Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 91 Lv Shuanggun 2

In order to surround Lv Shuanggun, Meng Enyuan has been marching for almost three consecutive days, and the leading cavalry troops went straight into the northeast of Hongjiatun. When Meng Enyuan's troops appeared outside Hongjiatun, Lv Shuanggun naturally felt bad. At first, with the idea of tough resistance, he sent bandits and Hua Zhenji's cavalry to carry out In a small-scale confrontation, more than 20 people were killed by Hua Zhenji's two cavalry, and less than ten people escaped back, so Lv Shuanggun knew that the comer was not good and wanted to run immediately.

However, it was too late. Hua Zhenji's two cavalry had controlled the Dongba ditch in the northeast of Hongjiatun. Lv Shuanggun had no possibility to break through the northern interception and escape, and there was a large area of mountains in the west. Those bandits could not climb the mountain unless they gave up their horses and took a walk, while Meng Enyuan Also deployed a platoon there, and it is not a big problem to defend the western hill.

The south is the main attack direction of Meng Enyuan. Naturally, they can't hit them. The only one who can escape is the east, and the east is the place where Meng Enyuan ambushed. There are three cavalry and two cavalry machine guns. I'm afraid that they won't come out. As soon as they come out, they have to hit them. A hornet's nest.

In terms of tactical layout, the encirclement task has been successfully completed, and Lv Shuangguns will definitely not fly out unless they have wings.

Now the question that Meng Enyuan has to consider is how to take this Hongjiatun while minimizing casualties.

Victory is certain, and the question is how much to pay in exchange for victory.

"Brother Liu, it's still early now, wait a minute..." As he spoke, Meng Enyuan looked at his pocket watch and continued, "At 7:30, send a team to test and see their firepower arrangement!"

Meng Enyuan's suppression of bandits went north into the detachment. In addition to the two cavalry battalions, there is also a ninth standard first battalion as the main force of the attack, led by Liu Fu. In the early days, he was a member of Duan Qirui's faction. During the Third Association, Zhao Dongyun and Chen Guangyuan were tit-for-tat. Because he was under Chen Guangyuan's subordinate, It is said that he suffered a lot. At the beginning of the reorganization of Su Yi's own army, almost all the remaining young soldiers were stuffed into the first battalion of Liu Fu's subordinates by Chen Guangyuan. In order to train and recover those soldiers, Liu Fufu did not know how much he had suffered. Of course, for this reason, his first battalion was the most in the whole third mixed association. An infantry battalion of the early army has roughly become an army as early as the winter of last year. After a year of rigorous training, the original soldiers were either deformed or trained as real soldiers, which also made the first battalion become a real Beiyang new army.

The reason why Liu Fu's first battalion was able to send troops to suppress bandits this time is, on the one hand, it is Zhao Dongyun's compensation, and on the other hand, it is also related to his first battalion's formation earlier. Although there was a large amount of troops in his first battalion earlier, it has been nearly a year, which is only a few more than those. The infantry battalion in the month is more mature.

After Liu Fu went on an expedition to suppress bandits, he was also ambitious. As long as he fought a few beautiful battles when suppressing bandits, and when the Third Mixed Association expanded its army into a third town, who dared to say that he could not be the standard?

If Lin Yongquan, Chen Guangyuan, Meng Enyuan and others are aiming at one of the two unified positions in the third town in the future, then many management belts in the third mixed association are aiming at the position of the standard, but there are more than a dozen pipe belts, and the standard position is only four steps and one ride. The total number of guns is only six, and the cavalry and artillery have nothing to do with Liu Fu. In addition, there are Kong Jingbei, Pei Lianying, Lin Yongquan and Chen Guangyuan. If they do not become the Union, they are very likely to occupy a position in the command, so the future third town will be left to the existing management. There are not many seats for the belts.

No matter how optimistic the estimate is, there are only two standard belt positions that can be freed for each pipe belt in the future.

With few and many positions, the competition naturally becomes fierce. In the process of this competition, nothing is more convincing than military achievements.

And this is also the real reason why Zhao Dongyun dispatched Hua Zhenji and Liu Fufu to Meng Enyuan to suppress bandits, in order to let them establish military achievements, accumulate qualifications, and prepare for subsequent training and promotion. In these days, the training of direct line is not promoted. They have to let their subordinates accumulate corresponding merits and resources first. Li, and then you can push the boat along the water.

The promotion of the direct line can only create opportunities for them and remove bottlenecks. As for whether they can rise or not, it depends on themselves.

This is the same as Yuan Shikai and Duan Qirui promoted Zhao Dongyun. They first gave Zhao Dongyun opportunities, such as practicing machine gun teams and suppressing the Guangzong's rebellion. After Zhao Dongyun seized the opportunity and made achievements, they continued to promote Zhao Dongyun as the leader of the association. When Zhao Dongyun took the Third Association from scratch, it was only half a year. After practicing for a long time, Yuan Shikai turned the Third Association into the Third Mixed Association.

It takes a process here. No matter how much Yuan Shikai appreciated Zhao Dongyun in 1901, he could not directly let him bring a mixed association.

The opportunity to wipe out Lv Shuanggun in front of him is his Liu Fufu!

Now it's going down the mountain, leading his first battalion to send a team of troops for early fire reconnaissance.

As soon as Liu Fufu left, Meng Enyuan said to a young officer beside him, "Anpo, how is your mortar team ready? Wait for the first battalion to scout the enemy's fire position, but it will be up to you to kill it!"

The young officer's surname is Wei and his name is Anpo. He used to be a team officer of the 3rd Battalion of the Third Mixed Artillery Group. This person graduated from the Wuwei Right Army Camp School in his early years and learned artillery mapping. At the beginning of the year, he was transferred from the artillery unit of the Right Army of the Wuwei Army to the 3rd Battalion of the Artillery under Zhao Dongyun and served as a rear team officer.

At the end of August, after the arrival of the first batch of six mortars ordered by the Third Mixed Association from Fuyuan Machinery Factory, a mortar team was temporarily assigned to the third battalion of the artillery team and dispatched Wei Anpo as the first team officer.

This time, the mortar team followed the bandit suppression detachment north. There were not only officers and soldiers who had just established the mortar team, but also several technicians from Fuyuan Machinery Factory. They mainly served as technical guidance and also came to collect actual combat data of mortars in order to improve the design of subsequent mortars.

So this time the mortar team participated in the battle with a strong attitude of weapon testing.

Wei Anpo said, "Lord Meng, don't worry, my mortar team has begun to prepare yesterday, and now the position has been selected and can fight at any time!"

Speaking of this, Wei Anpo felt it was necessary to remind Meng Enyuan: "In addition, because my mortar team is participating in the war for the first time, the training of soldiers is less than a month. At that time, there may be a slight gap between the accuracy of shelling and the speed of fire. Please arrange it properly at that time!"

The mortar team is here to carry out live-fire tests. Attacking the enemy can only be regarded as an incidental task. Wei Anpo does not want Meng Enyuan to operate them as an actual combat force. If the expectation is too high, it may cause unnecessary misunderstandings!

Meng Enyuan frowned slightly after hearing this. Wei Anpo looked young and was very easy to shirk responsibility, but he didn't care. He also knew that the mortars were only to test. He couldn't count on them to take Hongjiatun, but had to rely on cavalry and infantry.

With the passage of time, the first battalion under Liu Fufu also sent a team of troops forward. This team took the platoon as the basic unit, with two platoons detouring from both sides, and the other platoon served as a reserve.

The terrain of Hongjiatun is located between mountains and plains. To the west are high mountains, to the north are woodlands and small highlands raised hundreds of meters. To the south are a series of undulating low hills, and to the east is a relatively gentle undulating plain area, while Hongjiatun is located in a relatively flat position. The plain is relatively low, and there is also a small river flowing from the north to the southeast, and along the banks of the river are large areas of farmland.

If you look down from the air, then in the center of the farmland is a village formed by a large number of houses. This village is Hongjiatun. The original residents of the village have been replaced by hundreds of bandits and their families.

That's a veritable bandit nest.

Due to the terrain, it is naturally impossible for the two platoons out of fire reconnaissance to rush through in direct lines, and the tactics are also different from the traditional infantry tactics of earlier years. Instead of forming a loose soldiers on the wilderness, they took a detour, detour, relying on obstacles to cover their progress. , and rolling and crawling during the march, which is rarely seen in infantry attacks in the past.

To some extent, Zhao Dongyun's third mixed association has the style of 1920s and 1930s in specific infantry tactics. If it can be equipped with squad machine guns and mortars of 50 to 60 mm caliber, it will be a lively World War II light infantry.

At this time, Liu Fufu was also lying outside the bunker outside the command of the secret battalion headquarters, observing his attacking troops with binoculars.

In his sight, several soldiers in gray military uniforms flashed in the grassland and trees from time to time. They were quietly approaching with guns and cats. At this time, he was still very satisfied with the tactical movements of the soldiers, but he always felt that it was not hidden enough. It seemed that the gray military uniforms were too obvious to attack in the low woods. If you can see it so far away, will the enemy on the opposite find it?

Although the blue-gray military uniform of the Beiyang Army considers the hidden needs to a certain extent, it is still not a modern military uniform based on hidden functions. Naturally, it is not as good as the later grass green, earthy yellow and other military uniforms specially designed for battlefield concealment.

When Liu Fufu felt that the gray military color was too eye-catching, suddenly there was a crisp gunshot in the distance, and then bursts of gunshots kept ringing.

The soldiers who attacked in a roundabout attack were found!

Liu Fu continued to frown. Although the attacking troops were found to be sooner or later, this distance was still far from reaching his tone. There were still more than 400 meters away from the periphery of Hongjiatun. After being found, it became much more difficult to pass the 400 meters.

And because the platoon that is roundabout from the west is just in a low forest, as long as it crosses this low forest, it can go under a field ditch as a cover. At that time, the ditch can become the best shelter for the attacking troops, but now it has been discovered in advance.

At this time, most of the troops under the left of the left team of the first battalion attacking from the low woods were suddenly intercepted by dense fire. Although it was impossible to cause them a large number of casualties with the firepower of those bandits, many people were still shot, and more importantly, they were suppressed.