Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 144 Different

The emergence of light machine guns, coupled with 50 to 60 mm projectiles or mortars, have developed infantry team tactics with light machine guns as the core, which can extend Germany's infantry tactics in World War II, the three-three tactics of the volunteer army.

Of course, it's too early to talk about infantry team tactics. Before the light machine gun is equipped on duty, let's honestly play machine gun defense. As for the attack, it can only rely on a wide range of roundabout operations. Anyway, don't expect to break through the enemy's defense line head-on.

After another military conference based on the Russo-Japanese War, Zhao Dongyun, who went back to the study, saw Li Wan in front of him.

Li Wan immediately smiled when she saw Zhao Dongyun's face: "I've seen Lord Zhao!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded and smiled: "Miss Li is back from Tianjin?"

Li Wan also smiled: "I just came back today. I bought some books when I was in Tianjin. You said a few of them, so I bought them and sent them to you!"

"Oh!" Zhao Dongyun did not ask about any books, but continued to walk forward and said, "Thank you. Thank you for remember!"

Li Wan followed Zhao Dongyun's pace and walked side by side with Zhao Dongyun. Her height was slightly shorter than Zhao Dongyun's shoulders. Her red lips only reached Zhao Dongyun's shoulders. One wore a white pleated skirt wrapped in pink border lines, and the other wore brown and yellow officer's regular clothes. If the color was hazy, the two people would be quiet. If you can't stop, it's like an old photo that has gone through a hundred years of vicissitudes.

The two walked slowly, and the maidservant of Li San and Li Wan who followed them were already very knowledgeable and backward. Although Zhao Dongyun and Li Wan have always been friends, Li Wan came to Zhao Dongyun when she had nothing to do, and Zhao Dongyun always treated each other kindly. Sometimes they would stay in Zhao Dongyun's In the study for a long time, I don't believe it if there is no personal affair here to kill Li San.

So at this time, Li San consciously did not act as a light bulb. He and Li Wan's maidservant followed far behind and said to Li Wan's maidservant while thinking, "Xiao He, when do you think your daughter fell in love with my adult?"

The little girl named Little He turned over her long eyelashes: "What are you talking about? When did my lady like Lord Zhao!"

Li San didn't care: "Isn't that obvious!"

Xiao He wanted to defend something, but she opened her mouth and didn't say anything. The little girl was too young to lie, and with her little head, she had already known that her daughter liked Lord Zhao, so she didn't defend it and just snorted coldly!

The south courtyard of the Li family is not small. This place was originally part of Li's manor, and when it was built, it was not used as the main residential courtyard, but as a side courtyard, so there are not many buildings in the courtyard. On the contrary, there are many garden landscapes. In the past, it was regarded as a place for daily play in Li's manor.

Since Li's father and son were sent here as Zhao Dongyun's headquarters residence last year, although some forbidden posts have been added to the periphery, the internal changes have not been small, that is, a large number of headquarters office staff have been stationed in the front courtyard hall, and the place where Zhao Dongyun lives behind has still maintained its original appearance.

There are many evergreen flowers and trees in the back of the south courtyard, and during the period when the rockery flows across, people walking in it can't feel too much of the autumn.

"I don't understand German words either. I just heard from the owner of the bookstore that they are all military-related, so I bought them back first regardless of whether they are right or not." Li Wan said softly.

Zhao Dongyun said, "Thank you, Miss Li. I haven't had a new book for more than a month!"

In order to give himself a more intuitive understanding of the contemporary era, Zhao Dongyun is very interested in some contemporary military, political and economic books, especially military books. In recent years, he has been collecting various books through various channels, such as the diplomats sent by Beiyang to Germany to buy artillery and machine guns. Zhao Dongyun, an international student, will ask them to buy books from Germany and France and bring them back to China when they have a chance.

Then Zhao Dongyun actually did not mean to learn the theoretical content in these Western books. He usually looked at it with an understanding and reference attitude, and finally used it to improve some of his military theories.

Li Wan also likes to read books. Although she reads some literary works, she goes to the bookstore to see and other military, political and economic books, and will also help Zhao Dongyun buy them.

"Thank you, I'm just on my way!" When Li Wan said, she took the hair on her forehead with her left hand, and then continued, "Anyway, I'm going to see my aunt's, and I'm going to buy books myself!"

In a small place in Jinzhou, it is estimated that there are some books and five classics, but it is difficult to find foreign books. You have to go to Shanghai or Tianjin, where there are more foreigners or simply say that there are more places in the concession.

"It's said that etiquette is frequent. Since you brought me a book, I'm afraid there is nothing good to give back to you. Some time ago, I asked someone to make some freshly squeezed juice. It's good to add a few pieces of summer ice for you to try!" Zhao Dongyun casually said that this juice is not a novel thing, but ordinary people will not think of making it.

Although Zhao Dongyun usually does not reject some living habits of this era, he has the soul of the 21st century. Although several years have passed, it is still difficult for him to adapt to the contemporary lifestyle. Among other things, he hates the fact that he can only use kerosene lamps and candles without electric lights at night. I feel.

Therefore, intentionally or unintentionally, he will try to copy some of the living habits of later generations, so he never live in those antique courtyards. Even the furniture used in life is more traditional styles, but choose Western furniture and small foreign buildings that are closer to modern styles.

You have to let him live in a traditional quadrangle courtyard, go out to take a sedan chair, wear a horse coat with long braids, shake a folding fan and go to the brothel to sing things like the country's broken mountains and rivers, which he can't do to death.

This juice is just one of them. In summer, I made a freshly squeezed juice and added a few ice cubes from the cave, which is very good for relieving summer heat and quenching thirst. A few days ago, I remembered that I ordered my subordinates to prepare some.

In a short time, the two sat down together in a gazebo. The topic in their mouths had changed from books and juices to Zhao Dongyun's career in Germany in the past few years.

"Germany is so far away, and you are alone, won't you get used to it?" When Li Wan said, "I'm afraid you just turned 20 years old at that time!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "At that time, although there were not many students in China, there were also several students from the same library, Cheng Huangyun and Yongku, who could meet occasionally, but most of the time they were still alone in Berlin, but it was good to be alone, so that they could calm down. Learn something, or you will only go to the classmate party. I'm afraid you won't learn anything after two or three years.

When Zhao Dongyun stayed in Germany, there was no trend of staying in Germany in China. In the years before Gengzi, there were only Zhao Dongyun and a few sporadic scholars studying abroad in the same museum. After Xinchou, there were many years, but Zhao Dongyun had already returned to China. Therefore, his study in Germany was different from those who went to Japan and Germany now. Due to the large number of these international students, they will be more or less taken care of by their classmates, but Zhao Dongyun was really lonely at that time. Not to mention having classmates in the Berlin Military Academy, even few in Germany. Chinese students.

Although this is not the first time Li Wan has heard Zhao Dongyun say this, there is a trace of yearning in her eyes: "I also want to study abroad, but my family won't allow it!"

Li Wan doesn't want to go to Berlin, she wants to go to Paris!

Paris in this era is much more famous than London and Berlin. It is the world's fashion, literature and even financial center. Young people from countless countries want to study and play in Paris.

Zhao Dongyun also knew that Li Wan said that she wanted to study abroad was just an excuse. It was almost the same as going to play! Although Li Wan's vision is much broader than that of ordinary women in modern times, she has only read a few more foreign books. Compared with other contemporary women in large families, the gap is probably that Li Wan reads foreign romance novels, and other boudoir women read traditional romance novels such as the Western Chamber, which is essentially not much different.

So studying and increasing life experience are not what she thinks. She just yearns for the romantic Paris depicted in many books.

In this era, it is not so easy to study abroad. Not to mention those one-in-a-a-liferation official derivatives. In addition to the foundation of modern knowledge, you have to require your family to have rich financial support. If you want to study in Germany, the United Kingdom and other Thai and other Thai countries, the minimum standard is three or 400 pounds. It's still the minimum standard of study and living, which is guaranteed that you won't be starving after paying the tuition fee. And those who are used to being young masters go out to study abroad at their own expense, and it is not enough to spend 1,000 pounds a year.

Studying abroad is usually three to four years, which costs three or four thousand pounds, which is 20,000 to 30,000 taels of silver.

These tens of thousands of silver are naturally nothing for a rich family, but it is almost unbearable for an ordinary businessman and landlord family. Think about it, a big shopkeeper who is equivalent to the general manager of a large enterprise in later generations. His monthly salary is only 100 taels, and his salary can't afford half of his salary to study abroad at his own expense. Born.

Even if a rich family like the Li family asked him to supply his direct descendants to study abroad at his own expense, it is estimated that he would have gritted his teeth and took out these tens of thousands of taels of silver, but a woman like Li Wan, who is destined to marry, should not expect the Li family to take out tens of thousands of taels of silver to study abroad.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, international students from Britain, the United States, France and other countries were either official derivatives with high expectations, or self-funded students with great wealth. Therefore, if you see any self-funded students studying abroad in the late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China and shout that they are proletarian revolutionaries after returning to China, you can spit on his face. You The rich second generation is called a Mao proletarian!

Zhao Dongyun's idea is also understandable. It's better to go out, see more people and listen to more things than to stay in his boudoir every day.

So he casually said, "You should go, whether it's Paris or London, which is very different from ours!"

"Real?" Li Wan seems to be imagining something different.