Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 237 Talent Competition 2

Speaking of Hong Kong, the first reaction of later generations is that it is a large city in East Asia, the four small dragons in Asia. However, although Hong Kong has been operated by the British as a colony for decades in 1907, it is still a less prosperous port town, and its greatest role is to serve as the British Far East. As for the economic development of the naval base, we can only say hehe.

When it comes to big cities in the Far East, people's first reaction is Shanghai, and the second reaction is Shanghai. The third reaction is that in addition to Shanghai, are there any modern cities in the Far East?

The Alice, a British passenger ship of more than 3,000 tons, is slowly sailing into Victoria Harbour. It departs from London, England, passes through France, Spain, Italy, India and other ports, and finally arrives in Hong Kong across thousands of miles.

Most of its passengers are rogues and businessmen from European countries who want to go to the Far East to get rich, and in addition to these white faces, there are also several rare oriental faces.

On the first-class deck, Yi Liangxu, dressed in German military uniform and with the rank of German lieutenant, was mixed with wine among several ladies. From time to time, you can see the ladies gently covering their red lips with their hands with gloves, and from time to time, there was a low laugh.

This made Li Xiang, who had just come out of the deck, frowned slightly, and then he coughed softly and said, "Brother Jing Chen!"

As soon as he came out, several ladies over there turned their heads together, and one of the ladies laughed: "Another officer of His Majesty is coming!"

Yi Liangxu originally wanted to make fun of him, but when he saw that Li Xiang looked a little serious, he immediately withdrew the joke, and then stood up and said in slightly funny German French, "Several ladies, excuse me!"

As he spoke, he squeezed his eyes and made the ladies laugh again!

Yi Liangxu came over and looked at Li, who was wearing the same German army uniform as himself, but wearing the rank of captain, and said, "Brother Wei, why did you come here? I remember you went to the second-class deck to find Brother Chen and Brother Fang!"

"I also looked for them just now. Now several second-class cabins are on the lower deck. I'll ask you to go!"

Li wanted to listen and said, "Why don't you ask them to come up!"

"It's not that you don't know that those stubborn British people won't let them come up!" Li frowned when he wanted to speak.

No one told you that class discrimination is allowed these days. Their group graduated from major German military schools this year and then returned to China together. When they boarded the ship, they refused to give them tickets in the first class of their classmates. Of course, they will not use the excuse of such backwardness of ethnic discrimination. The reason for home is simple and practical: the identity is different!

Among these Chinese students who returned home together, except for the two 'His Majesty' officers' who graduated from the Berlin Military Academy, served in the German staff and were awarded the ranks of captain and lieutenant of the German army, the others were only ordinary non-commissioned officer and did not have been awarded the rank of German officer after graduation. International students, these people are obviously not qualified to go first class in those stubborn British people and stay with those gentlemen.

In fact, if it weren't for the British to see the two officers, Li Xiang and Yi Liangxu, they would not have sold them second-class tickets, but would only give them third-class tickets and let them stay with ordinary people.

Yi Liangxu cursed in a low voice: "These stubborn British!"

However, Yi Liangxu and Li thought that they would naturally not hold a disgrace for other compatriots. They didn't have that awareness. The classification is not only on British ships, but also on domestic passenger ships and trains. Even if ordinary people have money, it is difficult for ordinary people to get in first class.

In fact, Li Xiang and Yi Liangxu do not think that they and several other students who have returned to China are classmates. As the third and fourth batch of Chinese military students graduated from the Berlin Military Academy, they have their own pride. They are not classmates with those students who go to study in other military schools in Germany. They are classmates with Yang Deming and Zhao Dongyun. As for others, they are compatriots at most, and may be colleagues in the future. Well, not surprisingly, most of the people below will be their subordinates.

This can be seen from the fact that their predecessor Yang Deming was promoted to colonel only one year after returning to China and served as the director of the vital combat department under the staff of Fengtian Army Command. At the same time, he is a military student in Germany, but his future after returning to China is very different.

After Li Xiang, Yi Liangxu said, "Have you talked to them? What did they say?

Li Xiang led the way and said, "There are several people who haven't given me a letter yet. Chen Fenglan has said that he may have to go back to his hometown in Jiangsu first to visit the two elders!"

Unexpectedly, Yi Liangxu snorted coldly: "Bullshit, that boy said he wanted to go back to his hometown, but I think he was going to join the Southern Federation. Thanks to me taking care of him for two years, now he has betrayed us to join the Southern Federation!"

Li Xiang sighed, "Everyone has their own aspirations. We can't force him to go to Shenyang with us, but Fang Qingkun and Kang Dianqiao have told me in private and are willing to go to Shenyang with us!"

When the two spoke, they went down to the deck of the second-class cabin again, and then joined the rest of the German students. While talking to each other, the passenger ship Alice was already docked.

"Guys, there is always a time for the banquet to break up, and now it's time to say goodbye to each other!" After Li Xiang said that, he got off the ship with Yi Liangxu and three other students who decided to go to Shenyang, and several other people also disembarked one after another. Then they would change ships to Yingkou, Tianjin, Shanghai and other different cities to follow their life goals, and I'm afraid they will meet each other.

Not to mention where the other international students went after getting off the ship, but Li wanted to wait for others. They had just disembarked. Yi Liangxu saw a familiar figure in front of the dock with sharp eyes. Before he arrived, he shouted excitedly: "Senior Yang, we are here!"

After a while, Yang Deming looked at the people in front of him, but after counting the number of people and finding that there were only five people, he frowned and said, "Where are four more people?"

Li thought, "They left separately!"

Hearing Li want to say this, Yang Deming also frowned a little. He didn't expect that he would come to Hong Kong to pick up people in person, but they still let them run away. They all know with their toes. The other four people who left will either be loyal to Wang Yingkai and Duan Qirui in the future, or they will run away. If you go to the Southern Federation, they will become enemies of the Soviet Union.

Since the embassy of the Republic sent back a telegram saying that a group of international students were about to return to China, Zhao Dongyun personally ordered Yang Deming to intercept people before other forces.

Even regardless of his old face, he directly sent a telegram to Li Xiang and Yi Liangxu, two of their school peers in Germany, inviting them to serve in the Northeast as their predecessors, and hinted in the telegram that if they were willing to come to the Northeast, then the senior officials would never be stingy!

Facing Zhao Dongyun's personal invitation, Li Xiang is fine. Although this person is from Hubei, he graduated from Huwubei School before, but later entered the training class of the Third Mixed Association School and studied with Zhao Dongyun. Finally, he was favored by Zhao Dongyun and sent to Germany to study.

The Soviet brand on his body is even deeper than Yang Deming, and he will naturally continue to work for the Soviet Union after returning to China.

As for Yi Liangxu, he is from Jiangsu and graduated from the Beiyang Military Academy. He had nothing to do with Zhao Dongyun before. He was personally selected and sent to study in Germany. After relying on his own efforts to get into the Berlin Military Academy, he got involved with Zhao Dongyun and became Zhao Dongyun's junior in the eyes of outsiders.

However, regardless of their previous identity, they and Zhao Dongyun are alumni, and the descendants of Zhao Dongyun in the eyes of outsiders are real. These days, classmates say that they are valuable, and they are not valuable. For example, Tianjin Wubei School, Beiyang Military Academy and even Lu Shi's classmates are useless. Because there are too many people, hundreds of thousands of classmates are almost the same.

However, there are only a few graduates from the Berlin Military Academy in China, which are nothing more than Zhao Dongyun, Yang Deming, Li Xiang and Yi Liangxu. Even if the other five people are studying, there are only nine people in total, which are only a handful of serious people.

This thing is rare and expensive, and this number of people is valuable without the relationship between classmates and alumni.

In addition, Yang Deming's precedent is here, so Li Xiang and Yi Liangxu don't think much about it. They just plan to go to Zhao Dongyun, a former school after returning to China. After a few years, they have to become a general.

These two juniors of the Berlin Military Academy chose to go to the Northeast without much consideration, but the others have many concerns. The other seven international students who returned to China together were sent to Germany by Yuan Shikai. To be honest, it has nothing to do with Zhao Dongyun, and not every German student can be able to talk to Yang after returning to China. Deming and others were quickly reused by Zhao Dongyun. After all, Zhao Dongyun has a lot of military talents. All kinds of students studying in Germany and Japan can grab a large area. When they go to Northeast China, they always have to start from the grassroots level and compete with them step by step.

In addition, not everyone is optimistic about Zhao Dongyun. In fact, it is Zhang Zhidong and Wang Yingkai who dominate the process of Chinese history in the hearts of contemporary people. As for Zhao Dongyun, although he has two newspapers in three days, he has not been able to dominate the center. In people's minds, he is still just a partial warlord, at most his strength. It's just a little big, and there is no essential difference from Duan Qirui, Wang Shizhen and Wu Fengling.

The main reason why Zhao Dongyun competed with Wang Yingkai for the position of the boss of Beiyang at the beginning. No matter how you don't look at the Beiyang old man's home, you are a small warlord. If you can't get on the table, those talented people or speculative politicians and businessmen will not turn their eyes on You.