Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 158 Military Reform

As one of the backbone military generals in the Soviet system, it is not surprising that Xu Bangjie was reused by Zhao Dongyun.

After sending Xu Bangjie away, Zhao Dongping then came in. As soon as he came in, he took out a report: "Third brother, this is the ordnance report you want!"

Zhao Dongping has a special status under Zhao Dongyun. At present, he has multiple positions. He is not only the general office of the General Administration of Finance under the general's mansion, but also the general office of the Third Town Armory. It not only controls the financial power of Fengtian, but also controls the small treasury of the third town and the power of ordnance management and procurement

Zhao Dongyun took it and did not open it, but said directly, "In short, how many new guns do we need now?" How to solve the old guns needed by the patrol headquarters?

Zhao Dongping looked at Zhao Dongyun, who had closed his eyes slightly, and knew that he had read too many documents and didn't want to read them again.

At this time, although Zhao Dongping had no report to read, the report was written by him, and he naturally knew these data. He immediately said, "In terms of the new gun, there are still about 3,000 gaps in the Second Mixed Association, and our inventory is only 500, which is relatively large. I have placed an order with Fu Factory a few days ago, but I'm afraid it's not easy to mention the goods in a short time!"

Zhao Dongyun still did not open his eyes, but said 'oh' gently. The meaning of the inquiry was very obvious. Zhao Dongping naturally had to explain: "Although it has never been difficult for us to pick up the goods from Fuchang, but this year's fifth and sixth towns have been newly established, and Baoding Governor Xian has sent a message to Fuyuan, saying that orders from other provinces have been issued The rate is delayed, and the guns produced will be given priority to supplemented by the fifth and sixth towns. If we want to get the goods, I'm afraid it will be September, and if all of them arrive, it will be November!"

The output of various ordnances of Fuyuan Machinery Factory has reached a normal level in 1904. In 1905, it has greatly surpassed Hanyang Gun Factory and become the largest arsenal in China. Among them, the normal monthly output of Fuzuo 88 rifles has reached 2,000. If customers are in urgent need and are willing to pay for it In case of urgent expenses, Fuyuan Machinery Factory can also directly double the output to the level of 4,000 pieces per month through the mode of working overtime day and night. Of course, this price is far from as cheap as 312 taels of silver, or at least more than 35 taels of silver.

Therefore, non-wartime will not work overtime day and night, and according to the normal output of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, it will take more than half a year to arm the fifth and sixth towns alone.

In addition, since 1904, the imperial court began to require all provinces to train new armies and designate Type 88 rifles as standard rifles, so the demand for Type 88 rifles in various provinces is also very large. Among the three major arsenals in China, Fuchang's Type 88 rifles are of the best quality and even the cheapest, so it is not only the northern provinces. Even the southern provinces went to Fuyuan Machinery Factory to place an order to buy ordnance.

In this case, although Zhao Dongyun's Second Mixed Association is barely an army in the Beiyang system, it is not a direct line like the third town but a local army belonging to Fengtian. Even with the support of Zhao Dongyun, it is impossible to cross the fifth and sixth towns to get a new gun. If you want to get a new gun, We have to wait a few more months.

Zhao Dongyun opened his eyes at this time and said, "It seems that the Fu Factory has been too short-sighted in the past two years. It knows that the supply is in short supply and will not expand production!" Later, you send a telegram to Uncle Bin and ask him not to rush to the steel factory and the gun factory. Although these two places are also important, the gun factory is more important!"

Zhao Dongyun felt that the development of Fuyuan Machinery Factory in the past two years was a little crazy. The arsenal should make guns and cannons, but now it is running to play steel and coal mines. Even if it is played, millions of taels of silver are thrown down all of a sudden, and there is no money to increase the production line of rifles and bullets.

He even thought about whether to separate the steel and coal departments of Fuyuan Machinery Factory so that Fuyuan Machinery Factory could focus on making guns and cannons, but just think about it. Fuyuan Machinery Factory is too involved to move easily.

Since the new gun is not enough, what about the old gun? Before the new gun comes, the second mixed association must have a gun!" Zhao Dongyun continued to ask Zhao Dongping.

Zhao Dongping said: "There are many old guns. There are many old guns that have been withdrawn from the Jinzhou patrol battalion and our third town before. When the Fengtian patrol battalion and the old army in various places were reorganized, a lot of them were also collected. I'm afraid there are almost 20,000 guns in this warehouse. I thought that 3,000 newer old Mauser should be selected for the second mixer, and then more than 2,000 Martini rifles and more than one old Mauser can be distributed to patrol police everywhere. As for other old guns, either too old or too miscellaneous, they are unbearable.

Zhao Dongyun nodded: "It's enough to barely hold on now. It will be better when there is a new gun in the future!"

Zhao Dongping continued, "In addition to guns, there is also a lack of about 20 guns. I'm afraid these will be purchased from Yanghang!"

Zhao Dongyun shook his head: "Slow down the purchase of artillery. Let's see how the Fuchang is doing. Last month, I saw their sample guns. Although it is worse than the German goods, at least it is also a mountain cannon. When they mass produce, they will buy them from Fuchang!"

At first, the gunmaking of Fuyuan Machinery Factory was just playing mortars, but later they also tried to build artillery, and successfully got a 75mm back gun. However, this kind of old color is naturally not wanted by anyone, so they began to imitate Germany's 75mm mountain cannon, which naturally has better performance. Original German factory, but at least it's not.

At the beginning of the year, Fu Factory built a 75mm tube mountain cannon with 14 times the body tube, which was shaped to make the 05 mountain cannon. Yuan Shikai knew this news earlier than Zhao Dongyun. As soon as he got the sample gun, he saw the sample gun test firing, and then directly placed 50 orders to the Fu Factory with a wave of his hand. You know that the one imitated by Fu Factory at that time There is only one sample gun, and it is still a long way from mass production.

The reason why Yuan Shikai directly asked Fu Factory to produce mountain cannons is that he was afraid of the Germans. In recent years, so many artillery and heavy machine guns imported from Germany have been extremely expensive, which made Yuan Shikai, a Beiyang family, extremely distressed. Therefore, as soon as Fuchang came out this mountain cannon, he learned that the price was actually It is 40% cheaper than importing from Germany. Yuan Shikai is definitely unwilling to continue to import the same mountain cannon from Germany. Since this year, only the 75mm wild guns imported from Germany have been imported.

As for the 75mm tube retreat cannon, Yuan Shikai has been entrusted to the blessing factory!

Fuchang has been working on equipment purchase and other work for more than half a year, and it is expected that it will be officially produced in another month.

In this case, Zhao Dongyun is naturally unwilling to spend money unjustly, but intends to wait a month or two to buy the Fuzuo 05 mountain cannon from Fuchang.

After Zhao Dongping said that the ordnance had left, Zhao Dongyun's reception this morning was not finished!

Just after a few minutes of rest, it didn't take long for Meng Enyuan to come in. As soon as he came in, he opened his mouth: "Your Excellency, I have some opinions on the editing of the Second Mixed Association!"

Zhao Dongyun said softly, "What?"

"Your Excellency, do you think you can transfer the cavalry battalion in Shiyang to me? At that time, my first mixed association will be able to have two cavalry battalions. If there is another cavalry battalion, my first mixed association will be able to pull out a cavalry association!"

After Feng Delin's troops were divided, the cavalry was organized into the Second Cavalry Battalion, and the step team became a battalion. Feng Delin served as the management. As for the management of the second cavalry battalion, he was transferred to the first cavalry battalion of the former First Mixed Association (Jinzhou Patrol Battalion) and served as the leader of the second team. Therefore, the 'Shiyang's Cavalry Battalion' in Meng Enyuan's mouth refers to the second cavalry battalion belonging to Fengtian's Second Mixed Association.

Zhao Dongyun couldn't laugh or cry: If the cavalry battalion of the Second Mixed Association is removed, and only infantry and artillery are left, how can you let the Second Mixed Association fight?

Meng Enyuan said, "The terrain in Northeast is flat, and the role of cavalry is very huge. If it can be formed into a cavalry association, it can undoubtedly greatly strengthen the mobile combat ability of our army!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "It is naturally a good thing to develop cavalry, but you can't just look at the cavalry association. The infantry still needs certain cavalry to cooperate in reconnaissance and harassing operations. If the cavalry troops on the infantry side are drawn, it will make the infantry lose their eyes."

Meng Enyuan smiled and said, "If this doesn't work, then do you think it's feasible to practice a few more cavalry battalions, whether it is assigned to the infantry association, the town or pulled out alone to form a cavalry association!"

Although Zhao Dongyun wanted to refuse in his heart, he also knew that Meng Enyuan was the number one cavalry general under his command, and it was understandable that he wanted to expand the cavalry, so he suppressed his refusal and immediately said, "Oh, you will go back to the constitution. Let me see!"

Unexpectedly, Meng Enyuan has also been following Zhao Dongyun for several years. He had expected Zhao Dongyun to say so, and immediately took out a plan: "Your excellency, this is my strategy for the development of Fengtian cavalry these days!"

Zhao Dongyun could only smile helplessly: "Lao Meng, you don't give me a chance at all!"

Meng Enyuan said, "Isn't this all for our great cause!"

Since Meng Enyuan has taken out the plan, Zhao Dongyun naturally can't but read it. He immediately unfolded the plan and read it. The plan is not long. Most of the text describes the cavalry strategy and tactics of the Japanese and Russian armies in the Russo-Japanese War, and also refer to the development of foreign cavalry.

Finally, Meng Enyuan wrote that the large-scale cavalry force is still an indispensable component of the contemporary army. If the cavalry can adopt the Dalian small battalion system, then a battalion of cavalry can meet the reconnaissance and harassment needs of an infantry town, and a company can be full. It is full of the detection needs of a mixed association.

However, in addition to its inherent reconnaissance role, the cavalry is more important for its mobility. If a cavalry association with more than 2,000 cavalry can be formed from four battalions to five battalions, equipped with mounted guns, machine guns, mortars and even cavalry guns, then this cavalry force of more than 2,000 people can carry out Long-range mobile operations, strategic detours, sneak attacks and other important tasks.

If possible, it can even be organized on a larger scale, such as a cavalry town with two cavalry associations, which can be used as a strategic force for tactical tasks such as attacking and detouring.

In Zhao Dongyun's view, this Meng Enyuan completely used the cavalry troops as horse infantry.

After that, Meng Enyuan also listed the compilation table of various cavalry. Zhao Dongyun just looked at these things, because the tables listed by Meng Enyuan all talked about Fengtian First Cavalry Town, Second Cavalry Town and so on. There were more than 5,000 cavalry in this town. According to Meng Enyuan's plan, Zhao Dongyun had to practice. More than 10,000 cavalry came.

Although cavalry is no longer the most expensive arms these days, and the cost is far less than that of artillery troops, it is not cheap. You let Zhao Dongyun go there to get money with more than 10,000 cavalry?

So after reading it, he put down the plan and looked at Meng Enyuan and said, "Now you know our predicament, and I also know my personality, so don't cover it up. Tell me, what on earth do you think!"

Meng Enyuan's plan is as unreliable as the naval development plan in the early years of the Republic of China. Meng Enyuan did not expect Zhao Dongyun to approve it. He just hoped to remind Zhao Dongyun that although heavy machine guns are powerful and infantry have become the main force these days, our cavalry is not bad, and we can still He became the main force and then promoted Zhao Dongyun to pay attention to the development of cavalry.

Now that Zhao Dongyun said this, Meng Enyuan also gritted his teeth and said, "Your Excellency, it is necessary to vigorously develop cavalry. Although it is difficult for me to Fengtian now, it should not be a problem to squeeze and practice two cavalry battalions. At that time, another battalion will be drawn from the third town, and then divided from the first mixed association and the second mixed association. Don't draw a team, so reluctantly you can form a cavalry association. Although the Ministry is not talented, it still wants to train a cavalry association for adults!"