who is also from Xuzhou. Although there is no official in their second room, the woman's uncle is a Beijing official and a noble Hanlin."

Seeing that Zhao Chenliang wanted to continue talking, Zhao Dongyun quickly interrupted him: "Uncle, you don't have to be busy. I have my own opinion on marriage!"

Zhao Chenliang said, "You don't advocate, otherwise my second sister-in-law won't let me do this. The second brother went early, so I naturally have to look at your marriage!"

Zhao Dongyun shook his head. He wanted to say: You don't understand my world!

But considering that the other party was his elder, he still couldn't help saying anything, and just said, "Uncle, don't worry, I will give my mother an explanation!"

Zhao Chenliang is just an ordinary squire. Although he has some insight, he will not know what the focus of Zhao Dongyun's marriage is, that is, politics.

If Zhao Dongyun wants to have a political marriage, there are not many people to choose from, and he must be in the Beiyang system, because outside the Beiyang system, even if he married the senior officials of the current dynasty, the help he brings to him is extremely limited.

Because the Beiyang circle is very small and very closed, Zhao Dongyun can only rely on Yuan Shikai to develop in the Beiyang system. People outside the system can't help Zhao Dongyun's future.

In addition, Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui and others, although Zhao Dongyun's future has a certain influence, it does not have any decisive impact. It is okay or not. As for the rest of the Beiyang system, it is not worth Zhao Dongyun's lifelong marriage to rely on.

In fact, Zhao Dongyun can also brazenly marry Yuan Shikai's daughter, but Zhao Dongyun has seen several daughters of Yuan Shikai. To be honest, his appearance is really not in line with Zhao Dongyun's aesthetics. If marrying Yuan Shikai's daughter can make himself step down, then Zhao Dongyun will admit it, but he married Yuan Shikai's daughter. Children don't have much effect. In history, I have never heard of the great achievements of the man who married Yuan Shikai's daughter.

It can be seen that the son-in-law is worthless in Yuan Shikai's heart. If Yuan Shikai's daughters had been before his son-in-law, he would have been robbed by a group of Beiyang officials.

In this case, there is no need for Zhao Dongyun to shamelessly beg Yuan Shikai's daughter.

If you think about it like this, you will find that the marriage has become an obstacle to Zhao Dongyun's career, but the marriage is unlikely to bring him too much help, and a little help is not worth exchanging Zhao Dongyun's lifelong marriage, and the marriage will inevitably bear some responsibilities of his family. For example, if he marries Feng Guozhang's niece or something, he will face the oppression of Wang Yingkai, Wang Shizhen and others for many years to go.

That's not worth the loss!

After thinking about this, Zhao Dongyun looked at Fang Ruolian who walked down slowly upstairs, and then an idea flashed in his mind. Why did he never think about her?

Think carefully, Fang Ruolian, a woman, has a lot of appetite for herself. If you marry her, at least you don't have to worry about someone you don't like all day long.

As for political considerations, although it is impossible to bring any help to yourself, it will not bring any harm to yourself!

Moreover, Zhao Dongyun thinks that according to his ability and age, he can climb to the top of Beiyang without marrying a woman as a white face, and it is estimated that it will take a few years.

To put it bluntly, the focus of Zhao Dongyun's marriage is not on who he marries, but whether he marries or not!

Zhao Dongyun, who figured this out, slowly walked up and looked at Fang Ruolian, who slowly walked down the stairs. He took a deep breath and picked the flowers at the corner of the stairs. When she was almost at the end of the stairs, he stepped forward and took her hand: "If I told you to marry me, would you object?"

Fang Ruolian was stunned at first, and then laughed softly: "You look so funny now!"

Zhao Dongyun's face is full of embarrassment!

Looking at Zhao Dongyun's expression, Fang Ruolian was puzzled for a while and then said, "Are you serious?"

"Is there any fake!" Zhao Dongyun answered.

"Anyway, it doesn't seem to be true!" Fang Ruolian thought for a moment and said, "Marry, I have no problem with it! But don't say that. Let me tell you, there is a big mouse upstairs. Go and see and kill it..."

There was no romantic proposal ceremony or vows. Even after waking up the next day, Zhao Dongyun didn't feel any difference. It was not until after breakfast that he remembered that he had proposed to Fang Ruolian yesterday, as if she had agreed, but he was not sure!

Immediately put down the coffee cup and asked Fang Ruolian opposite: "You agreed to my proposal last night!"

Fang Ruolian was still eating. She finally swallowed the toast in her mouth and said, "If you remember correctly, you should have agreed!"

Zhao Dongyun felt speechless in the face of Fang Ruolian's answer. This woman didn't care more than herself...

After Zhao Dongyun went out, Fang Ruolian didn't know what she remembered, and then her little face began to look sad and muttered: You can't be a nun when you get married.

The news that Zhao Dongyun was going to get married soon came out. Zhao Chenliang sent the news of Zhao Dongyun and Fang Ruolian's marriage back to his hometown in Xuzhou almost the same day.

Although Zhao's mother in Xuzhou's hometown had a lot of opinions about Ruolian, she still respected her son's choice and said that she would choose a day to go north to preside over his wedding.

In fact, according to reason, he should have returned to Xuzhou to get married, but now there are many things to do with the Fuyuan Machine Factory and the new machine gun camp, and it is really not cost-effective for him to ask for a month to go back and from Xuzhou to get married.

The marriage is only a small episode for Zhao Dongyun. His current focus is still on the Fuyuan Machine Factory and the new machine gun camp.

In the new machine gun camp outside Dongguan, Zhao Dongyun is teaching a group of officers to explain machine gun tactics!

"When selecting and building machine gun positions, in addition to requiring a wide shooting range and protection, you should also pay close attention to the supply of cooling water. If there is no water nearby, you must ensure that you carry enough cooling water with the army." The topic Zhao Dongyun explained today is still the machine gun.

The machine gun is not big, but there are many requirements in practical combat. For example, when shooting at the enemy, the commander needs to judge the distance of the target, and decide whether to use a long or short point shooting.

At the same time, it also needs to pay attention to the supply of cooling water. Although theoretically, the water-cooled heavy machine gun has a better continuous combat capability than the air-cooled heavy machine gun, this continuous combat capability is based on the premise of a stable cooling water supply. Without cooling water, the heavy machine gun cannot fight continuously.

Therefore, when establishing a machine gun position, it is very important to have a water source nearby. If it is an area without water, you have to carry enough cooling water with the army, otherwise it will be a tragedy if there is not enough cooling water supply in the war.

Although Zhao Dongyun himself is only a pseudo-military fan, it is a very forward-looking military theory in this era that is only common sense in later generations.

And these nondescript and extremely imperfect military theories have caused a certain repercussions.

If you want to teach your subordinates, you can't rely on a few occasional oral instructions alone. In order to quickly improve the tactical literacy of his officers, he built a battalion school to carry out machine gun tactical theory and other military theories such as infantry and artillery.

It's just that he didn't expect that this temporary and emergency school would attract the attention of others.


In addition, add chapters and continue three chapters tomorrow!