Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 93 Han Duotian's War 2

"If we still use the previous infantry tactics to directly charge head-on in a dense formation, I'm afraid we will be targeted, but now we use the lying down tactical action in the new tactics. In addition to counterattacking, we can also try a small-scale short-distance rapid leap forward, and then use the enemy's shooting under the cover of firepower. It's not a big problem to rush into the ditch!"

"In addition, does Brother Wan think that the movements of soldiers lying down and counterattacking when they are shot are a little complicated? Maybe they can be simplified. For example, after being shot, they don't need to stop and lie down again. They can use the forward action to fall directly to the ground, so that the lying down action is formed in time It should be shortened a little more!"

"I think this is possible, but I'm afraid that the specific action will be discussed again..." The officer surnamed Wan was excited and immediately talked to the officer of that surnamed the infantry tactical action.

Meng Enyuan, who was beside him, also heard their dialogue and was somewhat surprised by their actions. At present, the two of you did not consider specific tactics to defeat the enemy, but actually talked about infantry tactical actions, which made Meng Enyuan mutter again: those in the education department under Lin Yongquan, one None of them are normal people.

The officers surnamed Fang and surnamed Wan are not Meng Enyuan's subordinates. They are military attachuts sent by the Education Department in the name of learning and accumulating experience, but the main task of these two is to investigate the actual combat situation of various tactical applications adopted by the current third mixed formation.

Because the Third Mixed Association has adopted a large number of new tactics to train soldiers in the past year, these new tactics are theoretically convincing, but the theory is always a theory. Even Zhao Dongyun, the founder of this new tactics, has not been tested by a large-scale war, can't guarantee future generations. Infantry tactics are applicable in this era.

After all, each tactic has its own uniqueness or limitations, including the theory of war, including the application of various new weapons and so on. For example, the core of the German infantry tactics during World War II is the squad general machine guns, so it is impossible to replicate the German infantry tactics before they are equipped with similar general machine guns.

For example, the infantry tactics used in the United States in World War II that pay more attention to individual combat capabilities are based on large-scale equipment of semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns, resulting in a greatly increasing the firepower of the squad.

Even if later generations are familiar with it and are more suitable for the three-three infantry tactics of the backward army, it is based on the premise of popularizing the squad light machine guns and having a large number of 60mm mortars. Before these two things are popularized, they can't play the three-three infantry tactics of the volunteer army.

The tactics of every era have their own requirements of the times, and they will die if they are rashly copied.

The so-called new infantry tactics made by Zhao Dongyun in the past two years are actually a non-nonsical thing. On the surface, it refers to a large number of infantry tactics during World War II, but considering the actual equipment level of the Third Mixed Association, many specific tactics are internally different, and even in order to concentrate infantry firepower, the third mixed The Association's infantry tactics still use intensive troops to a large extent.

Otherwise, zero-walkers without the support of light machine guns can't form an effective fire attack network.

It is precisely because the new tactics adopted by the Third Mixed Association have many defects and need to be improved, and Zhao Dongyun often only put forward a theoretical concept, such as defense with machine guns as the core, hidden approach to attack, rapid jump, etc., but the theoretical improvement of these tactics is Many officers within the Third Mixed Association, especially those members of the Education Section.

The education department under Lin Yongquan is a relatively complicated institution. In the early stage, it was specially responsible for the training of new recruits, and in the mid-term, the recruitment affairs were also assigned to the management of the education department. Since the education department is responsible for the training of new recruits and also responsible for the guidance and supervision tasks of the whole army's training, various training regulations and manuals All categories are under the responsibility of the education department.

and the Third Association has officially become the Third Mixed Association. After becoming the official establishment, the Education Department has already had a number of departments directly under it, including the Recruitment Office, the New Barracks, and the Supervision Office. Among them, the Supervision Office is the most powerful, responsible for the training affairs of the whole army, and * a variety of training guidance documents. The steps adopted by the Third Mixed Association Military exercises, artillery exercises, cavalry exercises, etc. are all from the supervision office.

Officers surnamed Wan and officers surnamed Fang are members of the Supervision and Exercise Department of the Education Department. The official rank is not high. One is garrison, and the other is the capital division. If the field troops are released, they are at most a team officer. If you look at it from a modern perspective, it is the level of captain and lieutenant.

However, although their officials are not high, they are very powerful, and their work is actually no different from what Feng Guozhang has done. The only difference is that Feng Guozhang, the general office of the Beiyang Military and Political Department, is responsible for the training, organization and other affairs of the whole Beiyang New Army, while the officers of the Supervision Office are only responsible for the training affairs within the Third Mixed Association.

The two officers of the supervision office did not care much about the current war. Instead, they fell into the discussion of what tactical actions should be done after the attack of the new infantry. Meng En looked at several other officers around him from afar, and most of them were whispering to each other. Although the topics mentioned were mostly related to today's war, Judging from their relaxed expressions, they didn't pay attention to today's war.

For middle and senior officers such as Meng Enyuan and Liu Fu, there is no suspense about the siege of Hongjiatun. They are not worried or even feel the cruelty of the war.

However, for the low-level soldiers, especially those on the front line of the attack, they are directly threatened with their lives, and one of them is worried.

In the face of the enemy's continuous shooting, even if they don't hit themselves, few people will be indifferent after seeing their comrades around them being hit. Although they will not panic after strict training, their inner fear is there, even their feet trembling and their hands trembling. In.

Even Han Duotian, a veteran who has been in the army for many years, can't help but beat his heart and gasp to calm his nervousness. In addition, he cursed and swears to himself to relieve his inner tension. Therefore, even real veterans on the battlefield can't face bullets and shells indifferently. The difference between the recruits is that the recruits will forget their various tactical actions and even turn around and run away after being scared by bullets and shells. Although the veterans are equally afraid, they have not forgotten all kinds of tactical actions. .

Fear on the battlefield is normal and understandable. What is needed is not to reject these emotions, but to alleviate them as much as possible and not let them affect your actual movements.

Han Duotian, like many veterans, is also scolding, but now he is alone in the ditch, and his nearest comrade-in-arms is still more than ten meters behind. He already knows his danger when fighting alone, but he is not scared to cry in the ditch, but curses. Keep shooting.

"Haha, I finally hit it. I thought you all had three heads and six arms. It turned out that you would have raised your braids when you were hit, haha!" After hitting two magazines, Han Duotian finally hit for the first time, knocking down a bandit more than 300 meters away.

Before he finished laughing, there were several smoke and dust next to him. It was a bullet from the bandit's counterattack, which scared Han Duotian to shrink back again and scolded again: "Dog, you react so fast!"

After he squatted down, he began to load new bullets. When it was full of bullets, he did not stand up directly to fight back in the original position, but went to a small gap more than ten meters away, and then carefully probed the gun out and aimed at it. He didn't hit it again, but still didn't hit it. When he fired the third shot Later, a bandit who was lying on the low wall and shooting on the opposite side suddenly leaned back. The bullet not only opened a hole in the front door of his head, but also the huge impact overturned him back.

This is the era of full-power rifle bullets. Rifles pursue a range and power of nearly 1,000 meters, which is 300 meters long enough to tear people's bodies.

Of course, the premise is that you have to hit the enemy. For the rear-mounted gun, the range and power of the rifle are no longer a problem. The more important problem is long-range aiming, hundreds of meters away. Without the assistance of the scope, it is difficult to aim accurately with the naked eye.

This is also why the range of rifles is getting farther and farther, but the combat distance of rifles has always been maintained at about 300 meters, which is also the reason for the emergence of intermediate power bombs in later generations, because it is found that the combat distance of rifles rarely exceeds 400 meters, and most of them are concentrated between 200 meters and 300 meters, except for snipers. Outside the gun, ordinary rifles don't need to have such a long range.

Han Duotian's shooting is not very good, but at least he is a veteran who has been in the army for many years. Not to mention the top marksmanship, but there is still a higher level. A group of people opposite stood behind a low wall and let you shoot. It is impossible to shoot a hundred shots, but if you shoot a few more shots, you can hit a few more.

Han Duotian shot a few bullets alone in the ditch. When the bandits opposite reacted, he ran to the other side of the ditch and fired a few more shots. Although his shooting accuracy was not high, he could not stand him shooting continuously. When Han Duotian hit the fourth bandit, the bandit opposite was already specialized More than 20 guns were drawn from the door to suppress the ditch. Because Han Duotian shot and changed places, they thought that there were already many Beiyang soldiers in the ditch.

The bandits increased their fire suppression of Han Duotian, making Han Duotian dangerous for a while!

Han Duotian, who had just finished a shot, only felt a cold ear, but when he reached out and touched it, he found that his right ear was wet and warm. Looking at his hand carefully, it was full of blood!