Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 154 Investment 2

Li Yujian is also engaged in the import and export business. What's more, because he has lived in the same manor with Zhao Dongyun for a long time, there are many talents in the third town and Zhao Dongyun. He also listens or sees that there is a little difference between international students. If he is from a foreign university, he is naturally a talent. If he is only If middle school is even just a language school, there is no need to introduce it. It's just a waste of feelings.

Fang Luong looks about 245 years old. Like other returned international students, he shaved off his braids, left an inch of head, wore a suit, and stepped on leather shoes. He was the most common image of international students in this era. He said, "Before I went abroad, I was a scholar and famous. After the study day, I went to Meiji Law School. This year Just graduated and returned to China!"

Li Yujian heard that it was a Meiji Law School. To be honest, he didn't know what the school was. In his opinion, the famous university hall should be two imperial universities, and those soldiers Lu Shi. Well, he also heard that Zhao Dongyun's brother was at Waseda University. As for other universities, he I haven't heard of it, and immediately asked, "But the university hall!"

Fang Lingtong said, "Yes!"

After hearing the affirmative reply, Li Jian showed a satisfied look: "Since I was from a university, I won't recommend it to you!"

Although he has never heard of the Meiji Law School in Fang Litong's mouth, as long as it is a college student, it is good, no matter whether it is a famous university or a second- or third-rate university, as long as college students are elite talents in this era, so Li Erjian will be relieved to recommend it.

In terms of his birth and academic qualifications, it is not a big problem for Fang Litong to apply to Zhao Dongyun. As for whether he can be valued by Zhao Dongyun, it depends on his understanding and real ability.

After saying that, he looked at Fang Yunzhou again: "Brother Zhicun, I heard that you set up a flour mill in Tianjin last month. Why, did you make money from flour? When will we work together in Jinzhou or Fengtian?"

Fang Yunzhou naturally laughed and said, "This is easy to say. If Brother Li is interested, we will do one in Jinzhou. I will ask someone to come and agree on this matter later!"

From time to time, there are distinguished guests visiting outside Li's manor. Because the identity of the visitors is not low, Li Yujian personally greeted them in the front yard. A few families have sent strong brothers and nephews due to the long distance or the poor health of the owner. Naturally, Li Yujian will not welcome them personally, but let their eldest son Li Zi Spring went to greet you.

When the lights first came on, compared with the north courtyard and west courtyard of Li's Manor, which are already brightly lit and slightly noisy, the south courtyard is indeed much quieter.

Since Zhao Dongyun took office as General Shengjing, he could not go to Shengjing to serve because of the Russo-Japanese War and could only continue to work in Jinzhou. Therefore, Jinzhou Prefecture intended to first make contributions to the government office as the temporary government office of the general's mansion and the residence of Zhao Dongyun and his wife, but it was indeed rejected by Zhao Dongyun.

On the one hand, there are too many people working with Zhao Dongyun, and a dilapidated Jinzhou magistrate can't provide office space for so many people. On the other hand, Zhao Dongyun thinks that Li's manor is not bad, and he will save moving around for a period of time.

So he simply continued to live in Li's Manor. In order to solve the problem of more and more government office workers, he asked the soldiers to build vertical brick houses outside the manor to serve as the office space of many of his institutions. Although the environment is relatively simple, everyone knows that This situation will not last long. After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Zhao Dongyun will eventually take them to Shengjing to take office.

However, Zhao Dongyun's general's mansion and the third town headquarters are more and more, but they are all concentrated in the front yard of the south courtyard. The office workers in these front yard naturally left after work in the evening, and some rushed back to the residences of Jinzhou City, while some simply lived in the barracks or nearby private houses, so this night After those people leave, the south courtyard will look quieter.

Zhao Dongyun in the backyard had already put on his military uniform at this time. After leaving the side hall, he asked the maid next to him, "Where's the lady?

However, without waiting for the maid to answer, Fang Ruolian's voice came from behind: "Isn't it coming!"

Zhao Dongyun looked back and saw Fang Ruolian wearing a traditional skirt and shawl. She looked rare: "Why did you change into this?"

Fang Ruolian shook her head: "They said I was a fake foreign devil!"

In the past, Fang Ruolian was mostly Western-style, wearing a foreign skirt, silk gloves and a soft-top sand hat, but today she changed into this traditional skirt, which made Zhao Dongyun a little unaccustomed to it.

Zhao Dongyun bent his hand and asked her to hold it. As he walked out, he said, "How come, who dares to say it?"

"I definitely don't dare to say it in person, but I will definitely say it behind my back!" Fang Ruolian said casually while keeping up with her husband's pace.

After the two left the south courtyard, they soon arrived at the west courtyard, that is, where the dinner party was held tonight. Before they entered, they could hear a voice from inside: "Lord Zhao and his wife are here!"

Zhao Dongyun also consciously waited for this sentence to spread before entering the door. As soon as he entered the door, he could see dozens of people standing on both sides. At a cursory look, some were wearing horse coats, some were wearing Western-style dresses, some were wearing new military uniforms, and some were wearing traditional official robes.

There are also women's families beside or behind these male guests. These women generally wear large skirts, but a considerable number of young women wear Western-style skirts, which shows that the social atmosphere of the late Qing Dynasty, especially the atmosphere of the upper society, no longer excludes foreigners from wearing.

In addition, before the banquet, Li Yujian knew that Zhao Dongyun liked to take his wife to attend the banquet, so Li Yujian mostly reminded the guests one by one, but don't run over alone. You have to take your wife with you. Well, you can't be a concubine, you have to be your wife. Otherwise, who will talk to Mrs. Zhao at that time? Is it possible to let a group of old men gather around others to say compliments!

Since today's banquet is a traditional banquet, the women in the venue did not stay for too long. They soon went to the nearby courtyard, where there was naturally a banquet specially for the women's family.

The rest of the male guests are also worth more than millions of people. Except for a few young people who attended on behalf of the head of the family, most of them are in their 40s and 50s or even 60s. However, they dare not be arrogant in front of Zhao Dongyun in their 20s, and they are very formal. .

However, Zhao Dongyun experienced a lot of this scene. He immediately hung up a harmonious smile that had remained unchanged for ten thousand years and put on the kind face of an elder and walked to several people in front of him. Li San also didn't know when he arrived at Zhao Dongyun's side, and at the same time quickly He said in his ear, "This is Lin Baodai of Yingkou Baolong Commercial Bank!"

Zhao Dongyun walked to Lin Baodai and asked, "Boss Lin came from afar, and it was smooth all the way!"

Lin Baodai is sixty-five years old, and he is a relatively old person on the scene. To be honest, he has seen many senior officials in his life. He has also seen General Shengjing several times, but it is the first time that he has been greeted so kindly by such a prominent feudal minister, as if he had hung up on his chest for a while. Zhao Dongyun, like Zhang, almost lay down with his feet softly. Fortunately, he was determined to cross the business sea for decades, so he resisted and said in a slightly trembling voice, "Thanks to the escort of the guard photographed by the adult, this journey is very smooth!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded immediately: "That's good. Take good care of yourself when you are old. Your body is the capital to make money!"

Zhao Dongyun rarely made a joke, and the group of people around him naturally made a very interesting voice. The leader must also be skillful to compliment the leader. If you don't laugh, such as jokes and witty words, it will make the leader more embarrassing, so you have to laugh, but you can't laugh too loudly and out. Ge, otherwise the leader will think that you don't know how to be polite.

Then Zhao Dongyun greeted the rest of the merchants with a 'kind' greeting. Under the cordial care of Lord Zhao, the representatives of merchants in the three eastern provinces expressed deep emotion!

Immediately after everyone was seated one after another, Zhao Dongyun naturally sat at the top. Originally, the two songs around Zhao Dongyun according to the management should be other senior officers or officials, but today, since the signboard is to attract investment, in order to further reflect his attention to businessmen, he took the left and right two songs. The location was arranged for the merchants. The left hand was Li Yujian, who provided catering and accommodation for the meeting with selfless spirit and no money. Although this person's financial resources can only be counted in today's group, and he is not old, he is barely half a landlord, so he sits in the first place on the left. The first place on the right is the Yingkou Lin Baodai arranged for just now. This person's financial resources are in the top three among all people today, and his age is also in the top three. As the saying goes, he is not as rich as he is older than him, and he is not as rich as him, so he grabs the right first place.

Although China has a tradition of talking at the wine table, it pays more attention to eating and saying nothing, so after everyone sat down one after another, Zhao Dongyun simply said a few nonsense and announced the opening of the banquet.

Although there were a few whispers from time during the meal, most people still buried themselves in eating, because they knew that tonight's highlight of the meal was about to begin. In short, if you don't eat now, you won't have to eat later!

It didn't take long for everyone to finish their dinner. Soon, the maid came up to remove the leftovers, and then the maid brought fruit and various snacks after dinner. Naturally, good wine was inevitable, and the maids next to them also skillfully poured wine for you.

From this time on, this dinner has actually really entered the stage of business conversation!

After taking a small sip, Zhao Dongyun looked at Li San next to him. Li San, who had been following Zhao Dongyun for many years, naturally knew what he should do at this time, and immediately coughed softly.

Li San coughed softly, and the people below didn't know yet. Zhao Dongyun was about to start talking about business. Immediately, they all sat upright and raised their ears!