Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 270 Bao Guiqing's sincerity

Zhao Dongyun's many actions in order to concentrate and consolidate his military power have led to the contemporary Feng army's organizational structure being different from other warlords and even the later great forces in China.

In this case, even if Yang Deming, the director of the Operations Department, is actually responsible for commanding the entry operations of the entire Feng army, Yang Deming's authority is limited to making combat plans, and he has no power for others.

For example, in today's war damage supplement, Yang Deming can only inform the Ministry of Education, the Ordnance Department and the Ministry of Munitions Department to give priority to the replenishment of the Third Division, followed by the 10th Division. As for how to supplement the above three parts, it is not Yang Deming's business how long it will take to complete the supplement.

However, Zhao Dongyun asked today, and Yang Deming also had to bravely say, "In the past half month, our army has suffered a lot of war losses, and all departments have suffered losses. The new recruits from the Ministry of Education were originally prepared to stay in the first division of the provincial army, the first mixed brigade and the second mixed brigade outside the customs, but now the customs are temporarily tense, so they are transferred. Two thousand new recruits entered the customs to supplement all departments, among which the third division was given priority. Although there are many Japanese guns seized in terms of ordnance, we don't lack guns, so we don't use them. Heavy machine guns are often retained on the spot after being captured by various troops, and artillery is similar. However, our army consumes a lot of ordnance, and continues to supplement new ordnance. This new additional ordnance also gives priority to the third division, followed by the tenth division.

Zhao Dongyun also thought about it. The problem of new recruits is fine in peacetime, but many new recruits are not enough for the war. Now, although there are tens of thousands of new recruits in the new barracks, these were previously prepared for the establishment of the first division, the first mixed brigade and the second mixed brigade of the provincial army, and now the new recruits have been transferred. When it comes to the troops in Guannei, it is estimated that the formation time of the planned provincial army, one division and two mixed brigades, will have to be postponed again.

However, at this time, he also thought of more than 5,000 direct soldiers captured not long ago. Although some of these soldiers were new soldiers of the 12th Division, more of them were new recruits of the First Mixed Brigade, which was split from the First Division, most of which were old Beiyang soldiers in the Yuan Shikai era. In terms of quality, it is no worse than Zhao Dongyun's own soldiers in the third division.

Immediately, he said, "When you go and send a letter to the Ministry of Education, ask them to screen the prisoners from Tangshan. Those non-commissioned officers and soldiers who are willing to join our army are allowed to join our army and properly arrange the troops. If you don't want to join our army, continue to let them be the people's hard work!"

At this time, Yang Deming consciously changed his identity from the chief of the war department to the role of secretary, adjutant and so on. He immediately took out a pen and paper shorthand, and then said, "What about those officers?"

"The words of officers should be treated differently!" Zhao Dongyun said, "Those lieutenant-level officers who are willing to join our army will be sent to Fengtian Military Academy for adaptive training, and then assigned!"

"School officials and above who are willing to surrender can first arrange to enter the headquarters and each division brigade as a staff officer!"

"As for those officers who are unwilling to join our army, follow the house arrest and tell them that they will regain their freedom after learning about the war. Anyway, let's talk about it later!"

Yang Deming said again, "What about General Bao Guiqing?"

When Yang Deming talked about Bao Guiqing, Zhao Dongyun also felt that it was a little difficult to deal with!

There is no life-and-death hatred between Beiyang warlords these days. To put it bluntly, it is just a struggle for power and profit, which is similar to the civil officials in the pre-Qing Dynasty. The difference is that those civil servants used various means to play conspiracy, and these Beiyang generals directly commanded the troops to fight with each other.

Based on this environment, Zhao Dongyun is relatively tolerant of the surrendered direct army. Soldiers who are willing to join accept it directly. Unwilled soldiers will be the hard work first. At the end of the war, they will also be released, and the officers will also accept it generously. This is not because of the lack of officers in the Feng army, but to show their excellence. The reputation of those who are waiting to be sincere.

To be honest, Zhao Dongyun does not lack ordinary officers. What he lacks is high-quality officers. The size of Zhao Dongyun's army officer school in the three eastern provinces has exceeded that of the Beiyang Military Academy. The Beiyang Military Academy, like Fengtian Military Academy, has changed its name. Not to mention the past, the school was by Wang Yingkai after the Republic last year. The takeover is to show that the northern republican government is China's orthodox, the only government, and so on, and to distinguish it from the army officer school in the three eastern provinces, so it was renamed the 'Central Army Officer School'. However, just as the world calls the Army Officer School of the Three Eastern Provinces Fengtian Military Academy, most people call this Central Army Officer School 'Beiyang Military Academy' or 'Baoding Military Academy'.

Zhao Dongyun, who owns the Fengtian Military Academy, is actually not short of low-level combat officers in the foot, cavalry and artillery departments. Relatively speaking, Zhao Dongyun lacks some technical officers, such as heavyweight, communication, engineering and other departments. In addition to these technical officers, Zhao Dongyun lacks high-quality military talents, that is, those who have undergone higher military education. In short, there is a lack of talents who graduated from similar Japanese mainland universities and Berlin military colleges.

However, there are not many technical officers and high-quality officers in China. In order to solve this problem, Zhao Dongyun relied on the establishment of various technical crash courses at Fengtian Military Academy, as well as further training courses.

As for those captured officers, to be honest, most of the officers are dispensable for Zhao Dongyun, but in order to successfully recruit the enemy in the future, Zhao Dongyun still has to make the posture of buying horse bones. As long as he is willing to surrender, he will accept them.

As for senior generals like Bao Guiqing, Zhao Dongyun is not easy to arrange!

They surrendered with more than 3,000 people, and Bao Guiqing also made it clear that he wanted to continue to fight for the cause of the republic. To put it bluntly, he did not want to go straight to the field like those people of Feng Guozhang last year. It is certain to accept Bao Guiqing. How to arrange the problem?

If it is low and get a false position, everyone will not be a fool to see it at a glance. In the future, Zhao Dongyun will not expect to recruit other senior generals. If it is higher, then the generals in the Feng army, especially those colonels and lieutenants who are eager to be promoted to brigade commanders and chiefs of staff will also have opinions. , they have not been promoted until now. You Bao Guiqing got important as soon as you were beaten by us and surrendered. How do you let the generals of Fengjun deal with themselves?

At this time, Yang Deming said, "The Ministry of Vocational has an opinion!"

"Oh?" Zhao Dongyun said, "Let's say it!"

"At this juncture, arranging General Bao to serve in the rear may have a bad impact on the follow-up. I'm afraid that many people below will also have opinions, and there are many prisoners in Tangshan who are willing to join our army, but to be honest, these soldiers and new soldiers of our army The soldiers from the battalion are very different. Not only do they not understand their language habits, but also the tactical training they have received in the past is also different. It is difficult to integrate into the existing troops of our army. I think it is better to let these prisoners become their own brigade. Our army sends a large number of middle and low-level officers as the chiefs of each ministry, and Bao Guiqing will continue to serve as the brigade commander.

After listening to this, Zhao Dongyun thought about it carefully for a long time and said, "This idea is feasible!"

Immediately, he raised his hand to let Yang Deming out. He had to talk to Fang Biyong and Meng Enyuan about this matter, but these people have no objection. Anyway, the newly formed troops are captive troops, and there is no need to transfer their troops, so they naturally have no objection. Of course, it is very important. This newly established brigade, and it is also a mixed brigade, which is equivalent to many more positions such as company commander, battalion commander and regiment commander. Although Zhao Dongyun intends to set up a mixed brigade with captured soldiers and Bao Guiqing, he does not plan to arrange the captured officers. Although those captured officers are also accepted, they are not arranged. The re-repair of Fengtian Military Academy is to arrange other troops to serve as virtual positions. Naturally, how convenient it is for them to arrange. After all, they are not Bao Guiqing, and outsiders will not open their eyes and stare at Zhao Dongyun how to arrange them.

As long as the officer is his own, even if the soldier is a prisoner, Bao Guiqing is a surrender general, then it is enough for Zhao Dongyun to control the ministry.

After Zhao Dongyun's many orders, more than 5,000 prisoners in Tangshan have regained their numbers, that is, the first mixed brigade of the Central Army. Bao Guiqing still serves as the brigade commander, but the regiment commander below and the platoon commander are almost all newly transferred officers of the Feng army.

As for how much combat effectiveness can be exerted is another matter, but when Bao Guiqing issued a telegram scolding Wang Yingkai for violating the republican Constitution, provoked civil war, and declaring that the first mixed brigade would join the frontline war and fight for the republic, the world knew that Bao Guiqing had completely defected to Zhao Dong. Cloud.

"When Huanxizhuang was besieged, I knew that the first mixed brigade would be defeated and surrendered!" Wang Yingkai was so angry that his fat body was a little unstable. He staggered and sat down again: "But I didn't expect him to be so famous!"

Bao Guiqing's surrender in Huanxizhuang is actually acceptable for Wang Yingkai, Lu Yongxiang and others. After all, Lu Yongxiang ordered him to give up Bao Guiqing and turn around and run away. Otherwise, Bao Guiqing would not have completely fallen into the encirclement and was finally forced to surrender.

But surrender returned to surrender. After all, this is a defeat. It is understandable that Bao Guiqing surrendered for the lives of him and thousands of brothers, but what Wang Yingkai did not expect was that Bao Guiqing turned around and worked for Zhao Dongyun after surrendering.

Not only rebranded the first mixed brigade with great fanfare, but also openly issued a telegram to scold yourself!

This hit Wang Yingkai deeply, because Bao Guiqing is not an ordinary person. He is not an ordinary general officer who is not very important in the direct army, but one of the backbone generals of the direct army in the eyes of outsiders.

In the contemporary direct military system, Wang Yingkai is undoubtedly the leader, so the second is not Lu Yongxiang, but Wang Zhanyuan, followed by Lu Yongxiang and Bao Guiqing, and then Zhu Panzao and others. It's okay for the top four people in this power ranking to surrender, but they turned around and completely defected to Zhao Dongyun, and then they were at peace with Wang Yingkai, which made Wang Yingkai a deep blow.