Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 227 I quit

Zhao E, who was originally just an ordinary civil servant under the Beiyang system, served as a magistrate and other positions in Zhili Province in his early years, which was not very good. In the original history, this person was one of the unknown officials of the late Qing Dynasty. The only estimate that he and Guangzong rebelled a little in history. Recorded.

However, since he was invited by Zhao Dongyun to serve in Fengtian in 1905, serving as the general manager of Huludao Industrial Zone has become a major turning point in his career.

The successful establishment and subsequent rapid development of Huludao Industrial Zone have made him one of the few effective economic development officials in the three eastern provinces, especially under Zhao Dongyun. In recent years, his prestige in the Beiyang system has also risen rapidly, and even in China.

The success of Huludao Industrial Zone also made him cross the threshold of middle-level officials and was pushed to the position of governor of Jilin Province by Zhao Dongyun. Zhao Dongyun's intention to transfer him as governor of Jilin is also quite obvious, that is, to use his successful experience in Huludao Industrial Zone to promote the economic development of Jilin Province. Exhibition.

At the financial meeting, he also put forward a so-called loan plan based on his experience in the Huludao industrial zone.

This borrowing plan does not mean borrowing from foreign banks or governments, but about issuing a certain number of government bonds in the three eastern provinces to raise continued funds.

"The proposed bonds are called 'construction bonds of the three eastern provinces', which are divided into one-year, three-year, five-year and ten-year. In order to quickly raise funds and attract merchants and people to buy them, the interest is slightly higher, ranging from five percent to seven miles. It is initially expected to be issued by Fengtian Bank!"

Although Zhao E is the person who proposed to issue bonds, it is still the Finance Bureau that bears the specific responsibility at this time. Xiling said: "According to our estimate, the first phase should be able to sell about one million, but the specific sales situation still needs to be determined after issuance!"

Zhao Dongyun took the plan, took a look at it briefly and asked Jia Bingyun, president of Fengtian Bank next to him: "Mr. Jia, is there any problem with the issuance of this bond? Will it cause some conflict with * issuance?"

Jia Bingyun said: "Generally speaking, the problem should not be big. Judging from the wind we released a few days ago, many merchants, ticket numbers and banks have expressed interest due to the relatively high interest rates of this first bond, but they should not buy too much. The main thing is to try the water!"

Although this issue of bonds is facing the entire domestic market, it is actually not for ordinary people. On the other hand, ordinary people do not have much money to buy these bonds as investment. The second ordinary people also have certain concerns about these bonds issued by the government, for fear that the government of the three eastern provinces will rely on them. Account.

Major merchants are interested in these bonds, especially those private ticket numbers, banks and other financial industries, because the interest rate of these bonds is relatively high, and there are short-term one-year and three-year bonds. Although many people in the financial industry have little hope that Zhao Dongyun can enter the customs and rule China, they do not think Zhao Dongyun will fall in three or even a year.

Therefore, many adventurous capitalists intend to make a short-term investment!

Zhao Dongyun is also relatively clear about this situation. At this time, he said, "I will order Fuyuan Company to take the lead!"

Fuyuan Company has a lot of assets. Although it is difficult for them to take out millions at once, it should not be a problem to take out millions to buy bonds. With this beginning, it can also affect subsequent merchants to buy bonds.

In fact, the main force of this bond issuance will be Fengtian Bank. Fengtian Bank has attracted so many deposits and always needs to borrow money to earn interest. Although it is said that a large part of treasury silver should be set aside as a reserve for * issuance, it is also possible to move part of it to buy construction bonds.

In fact, not only the construction bonds issued by the Finance Bureau of the three eastern provinces are mainly purchased by Fengtian Bank. In fact, the construction bonds issued by the three local governments of Yingkou Industrial Zone, Huludao Industrial Zone and even Shenyang Municipal Government are mainly purchased by Fengtian Bank.

The establishment and development of Fengtian Bank can be said to have solved quite a lot of Fengtian economic development problems.

After confirming the issuance of construction bonds, Xiling, who saw that borrowing could solve the urgent problem, put forward another suggestion, that is, to continue to borrow money from abroad, preferably to borrow tens of millions and then use it for Fengtian's economic construction.

However, this idea can only be thought about. Nowadays, the great powers of the countries are very worried about the chaotic situation in China, especially the upcoming civil war between the North and the South!

So far, the great powers have not even judged which side will win. In this case, many great powers have not begun to bet. Anyway, the two governments in the north and the south do not recognize it. However, Japan and Russia are very active, and the reason why Japan is active is also simple. They want to see a war-tattled China, so they moved everywhere. They sold more than a dozen artillery pieces of Zhao Dongyun in front of them, and then sold tens of thousands of 30-year-old rifles and more than 30 cannons to Wang Yingkai, which is not yet. Then they ran to the south and sold more than a dozen artillery to Duanfang.

Behind the booming arms business also implies their urgent desire for China to fall into a civil war.

And Russia has also done some arms business with Zhao Dongyun, but they pay more importance to the situation in the Far East, especially in the three eastern provinces. Their diplomats stationed in Shenyang have frequent activities and increased their ties with Zhao Dongyun.

It's just that although Zhao Dongyun has a good record of cooperation with the Russians, it is not something that can be done by opening his mouth to get real money from the Russians. If he doesn't give the Russians some benefits, they won't lend you Zhao Dongyun. What is the most desired benefit for by the Russians? That must be territory!

As for other countries, such as Americans, hope to carry out certain cooperation with China and then curb Japan's development together, but why do they like you, Zhao Dongyun? What they want is a unified central government, so that they can become the object of their cooperation. Now don't say that he is Zhao Dongyun, Zhang Neither Zhidong nor Wang Yingkai have this possibility.

Not to mention the British, French and Germans. They are not stupid and will not run to send you money to support you!

So the idea of getting a loan from a foreign country is unrealistic!

As for arms, they are willing to sell. Germany, Japan and even Russians are selling various weapons to Zhao Dongyun. As long as they have money, they can sell artillery, shells, machine guns, rifles and bullets, but if they don't have money, they don't need to talk about anything. Even Japan, who has a strong political purpose, does not give these to China. The warlords sent weapons for nothing, no matter whether Zhao Dongyun or Wang Yingkai wanted to get weapons from Japan himself, they had to pay.

The Finance Bureau and the newly established Foreign Affairs Bureau and the Russians even talked with Japan several times about the loan, but none of them were negotiated. The Russians said generously that as long as Zhao Dongyun was willing to cede Heilongjiang to Russia, he would be able to provide loans of up to 50 million taels, and it was still low interest.

I also said that as long as the three eastern provinces give the Andong Concession to Ri, I can also provide you with a loan of 10 million.

Even if Zhao Dongyun is willing to, does he dare?

He dares not. If a large number of young and strong officers he promised to launch a mutiny!

It's not so easy to sell the country!

After seeking loans or even support from the great powers, Zhao Dongyun could only hope that the domestic bonds could be sold. Fortunately, Fengtian Bank was powerful enough. The first batch of 6 million construction bonds was purchased 4 million, but it did not give cash banks. What he gave was *...

Fuyuan Company also bought 800,000 taels. In line with Zhao Dongyun's intention, the Jinzhou Li family also gritted their teeth and bought 50,000 taels. Several private banks and ticket numbers in the other three eastern provinces, tens of thousands, which one sold more than 100,000 yuan, and finally these also bought 2 million yuan.

is the sale of the first phase of six million construction bonds, but these construction bonds are mainly one-year and three-year, and the interest rate is also higher than ordinary loans, which means that before the finances of 1908 and 1910 are collected, they have at least six million debts, which is a profit The interest hasn't been included yet!

However, no matter what, the much-needed military expenses in the first half of 1907 were finally collected, and the millions of arrears from Fuyuan Machinery Factory were finally received, avoiding the fate of bankruptcy!

But before Xiling and others in the financial system were relieved, the military made frequent moves and unexpectedly announced a plan to let the patrol force replace the new rifle in February.

The military said that the patrol forces of today's 12 regiments are old and messy, with new rifles, Japanese rifles and Russian rifles, and more old single-pack rifles, and these old single-pack rifles are as many as * models.

It also said that the main ordnance supplier in the three eastern provinces, that is, the Fuyuan Machinery Factory, stopped the production of all kinds of messy old ammunition last year. These old guns now use ammunition in stock, so it is required to be uniformly equipped to make rifles.

This plan represents a huge cost.

That doesn't matter. In March, the military once again proposed to Zhao Dongyun a plan to build a new infantry division, not to mention the follow-up cost of a new infantry division. The initial cost alone cannot be worth three million taels of silver.

In the face of the military's enthusiasm for military expansion and endless military expenditure, Xiling once again played a rogue and once again refused to pay additional military expenses, saying that it was okay to expand the army. You Qiu Ba can raise money by yourself. Anyway, don't expect the Finance Bureau to give you a dime to expand. Army.

Zhao Dongyun is still a warlord after all. This expansion of the army is his most important thing. Seeing that the third and fifth brigades are about to be full, it is equivalent to stepping still if the military does not expand the army. At this time, Wang Yingkai of Zhili expanded the seventh division and came up with the so-called 11th Division and 12th division training plans, so Zhao Dongyun However, he did not come forward, but he also supported the military's expansion plan. In the final analysis, the reason why the military proposed the military expansion plan was still his hint.

However, Xiong Xiling is also a good stubble. In the face of pressure from the military, Zhao Dongyun intentionally or unintentionally hinted that Xiling submitted his resignation directly to Zhao Dongyun!

I quit!