Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 57 First Order

After watching the test firing of several weapons from his own Fuyuan Machine Factory, Zhao Dongyun quickly took several Type 88 rifles and * produced by Fuyuan Machine Factory in front of Yuan Shikai. As for the mortars, they are still conceptual products that only exist on paper, at least until they have samples. So that you can take it to Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai took the Type 88 rifle in his hand, looked up and down several times, and then looked at it with a Type 88 rifle imported from Germany. Half a day later, he said, "It doesn't seem to have changed much. If your Fuyuan machine factory can produce it in large quantities, then we don't have to go with Germans are wasting their words!"

Yuan Shikai was worried about the ordnance needed by the Beiyang New Army!

At the beginning, Yuan Shikai wanted to import a large amount of ordnance from Japan, and also signed two orders, respectively, ordering the required guns and guns for the Beijing Flag Standing Army and the Beiyang Standing Army Zuo Town.

However, after these two orders were placed, Japan soon accelerated the pace of army expansion and hoarding ammunition because of the tense situation in the northeast. As a result, Yuan Shikai could not continue to buy it, forcing Yuan Shikai to choose to import ordnance from Western countries.

First, a batch of Manlixia's bullets and more than a dozen artillery were imported from the British to supplement the Wuwei Right Army, but the price was so expensive that it almost made Yuan Shikai spit blood.

However, there is nothing you can do. Seeing that the establishment of the right town of the Beiyang Standing Army is about to be improved, and Zhao Dongyun's Third Association is already being trained. However, all the guns and cannons needed are not yet available, which forced Yuan Shikai to contact the Germans and want to import a batch of German guns and ammunition. .

There is nothing to say about artillery. Just find the Krump factory to import, but Yuan Shikai is much more cautious about the rifle.

At the beginning, the Germans thought that Yuan Shikai wanted the latest German style of Mauser 1898, so the Germans also lowered the price several times to try to get Yuan Shikai to buy the Mauser 1898 rifle, but they didn't know that Yuan Shikai didn't want this Mauser 1898 at all. Why? One word: expensive!

Even if the Germans continuously cut prices, this Mauser 1898 rifle is still too expensive for Yuan Shikai!

Well, it's not that I don't want this thing, but that I really can't afford to buy a 70 or 80 taels of silver, because the bullet used by Mauser 1898 is the S bullet in the Mauser 7.92 rifle bullet series, commonly known as the pointed bullet.

There is no factory or bureau in China that can produce this kind of bullet now. If you want to use 1898 rifles, you have to build a * bullet production line for him. You can't always rely on imports!

At this time, Zhao Dongyun won many people to set up a Fuyuan machine factory, and said that it could be trial production within half a year, and the design output of 50 pieces per day within two years, with a bullet production line and a smokeless gunpowder production line.

In this way, Fuyuan Machinery Factory has all rifles, bullets and *. If it can really achieve the design output, it can fully meet the needs of the Beiyang New Army for rifles.

And the rifle produced by Fuyuan Machinery Factory is also Type 88, so that it can produce the same rifle as Hubei Gun Factory and Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau in the south. At that time, the bullets will be the same, and the guns will be used.

This is very important for China's unified rifle model.

Yuan Shikai is not Zhao Dongyun. If Zhao Dongyun is standing at the height of the Beiyang system to consider the problem, he concludes that Beiyang needs an arsenal. However, Yuan Shikai needs to consider the problem from the perspective of the whole country, and he concluded that Beiyang needs an arsenal, but at the same time, the rifles and bullets produced by this arsenal can meet the needs of the national new army, which would be better.

This involves an issue that has been considered since 1902, that is, the unification of guns and the unification of caliber. Historically, because there was no arsenal manufacturing rifles in the Beiyang system, Yuan Shikai, who stood and spoke without pain, directly suggested the use of small-caliber Mauser as the standard rifle, and the caliber was also 6.8 mm. This caliber is not reasonable for the size of the Chinese people, but it is Unreasonable.

Because the only one that could be mass-produced by military factories across the country was the Type 88 rifle and the corresponding 7.92 mm bullet, but the superior made the factories stop the production of the Type 88 rifle, and then spent a lot of money to ask the Germans to design a new gun, and then specially introduce this 6.8 caliber Mauser 1898. Rifle production line, this kind of decision is completely a decision that there is no place to spend.

Today's China, or today's Beiyang New Army, needs a large number of cheap, unified rifles and corresponding production and supply lines, and this kind of rifle is fine as long as it is a new continuous rifle. From this perspective, whether it is the Japanese 30-year-old rifle or the German Type 88 rifle, it is actually not Importantly, which rifle has a large-scale production capacity in China.

Therefore, it is a false proposition to discuss which rifle is more suitable for Chinese people in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, because there is no choice at all. Only the Type 88 rifle\Hanyang has the ability to mass-produce. You can't come up with other rifles that can be mass-produced on a large scale except the Type 88 rifle.

If there is no Fuyuan Machine Factory, then Yuan Shikai's first choice is the Japanese rifle, and the second choice is the German second-hand Type 88. However, since there is Fuyuan Machine Factory, he is naturally ready to wait for the Type 88 rifle of Fuyuan Machine Factory.

"This is a trial version of the Type 88 Z rifle, which is definitely better than the old second-hand Type 88 in the hands of the Germans, and better than the Hubei Gun Factory and Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau. However, even so, the overall design is slightly backward, especially the design of the barrel holster is extremely redundant. Engineers of Fuyuan Machinery Factory have proposed a new design plan, which will remove the barrel holster and replace it with wood protection. In addition, the door and magazine will also refer to some of the design of today's new rifle for improvement. , it is expected to be able to produce new trial samples at the beginning of the year!"

Zhao Dongyun explained in detail to Yuan Shikai that this time he not only gave these Type 88 rifles and * to Yuan Shikai as a subordinate, but also to Yuan Shikai as an arms dealer. You should know that he is the big boss of Fuyuan Machinery Factory.

"Well, it would be better if there could be a better model, but there is no need to worry about the improvement. Now the focus of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is still on mass production and strive to form mass production as soon as possible!" Yuan Shikai looked at Zhao Dongyun when he said this: "Now you don't have a new gun in the Third Association, so you can only train with the old Mauser. If the Fuyuan Machine Factory can't mass produce quickly, I'm afraid you will import Type 88 rifles from the Germans!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "I'm afraid it will take more than a year for the machine factory to complete mass production, but after the beginning of the year, the machine factory should be able to give a small batch of trial production, and then it can gradually supply the guns needed by all departments!"

Yuan Shikai also knew that this matter was not urgent, and the whole right town of the Beiyang Standing Army was far from becoming an army. Even the current recruits of the Third Association had not been recruited. After recruiting all the new recruits and training with the old-fashioned single-haired Mauser for a few months, it is estimated that Fuyuan Machinery Factory could also carry out small-scale trial production at that time. Even if there are only 15 pieces a day during the trial production period, half a year is enough to produce the rifles used in addition to the Third Association.

When the Fuyuan Machinery Factory reaches the design output, it will not be a problem to supply the whole Beiyang new army.

After watching the rifle, Zhao Dongyun showed * to Yuan Shikai again. During this period, it was inevitable for soldiers to throw live ammunition. Yuan Shikai was very interested and even threw three * in person regardless of danger. Finally, he said, "This * is simple and convenient. If the price is really as cheap as you said, it can A large number of rations for sergeants!"

"This thing can be attacked and defended. It is a sharp weapon for the two armies to watch many wars between the Huai army and the great powers. Our army does not fall behind when shooting, but often collapses instantly when entering the stage of hand-to-hand combat. This shows that our army continues to improve the ability of hand-to-hand combat, and * can greatly blow the morale of enemy soldiers before the hand-to-hand battle. And the formation!" Zhao Dongyun even said, "If the enemy is attacked in a line, when the enemy is 20 meters away from our army, our army will collectively throw *. One person will throw one, and 100 people can drop hundreds of bombs. How can the enemy not defeat when a hundred bullets are sound!"

"Whether the energy is produced at Fuyuan Machine Factory or not, if possible, order 2,000 pieces to try it first!" Anyway, * is a bargain, and it won't cost much to order thousands of pieces. Yuan Shikai soon placed the first formal order for Fuyuan Machinery Factory.

With the first, there will be a second. Yuan Shikai continued: "It is estimated that a small number of your Type 88 rifles can be produced in the past two months. First, order 200 for trial use!"

Zhao Dongyun laughed and said, "No problem, I'll call Tianjin later!"

Let's not talk about whether this order is more or less, but at least it has been proved that there is no problem for the products of Fuyuan Machinery Factory to enter the Beiyang New Army.

After saying goodbye to Yuan Shikai, Zhao Dongyun did not go to the military camp outside Dongguan, but returned to the residence in the city. Since he presided over the training of the Third Association, because he stayed in the barracks outside Dongguan for a long time, he had less time to go home. Therefore, since he is in the city today, he will naturally not go out of the city to return to the barracks directly.

Seeing Zhao Dongyun coming back, Fang Ruolian didn't react much, but continued to read her book with a 'oh', as if Zhao Dongyun was not as important as the afternoon sunshine, and she didn't even get up.

At this time, her whole body was trapped in the sofa in the living room, covered with a blanket. The sun shone through the glass window that opened the curtains and sprinkled a large area in the living room. The sun shone on her face, showing a faint goose yellow light.

Zhao Dongyun handed his coat to the maid and then walked over: "What are you looking at? So fascinated!"

Fang Ruolian stood up the book in her hand so that Zhao Dongyun could see the cover, and then said, "Bible!"

Zhao Dongyun looked at it and laughed, "You don't still want to be a nun, do you?"

Fang Ruolian asked, "Why not?"

Zhao Dongyun was stunned, and then thought for a long time, but he couldn't find any rebuttal!

Fang Ruolian sat up and tightened the blanket as if afraid of the cold: "Sit down and let me lean on!"

Zhao Dongyun was speechless. He could only sit over and give her thighs as a pillow, and then listened to her say, "You're right. It's really comfortable!"


In the new month, I've been pulling monthly tickets. I won't be cute or pretend to be pitiful on rainy days. I can only use additional monthly tickets!

It will break out tomorrow until it vomits blood!

I'm going to vomit blood on a rainy day. Where is your enthusiasm and where is your firepower?