Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 139 List of the Dead

Nomu Xidian's Third Army began to launch a general attack on Lushun from August 7. The first attack was naturally the outer positions of Lushun Fortress, that is, the front of Dagu Mountain, Xiaogu Mountain and 203 Heights, and the front positions of the Northern Marine Division Camp. The Japanese army can only conquer these peripheral positions before they can attack Lushun Fortress. Launch a real general attack.

On August 7 alone, the Japanese army used three brigades, two of which launched a charge-like attack on Dagu Mountain and Xiaogu Mountain, and could not even climb the barbed wire of the Russian army in a day. The next day, Nogi Xidian continued to order the attack with a black face. Originally, Nogi Xidian intended to directly use the previous division to launch a charge, but due to the terrain and narrow attack channel, it was difficult to put down a whole division to attack at the same time, so he still adopted the tactics of rotating attack as yesterday.

To put it bluntly, it is an oil-adding tactic. When the previous team is almost beaten, send a second team to take over the attack!

In this small place, Nohime put in a division to participate in the battle. At first, the defending Russian army was three battalions, but later two battalions were reinforced. In the face of the fierce attack of the Japanese army, the Russian army did not want to reinforce more troops, but the area of Dagu Mountain and Xiaogu Mountain was so large, and there were more defensive troops. It can't be stuffed.

In just two days of fighting, the two sides were already dead and injured. Due to the fierce artillery fire by the Japanese army, a large number of people were killed and injured, while a large number of attacking infantry were knocked down by machine gun fire.

In the forward headquarters of the Third Army, many senior generals of the Third Army, such as Nogi no Kisuke, the commander of the Third Army, the chief of staff of the Third Army, Matsumura Mumoto, the commander of the 1st Division, and Shima Hisanao, the leader of the 9th Division, sat together, each sitting straight, while the deputy chief of staff of the Third Army It is to stand expressionless and recite the war report in your hand:

"Since yesterday, our army has successively invested in the 2nd Wing, 3rd Wing, 7th Wing, 35th Wing, 19th Wing and 36th Wing to participate in the attack on the outer positions of Lushun. Among them, the front position of 203 Heights and the front position of the Northern Marine Division Camp was relatively smooth, but our army The attack of Xiaogushan was stubbornly resisted by the Russian army. Yesterday, when the attack on Dagushan and Xiaogushan was launched, Colonel Da Nei Shoujing, the captain of the 7th Wing who participated in the war, had died for the country. Within two days, a total of 1,600 people were killed and 3,600 people were injured.

The list of officers killed in the Seventh Wing is as follows: Infantry Colonel Ouchi Shoujing, Infantry Major Kuma Jinwu, Infantry Major Yoshida Shijiro, Infantry Captain Nishida Fengjiro, Infantry Lieutenant Tomoo Nomura, Infantry Lieutenant Ota Sadamao...

The list of officers killed in the 35th Regiment is as follows, Infantry Colonel Masao Nakamura, Infantry Major..."

It's just a long list. At first, the user's face was expressionless and extremely calm, but later there was a trace of trembling between the words!

And the other senior generals of the Third Army were also cautious. Although the people present had expected that the attack on Lushun would suffer great casualties before the war, they did not expect that they had not hit the Lushun Fortress, but they had suffered such heavy casualties after fighting several front positions of the fortress, only two days Meanwhile, the 7th Wing and 35th Wing have been completely disabled. Almost half of the officers below the regimental commander have been killed in the battle, and even the captains and squadron captains of the troops have even been confused.

The 7th Wing suffered the most casualties, and the large force of nearly 3,000 people before the war is now only 600!

"Sir, retreat!" Chief of Staff Iji Zhixing looked at Noriki!

But Matsumuramumoto, the commander of the first division next to him, said ferociously, "Retreat? Am I right? Are you going to give up the results of the soldiers' heroic battle now?

Idi Zhixingjie said, "Now that many heavy artillery of our army have not been transported, and the shells are even more scarce. Haven't you seen the attack in the past two days? How can I rush up without shells and bullets?

Looking at the people arguing, Nomu Xidian above did not speak. His thoughts have returned to the few words that Dashanyan said to him when Dashanyan came to inspect Lushun last month. He said that the battle of Lushun was not only about the glory of the army, but also about the victory or defeat of the empire and navy.

The reason why Dashanyan would say these words is that when Dashanyan held a summit meeting between the two armies and sea and land with Heihachiro of the naval joint fleet headquarters at the end of July, the navy repeatedly said to the army: "We are also very worried about putting forward excessive demands on the army, but attacking Lushun is urgent. There is only one requirement of the navy: that is, as long as the army can drive the Russian navy out of Lushun Port, and as long as it can drive the Russian navy out of Lushun, the navy will definitely destroy them! After the annihilation, we need to return to Sasebo for a rest as soon as possible to prepare for the Second Russian Pacific Fleet.

Why did the Japanese navy put forward excessive demands on the army? Because the Japanese navy did not consider directly conquering the fortress of Lushun at all before the war, the intention of the Japanese navy was to carry out a containment battle against Lushun and try to completely seal it. Later, after the failure of the method of this method, it was ready to adopt a strong attack to destroy the Russian fleet in the port, but it was fiercely attacked by the Lushun shore artillery. Vio-strike.

In the end, it was forced to block outside the port of Lushun and impose a naval blockade on Lushun. However, the Japanese navy can't stay outside Lushun for a long time. General ammunition should be replenished and rest. However, as long as the main force of the Japanese navy has left, the Russian fleet will definitely leave the port to escape.

At the same time, Russia was preparing to establish the Second Pacific Fleet and transfer the original Baltic Fleet to the Far East, so that the navy would have a stronger sense of crisis.

Although the Japanese navy in this era is confident, to be honest, neither the world nor themselves think that the Russian navy is vulnerable. Otherwise, Akiyama Shinji will not come up with the so-called blocking method, seven-stage strikes and so on, and the direct fleet decisive battle will be a game!

So the critical Japanese navy was forced to put down its face and then asked the army to help capture Lushun Fortress.

From this perspective, it can be considered that the Japanese army had never considered forcibly capturing the fortress of Lushun before the war. The Japanese army was only preparing to block the connection between Lushun and Fengtian from the land, so that Lushun, who was under siege, could take the initiative to surrender.

Faced with the request of the navy and the strong pressure of the domestic base camp, Dashanyan said at that time: Our army understands the plemm of the navy. As the army, we will do our best to support the navy. But Dashanyan also said: He has never heard that the Russian Pacific Second Fleet has left the port!

The implication is that there is still a lot of time, don't worry!

However, the Japanese navy is still dissatisfied. They can't know when the Russian Pacific Second Fleet will come to the Far East, so naturally they hope that the sooner the better, they can prepare for the Russian Pacific Second Fleet as soon as possible.

Faced with the pressure of the Japanese navy, Gentaro Kodama, the general staff of the Manchurian Army, had to promise that the third army prepared to attack Lushun has landed on the Liaodong Peninsula and will conquer Lushun in late August. As long as Lushun is conquered, the Russian navy in the port of Lushun will naturally be able to be driven out. .

That is to say, in this summit of the navy and army, the Japanese army promised the Japanese navy that it would launch a general attack in late August, and now the attack on the front positions of Lushun fortress such as Dagushan and Xiaogushan is for general preparations in late August. After all, the front positions have not been conquered. If so, how can we launch a general attack on the Lushun Fortress itself?

However, even Naimu Xidian, who had planned to pay huge casualties in Lushun Fortress, did not expect that he would be greatly hindered in the small Dagu Mountain, Xiaogu Mountain and other front positions.

However, can't we fight if there are a lot of casualties?

Nogi Xidian said, "Don't mention the retreat. Even if our army is short of shells and bullets, it needs to carry forward the spirit of Bushido in order to take the front positions such as Dagu Mountain as soon as possible!"

Indeed, although there have been more casualties in the past two days, the number of casualties of 3,000 and 4,000 people is actually nothing for this war. On the first day of landing, the army attacked Jinzhou, Dalian and other places. Although the whole process seemed relatively easy, the actual casualties were not small. Four or 5,000 people died in order to conquer Jinzhou alone. Not to mention Liaoyang, hundreds of thousands of people suffered a lot of casualties, and there was a division in front of more than half of the casualties in a day.

So although the casualties of only three or 4,000 people are not small, it can never dispel Nomu Hidian's determination to conquer Lushun!

Therefore, the offensive and defensive battle on the side of Lushun is still continuing. Historically, when the Japanese army attacked the outer positions such as Dagu Mountain and Xiaogu Mountain in late July, although the casualties were not small, it took four days to take them down. However, this time they not only suffered much more casualties than in history, but more importantly, six or seven days passed. The Japanese army still failed to take over the two small positions of Dagu Mountain and Xiaogu Mountain, and even the front position of Hill 203 was recaptured by the Russian army after being captured.

After seven or eight days of fighting, the actual progress of the Japanese army is to capture the front positions of some of the Northern Marine Division battalions!

The reason why it is separated from the historical track naturally has a lot to do with Zhao Dongyun. At the beginning of the outbreak of the war, Zhao Dongyun reminded the importance of the Russian army through various means, such as the importance of machine guns, such as the importance of 203 Heights, and even in order to make the Russian army better build a trench defense system. Zhao Dongyun also taught the Russians how to dig trenches and arrange heavy machine guns...