Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 107 The Death of Du Lisan

He is going to sell a batch of heavy machine guns to Russia.

For a Chinese who traveled through later generations, if it can meet his own interests and make the Japanese army dead and injured at the same time, then he must be able to wake up with a dream.

Based on this psychology, Zhao Dongyun ordered hundreds of MG01 heavy machine guns from Germany in the name of Fuyuan Arsenal last year. Even with this order, Fuyuan Machinery Factory successfully obtained the patent authorization for the MG01 heavy machine gun, which can be said to be a success.

However, the Fuyuan Machine Factory thought that these hundreds of heavy machine guns were going to be sold to the Beiyang New Army and other domestic troops, so they didn't expect that Zhao Dongyun was prepared for the Russians.

When Andre heard that Zhao Dongyun had a large number of German Maxim machine guns in his hand, he immediately reported it. Now the Russian army in the northeast can't wait to transport countless arms from Europe, but it is limited by the long distance and the Far East Railway has not yet been completed, causing the Russian army to obtain a large amount of arms from Europe. It is very difficult to add. At this time, Zhao Dongyun said that there were hundreds of ready-made heavy machine guns that he was willing to secretly provide them to the Russian army.

The Russian army can care about why Zhao Dongyun was a traitor, and immediately replied to Zhao Dongyun, saying that they want as many machine guns as they have, and also vaguely said that other heavy weapons, such as artillery and expendable bullets and shells, are also as many as they have, and they can use gold and white. Silver and other precious metals are paid directly, and the price is also up to you!

However, providing machine guns to the Russians is already Zhao Dongyun's private adventure. If this matter is made public, it is estimated that Zhao Dongyun will immediately have to be scolded as a traitor.

Besides, he doesn't have heavy weapons such as artillery to sell. He prepared this machine gun in advance, otherwise he didn't!

Bullets are easy to handle. After continuous expansion, in addition to the 88 rifle production line, the most are actually bullet production lines and shell production lines. Originally, the bullet production line of Fuyuan Machine Factory was not large, but since the acquisition of many equipment from the former Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau, the Beiyang system There is no official arsenal, which relies heavily on Fuyuan Machinery Factory for bullets and shells, so Yuan Shikai focused on ordering Zhao Dongyun that the ammunition production of Fuyuan Machinery Factory must be increased, at least to meet Beiyang's own needs.

Therefore, Fuyuan Machinery Factory subsequently invested in a large number of specialized bullet-making machines. After continuous expansion, the daily output has been expanded to 80,000 pieces per day. In addition, the 8mm Manlixia rifle and 6.5mm Japanese bullets have also been successively produced. If we set up a production line, it would be impossible to supply almost all the bullets needed by the whole Beiyang New Army.

In addition, old rifle bullets have been produced, which are mainly supplied to the old army in the northern provinces. After all, at present, only the new army is equipped with all kinds of new guns. A large number of old troops still use old single-mounted rifles. For northern China, this part of the bullet task was previously undertaken by the Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau. Now that the Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau has turned into history, Fuyuan Machinery Factory naturally needs to undertake the production tasks that originally belonged to the Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau.

And the bullets used in those MG01 heavy machine guns are also round-headed bullets. After Zhao Dongyun ordered from Fuyuan Machinery Factory, he can directly sell them to the Russians. They can't buy machine guns without bullets.

At this time, we can see how important it is for Zhao Dongyun to get a Fuyuan machine factory!

With the expansion of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, the scale has doubled continuously in less than two years, and various weapon products have been continuously doubled. At this time, Fuyuan Machinery Factory is actually not only Zhao Dongyun's private enterprise, but has become an important part of Beiyang's military expansion strategy.

Yuan Shikai regarded this Fuyuan Machinery Factory as his achievement project of hosting the New Deal to promote his industrial and commercial reform policy.

With such a Fuyuan machine factory, it is not a big problem for Zhao Dongyun to get some bullets and shells to sell to the Russians!

As for how much this batch of machine guns, bullets and shells can bring to the Japanese army, and how many women can lose their husbands and sons is not a question that Zhao Dongyun needs to consider.

Through this batch of arms transactions, Zhao Dongyun, who has been regarded as a traitor by Russia and sold his national interests for hundreds of thousands of yuan, quickly won the favor of the Russians.

Specifically, the Russians not only did not object to Zhao Dongyun's entry into the Liaohe River to suppress bandits, but also sent several small-scale cavalry troops to help encircle and suppress it. They also provided Zhao Dongyun with a lot of information about the bandits in the Liaohe River, making the battle against bandits in the third town progressed very smoothly.

This time, the eastward sub-entry detachment is different from the northward and westward detachment temporarily formed last year, that is, this time they did not send infantry to fight, but all the cavalry.

The detachment has the first battalion and the third battalion under the third standard of the cavalry. In addition, there is a cavalry mortar team and a cavalry machine gun team, which are the main forces dispatched by the third town.

In addition to the main cavalry force of more than 1,000 people, there are also more than 400 cavalry teams in the Jinzhou patrol battalion that cooperated with the battle, that is, two cavalry teams reorganized by several sincere bandit troops such as Lv Shuangqiang. The bandit Lv Shuanggun is the leader of the first team and the giant bandit Shiyang is the leader of the second team. Then there are more than 500 horse walk guerrillas in Zhang Zuolin's Fengtian patrol camp.

The three units add up to nearly 2,000 horses, regardless of the mixture of new troops, bandits and patrol battalions, but just looking at this scale, this is the size of a cavalry brigade.

With such a large-scale cavalry battle, it is naturally impossible for others to come, and Meng Enyuan, a senior cavalry general, personally led Zhao Dongyun to rest assured.

Meng Enyuan led this bandit force of more than 2,000 horses and quickly swept the bandits in Tai'an, Xinmin, Panshan and other places. Although Du Lisan was very famous in history, the bandits were bandits after all. When more than 2,000 troops were crushed, although Du Lisan pulled up more than 1,000 bandits to try to fight, he did not In half a month, he was hanged and killed, and the leader Du Lisan was captured.

This man was also stubborn and did not surrender. In the end, Meng Enyuan was not polite. After capture him, no matter what kind of bandit he was, he directly handed him over to Zhang Zuolin.

Zhang Zuolin has long wanted to swallow Du Lisansheng. It is said that Du Lisan fell into his hands and was killed by five horses!

Most of the more than 1,000 bandits under Du Lisan were also temporarily gathered. After several times of suppression, they had already collapsed and fled. There were not many people who were killed and injured directly, but many prisoners were captured, and Meng Enyuan took these prisoners according to Zhao Dongyun's previous instructions. Or the surrender bandits gave Lv Shuanggun, Shi Yang and Zhang Zuolin, and Lv Shuanggun and Shi Yang got more, which made Zhang Zuolin complain about this.

There is no interest in capturing Meng Enyuan. Those bandits sound like some kind of bandits. They are skillful in riding and shooting, as if they are awesome. However, in the eyes of regular cavalry officers like Meng Enyuan, even the peasant army is better than these bandits. At least those farmers can still serve after being deceived. Later, they launched a death attack, but the bandits immediately turned their heads and ran away when the opportunity was not good.

In so many bandits, not everyone, like Lv Shuanggun, can lead his subordinates and officers and soldiers to fight to the death, otherwise Zhao Dongyun would not accept his sincerity.

Du Lisan disappeared in just half a month, and in the face of Meng Enyuan's anti-bandit army continuing to go south, Feng Delin also couldn't sit still and immediately found Zhang Zuolin, saying that he could accept comfort.

But to be honest, Zhao Dongyun was not interested in this at all. He came to suppress bandits, not to really suppress bandits. To be honest, he didn't care about whether these bandits were alive or dead at all. All he cared about was capture.

In the past half month, he has been fighting Du Lisan. Although he has also consumed a lot of ammunition and funds, he has gained more. After taking Du Lisan's nest and sending people to count all kinds of seized property in the logistics department of the Dongjin detachment, Zhao Dongyun was very excited.

After the suppression of Du Lisan, the bandit Dongjin detachment seized more than 100 new Russian guns, as well as 200 new Japanese guns and more than 500 old miscellaneous guns. More than 1,000 horses have been captured, of which more than 400 are horses that can be used for riding battles, and the remaining 600 can also be used for transportation.

In addition to these, there are also all kinds of current floating goods. Although the value is less than 200,000 yuan guaranteed by Zhang Zuolin, there are also about 170,000 and 80,000 yuan.

Now Zhao Dongyun has fallen into the eyes of money. It's not so simple for Feng Delin to accept the cares. If Feng Delin accepts the cares, it will not be good for Zhao Dongyun!

What he wants is money, it's that simple!

I have to say that Feng Delin is also a courageous person. When he found out that Meng Enyuan's anti-bandit detachment was here to capture it, he quickly sent a foreign bank promissory note worth 50,000 taels of silver to Jinzhou, and said that a few more days later, he could still collect another 50,000 taels of silver to send it to Jinzhou. .

If you don't have to fight, you can earn 100,000 taels of silver. Zhao Dongyun thinks it's still a good deal. As for the subsequent competition between Zhang Zuolin and Feng Delin and others, it's none of his business!

He went to the east of Jinzhou to suppress bandits for a very simple reason from beginning to end, that is, for money!

Not to mention the various seizures in the anti-bandit operation, a single sheet of Zuolin paid the price of up to 40,000 taels of silver in order to let Zhao Dongyun send troops to destroy Du Lisan, and all kinds of seizures will not be given to Zhang Zuolin at all except for prisoners and territory.

Now that Feng Delin took the initiative to send the money, he did not intend to let his cavalry brothers risk their lives to make money, so under an order, Meng Enyuan returned to the west with the suppression of bandits.

left a continuous cursing Zhang Zuolin!

Zhang Zuolin's plan is to use Zhao Dongyun's soldiers to destroy Du Lisan and Feng Delin, so that they can effortlessly control a large area of the new people to the camp, and rely on these sites for a few years. Who dares to say that he can't bring up a force of thousands of people?

However, after Zhao Dongyun destroyed Du Lisan, he took Feng Delin's 100,000 taels of silver and turned his head home, which made Zhang Zuolin extremely passive.

Zhao Dongyun knows with his toes that when Meng Enyuan's troops go far away, Feng Delin and Zhang Zuolin will definitely fight. Let alone those who lose will win. Anyway, the bandit forces in the Liaohe area basically have little influence.