Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 132 The solicitation of Zengqi

But this nonsense clearly reveals Yuan Shikai's meaning, that is, he can practice Fengtian's standing army, but he can't dig the corner of my northern ocean!

In the face of the opposition of Zhao Dongyun and Yuan Shikai, the princes of the imperial court naturally dispelled the desire to integrate the two. Anyway, they just have the mentality of trying and become the best, and it doesn't matter. Anyway, this Jinzhou patrol battalion is not in the hands of the imperial princes!

However, Zengqi still did not give up. The reason why Zengqi wanted to join the new army was not that he wanted to be a warlord like Yuan Shikai and Zhao Dongyun. He was really scared by Geng Zinian.

In those years, he was beaten by the Russians and lost the whole Northeast and suffered heavy losses. Although he was not dismissed from his multiple activities, he also became an ' acting director'.

Now Japan and Russia are fighting on the side. What he is most afraid of is that Japan and Russia crossed the Liao River that day and then waved their armies to the west. If they can't stop it, it is estimated that it will not be the end of his political life, but the end of their own life!

A few years ago, he wanted to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the army in Fengtian Province. In the early stage, he adopted the method of recruiting bandits. For example, touching Zhang Zuolin is the product of this strategy. However, since he saw the third town under Zhao Dongyun, he has been thinking about training the new army.

At the beginning, he supported Zhao Dongyun to compile and train the Jinzhou patrol battalion because of this. However, over time, he was not satisfied with only one Jinzhou patrol battalion nominally belonging to Fengtian, but hoped that he could train more new troops, so he wanted to focus on Fengtian's standing army.

However, it is not so easy to train Fengtian's standing army. This is why he wants to integrate the Jinzhou patrol camp and then lay the foundation for Fengtian's standing army. However, in the early operation, Zeng Qi has always underestimated Zhao Dongyun and Yuan Shikai's desire and importance to military power, which led to this situation.

However, although the last proposal failed, Zeng Qi didn't mind about it, because he figured out one thing at this time. What is the most important thing for him?

That is more new troops are needed in Fengtian Province!

As long as he is General Shengjing, the new army trained in Fengtian Province belongs to him in name, and what he wants is this name. This name already represents political achievements. At the same time, if there are more new troops in Fengtian Province, Japan and Russia can resist longer when they enter Liaoxi in the future. The army is not important to him.

Based on this situation, he made a situation that Zhao Dongyun never expected!

On July 20, Zengqi sent people to arrive in Jinzhou with a private message. The letter said that it was the general trend to prepare for Fengtian's standing army. However, he wanted to handle the Fengtian supervision and training office first, and bluntly invited Zhao Dongyun to serve as the general office of Fengtian's supervision and training office!

This shouldn't be. Zhao Dongyun was a little confused about Zengqi's move. You know, he scolded Zengqi for being mediocre and incompetent in his message to the training office a few days ago. Instead, Zengqi was not angry, he invited him to serve as the general office of Fengtian Supervision and Training Office?

Zhao Dongyun put down the letter. Although he still couldn't figure out what Zengqi was thinking, he was moved by this invitation!

Last winter, the court set up a training office for the Beiyang Military and Political Department as the team, and then Yuan Shikai renamed the remaining institutions and personnel of the Beiyang Military and Political Department to Beiyang Supervision and Training Office. Later, the provinces followed suit and set up a training office or supervision office, which was one of the Qing court's promotion of the national training of the new army. Important measures.

As an institution that governs and reorganizes the new army in the province, the actual power is very large, but this supervision office is generally held concurrently by the governor and governor. Generally speaking, it does not care about specific affairs, and the affairs will generally fall to the general office.

That is to say, usually the 'general office' is in charge of all the rights of this institution and even the province's new army. Now Zengqi takes out the position of the general office, almost directly saying that I have handed over the province's new army to you.

Although Fengtian didn't have many new troops, the only Jinzhou patrol camp only nominally belongs to Fengtian, and the so-called Fengtian Supervision and Training Institute estimates that there is not even a single person now. No matter how you look at it, Zengqi just gave an empty title to Zhao Dongyun.

However, things can't be seen like this. What did Zengqi give? What he gave Zhao Dongyun was nominal and subsequent financial support, nominal and military expenses, which are simply a dream for a warlord who dreams of expanding his army!

It's just that this position of general office looks so wonderful that Zhao Dongyun has to doubt whether Zengqi's move has any hidden secrets!

I have to say that even if he lived for decades in his previous life and spent several years in his life, his political ** nature is still far inferior to Yuan Shikai and Zengqi, who have played in officialdom for decades.

Zengqi's move is very good for Zhao Dongyun, but in fact, the disadvantages are also a lot. First of all, after Zhao Dongyun went to be the general office of Fengtian Supervision and Training Office? What will Yuan Shikai think? Will you think that Zhao Dongyun has abandoned Beiyang to find another employer? In addition, he will be the general manager and take charge of the military affairs of Fengtian Province in the future. At the same time, can he continue to be the control of the third town?

If other Beiyang bosses are allowed to use this as an excuse to seize the position of control of his third town, it will not be worth the loss. Don't think that Zhao Dongyun's position of control of the third town is very stable now, but in fact, a large number of people in Beiyang are staring at those positions of control. The position of the third town under Zhao Dongyun's buttocks is However, it is also in the peeping of the people below.

Nowadays, there are many people who are qualified for control in Beiyang. Not to mention Feng Guozhang and Wang Shizhen, others are also addicted to control, such as Zhang Huaizhi, Wu Fengling, Zhao Guoxian, Cao Kun, Wang Zhanyuan and others. In addition, Chen Guangyuan under Zhao Dongyun's command is actually qualified to continue to take a step forward!

Zhao Dongyun did not give him any reply to Zengqi's great change at the first time, but suppressed the matter first. Anyway, Fengtian Standing Army and Fengtian Supervision and Training Office could not be done in a day or two. He had enough time to consider the gains and losses of this matter.

And before that, he has to get rid of Zhang Zuolin!

When Zhao Dongyun dealt with Yuan Shikai, the court and Zengqi because of Jinzhou patrol camp, Fengtian standing army and other affairs, his group of his men were not idle. Others continued to train the third town and expand the Jinzhou patrol camp, but said that Kong Jingbei led 3,000 troops to march into the new civilian government.

After Kong Guanbei attacked the new Minfu with more than 3,000 troops, Hua Zhenji's forward troops took advantage of the mobility of the cavalry and quickly blocked the direction of several coats of the new Minfu, and fought with the bandits of Jin Wanfu and Wang Xiaowei many times during the blockade, at least to death. Hundreds of bandits were injured.

As for Zhang Zuolin's thousands of people, they have never moved, did not take the initiative to break through and escape, nor did they send troops to resist, but have been huddled in the nest.

Zhao Dongyun understands Zhang Zuolin's approach. He wants to escape unless he doesn't want thousands of troops. Under the blockade of Hua Zhenji's cavalry, his troops can't escape at all. As for the front resistance, it is even more unreliable. The only remaining choice is to use the fortifications of the nest to resist.

Of course, Zhang Zuolin has another way, that is, he tried to surrender. To be honest, Zhang Zuolin has no intention of rebellion from beginning to end. The so-called surrender and rebellion is just Zhao Dongyun's words.

In the face of Zhang Zuolin's surrender, Zhao Dongyun was not interested. To be honest, he had no good impression on Zhang Zuolin, which had nothing to do with the original history, but Zhang Zuolin's behavior in the past six months made him very unhappy. This man had too many means. At the beginning, he actually used himself as a knife to play the trick of killing people with a knife, and his ambition It's too big. If you want to surrender, you still want to maintain an independent establishment and territory. Don't think that Zhao Dongyun is not Zengqi.

Although Zhao Dongyun's troops are an independent faction in the Beiyang system, his own control over the third town and Jinzhou patrol battalion is very strong!

Among them, the very important rights such as the recruitment power, financial power and the appointment of officers are all controlled by Zhao Dongyun. The education department of the third town is fully responsible for the recruitment and training of new recruits. It not only undertakes the needs of the third town, but also undertakes the recruitment and training of new recruits in Jinzhou patrol battalion.

At the same time, the quartermaster's office is also directly responsible for the payment of soldiers. Other Beiyang troops are generally the chief officers of the unit who take the money back and send it by themselves, but in the third town and the Jinzhou patrol camp, they are directly distributed by the quartermaster's office. The chief officer of the unit is not responsible for it. Sometimes Zhao Dongyun will squeeze out time to come in person. The sating troops presided over the sating in order to let the soldiers know that it was Zhao Dongyun who supported you!

The same is true of ordnance. The Ordnance Section is responsible for coordinating the supply of ordnance ammunition for the whole army, and each department cannot directly purchase ordnance.

He is personally responsible for the appointment of officers above the basic management, and his subordinates only have the right to make suggestions.

This control is actually stricter than Yuan Shikai's control of the Beiyang New Army. Yuan Shikai's control of Beiyang towns basically relies on the control of the army commanders, relying on personal prestige and balance, but lacks institutional constraints. However, Zhao Dongyun's control of the third town and Jinzhou patrol camp is based on institutional control, and his personal prestige and control are only auxiliary.

In this case, Zhao Dongyun was able to firmly control the third town and the Jinzhou patrol camp. However, now Zhang Zuolin said that he wanted to be sincere and wanted to maintain an independent establishment and a lot of power, which is impossible.

It is not impossible to surrender. After breaking up and reorganization, as for Zhang Zuolin to give you a belt at that time, it will basically end. Don't expect to continue to be the king of the new people's government.

"Brother, Zhao Dongyun is really bullying so much that we are going to surrender, but they even want us to surrender unconditionally, which is absolutely impossible to agree!" Zhang Zuoxiang said so fiercely, and Tang Yulin next to him also said, "At worst, we will fight. There are only more than 2,000 people under Kong Guanbei. More than 1,000 of us don't believe in beating him or not. As long as they hurt him, they will have a good talk to us!"

Zhang Zuolin also frowned: "Now we can only do this. Let's fight for a while and let Zhao Dongyun know that we are not soft persimmons!"

After a group of people agreed, they all came out excitedly and shouted that they wanted to have a big fight with Kong Guanbei, but not long after they went out, Tang Yulin and Wang Li had walked side by side. Wang Liyu sighed and said, "It's not easy to talk about it like hurting Kong Guanbei!"

Tang Yulin said, "It's just that if you don't play this time, how can the hole overlooking the north outside value us? How can you offer a price?"

It's just that they don't know that whether it's Zhao Dongyun or Kong Guanbei, they haven't thought of opening any price!