Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 175 Dramat Change 2

Linyu County, which belongs to Zhili Yongping Prefecture, is also the Shanhaiwei in the Ming Dynasty. Of course, it also has a louder name: Shanhaiguan.

The strategic position of Shanhaiguan has been highlighted as early as the Ming Dynasty. In modern times and even decades, this place has been a strategic place. In ancient times, it became a strategic place because it was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but now, in addition to being easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is still a major traffic road inside and outside the customs.

Such as not to mention anything else, this is enough to make him one of the strategic points.

If Jinzhou is a strategic place to guard the eastern end of the western Liaoning corridor, then Shanhaiguan is an important checkpoint at the western end of the western Liaoning corridor.

In the face of these two important strategic places, the Beiyang Army naturally did not relax. As early as 1903, Zhao Dongyun's Third Association was sent to Jinzhou. Now Jinzhou is still stationed in Zhao Dongyun's third town, and the fortification system has been built for many years, but it is very well prepared.

And Shanhaiguan is no exception. On the eve of the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, Yuan Shikai sent the second town to live in Shanhaiguan. Later, some cavalry troops were sent to change their defenses, such as the first cavalry standard of Beiyang under Wang Yingkai, the fourth cavalry standard under Duan Qirui, and the fifth town and sixth town successively sent a bid or A unit of the association went to Shanhaiguan for rotation and stationing.

However, they all stayed for a short time. Wang Yingkai's first cavalry was stationed for a long time, but it was only a year. The rest were basically less than a year. After 1906, with the calmdown of the Russo-Japanese War, there was no need for Shanhaiguan to continue to station heavy troops. There was a second town. That's enough, but Yuan Shikai sent another fourth town of Duan Qirui. If several battalions are stationed in Tangshan, Luanzhou to protect Fuyuan Machinery Factory, then Yongping Prefecture is surrounded by famous and lieutenant heavy soldiers.

Zhao Dongyun arrived in Shanhaiguan in the afternoon, but he didn't have much mood to see the majestic wall of Shanhaiguan, and he didn't have much leisure to pay attention to how the second town troops near Shanhaiguan were training. Although he looks calm now, he still takes it when greeting Wu Fengling Smiling and laughing loudly from time to time, he seemed to be in a good mood, but only Li San knew that his boss basically did not say much on the way from Jinzhou to Shanhaiguan, except in public, and he has always maintained a sense of calm.

And this calmness is extremely abnormal, as if Li San saw that when Zhao Dongyun competed for the control of the third town and General Shengjing last year, Zhao Dongyun also maintained a kind of unusual calm in private, as if he had been thinking about military and state affairs all day long.

However, only Li San can see these states of Zhao Dongyun, and Zhao Dongyun seen by other outsiders is always full of self-confidence and majesty!

"Brother Wu, nothing else, I still admire your ability to train troops. The young men who came to your second town along the way look quite energetic!" Zhao Dongyun said this to Wu Fengling with a smile on his face.

Wu Fengling next to him heard Zhao Dongyun praise him for his good military training. Although he knew that what Zhao Dongyun said in front of him was only polite words, it was also very useful. In his heart, he secretly muttered that he had come back from Liude. Zhao Dongyun was obviously much better than his predecessor Duan Qirui.

"Speaking of military training, we are so big in the northern ocean, but few people can compare with you, Brother Yang!" Wu Fengling said, "Look at your Fengtian. It's only been more than a year, and I suddenly got two towns. When I went to Baoding the month before last, I heard someone say that only Zhao Suqian is talking about contemporary military training. My old Wu may make sense in front of others, but I dare not talk about training in front of you, Brother Ziyang. "

The so-called Zhao Suqian is naturally Zhao Dongyun. Zhao Dongyun is from Suqian County, Xuzhou Prefecture, Jiangsu Province. According to some contemporary customs, when someone ascends to a high position and becomes a governor or central minister, outsiders generally do not call their names directly, but by surnames and place of origin, or call them 'numbers'. . For example, many people in contemporary and later generations call Yuan Shikai 'Yuan Xiangcheng', and this city is Yuan Shikai's hometown. Hefei in Duan Hefei is Duan Qirui's hometown, and Zhang Nanpi's Nanpi is Zhang Zhidong's hometown.

Now that Zhao Dongyun is at least one of the ministers of Fengjiang, his subordinates naturally still call adults or generals and so on, but outsiders rarely call Zhao Dongyun with their names and surnames. They are mostly called 'General Zhao', and occasionally replace him with 'Zhao Suqian', and some shameless flatterers even shout There is a 'Suqian Gong'.

Wu Fengling and Zhao Dongyun then praised each other. You said that I was good at training, and I said that you were good at commanding. In short, the conversation was harmonious and the atmosphere was friendly.

After a few small conversations, a guard trotted in and whispered to the two adults, "Lord Duan and Lord Wang have arrived!"

Zhao Dongyun and Wu Fengling looked at each other, and then stopped talking one after another. Soon after, Duan Qirui and Wang Yingkai appeared outside the gate.

Although Duan Qirui and Wang Yingkai, Zhao Dongyun and Wu Fengling are all controlled by a town, there are still differences in prestige and qualifications. Zhao Dongyun and Wu Fengling, the juniors on the power field, have both got up to welcome each other.

Wang Yingkai hasn't come in yet, but said loudly, "Brother Ziyang, you are not authentic. Don't wait for me, or we can come in together!"

Duan Qirui, who was beside him, also came in and said, "Is it smooth all the way?"

It's not easy for Zhao Dongyun to put on General Shengjing's score in front of Duan Qirui and Wang Yingkai at this time. Well, although he does have more troops in the three towns than others present, his qualifications and prestige cannot only count the number of people under you.

Zhao Dongyun naturally smiled and greeted Duan Qirui and Wang Yingkai!

For a while, the conversation between the four people present was full of smiles, and it was impossible to see that the people present were actually competitors in Beiyang.

This nonsense was a little long, and after a quarter of an hour, the crowd sat down around a square table.

You should know that this square table was prepared by Wu Fengling as the owner. Why? In order to avoid the embarrassment of choosing a seat at this time.

In Chinese tradition, the seat is quite exquisite. If it is a traditional position, who will be the first? Who will sit in the second seat? Wu Fengling and Zhao Dongyun have nothing to say. They must be sitting below, but Duan Qirui and Wang Yingkai don't want anyone to be easy to do at that time, so Wu Fengling simply got a square table, and no one is better than anyone on one side!

In fact, only Wu Fengling will have such concerns. If it is replaced by Duan Qirui, Duan Qirui will definitely be the first place.

However, Wu Fengling obviously does not have the confidence of Duan Qirui.

Wu Fengling's origin in the Beiyang system can only be said to be very ordinary. He is the son of Yuan Shikai's family. What does it mean to have children? That's the son of Yuan Shikai's servant! In the early years, he was Yuan Shikai's mate, companion and so on. When Yuan Shikai joined the army, he also ran to be a follower.

Later, he was sent by Yuan Shikai to Tianjin Wubei School for further study, which led to his formal background and served as a team officer in the new army. Later, he was similar to other Yuan Shikai's direct line and got up step by step. He was one of the main cavalry generals under Yuan Shikai. Later, Wu Changchun, the second town, was transferred to the host. After editing the fifth town, Wu Fengling was raised by Yuan Shikai as the second town control. After Zhao Dongyun, he officially stepped into the Beiyang bigwig class.

However, the origin of domestic slaves, miniunuchs and personal soldiers has always been a stain on his life, which is despised by many officers, especially those young officers who joined the army from traditional literati and entered the military academy step by step. Most of them look down on these older generation of soldiers, not to mention Wu Fengling and other domestic slaves. An old soldier from birth.

In recent years, in addition to Wu Fengling who got up to become a town control, there is another person who also got up to become a control. He is Zhang Huaizhi.

After Wu Changchun, the earlier second town control, was transferred to the fifth town as control, he died in office this year. If Liu Yongqing is added, 1906 was an extremely tragic year for the Beiyang system. Connecting the death of two bigwigs is a considerable blow to the Beiyang system.

Wu Changchun died, and the fifth town control fell into the hands of Zhang Huaizhi. Who is Zhang Huaizhi?

He is the original leader of the first town and the number one general under Wang Yingkai. His position in Wang Yingkai's faction is similar to that of Zhao Dongyun in Duan Qirui's faction in 1903. At that time, he was one of the best people in the second echelon, but in 1903, Zhao Dongyun began to leave Duan Qirui's faction. Later, after assuming the control of the third town, he was completely separated from Duan Qirui and formed his own faction.

However, Zhang Huaizhi has been following Wang Yingkai. This time, with Wang Yingkai's strong support and his old qualifications, Zhang Huaizhi finally emerged from the position of co-chief and became the fifth town control.

After everyone sat down, Wang Yingkai came from the most powerful faction in the Beiyang faction. He wanted to be the first to open his mouth, but his mouth had not yet been opened. Duan Qirui, who was beside him, rudely robbed his words: "Now everyone has also talked about gossip, and Brother Shaochen and brother Yang, you have come secretly. At this time I don't think it's going to take too long, so let's get down to business now!"

Duan Qirui opened his mouth and let Wang Yingkai prepare a half-day opening remarks and was swallowed back abruptly. How uncomfortable it would be. If it weren't for the occasion today to be too important, Wang Yingkai would have lost his temper on the spot!