Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 48 Third Co-Crend

The main reason why he was appointed by Yuan Shikai as the assistant of the coaching department of the military and political department, supervising machine gun affairs, and the commander of the new machine gun battalion was that Yuan Shikai was determined to train the machine gun force on a large scale. Now the machine gun force is barely small, so Zhao Dongyun's mission is almost completed.

At this time, the next arrangement for Zhao Dongyun has become a problem for Yuan Shikai to consider!

According to the normal promotion path, the next step is to transfer Zhao Dongyun to the training office. As long as Zhao Dongyun holds an important position in the training office for a year or two, Zhao Dongyun will also obtain extremely important qualifications. At that time, it will be no problem to directly ascend to the sky to serve as a town control.

It's just that this speed of promotion is fast, but Yuan Shikai feels that Zhao Dongyun's strength lies not in the guidance of the staff, but in training of soldiers. If Zhao Dongyun is let him stay in the training office for a year or two, it is equivalent to losing a training general. You should know that the current Beiyang army is expanding its army to the middle and high-level generals. In particular, the demand for generals who are good at training is very high.

So it was not easy for him to make a decision for a while, so he asked Zhao Dongyun to come and listen to Zhao Dongyun's own thoughts!

"Training Office?" Zhao Dongyun was silent and went to the training office for a few years. It should not be a big problem for him to control a town, but now the pace of Beiyang's army expansion is so fast that he has not served in the army for two years, but in the training office, he may break away from many middle and lower-level officers in the army, which has always wanted to control. It's not a good thing for a unit to gather people's hearts and train the team.

If you don't go to the training office, is Yuan Shikai going to transfer himself there? Wuwei Right Army or the vanguard of the Wuwei Right Army? Or the left town of the standing army?

The first two troops are okay. Although their combat effectiveness is not strong, they are also regarded as Beiyang's direct troops, but it will be bad if they are transferred to Zuozhen of the Standing Army. Why? Because Zuo Town of the Standing Army is the base camp of Wang Yingkai's faction, as a hospital of Duan Qirui's faction, he will definitely be rejected when he goes there.

It's about his future. Zhao Dongyun is also not easy to make a reckless decision. He immediately asked cautiously, "I don't know if the adults want me to go there to train soldiers?"

Zhao Dongyun's mind is that if he doesn't go to the left town of the Standing Army, he will go to serve in the army. If Yuan Shikai intends to let himself go to Zuozhen of the Standing Army, then he has to choose to stay in the Military and Political Department, and then work in the training office in a few months. In short, he will not get involved with Wang Yingkai.

Yuan Shikai didn't hide much when he said this: "If you still want to continue training, I plan to let you go to the right town of the standing army!"

It is not the left town of the standing army, nor the right army of the Wuwei army or the vanguard of the right Wuwei army, let alone the self-improvement army or the governor's standard, but the right town of the standing army! This was greatly beyond Zhao Dongyun's expectation.

"I heard that there is no official army in Youzhen, right?" Zhao Dongyun asked.

Yuan Shikai smiled and said, "If they all become an army, what else should I ask you to do? It's for you to train soldiers!"

Zhao Dongyun immediately said, "Your Excellency, please tell me that the ministry will definitely develop a strong army for you!"

Yuan Shikai said, "That's good. You go back and arrange the machine gun team of the new machine gun camp first. I will give you a formal appointment in a few days."

Coming out of Yuan Shikai's governor's mansion, Zhao Dongyun was still a little worried about gains and losses, and he himself was not sure whether his choice was right or wrong. If you just want to climb up, then continue to stay in the Military and Political Department, and then go to serve in the training office for two years. After coming out, it is not a matter that he will serve as a town control. Now he has chosen to go to the right town of the Standing Army. Although Yuan Shikai will give himself any position, it is nothing more than one of the two.

Because according to his grade and qualifications, it is impossible to serve as a leader like those grassroots officers. If he goes down to serve in the army, he will have at least one standard command. If he is lucky, it is also possible to be an auxiliary leader, and it is unlikely to be the commander or control of a higher town.

Whether he is going to be the leader or the leader, he has to start from scratch, because now the right town of the standing army is an empty shelf, and there is no infantry!

In addition, Zhao Dongyun did not know that his appearance had changed the history of the Beiyang New Army!

First of all, the machine gun force. Historically, the Beiyang New Army did not begin to equip machine guns on a large scale until after the Russo-Japanese War. Now, due to the emergence of Zhao Dongyun, it began to equip machine guns in the winter of 1901, and began to equip large-scale equipment after the summer of 1902. Now it has been organized into three battalions.

In addition, the expansion of the standing army is also much faster. In fact, Zuozhen, the standing army in history, did not fully become an army until the beginning of 1903. However, Zuozhen, the current standing army, has become an army, but there is still a cavalry standard, and the rest of the artillerymen are fully equipped, which is more than in history. A few months ago.

And the standing army right town began to train at the end of 1903 because of the tense situation in the northeast. However, now, Yuan Shikai is ready to start training the standing army right town.

It's just that Zhao Dongyun doesn't know these historical details. The only thing he can be sure of is that he has let Beiyang equipped with machine guns on a large scale in advance. As for other details, he really can't figure out. He even thinks that the expansion of the historical Beiyang New Army should be like this.

After coming out of the governor's mansion, Zhao Dongyun, who was worried about gains and losses, felt that it was still necessary to meet Duan Qirui. Although Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun had never said anything about success, it was not unreasonable for outsiders to regard them as a faction. Now Zhao Dongyun is facing a major choice in his military career. Naturally, he wants to ask Duan Qirui's opinion.

However, after seeing Duan Qirui, Duan Qirui said, "Originally, Lord Xian was going to let you continue to stay in the Military and Political Department and then work in the training office, but I don't think that's good for your development, so I proposed you to preside over the editing of Youzhen!"

"The right town is now blank, and it's time for us to lay the foundation!" Duan Qirui's words are equivalent to directly saying that Zhao Dongyun should go to the right town and establish a foundation belonging to their faction.

Zhao Dongyun didn't know what Duan Qirui meant at this time. He wanted to be a forward general for him like the Guangzong People's Rebellion, but the last Guangzong People's Rebellion was to suppress the rebellion, and this time he wanted to go to the Right Town of the Standing Army to establish a direct force belonging to Duan Qirui's faction.

He also has a little understanding of Duan Qirui's thoughts. Since this year, Duan Qirui's influence in the Beiyang system has begun to decline. Wang Yingkai and others have competed, and then Wang Shizhen and Feng Guozhang and others have caught up, which makes Duan Qirui's life very uncomfortable.

Now I see that the standing army Zuo Zhen has become an army, and the large and small officers inside are either Wang Yingkai's direct line or Feng Guozhang's people, which makes Duan Qirui feel embarrassed!

At the same time, he was limited to the General Office of the Military Affairs Department as the General Staff Office. This position sounds good, but after a long time, the influence of Duan Qirui, who could not control the direct troops, may decline further, and it is impossible for him to serve in the army himself, so he can only choose others in his faction.

Among the many officers of Duan Qirui's faction, Zhao Dongyun is an extremely suitable candidate. First of all, his popularity has been relatively large in recent years and he is deeply appreciated by Yuan Shikai. At the same time, because Zhao Dongyun's machine gun force has almost been trained, he was also reassigned and appointed at this time.

In addition, Zhao Dongyun's grade qualification is also more suitable. If it is high, it is estimated that he can go directly to the right town to be the wing leader, and that is not Duan Qirui's subordinate, but on an equal footing with Duan Qirui. If it is low, it is not very useful for a tube belt or a unified belt. According to Duan Qirui's vision, let Zhao Dongyun be the right. The leader of the town.

After he has trained the infantry of the First Association, his position in the training office will be almost complete, and then he will be able to jump directly to the right town as the wing leader.

To put it bluntly, he is going to let Zhao Dongyun go to the front station!

Zhao Dongyun can also guess one or two about Duan Qirui's many ideas, and he can guess them.

With the promotion of Duan Qirui, and Yuan Shikai himself also wanted to train the right town of the Standing Army as soon as possible, the preparation of the right town of the Standing Army was carried out very quickly, and it was soon announced that several old military layoffs of the Huai Army would be converted into the Third Association. And Zhao Dongyun was appointed as the commander of the Third Association. At the same time, he was also removed from his positions as the assistant of the Military and Political Department, the supervision of machine gun affairs, and the new machine gun battalion.

At the same time, the number of the newly built machine gun battalion was also officially abolished, and the first battalion of the machine gun team of the original three battalions was transferred to the left town of the Standing Reserve Army. The second battalion was transferred to the Third Association of the Standing Army, which was temporarily under the control of Zhao Dongyun. The third battalion was divided into two teams to form a small battalion and went to Shandong to join the vanguard of the Wuwei Right Army. The remaining two teams will establish a new battalion with the newly recruited two teams, which is under the jurisdiction of the governor, that is, under the direct jurisdiction of Yuan Shikai.

With the dissolution of the new machine gun battalion, Zhao Dongyun's officers who had spent a lot of effort to train were also scattered everywhere, but several core officers were still left by him and brought to the Third Association, including Lin Yongquan, Pei Lianying and Zhao Dongping.

Although the Third Association is preparing to be integrated from several old armies, this reorganization is actually to abolish the original army to free up funds to train the new army, not to directly accept those old troops to enter the new army.

It's okay for cavalry troops like the Baoyang Horses, but the officers of the old army have been abolished, but most of the cavalry will be retained.

But it is different for those old-style step camps. Basically, they are only borrowed in the name of consolidation, but in fact, they will not retain a large number of these soldiers and officers who smoke and have no combat effectiveness. Only a very small number of soldiers will be left to join the new army. At the same time, the new army will recruit a large number of good family members as soldiers and use a large number of new officers to serve.

and other nominal reorganization, the large and small officers and soldiers of the old army will basically be kicked out, with less than one in ten retained.

When Zhao Dongyun began to reorganize the old army and train the Third Association of the New Army, the situation in Beiyang surged again because of him!

Yuan Shikai made up his mind to compile and train the right town of the Standing Army. Not to mention whether his funds are enough and his ordnance are not enough, this is the only heard. Especially after Yuan Shikai appointed Zhao Dongyun as the commander of the Third Association of the Beiyang Standing Army, everyone knows that Yuan Shikai is preparing to train the right town of the Beiyang Standing Army on a large scale.

At this time, people also pay great attention to the position of wing commander of the right town of the Beiyang Standing Army in the future. Although Yuan Shikai only asked Zhao Dongyun to compile a third association now, it can be expected that in the future, Mabiao, artillery, heavy, engineering battalions and other troops will also carry out training one after another, when these troops gather together. Then it was when the right town of the Beiyang Standing Army became an army.

And who will fall into the position of the right wing commander of the Beiyang Standing Army?


Today's update chapter is sent!! In addition, there are all kinds of cheeky begging, red tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, and what comes from!