Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 276 Meng Enyuan's Military War Letter

According to the current speed of the second cavalry brigade, it is expected to arrive in Shijiazhuang in two days. Although the current situation in Wu Fengling, Shijiazhuang is in a critical situation, Zhao Dongyun also knows that Wu Fengling's telegram cannot be fully believed. Wu Fengling said that the number of casualties must be at least 630%, and 2,000 deaths and injuries is impossible. Wu The troops brought out of Fengling are only about 10,000 in total. If the casualty rate of 2,000 casualties would have been more than 20%, Wu Fengling's troops would have collapsed long ago. There is still time to send a telegram to Zhao Dongyun for help.

However, there is no loss of 2,000, and the loss of thousands of people is still estimated. After all, although Wang Ruxian's troops are only on the sidelines of the North Sea, their combat effectiveness is second-rate in China, and Wang Ruxian's troops are quite large.

From the end of last year to now, the major warlords in Beiyang have been expanding their armies, and not every warlord has trained according to the standards of regular field armies like Zhao Dongyun and Wang Yingkai. For example, although Duan Qirui is not short of money in the two rivers and the number of troops is huge, the expansion is the provincial army of Liangjiang, and Duan Qirui is in Liangjiang. The soldiers with prisoners of war and new recruits have expanded three Liangjiang Army divisions and two mixed brigades. Speaking of the number of division-level troops, Duan Qirui is now more than several other warlords in the North Sea, but the two rivers army does not even have many artillery, and the number of artillery of the three divisions is not as large as the fourth division of Duan Qirui's direct army.

Wang Ruxian's army expansion mode is also very similar to that of Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen. From the end of last year to the beginning of last year, his 8th Division was full, but the soldiers were enough, and there were also rifles, but there was an extreme lack of heavy weapons. The artillery was not even half of the quota. In addition, he also got a land in Henan Province. In the mixed brigade, this mixed brigade is even worse equipped. The rifle is a Type 88 rifle, and other old-fashioned single-loaded rifles. The artillery only has six 57mm mountain guns.

However, although Wang Ruxian's division after another mixed brigade is poorly equipped, the number of people is quite large. This adds up to 20,000 people. This time, the reinforcement to the north almost brought the main force, a total of 167,000.

Compared with Wang Ruxian, Wu Fengling has fewer troops than Wang Ruxian, and half of the troops are the second mixed brigade of the Shanxi Army with the same combat effectiveness. In this fight, the two companies are half a catty and eight taels. The two sides have been fighting for more than ten days, and it is possible that thousands of people will be killed or injured.

But now Wu Fengling can still hold it, but after Wang Shizhen's reinforcement brigade arrives in Shijiazhuang, it will not be very reluctant for Wu Fengling to resist again.

At the same time, because Zhao Erxun also launched a large-scale offensive against Wu Fengling's troops left in Shanxi in the southwest and west, Wu Fengling was unable to draw reinforcements from Shanxi to reinforce Shijiazhuang.

In this case, the reinforcement of the Second Cavalry Brigade is crucial to the Shijiazhuang front, and whether Shijiazhuang can defend it directly affects the whole Zhili battle situation. Therefore, even if the horses of the Second Cavalry Brigade are killed, Zhao Dongyun still wants the Second Cavalry Brigade to continue to go south to reinforce.

"Two days, it's barely too late!" After Zhao Dongyun determined the time of the arrival of the Second Cavalry Brigade in Shijiazhuang, he silently calculated the information sent by the intelligence department. The intelligence reality is that Wang Shizhen's troops should also arrive in Shijiazhuang two days later.

After ensuring that the development of the Shijiazhuang war was still under his control, Zhao Dongyun once again turned his attention to Bazhou and Beijing.

Now Beijing and Bazhou have contained most of their troops, and they can't wait like this anymore!

Zhao Dongyun pondered and said, "The Battle of Bazhou is related to the survival of our army, and it can't be delayed for a moment. Since the combat office thinks it can fight an anti-encirclement, let's continue like this!"

Yang Deming immediately said, "The Ministry of Public Affairs takes the order!"

Zhao Dongyun once again turned his eyes to Meng Enyuan and said, "The Beijing side can't be delayed for too long. Now our army has invested a mixed brigade of one division and two in the direction of Beijing. Although the total strength is similar to the enemy, the main force of the direct army on the opposite side is only thousands of the remnants of the First Division. I hope that the soldiers of the first army will play English. In the spirit of brave fighting, conquer the capital as soon as possible!"

When Meng Enyuan heard Zhao Dongyun's words, his old face also turned red. Zhao Dongyun's words sounded nothing on the surface, but Meng Enyuan followed Zhao Dongyun for many years. Naturally, he could hear that Zhao Dongyun's words had expressed a trace of dissatisfaction.

The battle of Beijing has been going on for many days since the beginning of July. Although some progress has been made, it is extremely limited and far from conquering the Beijing division in one fell swoop. It is not surprising that Zhao Dongyun is dissatisfied with this.

Meng Enyuan immediately said, "The general can rest assured that he will rush to the front line of the South Courtyard to supervise the battle after the meeting. The generals of the First Army must work hard to conquer the capital as soon as possible!"

Zhao Dongyun did not intend to give Meng Enyuan a chance to be vague and immediately said, "How long will it take for the First Army to take the capital?"

Meng Enyuan was cautious after listening to it. After a few breaths, he said, "There will definitely be good news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs within three days!"

Zhao Dongyun ignored Meng Enyuan's words and said directly, "I'll give you eight days to give you the independent heavy artillery battalion and two heavy mortar battalions. Eight days later, my military boots will set foot on the land of the Forbidden City!"

After hearing this, Meng Enyuan stood up. His face was a little red. He knew that it was not the time to bargain, but to show confidence and loyalty: "The Ministry of Service will take the order and will definitely take the capital within eight days. If it doesn't work, it will be self-jud to repay the commander-in-chief's high expectations!"

Zhao Dongyun waved his hand: "What I want is victory, not your self-judication!"

This military meeting, led by the Battle of Bazhou, ended up asking Meng En to conquer the capital by a time limit.

After Meng Enyuan walked out of the conference room, he walked to Yang Deming with a heavy face: " Director Yang, can you borrow your staff to my first army?"

Yang Deming looked at Meng Enyuan and was also a little worried about him. The strength of the first army attacking the Beijing Division is actually not much, and although Wang Yingkai's soldiers are defeated, there are also 20,000 people. Although most of them are useless goods, the second brigade of the first division is still a hard bone!

Now I heard from Meng Enyuan that he wants to borrow people, which also understands Meng Enyuan's idea. Although there are many staff members of the First Army, their professional quality and the quality of the staff, especially in the combat office, are still relatively different. Although the combat staff of other military, divisions and brigades are excellent young officers, Basically, they are officers trained by Beiyang Military Academy and Fengtian Military Academy, but most of the combat staff officers in the combat office are international students and trainees. The lowest military rank is majors, and most of them are lieutenant colonels. If they serve in the field army, they are basically candidates for regimental commanders.

Yang Deming thought that there were a lot of people in his combat office, and there was no need to organize and a large-scale combat plan like the Battle of Tangshan at the beginning. In a Bazhou Campaign, a Bazhou Campaign did not need so much human resources in the combat department, and several people were seconded to Meng Enyuan for the first The military is not a big problem.

Immediately said, "Of course, there is no problem. I'll go back and pick a few to let them go to the First Army to assist in the battle!"

Meng Enyuan said, "Well, thank you for that. By the way, I heard that Major Fang Qingkun, the third section chief under you, is also here. Can you also transfer him here?"

Yang Deming looked at Meng Enyuan in surprise. He didn't expect that Meng Enyuan, a general-level man, still knew the combat staff under the combat department, and since he could say Fang Qingkun's name today, he must have a deep understanding of this person.

"Army Meng, you have a good vision. Fang Anqing's ability is also the top among his returning German colleagues this year. Since you have opened your mouth, I will let him go to the First Army for a few days!"

Fang Qingkun, courtesy name Anqing, is a native of Liaocheng, Shandong Province. Like many officers in the Beiyang system, he is a Beiyang native. Before Gengzi, when Yuan Shikai served as the governor of Shandong, he joined the right army of Wuwei. Therefore, this person was a scholar before joining the army. In addition, he was young and easy to learn, he soon entered the Wuwei right army. He studied in the camp school, and Zhao Dongyun was still teaching in the camp school of the right army at that time, so to some extent, Fang Qingkun was one of Zhao Dongyun's early students. Later, he was sent to Germany by Yuan Shikai and many other students to study, which was different from Yang Deming, Li Xiang and others who were admitted to the Berlin Military Academy. This person attended an ordinary non-commissioned officer school in Germany. At the beginning of this year, he went straight to Shenyang with Li Xiang, Yi Liangxu, Kang Dianqiao and others to defect to Zhao Dongyun.

and was awarded the rank of major and served as a second-class staff officer in the Operations Office. A few months later, on the eve of the entry of the Feng army, due to the imminent entry of the Feng army, a large number of officers of the army headquarters, especially the General Staff, were transferred to enrich the field troops. The former third section chief of the Operations Office was transferred to the commander of the 39th Regiment of the 10th Division, so Fang Qingkun also took the opportunity to be promoted to the third section chief of the Operations Department.

Due to their outstanding ability, although there are many German students who have returned to Zhao Dongyun one after another, except for Yang Deming and other three others who are top students in the Berlin Military Academy with a bright future, the promotion of other students is also very different due to the difference in personal ability. The only one who is a captain, and the good one is Major and even Lieutenant Colonel, and Fang Qingkun, because of his outstanding ability, although he is only a major now, has been promoted to the third section chief of the Operations Department. It will not take long to accumulate some information to be promoted to lieutenant colonel and colonel. Therefore, it is safe to be a regimental commander if he is sent to the field troops.

Of course, such an outstanding person will not have a small reputation in the Feng army, but it is also a little surprised that Meng Enyuan, the commander of the Feng army, can value and bring it up in person.

Since Meng Enyuan named this person, Yang Deming naturally would not hinder him. Then he arranged Fang Qingkun and three other staff officers of the combat department to go to the First Army Command to temporarily help Meng Enyuan make suggestions.

This arrangement is naturally not a formal transfer, but a temporary secondment, but for Fang Qingkun and others, this move is also a good thing to add a strong sum to their resumes. If the battle against Beijing is smooth, it will also be great for their future promotion. Benefits.

When Meng Enyuan found talents to enrich his staff team, he quickly reformulated a plan to attack the capital. This time, the focus of their attack was changed from Nanyuan to Tongzhou. The reason is that although Nanyuan is convenient to attack and supply, the opposite is the remnants of the first division led by Lu Yongxiang himself. Don't It seems to be the remnants, but the second brigade inside is a unit that has not suffered losses in the Tangshan Campaign. It is not easy to fight. Although the enemy has a large number of troops in Tongzhou, they are all the troops of the 11th and 12th Divisions. Although the attack is a little troublesome to supply, it will be much easier if the supply is in place. .

Meng Enyuan was asked by Zhao Dongyun to capture the capital division within eight days, and then the First Army adjusted the existing deployment and tactics on a large scale. The battle in the direction of Bazhou also intensified with the official anti-encirclement operation plan.

As the 6th Brigade changed its direction and detoured to the southeast of Bazhou and tried to detour to the side of the 7th Division to carry out an anti-encirclement, the 5th Brigade became more dangerous in the face of the fierce attack of the 7th Division!