Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 116 Zhao Dongzhi's View

According to the general, it is not possible for Zhao Dongzhi to directly enter the Beiyang New Army as a military post after returning to China. Although international students are easy to get along with after returning to China these days, it is a person with a diploma in their hands. After returning to China, liberal arts students need to pass the examination of the Ministry of Ceremonies before they can be awarded a visiting scholar. Then it is possible to get promoted and get rich. It is much simpler to graduate from a foreign military academy. When you return to China, you will generally return to various provinces to serve. In a few years, you will be under the leadership or even a town.

And those who can't get a diploma from a famous school can't get a high position.

The reason why Zhao Dongzhi was able to enter the third town and also obtained the position of the auxiliary military academy naturally has a lot to do with Zhao Dongyun. At least he is Zhao Dongyun's cousin, and his uncle's father wrote to put down his face and asked Zhao Dongyun to arrange a future for his second son. Zhao Dongyun naturally could not refuse.

In addition, Zhao Dongzhi was also very interested in the army, so he first arranged him to be a scholar in the quartermaster's office of the third town. Later, when the training office promulgated the new military rank, Zhao Dongyun also gave him the official rank of the auxiliary military academy. This is already regarded as the official body of the seventh grade. After the opening of the rapid martial arts school, Zhao Dongyun will send him in. How much he can learn and how much he can make in the future depends on himself.

In fact, he can also go to the military academy like Zhao Dongping, and then engage in ordnance, logistics and other positions. With Zhao Dongyun's light, he will also have a future. For example, Zhao Dongping is younger than Zhao Dongzhi now, but now he is the third rank of 'Army and Deputy Counselor'.

However, Zhao Dongping's origin and service experience will cause him to have no way to be promoted in the future. It is impossible for him to be promoted to the standard belt, assistant commander and town control like regular officers. Even if he is lucky, he will at most be promoted to the rank of 'Army General' and the three genuine ranks to become a regular quartermaster.

It is also a formal leader, but the 'Army regular leader' and 'Army regular leader' are very different, and the gap is the difference between civil servants and military officers of the same grade in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhao Dongzhi wants to be an officer in the army. Naturally, he hopes to go to Beiyang Rapid School, so that he may go to the army as the chief officer of the army in the future. From the platoon to the command, you have to go to the military academy for a few years before you can have this possibility.

Zhao Dongzhi looked at several other people in Hou's room and sighed slightly in his heart that he was probably a half-hearted officer, otherwise they would not have cared so much about themselves.

Zhao Dongzhi is Zhao Dongyun's cousin, and his identity is not a secret. Everyone around him knows it, but he is also Zhao Dongyun's cousin, but the gap between Zhao Dongzhi and Zhao Dongping is very large. When other officers in the third town see Zhao Dongping, most of them will call Zhao General Office, because Zhao Dongping does not He is a professional officer from a professional class, but he is in charge of the ordnance logistics of the third town. In addition to his own affairs, he also acts as a private representative of Zhao Dongyun to some extent.

For example, when the third town and Zhang Zuolin jointly wiped out Du Lisan and accepted Feng Delin's surrender, it could not be Zhao Dongyun himself, nor the high-level generals of the third town such as Chen Guangyuan and Lin Yongquan, but Zhao Dongping, the headquarters of the armarms Department, which was not connected with him.

And Zhao Dongzhi, who had just returned to China and entered the third town for less than a month, was not from the official military academy, and he did not go to the Ordnance Department or the Quartermaster's Office like Zhao Dongping, but served in the grassroots army. In this way, the two ends are not pleasing, and naturally they can't attract other people's attention.

"However, after two or three years, I may not have a chance to be on an equal footing with them!" Zhao Dongzhi was willing to come to the third town to be a scholar who was despised by all people, just as an opportunity to enter the Beiyang New Army.

After the association took the lead and was received by Zhao Dongyun, the official military academy and deputy military academy were also received by Zhao Dongyun one after another. Although Zhao Dongzhi was Zhao Dongyun's cousin, as the lowest in the military academy in the officer system, he could only enter the last one.

Not long, a strong man came into the Hou guest room. This person is none other than Li San who has been following Zhao Dongyun all year round. Although this person's name is simple and his official position is low, his status in the third town is not low. He is the escort team officer of the headquarters of the third town, and he also serves as the third town. Director of the General Affairs Office of the Headquarters. In addition to his actual position, in fact, what is more important is that he will follow Zhao Dongyun wherever he goes. He is not only Zhao Dongyun's security leader, nor is he an attendant. At the same time, he is also Zhao Dongyun's adjutant. Many affairs in the third town are usually in his hands before he can reach it. On Zhao Dongyun's desk.

Although Li San has no status on the surface due to this particularity, in fact, the ordinary management of the third town has to shout 'Li General Office'

When Zhao Dongzhi saw Li San coming over, he did not regard himself as Zhao Dongyun's cousin, but acted as a low-level Houjian officer!

However, since Li San was able to climb to this position step by step as an ordinary personal guard, and has been reused by Zhao Dongyun for many years and followed him every day, which is enough to show that he is not an ordinary martial artist. He came in and looked at Zhao Dongzhi with a smile and first said, "Mr. Zhao, my lord, he can I saw you!"

Zhao Dongzhi quickly got up. Li San was polite to him, and he also remained polite: "Mr. Li, please do it!"

Li Sanhehehe and said, "What's the trouble? Everyone is not an outsider. Why are you still polite to me? Those people are newly promoted talents. According to the usual practice, adults have to see them first in the morning, otherwise I will lead you in just now!"

This is also a polite word. The morning time is Zhao Dongyun's office hours, especially in the first few hours when he either had a meeting or received his subordinate officers and other officials. It's not a big deal for Zhao Dongzhi to see Zhao Dongyun, but Zhao Dongyun called him to say a few words, but he can't squeeze into the morning. The important time of the first half.

Zhao Dongzhi didn't know many ways in it. At present, he felt that Li San was quite good to himself. At present, he also smiled and said, "Then I have to accept the intention of Mr. Li!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Dongzhi thought about it and said, "How about this? How about we go to Jinzhou City for a drink tonight? I'll call my seventh brother again!"

Li San was slightly stunned. Zhao Dongzhi could beat snakes and sticks, but Li San would not ignore Zhao Dongzhi like other officers in the third town, because he knew that Zhao Dongyun had personally arranged the boy's future. If nothing unexpected happens, wait for two years. Later, he graduated from the Beiyang Army Rapid Military Academy. With the support of Zhao Dongyun, the speed of his promotion would not slow down there.

Besides, he also said that Zhao Dongping would go to the banquet. Even if he was not optimistic about Zhao Dongzhi, Zhao Dongping still had to give face. He immediately laughed and said, "Then it's agreed that I will be the host tonight, and we will have a good drink then!"

"How dare you bother Mr. Li to be the host there? Naturally, it's my invitation!" Zhao Dongzhi pretended that if he didn't let me treat him, I would turn against you. Li San laughed and didn't argue anymore.

After the two said these words all the way, they had already arrived in front of Zhao Dongyun's office. Without any prompts, they had already closed their mouths one after another. Outside Zhao Dongyun's office, there were several copywriters in coats or military uniforms. These people sat in a small room outside. The compartment, and then bury your head and deal with a lot of documents, or look closely with the eyes of a single lens*, or write something with a wolf howl pen.

This is actually the office location of the General Affairs Office of the Third Town. In fact, this General Affairs Office is Zhao Dongyun's private secretariat, mainly to assist him in handling a large number of paperwork.

Don't think that when a town control only needs to march and fight. In fact, for the new army in the late Qing Dynasty, the town control is not only responsible for leading the army to fight, but also has to manage the whole army to eat, drink and sleep, then to pay for food supplies, and then to buy ordnance, etc. The town's relatively independent management system manufactured by Beiyang. As a result, almost every town has a comprehensive management system to deal with all kinds of debris.

In this year, being the control of the Beiyang New Army is much more than being the commander of a group army in a normal country in later generations. At least in a normal country, you don't have to struggle to raise military spending as a group commander or even the commander of the army group.

With the third town and the Jinzhou patrol camp, many affairs with a total of nearly 15,000 people have to be managed by Zhao Dongyun. Naturally, he can't manage these miscellaneous things alone, so he specially set up a general affairs office to act as his secretary to help him deal with countless transactions*.

It is said that Zhao Dongyun in the third town has set up institutions such as the General Affairs Office, the Quartermaster's Office, the Ordnance Department, the Law Enforcement Department and the Education Department at this level, which has also indirectly affected the establishment of the Beiyang and even the national New Army. Historically, there are relatively few institutions in the town headquarters of the Beiyang Standing Army, but Zhao Dongyun's third town is far away Jinzhou, in the era of the Third Mixed Association, Zhao Dongyun asked Yuan Shikai to formally establish the subsidiary bodies of the headquarters of the Association.

In the Beiyang Standing Army in 1904, only the Beiyang Standing Military Department and the Third Town Department have the Quartermaster's Office and the Ordnance Department. For example, the Third Town Supervision Office is an official institution officially recognized by the imperial court. The general office, assistant, second-class staff officer, third-class staff officer and committee members can They are all official staff of the imperial court, not private staff.

Although the chiefs of the other three towns of the Beiyang Standing Army also know more or less private similar institutions, they can only be regarded as private, and most of the positions are also held by other officers, and most of the personnel in it are privately hired copywriting.

Sometimes the official compilation of these things represents the name. Zhao Dongyun dares to carry out various new establishments, rules and regulations in the supervision office of the third town, and also reported to Yuan Shikai and the court with great fanfare, but other towns can't do this.

And this is why after the establishment of the Military Training Office, many regulations issued for the national training of the new army, including military uniforms, military ranks, machine guns, new establishment, etc., have the participation of Zhao Dongyun. The reason is very simple, that is, there is a supervision office in the third town!

Otherwise, if he wants to participate in the affairs of formulating and training the national new army, he can only work as well as Duan Qirui. Now, even if he does not work part-time in the training office, due to the existence of the Third Town Supervision Office, he can continue to put forward many opinions directly to Yuan Shikai and through Yuan Shi Kai has affected many decisions of the training department.

Although this general affairs office is far less important than the supervision office, at least it is one of several subsidiaries in the third town. Naturally, it is also quite important in the third town. However, Zhao Dongzhi feels that there are too few people in this general affairs office. Even with Li San, there is only one general office, one helper and five documents. There are only seven people in total.

After crossing the outside, Li San stepped forward and knocked on the door of Zhao Dongyun's office and said softly, "Your Excellency, the fourth young master has arrived!"

Zhao Dongzhi did not notice the change in Li San's name. He did not call Zhao Dongzhi Mr. Zhao or Zhao Sishu, nor did he use the name of the fourth young master between domestic servants. Li San shouted the fourth young master at this moment. He did not respect Zhao Dongzhi, but put his position in Zhao Dongyun's personal soldiers deepened his influence in Zhao Dongyun's heart.

This is a small psychological hint skill. Zhao Dongzhi can't hear it. Zhao Dongyun in it naturally doesn't care how Li San calls Zhao Dongzhi. He asked him inside: "Let him in!"

At this time, Li San turned around and nodded slightly to Zhao Dongzhi. At this time, Zhao Dongzhi came forward and then entered Zhao Dongyun's office from the door pushed open by Li San.

As soon as he entered, he saw Zhao Dongyun, who was still writing something on the desk. As soon as he entered the door, Zhao Dongyun just looked up at him slightly and then bowed his head again: "Sit down for a while. I'll approve this document first!"

Zhao Dongzhi looked at his cousin, who was completely different from his childhood and even his youth. He did not dare to laugh as much as when he was a child, but hummed and then did it on the sofa on the side.

After sitting down, Li San also gave him a cup of tea, but he didn't drink much. He just sat. Although his head would not turn around, he also looked at Zhao Dongyun's office. The first few times he saw Zhao Dongyun on private occasions, all of which he met in the inner house, and Zhao Dongyun and Fang Ruolian recruited together. He also spoke as a cousin, but today he met Zhao Dongyun according to the normal program. This occasion is a formal workplace, so it is not very presumptuous.

As far as you can see, first of all, the word 'the hero of the three armies'. The writing is very good for people who have never touched the brush in later generations, but for many scholars who are still reading the four books and five classics, that is, the level that can be read, is not bragging. Except for Zhao Dongyun, the Zhao brothers In addition to this fake, other brothers who have been familiar with four books and five classics since childhood. For several brothers who have practiced calligraphy since childhood to adulthood, they can write better than the words above.

But the subsequent payment is not despised, because it is Yuan Shikai's private seal!