Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 63 Wall Grass

At the reception banquet, Zhao Dongyun can be said to have given Meng Enyuan a lot of face. Meng Enyuan is not a pedantic person. Although he doesn't want to stir up the faction dispute in Beiyang, he will not offend Zhao Dongyun for no reason. Therefore, since Zhao Dongyun gives him face, he will not look impersonate. And far away.

As a result, the two began to talk and laugh at the reception banquet.

However, this situation has a different feeling in the eyes of others. Maybe Meng Enyuan just socialized with Zhao Dongyun with an unsinnerable mentality, but what Meng Enyuan did not expect was that his behavior and Zhao Dongyun's almost openly solicitation were enough to make many people misunderstand.

"I don't think Meng Enyuan is a good guy. As soon as he came here, he hooked up with Zhao Dongyun. Once these two people work together, it will be difficult for us to get involved in the right side of the horse team!" Shi Conbin looked indignant and despised Meng Enyuan in his words: "He is almost 50 years old. He is humble to Zhao Dongyun, who is only in his 20s, and is not afraid that his son will laugh at him!"

Shi Congbin made friends with Feng Guozhang in the early years. At the end of last year, he was able to win the position of the fifth standard second battalion management belt in the third association of competitive incentives. Feng Guozhang made a lot of strength from it. Just like the relationship between Zhao Dongyun and Duan Qirui, although they never talk about primary or affiliation, outsiders regard Zhao Dongyun as Duan Qirui's direct general, and Shi Congbin is naturally regarded as Feng Guozhang's subordinate by outsiders.

After coming to this Third Association, Shi Congbin also felt the same strong pressure from Zhao Dongyun, like Yang Baoshan, the third battalion of the fifth standard and Sun Hanchen, the third battalion of the sixth standard. He found that the gang and four team officers under him were actually planted by the same Zhao Dongyun, if he hadn't been strong enough. After abruptly squeezing out two of the team officers and supporting two of his own people, I'm afraid he will fall into the same end as Sun Hanchen and become a complete puppet belt.

In order to control the real power and not be overheaded by his subordinates, Shi Congbin inevitably sought the assistance of Chen Guangyuan.

In addition, the situation of Yang Baoshan and Sun Hanchen is similar to that of Shi Congbin, and they inevitably have to seek Chen Guangyuan's help. In addition, the middle and lower-class officers under their command have formed a small hill led by Chen Guangyuan in the Third Association to fight against Zhao Dongyun and others.

In fact, this is also a microcosm of the Beiyang faction battle. In the high-level struggle, Wang Yingkai, Feng Guozhang and others united against the strongest Duan Qirui, while within the Third Association, the people of many factions were integrated by Chen Guangyuan to fight against the strongest Zhao Dongyun.

Duan Qirui's faction during this period is very strong. For example, in last year's Guangzong's mutiny, led by Duan Qirui and specifically commanded Zhao Dongyun, these two people almost won all the credit of Guangzong's mutiny, so that Feng Guozhang and others behind him could not even drink some soup, so that Yuan Shikai reported to the court last year. In Ting's recommendation, Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun were in the limelight, one from the third grade to the second grade Taoist, and the other from the fourth grade to the third grade.

At the end of last year, Duan Qirui planned the editing of the Third Association and successfully promoted Zhao Dongyun to the position of leader of the Third Association. It was also because of this that Wang Yingkai, Feng Guozhang, Wang Shizhen and others were threatened that they actually began a semi-united way to compete with Duan Qirui.

In this way, there was a dispute between the two major associations at the end of last year.

In the final analysis, it is still because Duan Qirui, Zhao Dongyun and others are too strong, which seriously squeezes the living space of other factions in Beiyang and forcing them to unite against Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun.

Now in the Third Association, this also occurs. In order to completely control the Third Association, Zhao Dongyun used strong means to install the direct line, exclude Chen Guangyuan, Shi Congbin and others, and win over a few neutrals such as Meng Enyuan, which also makes Chen Guangyuan and others feel a serious threat.

"That Meng Enyuan is not good or bad, otherwise he can take the right-hand position of the horse team. Mr. Feng said that this man is a wall grass, and if the wind is strong there, he will fall there. Now that Zhao Dongyun's family is dominant in the Third Association, he naturally fell to his side. Otherwise, since it is a wall grass, then we can also pull him over, at least we can't let him follow Zhao Dongyun!"

Chen Guangyuan, sitting in a high position, looked at the problem much farther than the middle-level officers of Shi Congbin. He also inquired about it before Meng Enyuan came. He knew that this person was neutral, but he was a real Beiyang direct line. He also had some weight in Yuan Shikai's heart, otherwise he would not have argued in the right leader of the horse team. At that time, he was directly brought to the command by Yuan Shikai.

You should know that Yuan Shikai's hand was far beyond the expectations of Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai and others. According to convention, these positions are generally discussed by several of them, and then proposed candidates for Yuan Shikai to make the final decision. After all, as the governor of Zhili and the minister of Beiyang, Yuan Shikai is not only the supervisor of the Beiyang Military and Political Department, but also has a lot of other things in addition to the Beiyang New Army. If he has to decide everything himself, then 24 hours a day is not enough.

To some extent, this is also a kind of beating by Yuan Shikai on them, indicating that you guys are making trouble, but don't affect the business!

Meng Enyuan was sent directly to the right label of the horse team by Yuan Shikai, which shows that he still has some weight in Yuan Shikai's heart. If he despises it, he will be unlucky.

Chen Guangyuan continued: "Tomorrow I will invite Meng Enyuan to drink. At that time, you will also come. Don't let people think that we despise him!"

In the face of Zhao Dongyun and Chen Guangyuan's win-up, Meng En far did not care about the embarrassing situation of sandwich biscuits, but was like a fish in water between the two people, and then both sides had the opportunity to win him in, rectify the right logo of his horse team, and took away several officers under various excuses, and these people without exception. They are all from Zhao Dongyun and Chen Guangyuan.

In the face of Meng Enyuan's rejection of dissidents, Zhao Dongyun was not too surprised. After all, Meng Enyuan is the leader of the right leader of the horse team. He and Chen Guangyuan just took the opportunity to install many people first. Now that he takes office, it is naturally impossible for him to keep these people as a whole. He has to make room to install his own direct No.

However, although there was a slight loss, it was not big. At least Hua Zhenji, the first battalion officer that Zhao Dongyun had inserted in the past, continued to be his cavalry belt. As for the few lower officers being cleaned up, it could not affect the overall situation.

When Zhao Dongyun, Chen Guangyuan, Meng Enyuan and others played and rejected dissidents in the Third Association, they did not forget their serious business. After all, the struggle for power and profit can only be regarded as amateur entertainment. This training of the new army is their business, and who affects the business because of amateur entertainment, Not to mention fighting for power and profit, Yuan Shikai's board will be hit immediately.

So Zhao Dongyun and Chen Guangyuan began to fight happily at the end of last year, but the training speed of the Third Association did not drop at all. Whether it was the recruitment and training of new recruits or the reorganization of Su Yi's own army, it was carried out very quickly.

Now, when the three senior officers in the Third Association were playing intrigue, they also continued to train the new army. Chen Guangyuan continued to be responsible for the adaptation of the Yuanzi battalion. This hard job made Chen Guangyuan secretly scold Zhao Dongyun more than once, but after scolding him, he still had no courage to shirk it, and he even wanted to do it. The law is better.

Because this is not done well, he is the first to be unlucky!

The reorganization of the Baoyang horse team and the Yuanzi battalion is much easier than the Yuanzi battalion. Ordinary cavalry are eager to enter the new army. As for those officers, the senior officers are naturally arranged by Yuan Shikai himself, while most of the middle and lower officers are sent to the training army and the Huai army, and there are also a small number of them. Retain.

In addition, Meng Enyuan was originally a senior officer in the Baoyang horse team. It is clear who can use it and who can't use it in this old army cavalry. This consolidation is much better than Zhao Dongyun did at the beginning.

After all, Zhao Dongyun has never played cavalry in his life. If he is an infantryman, he can rely on the memory in his original mind to train according to the book, but it is much more difficult for cavalry or artillery.

In fact, although the integration of the old army is also important, the core of Zhao Dongyun's work is not on these. Since he became the commander of the Third Association, his work and delicacy have always been on the recruitment and training of new recruits.

It can be said that the six infantry battalions of the Third Association are the core combat effectiveness of the Third Association. Only when these six infantry battalions become an army can the Third Association be called an army.

"Since the end of last year, our recruits have been trained in batches every month, and now four batches of more than 2,600 people have been trained. The above preliminary trained recruits have been assigned to each battalion according to the plan. However, because the number of recruits is still insufficient, except for the fifth standard, the first battalion and the second battalion are full, the remaining The four infantry battalions are still missing part of the troops!"

Lin Yongquan, the general office of the new barracks, opened his account book as he spoke: "In addition, we recruited more than 100 fewer recruits this month than last month!"

Zhao Dongyun listened to Lin Yongquan's words and then said, "The words of this group of recruits still give priority to the fifth bid. Well, fill the third battalion, and the rest will be arranged to Liu Fu's battalion! You can't let Liu Fu's camp be few people, so that Chen Guangyuan can stuff all the old bravery of Yuanzi Camp to him!"

"As for the lack of new recruits this month, what's going on?" Zhao Dongyun was a little puzzled that there were fewer and fewer recruits. This situation was abnormal. If it continued, wouldn't his army not even have any new recruits?