Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 193 Battle of Tongzhou 2

The team was led by Xi Hezhi, the old boss of Han Duotian. When he came over, he said to Han Duotian, "Lao Han, your progress has been quite good in the past two days. Now with a prominent part, we can knock down several enemy positions and machine gun strongholds on the opposite side!"

Han Duotian and Xi Hezhi are also old friends. When they were suppressing bandits in Jinzhou, Han Duotian was the deputy and leader under Xi Hezhi. Relying on his achievements in the battle against bandits, Xi Duotian was successfully promoted from platoon leader to the current battalion officer, and he did not forget to promote his old subordinate Han Duotian to go up. He recommended Han Duotian to study in the camp school, which allowed Han Duotian to cross the threshold that most soldiers could not cross and successfully become an officer in the Beiyang military system.

Although his officer is not from an orthodox professional background and can hardly keep up with the promotion of other young officers without great achievements, in any case, he finally broke away from the petty class and became an officer in the Beiyang army system. This kind of thing is for an ordinary soldier from rural origin. , is almost a great opportunity, so Han Duotian has been extremely grateful to Xi Hezhi for helping him in recent years!

At present, Han Duotian took back his old scolding and abusive nature and turned to a serious face: "Lord Xi, it's dangerous here. Why did you come here in person?"

The age difference between the two is actually relatively large. Han Duotian is more than 30 people, and Xi Hezhi is actually only 25 or 26. However, the class in the army is strict. Even if Xi Hezhi is not Han Duotian's benefactor, Han Duotian must be respectful. However, although those words are still respectful, they will always be less. A true and honest taste.

Xi Hezhi's face is still kind: "Why, if you old Han can go to the front line, I can't go to Xi!" While talking with a smile, he continued to walk in with his waist.

And he was followed by several other officers. After a while, several of them went to a relatively open place in this trench. Xi Hezhi did not be polite to others, but sat directly on the ammunition box.

The accompanying adjutant soon spread out a detailed military map, which is also a detailed area belonging to the surrounding trench areas. It was temporarily surveyed after the war, but the coverage is wider.

"Look, there is also this side, not only the prominent part of the enemy, but also the sandbag fortifications. According to our previous judgment, it is basically certain that these two places are the two machine gun fire points recently deployed by the enemy. These two fire points can not only suppress the front of this eastern section, but also the shooting boundary is extremely wide. It can even suppress the surrounding area of thousands of meters, and our army has been greatly hindered by them in the past two days!" Xi Hezhi continued:

"Because of the terrain and shooting boundary, our mortars are not easy to come up. Fortunately, there is this trench dug by old Han, so we have a place to shoot, so you should make good use of this advantage of the enemy's two machine gun fire points later!"

At present, a deputy military academy next to him said, "Your Excellency, rest assured that the mortars of the headquarters are enough to accurately hit the enemy's machine gun positions at this distance!"

Xi Hezhi nodded: "Brother Li, I know your ability. I can rest assured that I leave this to you!"

Then he said to another young officer next to him: "In addition to defeating the enemy's heavy machine gun fire point, I also decided to use this prominent trench to purchase a prominent machine gun fire point to suppress the enemy in the front and east to relieve the pressure of the second and third teams in the east."

Then he said to Han Duotian, "Once we set up the fire point of the heavy machine gun here, the enemy will certainly not be indifferent. At that time, you will have to work harder and protect all the brothers of the heavy machine gun!"

The prominent trench excavated by Han Duotian is not only close to the enemy's position, but also very wide. If two heavy machine guns are guarded, it is estimated that the troops of the whole battalion on the opposite side will have to be suppressed. The officers in the sixth town opposite are also tactically conscious. Once they find that heavy machine guns are deployed here, they must fight back, not to mention conquering here, at least to suppress the heavy machine guns in the third town.

So at this time, the infantry under Handota need to protect these heavy machine guns.

In modern times, in defensive warfare, the tactical core has become a heavy machine gun, and it has also become a crucial link to capture heavy machine gun positions and protect heavy machine gun positions.

Han Duotian immediately said, "As long as I don't die, I will guarantee that the heavy machine gun will not be lost!"

Xi Hezhi nodded: "Well, that's it. Let's get ready to go!"

The first action was naturally the people of the mortar group. While Xi Hezhi came to inspect in person this time, the team officer of the first team where Han Duotian was located also led the team in person. The two mortars were the 60mm mortars of the first team.

After the two mortar groups were placed in a relatively open place in the trench, the commander of the mortar quickly measured Zhuyuan with a scope. After some calculation, the commander quickly issued an order. After the gunner set Zhuyuan, he did not stop, but decisively ordered the firing of the gun!

The two 60mm mortars first fired two calibration bullets each, and then the commander ordered a standard three rapid fire, and the six shells were aimed at a machine gun position. With several low explosions, Xi He knew that through a small opening in the trench, he could The two machine gun fortresses of the enemy seen from the telescope were shrouded in smoke and dust one after another.

These six shells and the four more fired shells in front of them, and the front and ten shells were fired in less than a minute, making the enemy on the opposite side stunned.

Xi Hezhi could even see several looming things from the smoke, but soon there was a unique click of Mark Qin's machine gun in one of the heavy machine gun positions. Xi Hezhi had even seen the other party's heavy machine gun firing while turning the muzzle. Obviously, they did not find any obvious enemy. People are just fighting back blindly.

Seeing this, Xi Hezhi snorted coldly: "Well, you are not enough to play machine guns in front of our third town!"

Soon, the mortar commander behind also found that the rapid shot had only killed an enemy heavy machine gun, so he once again ordered one of the mortars to make a second three rapid shots, and also ordered another mortar to adjust Zhu Yuan, accurate Be prepared to join the subsequent shelling.

After the two mortars fired more than ten* one after another, the heavy machine gun opposite finally stopped in a piece of smoke.

After observing for half a minute, Xi Hezhi finally confirmed that the two machine gun fire points on the opposite side should have been shot out.

"I'll leave it to you!" After Xi He knew that he left such a sentence, he took the people of the battalion and left, and then the two mortars were also pulled back by the team officer of the first team. After all, the first team only had two mortars in total, and because of the close range, a few shells were often fired here, and then quickly moved to another one to fire a few more cannons. The bomb can not only meet the needs of the whole team of mortars, but also avoid targeted snipers and counterattacks by the enemy through frequent and rapid transfers.

After Xi Hezhi and others left, Han Duotian sat with Li Yuanjun, the commander of the two heavy machine gun groups and the deputy military academy. Han Duotian took the cigarette handed over by Li Yuanjun and said, "Brother Li, your cigarette is a good guy. I didn't expect you to be willing to smoke this Fuyuan Mingdian!"

Li Yuanjun smiled and said, "I just have this hobby. Anyway, I'm alone. What else can I do if I don't use this salary to enjoy it!"

Han Duotian said, "This man can't be compared. Most of my monthly salary has to be sent home, otherwise the young and old family will have to drink the northwest wind!"

Han Duotian has been married in his early years. His old parents are in the family, as well as his wife and three children. And since he became an officer, he has also brought his family from his hometown to Jinzhou, and no longer let them eat in the earth. In this way, the family has become urban people, but the food, drink and clothing of a large family is not a small number. mu. Although Handota is an officer, he is still the lowest platoon leader. This salary used to be only 25 taels a month. Later, Zhao Dongyun issued a 'training subsidy' to strengthen training for the army, but this subsidy is directly added to the food expenses. You can't take it out, you can only eat it...

In addition, officers are different from soldiers. Soldiers uniformly deduct certain food expenses for a big pot of rice, but officers have an officer canteen. They can eat whatever they want and give money...

And become an officer. You have to prepare a few sets of regular uniforms, dresses and big dresses for this military uniform. Otherwise, you will be embarrassed to see people when you go out. These military uniforms and troops don't pay for it, and you have to pay for them yourself...

So, these officers hold high salaries of dozens or even hundreds of taels of silver, but in fact, they spend more than ordinary soldiers. This person spends more. If they still want to raise a large family, they will be under much more pressure.

Han Duotian spends most of his salary on his family every month, and he doesn't keep much for himself. Like Li Yuanjun's bag of 'Fuyuan Famous Book' cigarettes produced by Fuyuan Cigarette Company in his hand, it is a bag of eagle, which is available to the general public. I can't afford it.

These days, exquisitely made cigarettes in China are actually not popular. Because the price is relatively expensive, most of them are smoked by middle and upper-class people, mainly used to replace *. The slogan of cigarettes these days is that smoking cigarettes is more refreshing and higher than smoking big cigarettes, and Don't worry about addiction.

In the face of the cigarette market, an industry that is more profitable than *, Fuyuan Company, which basically wants to intervene in any industry, is naturally unwilling to fall behind. In 1904, a Fuyuan cigarette company was established, and relying on the huge channel power of the Fuyuan system to quickly market the whole northern region, and then The slogan of 'Chinese people smoke Chinese cigarettes' has made its popular brand of 'Fuyuan cigarettes' beat many domestic cigarettes and other foreign cigarettes in terms of sales. It is impossible to win the Fuyuan cigarette factory in the northern market.

Of course, in the south, foreign cigarettes continue to dominate, and in addition, the newly emerging Nanyang cigarettes are also blooming.

Han Duotian also smoked Fuyuan cigarettes in the past. It's okay to smoke a few packs of Fuyuan Mingdian occasionally, which is naturally unbearable every day.

However, Li Yuanjun was obviously much more bold. As soon as he saw Han Duotian speak, he didn't say anything and directly handed over more than half of the remaining packs of cigarettes: "Brother Han, you have it. It's not enough for me!"

With that, he actually took out a bag from his coat pocket again and looked at Han Duotian squeaking: "Brother, I'm brave enough. Then I'm not polite!"

"You're welcome. I'll rely on you later, brother!" Li Yuanjun does not look very old, at most 22 years old. In addition, this person's military rank is just a deputy military academy like Han Duotian. At a glance, he knows that he has just graduated from Fengtian Wubei School.

However, although this Fengtian Wubei School is the same as the previous Third Town Suying School, there is a big difference between the accelerated class, the formal class and the advanced class.

Most of the accelerated classes are recommended excellent soldiers or other old military officers, and most of the students in the formal class are excellent young people directly recruited. The entrance examination is quite strict. Last year, when the first formal class of Fengtian Wubei School enrolled, they came from all over the country to apply for two young heroes. There are more than a thousand people, most of whom have graduated from new schools such as middle school and normal schools or scholars in the old imperial examination era, and there are also many people who went to study abroad and only went to a middle school, but were not admitted to college or Lushi.

How many are admitted? Less than 300 people!

As for the training class, it has nothing to do with ordinary students, because in addition to the recommendation of the boss, the students themselves must be officers, and they must be in the Beiyang system. There are only dozens of students in the first phase.

Li Yuanjun is from the official class. He has just graduated from a deputy military academy. It is estimated that he will be a regular military academy in a few months. In this era when qualifications are better than ability and academic qualifications are better than seniority, it is doomed that the life trajectories of Han Duotian and Li Yuanjun are completely different.

After these three-word conversation, Han Duotian soon became a brother with Li Yuanjun. He learned that Li Yuanjun's family was still a big landlord in Shandong, with thousands of mu of land. No wonder the Fuyuan Mingdian in his hand could be thrown away one bag by one. The relationship was not bad. But how can this young master, who doesn't seem to be short of money, come to the army?

"I said, Brother Li, your family is not short of money. Why do you come here to play this desperate job?" After taking a full breath, Han Duotian said while spitting out a smoke ring.

Li Yuanjun asked, "Are you asking me why I joined the army?"

Han Duotian nodded!

Li Yuanjun smiled and just wanted to answer, but at this time, several roars suddenly came!

"Cannon attack!" The answer became these two words, and then the two people quickly fell down, and then Han Duotian didn't care about listening to any answer, but quickly climbed up the trench and looked out through a small opening. From the telescope, many people appeared in the opposite enemy position!

They are going to fight back!

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