Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 195 Unforgated 2

In the position where the shells were still flying, Han Duotian trotted and shouted, and the soldiers also came out of the gun hole one by one, and then lay on the trench. The rifle in his hand was ready to meet the enemy at any time.

At this time, the attacking sixth town soldiers were hit by heavy machine guns and shells, and the third town, as a defender, was actually not good enough. They also had to endure the other party's artillery fire. After all, the trenches were not a hole, and they could not escape the shells.

Especially on the other side of the more exposed heavy machine gun positions, although they can't strike accurately and are inefficient, but more than a dozen artillery pieces are fired. As long as a grenade fired by an artillery explodes over the heavy machine gun position, then this heavy machine gun group will have to be reimbursed.

It's just that this small probability hasn't happened yet!

Although both the attack and defense are facing each other's firepower threat, war is a more tragic game than anyone else!

Everyone also endures blows and casualties, but whoever dies more and who can't stand it first will lose!

In the war mode of this era, there is no doubt that the casualty proportion of the third town as a defender is far less than that of the sixth town of the attacking side.

When the two teams of soldiers in the sixth town charged with shells, the two heavy machine guns under Li Yuanjun were already the main force of defense. The two heavy machine guns continued to shoot at long points. Once they hit, they had to fall down, but the officers in the sixth town were not stupid. They would not know how to launch them. The attack will be intercepted by intensive heavy machine gun fire.

So the reason why we continue to launch the attack is that the distance between the two is quite close, and the closest place is actually less than 100 meters!

Why did the sixth town launch a counterattack? That is, Han Duotian dug the trench to the front of the defensive position of the sixth town. Originally, the previous opposition distance was three or four hundred meters, but now it is about 100 meters close to Han Duotian, and two heavy machine guns are deployed behind the swaggering back. A thorn in his side is here, and there is no need to do anything else in the position on the square of the sixth town opposite.

So they have to remove this nail!

On the one hand, this prominent part is too threatening them, and on the other hand, it is also because the distance is quite close. It will not take long to launch this charge. If the soldiers try their best, they can run for more than ten seconds at most. Moreover, Han Duotian's newly excavated trenches have not yet deployed obstacles such as barbed wire and wooden fences to facilitate the charge.

With the combination of many situations, the sixth town launched this attack, but don't think they are stupid to die!

In addition, in this offensive battle, although the core goal is to capture this small position where Han Duotian and Li Yuanjun are located, the fighting is far more than here. Within the surrounding width of 1,000 meters, there are actually troops from the sixth town launching an attack, and the two heavy machine gun sets of Li Yuanjun, which are the core of defense, actually It is not only the small position where Han Duotian is located, but actually the defense line of the whole second battalion of Xi Hezhi.

When thousands of people launched an attack on Xi Hezhi's second battalion, the two heavy machine gun groups under Li Yuanjun were so busy that they didn't even have time to give enough support to the defensive front of Han Duotian.

In the eyes of Han Duotian on the front line, he can already see the enemy of the opposite trench gradually crawling out of the trench. The place he is in is different from other troops of the second battalion. The place he is only about 100 meters away from the enemy. Usually, he does not dare to lie down on the trench and shoot because of the distance of 100 meters. Even if you are an ordinary soldier, if you are lucky, you can blow off your head with one shot...

The 40 or 50 men of Han Duotian lying behind the trench were extremely nervous at this moment. What they were worried about was that they had begun to tremble. Even if they were calm, they couldn't help breathing heavily.

The heavy breathing sound echoed faintly in the sound of explosions and the rattle of heavy machine guns!

At this time, there was a series of bronze whistles in the opposite sixth town trench as in other directions. The sharp sound of the bronze whistle could even reach Han Duotian's ears. At this time, he also pulled out his pistol and continued to wave the saber in one hand, while the other hand was holding a Six-shot revolver pistol.

Just as the bronze whistle sounded on the opposite side, Han Duotian immediately shouted: "Get ready!"

The next moment, a large number of Beiyang soldiers, who were also dressed in dark blue, but without cloth on their arms, rushed out of the trenches. Some of them shouted loudly, and some lowered their heads and kept rushing forward. At this moment, the rifles in their hands were all inserted with shiny bayonets.

"Shoot!" Han Duotian also gave the order to fire at the first time, and also pulled the trigger of the pistol. Of course, it was not to hit the enemy. The pistol could not hit people at a distance of hundreds of meters, but to act as an order to fire.

At this critical moment, many soldiers will even be stunned and can't hear verbal orders, or simply can't react. However, people have a blind mentality, that is to say, others will shoot themselves, so at this critical moment, shooting directly is more useful than conveying verbal orders.

As Han Duotian took the lead in shooting, more than 40 of his soldiers also quickly pulled the trigger. Whether they hit or not, they immediately pulled the bolt, and then aimed at the second shot.

The soldiers of the sixth town who rushed over opposite were knocked down one after another, but the rest continued to charge!

These soldiers did not counterattack with guns, but it does not mean that the soldiers in the sixth town let Han Duotian shoot and intercept them. In fact, at the same time, a heavy machine gun from the sixth town was also continuing to fire. At this moment, the task of this machine gun is to suppress Han Duotian and others who shot back in the trenches.

With the sound of Li Yuanjun's heavy machine guns and harvesting the lives of soldiers in the sixth town one after another, the trenches of Han Duotian's department also stirred up smoke and dust. With a long point shot of the enemy's heavy machine guns, a series of bullets shot through the trench bunkers, and multiple bullets were directly hit. On the bullets that lay on the trench and shot, one of them's head was half overturned...

Even in the era of trenches, it is impossible to say that the defenders can safely stay in the trenches and shoot without any casualties. In fact, the casualties will still be great. In the Western Front of World War I, people heard that most of the British and French soldiers who launched the attack were killed by German machine guns for a day. Tens of thousands of people were injured, but few people would pay attention to it. In fact, many German troops as defenders also died.

In the era of positional warfare, in fact, most of the large-scale battles are meat grinders. It depends on who can't stand the full collapse. Germany's defeat in World War I is not because of the emergence of tanks and the shortage of resources. The simple reason is that they can't beat Britain and France by playing meat grinders. In other words, there are not as many people as Britain and France that Germans can die...

So when Li Yuanjun commanded his two heavy machine guns to attack the two battalions of the sixth town and caused heavy casualties to thousands of soldiers, the sixth town opposite was also suppressed with artillery and heavy machine guns, and also achieved good results.

Xi Hezhi once again came down from the hidden headquarters to observe the trench, and then said with a deep face, "Let's send a letter to the bid department and ask for artillery support from the bid department!"

Although Xi Hezhi was supported by a whole artillery battalion in the rear, it was still not enough for the current situation. Xi Hezhi's second battalion itself only had two 80mm mortar battalions and two heavy machine guns. As for the 60mm mortars, they were team-level firepower and could not be on the stage.

The equipment system of the third town is different from other Beiyang troops, because many equipment, especially heavy machine guns and mortars, are additional weapons purchased by Zhao Dongyun himself, so most of the various establishments are not formal. In addition, the level of weapons and equipment in the third town changes over time. Especially last year, it was influenced by Fengtian's training of other two town troops and various tactics during the Russo-Japanese War, resulting in the unstable equipment establishment of the third town.

For example, in terms of artillery, the Beiyang Army has already formulated a standard system, that is, 18 battalions. The third town has also made this system before, but last year, in order to train the two towns of Fengtian, many artillery personnel and even active artillery personnel were transferred, resulting in dissatisfaction with the artillery force in the third town. Later, it has been It is the lack of more than a dozen artillery.

It was not until the eve of entering the customs that artillery was drawn from the two towns of Fengtian and repopulated 18 guns. However, this establishment made many artillery officers have opinions, believing that there are too many artillery under the jurisdiction of a battalion, which affects the engine power. They think it is better to set up four artillery battalions in the artillery standard of the division and 16 guns in one battalion. Although there is an ambition of artillery officers to expand the artillery establishment and increase the division's artillery from 56 to more than 70, it also shows from another perspective that the 18 artillery battalions are not in line with the times.

Now, the staff of Fengtian Army Command has begun to reduce the existing artillery establishment, return to the standard three battalion system, and the old path of 16 artillery in one battalion, which can not only improve the flexibility of battalion-level artillery units, but also free up more artillery to equip other expanded troops.

You should know that the newly established Fourth Mixed Association and the Fifth Mixed Association are still waiting for artillery. Naturally, this new purchase is too late. The easiest way is to draw from the existing troops, so it is also a helpless measure to reduce the artillery establishment in this case.

The artillery system has changed, and the heavy machine gun system has actually changed frequently. In the era of the Third Association, it was concentrated in one battalion, and then at the beginning of the third town, it was divided into six per standard. Then in 1904, it began to expand the heavy machine gun system, so two were assigned at the battalion level, and After 1905, it continued to expand, and three more machine guns were added to the machine gun team under the standard department, increasing the number of heavy machine guns in the standard machine gun team to nine.

However, this has not been played yet. At the beginning of last year, Zhao Dongyun set up another so-called independent machine gun team, equipped with twelve heavy machine guns. This heavy machine gun team is usually under the jurisdiction of the third town and becomes the town's machine gun firepower of the third town. However, later the team was disassembled and the subordinate machine guns were transferred to Fengtian No.1. Town.

However, on the eve of entering the customs, a large number of machine guns were transferred from the first and second towns of Fengtian, and two machine gun teams were reorganized, which were assigned to the First Cavalry Association and the Third Town of Fengtian Standing Army.

After this change, so far, the third town still has a large number of heavy machine guns, reaching more than 70. This level is comparable to the Japanese and Russian army in the late Russo-Japanese War. However, the independent machine gun team assigned to the town is a temporary establishment, and it is estimated that it will be dismantled after the war. If we only talk about the fixed organization In terms of the system, the standard number of heavy machine guns in the third town and the first and second towns of Fengtian is 56, and it has to be strengthened in wartime.

In this way, the tenth standard also has four 80mm mortars and nine heavy machine guns. These firepower, especially the nine heavy machine guns, are actually the core support weapons of an infantry standard.

Now, Xi Hezhi feels a little overwhelmed, so he immediately asked for the support of the bidding department, especially the support of heavy machine gun firepower.

Xi Hezhi felt that his whole battalion was under great pressure, and it was located at the forefront of the front line, with the most fierce competition. At the same time, it was also the core of this battle. The prominent part of Handota was even more fierce.

At this time, Han Duotian's arm was already wrapped in white bandages, and his face was stained with blood that he did not know whether it was himself or his comrades-in-arms. In his sight, the enemy's infantry tens of meters away stood up again and rushed to his side.

Han Duotian shouted: "*Get ready!"

A few seconds later, a circle of * was thrown out, and although many enemies opposite fell, they still did not stop. At this time, Han Duotian was already ferocious, even regardless of safety, arrogantly stepped on the ammunition box, poked half of his body out of the trench, waved a saber in his hand and shouted loudly: " The bayonet is ready!"

For a while, the soldiers in the trench stopped shooting one after another, then nervously pulled out the bayonet from their waist, and then inserted them into the bayonet slot of the rifle. Some soldiers' nervous hands kept shaking and could not insert the bayonet into the slot for a day.

However, the enemy on the opposite side had already held a rifle and shouted with a bayonet. Then the gunfire stopped in Han Duotian's position. The enemy's suppressed heavy machine gun had ceased, and Han Duotian's subordinates also stopped shooting. All that remained was shouting and screaming, and blood flowed out of the wound. It is impregnant in this land that has killed countless people.