Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 245 Breaking the Dilemm 2

The former two river governor's mansion in Nanjing and now the two river patrol envoys can still see the traces of war. Large tracts of broken walls and bullet shells scattered on the ground tell people that a cruel battle took place here not long ago.

When the 4th Division invaded Nanjing, there was a fierce battle with the Southern Federal Army here in the Governor's Palace. Finally, two artillery had to be directly bombed, which then attacked the Governor's Palace and eliminated the remaining enemies. Although it was cleaned up in time after taking down the Governor's Palace, such a large Governor's Palace was seriously damaged for a short time. In the room, only a few courtyards can be cleaned up, and the others are still a broken wall.

Duan Qirui didn't care about this. After arriving in Nanjing, he moved into this building with great political significance on the same day.

Just like Wang Yingkai living in the Yiluan Hall of Xiyuan and Zhao Dongyun living in the governor's mansion of the three eastern provinces, Duan Qirui can only live in the governor's mansion of the two rivers, and he, the inspector of the two rivers, can be worthy of the name.

It's just that even if he lives in the Governor's Mansion of Liangjiang, his two rivers patrol is still untrue. Why? Because the territory controlled by the two river patrols is only Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and southern Anhui. Although these areas, especially Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang, are rich in sugarcane, in fact, he is not as good as Zhang Huaizhi as the area of this control area.

In order to win over Zhang Huaizhi and strangle Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai directly pushed Zhang Huaizhi to the position of governor of Anhui, and he also held a part-time position, resulting in Zhang Huaizhi now controlling Shandong and Anhui provinces.

Without Anhui and Jiangxi, it can't be called the two river patrols in any case.

"As long as President Duan is willing to join hands with my commander, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces are at your fingertips." Zhao Dongping seemed to speak calmly, and the eight-character beard trembled as he spoke.

Duan Qirui also looked at Zhao Dongping at this time. He and Zhao Dongyun have also fought for several years. They know more or less about the civil and military officials under Zhao Dongyun. Maybe he is relatively strange in the civilian system, but he is not strange to Zhao Dongping. This person has the characteristics of no other people in the Soviet system, that is, This person is Zhao Dongyun's cousin. In addition to the reputation of Fengjun's money bag for many years, many people also know that he is Zhao Dongyun's personal representative.

Zhao Dongyun's external liaison over the years, especially private liaison, was basically undertaken by Zhao Dongping. In his early years, he came forward to attract several bandits such as Zhang Zuolin. During the Russo-Japanese War, he also came forward to do arms business with the two countries. When Zhao Dongyun sought the position of General Shengjing, he went to Beijing to send bribes. It was also him, and this time, Zhao Dongyun actually sent his cousin to Nanjing. It is already possible to imagine what Zhao Dongyun wanted to do.

Duan Qirui thought about it and said, "Anhui and Jiangxi are originally the land of two rivers, and it is natural to return to me, but your commander wants Zhili, Shandong and Henan provinces. Isn't it too much?"

Zhao Dongping's face is still flat: "Zhi Li is what I want to get, and Shandong and Henan, if I only take one Zhili when Feng army enters the customs, and the land of Shandong Henan falls into the hands of others, then what's the difference if I can't enter the customs? Do you think more than 100,000 soldiers of my army will agree?

Zhao Dongping continued: "And don't be in a hurry to object, Marshal Duan. Listen to me first. Before coming, my Marshal once told me that if Commander Duan is careful, then it is not impossible for the land of Fujian and Zhejiang to support the first soldiers in the future!"

Duan Qirui heard the words Fujian and Zhejiang, and secretly said to himself that this Fujian and Zhejiang land is originally in my bag. I can still get it without cooperating with you Fengjun, but this secret talk is unusual, and he will not open his mouth randomly to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Because Zhao Dongping's first sentence was: "We need an ally!"

Duan Qirui is a smart person. As a smart person, he knows that Zhao Dongyun doesn't care who this ally is. It can be Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai or even Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen. Whoever helps him enter the customs, he will cooperate with anyone.

This secret meeting is straightforward and realistic, and Zhao Dongping and Duan Qirui can't argue with diplomats for many days.

So Duan Qirui was slightly silent and said, "If Zhao Shuai wants to enter the customs, what should Zhang Huaizhi, Wang Ruxian, Wang Shizhen, Wu Fengling and others go north?"

"Zhang Huaizhi's Third Army will naturally ask General Duan. As for the other companies, my general naturally has other plans!" Zhao Dongping said confidently.

If Zhao Dongyun wants to plan to enter the customs, it is naturally impossible to contact Duan Qirui alone. He also sent special places to Shanxi and Hubei. It is best to attract the above people to join Zhao Dongyun. Of course, this possibility is too small, and it is best to stabilize them.

However, although Zhao Dongyun has promised Duan Qirui to give Liangjiang, Fujian, Zhejiang and Liangguang, Duan Qirui is still unmoved. The reason is very simple. Although Zhao Dongyun promised to give him a large number of territory in the south, the reality is that if Zhao Dongyun does not enter the customs, even if Wang Yingkai wants to suppress him Duan Qirui, Duan Qi Rui can also take these lands in the south, so these promises made by Zhao Dongyun are meaningless.

What's more, Wang Yingkai's sitting in Beijing is equivalent to separating Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun. If Wang Yingkai is destroyed, Duan Qirui will have to face Zhao Dongyun directly. At that time, it is not Wang Yingkai to suppress and weaken him, but Zhao Dongyun will suppress and weaken him. If this happens, why does Duan Qirui have to ask for trouble?

"Although Fatty Wang is unpleasant, it's much better than Zhao Dongyun!" Duan Qirui said this to his confidant.

When he learned that Duan Qirui refused his solicitation, Zhao Dongyun, who was in Shenyang, was angry. At that time, he wanted to contact Wang Yingkai and prepare to choose to support Wang Yingkai to eliminate other warlords, but he did not expect that the wall would not open outside the wall. He put his best and even sent Zhao Dongping to Nanjing in person. It can attract Duan Qirui, but Wu Fengling in Shanxi has brought good news to himself.

"Did Wu Fengling really say so? He promised to march into Zhili with us?" Zhao Dongyun asked Yang Debiao with a serious look.

Yang Debiao said, "That's indeed what he said, but he also asked for the land of Shaanxi and Gansu, and also asked us to provide ordnance and military expenses!"

Zhao Dongyun smiled and said, "Okay, as long as he is willing to send troops, what's wrong with giving him the land of Shaanxi and Gansu? As for military expenses and ordnance, you can also give some appropriately!"

Wu Fengling is different from Duan Qirui and Wang Yingkai. Although they are both warlords, Wu Fengling himself is not comparable to Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai, Zhao Dongyun and Wang Shizhen. Both prestige and strength are too different.

Wu Fengling, who can't become a force alone, actually has little room to choose from. He either relies on Wang Yingkai, Zhao Dongyun, or Duan Qirui or Wang Shizhen. As for choosing neutrality, it looks wonderful now, but Beiyang can't split forever. Look at Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun. We know that the second civil war in Beiyang is imminent. At that time, no matter who wins, it will not give Wu Fengling, who chose neutrality, a good look. At that time, he will be a dead word.

Since you want to choose a person to choose, you naturally have to choose a person who has the hope of success but does not have much conflict of interest with himself. Wu Fengling chose Zhao Dongyun after careful selection!

First of all, the relationship between him and Zhao Dongyun is not bad, and there has been no conflict with each other. Moreover, when Wu Fengling was able to leave the ghost place of Rehe and come to Shanxi, it was Zhao Dongyun's help. Later, Wu Fengling also bought a lot of arms from Zhao Dongyun, and the relationship between the two has always been good. .

The second reason is naturally that Zhao Dongyun is the most powerful now. Since he wants to hold his thighs, he naturally has to hold the thickest one!

The third point is very critical, that is that Wu Fengling knows that once he joins hands with Zhao Dongyun, he will have a great chance to kill Wang Yingkai of Zhili under the east-west attack. At that time, as long as he pinch the Jinghan Railway, Wang Shizhen and Wang Ruxian will not be able to go north to reinforce Wang Yingkai. As for Duan Qirui, there is no year of the Jinpu Railway. Dai, when he transferred the main force from Jiangnan to Zhili, the yellow cauliflower was cold. Without Wang Shizhen, Duan Qirui and others going north to reinforce, Wang Yingkai could never stop himself and Zhao Dongyun from attacking.

That is to say, once Wu Fengling cooperates with Zhao Dongyun, the chance of success is very great.

As for the military expenses and ordnance requested, it is secondary, and even the position of Shaanxi-Gansu patrol envoy is secondary. Like Duan Qirui, the territory promised by Zhao Dongyun is only virtual, because these sites have nothing to do with Zhao Dongyun, and they have to take it from the hands of the Southern Federation. Some territory.

Wu Fengling wants more than that. He wants more than 10,000 people under one person. He wants to become a domestic warlord second only to Zhao Dongyun, so that he can have the opportunity to peek at the position of president in the future. Otherwise, according to the current domestic situation, even if he controls Shanxi and Shaanxi and Gansu, he is still only A second-rate warlord can't get on the table.

When Zhao Dongyun and Wu Fengling sent multiple secret telegrams to discuss the plan to enter the customs, Wang Yingkai also found that it was unusual. Although Zhao Dongyun's move to win over the warlords was secretive, the action was still slightly larger, and the most important thing was that Duan Qirui did not hesitate to give Wang Yingkai after rejecting Zhao Dongyun. A telegram was sent, saying that Zhao Dongyun tried to attract himself.

For a while, the atmosphere on the side of Beijing quickly became tense!

"According to reliable information, the first division has now entered a state of combat readiness, and the seventh division in Jinan, Shandong has also changed. Its cavalry regiment left Jinan yesterday, and the current movement is unknown!" An Yu of the Intelligence Department said, "Zhang Huaizhi's Third Army has also changed a lot. One of his brigades has returned to Bengbu in the north."