Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 279 Recruitment and Reinforcement

Although the development of the Battle of Bazhou has far exceeded the original plan of the Operations Department of the Feng Army Command, the Feng army did not stop the Battle of Bazhou, but responded to changes. Chen Guangyuan on the front line decisively changed his original battle plan and expanded the goal of the battle from the destruction of the 13th Brigade to the seventh heavy damage. Teacher, come up.

However, it is conceivable that it is difficult to destroy the 7th Division, which has been joined together with the strength of the two divisions of the Feng army. Therefore, Chen Guangyuan not only continued to order the 6th Brigade to circuitate to attack the side of the 7th Division to the southeast, but also asked for reinforcements again like Zhao Dongyun.

In the face of the changes in the Battle of Bazhou, Zhao Dongyun also has no good way. In this case, there is no way out for him. He can only continue to deploy troops to reinforce the front line of Bazhou.

"Now that the rest of the first mixed brigade is not over, and the officers assigned are not in place. I'm afraid there will be a problem with the rash transfer to Bazhou!" Fang Biyong said, "Now that all the troops of our army have been deployed, and there is only one first cavalry brigade that can maneuver!"

In the early battle, due to the continuous mobility of many days, the losses of war horses were also relatively large. In addition, after the Tangshan Campaign, the Feng army marched to Beijing, Langfang and other battles were basically positions. At the same time, the Feng army also needed to retain a certain number of troops to cover the logistics supply line in the rear, so in all aspects Combined with the reasons, the first cavalry brigade is currently stationed in Langfang, Tangshan, Ji County and other places.

However, this first cavalry brigade is not easy to transfer. The troops entering the customs of the Feng army are now concentrated in Beijing and Bazhou, and a small number of troops have to be stationed in other vast areas in order to completely control these areas and cover the logistics route.

The first cavalry brigade can't concentrate, and the first mixed brigade has not been reorganized, which is not a good thing for the Feng army, which is extremely short of troops.

Zhao Dongyun said: "The first cavalry brigade still needs to be concentrated. As for the prevention and control, logistics cover and other tasks in various places can be handed over to the patrol police forces one after another. I have transferred three patrol regiments from Jinzhou, Shenyang and other places to the Guannei area. In addition, the staff should also start to form a local patrol force. Our army's field strength is limited, and the field troops must be pulled out of the local garrison!"

"In addition, although the first division of the provincial army has not been compiled yet, it can barely be used. I have ordered the Ministry to move Shanhaiguan and Tangshan!"

Hearing Zhao Dongyun say that the newly formed first division of the army of the three eastern provinces should be transferred to the customs, Fang Biyong beside him was worried and said, "In this case, we will only have less than 5,000 field troops left in the customs, in case there is a change outside the customs!"

Fang Biyong's worry is not unreasonable. Now, in order to fight in order to enter the customs, it can be said that all the field troops have been transferred to the customs. Only the newly formed provincial army's first division, the first mixed brigade, the second mixed brigade and about 20,000 patrol troops left in the three provinces outside the customs.

Needless to say, the patrol force is just to maintain public security and fight bandits. Don't expect them to fight with the enemy's field troops.

Although the newly formed First Division, the First Mixed Brigade and the Second Mixed Brigade of the Provincial Army have existed on paper for several months, in fact, before the Feng army entered the customs, there were only two regiments of the First Division of the Provincial Army. Although it continued to expand in the next month, the losses due to the Feng army's entry into the customs were not small. The Ministry of Education and the Ordnance Department have transferred a large number of new soldiers and ordnance to supplement the combat troops, which has led to a slower formation of new troops.

So far, in the newly formed provincial army's first division and two mixed brigades, the first division is only two infantry regiments, one artillery battalion and several auxiliary forces, with a total of less than 7,000, that is, about half of the strength, and there is a lack of heavy weapons. The first mixed brigade and the second mixed brigade have each been organized into a regiment. As for artillery, only two or three specially transferred for preliminary training.

To put it simply, the current loading of the one division and two mixed brigades on paper is actually just a mixed brigade and two reinforcement regiments, adding up to 10,000 people.

Although these tens of thousands of people are all new soldiers, seriously lacking in editing and low training quality, this is already the only field force left in the customs.

Now Zhao Dongyun is just to transfer the first division to the customs. If anything happens outside the customs, relying on the two promoted regiments and those patrol forces can't control the situation.

However, Zhao Dongyun didn't care: "If there is a change in the three eastern provinces, it can only be civil strife and other places. If there is civil strife, some bandits or civil riot patrol forces are enough to suppress it. If it is a foreign enemy, there is little difference between 5,000 and 10,000!"

Fang Biyong wanted to say something, but Zhao Dongyun did not give him a chance, but continued: "Tangshan's defense can be handed over to the patrol force and order the first mixed brigade to go south by train immediately, and then let the first cavalry brigade also go south!"

Zhao Dongyun now has no time to control or even defend against the great powers. For him, taking Zhili and marching into Shandong and Henan are the top priorities, and the rest are secondary.

Although Bao Guiqing's first mixed brigade has not been completed, Zhao Dongyun did not expect the first mixed brigade to recover its combat effectiveness immediately. He only asked the first mixed brigade to think like that, and at worst, it would slowly reorganize on the front line.

While Zhao Dongyun transferred only the remaining troops to continue to join the Zhili war, the recruitment of the Feng army is also continuing to increase. In order to further attract young and middle-aged people to join the army, in addition to increasing the settling down, extensive political propaganda has also been carried out. At the same time, it also reduces the requirements for the quality of soldiers. Basically, as long as the physical conditions are barely acceptable, it will not be as messy as before.

In addition, there are frequent good news when the Feng army fought in the customs. People heard that Feng Jun won the battle today and won the battle again the next day, and the Feng army will never publicize how hard it has fought, how many people have been killed and injured.

In recent months, the report on the civil war in the area controlled by the Feng army, especially in the three eastern provinces, can be described in four words: armed parade!

Many recruits who go to join the army think that as long as they rush forward, they will run away by shooting the enemy...

Therefore, the recruitment work in recent months has been quite excellent, and the recruitment work is not only limited to the three provinces outside the customs, but also in the customs area controlled by the Feng army. From the time it was determined to enter the customs, the Ministry of Education has not been worried about how many soldiers it can afford in the future, but how many soldiers it will take. In just a month, the Ministry of Education of the Feng Army More than 20,000 recruits have been recruited at various recruitment stations. Even due to the excessive number of new recruits and the shortage of the original new barracks, the Ministry of Education has temporarily opened several new recruit training camps.

The front-line war is tense and there is a great demand for soldiers. After a month of preliminary training, these recruits will be directly assigned to the troops. If they are lucky enough to be assigned to the first division, the first mixed brigade and the second mixed brigade of the provincial army left behind, it will also Be able to continue training in the army and grow into a qualified soldier before officially entering the war.

If unlucky is directly assigned to the front-line troops, those soldiers who have just learned to shoot after a month of short training will directly fight as soon as they arrive at the front line. There is no doubt that the enemy they face will not be as vulnerable as those recruited said and flee.

Most of them will die or be injured, and only a few people can continue to learn and grow in battle and eventually survive.

If the veterans on the front line who have been trained for many years are only consuming materials in the eyes of senior generals such as Zhao Dongyun, then these supplementary recruits can only be cannon fodder that consumes enemy bullets.

However, it is the supplement of a large number of new recruits in the short term that allows the Feng army to continue to be fully integrated, and only then can the provincial army's first division and two brigades continue to expand!

The increase in the strength of the army can also alleviate the current serious shortage of troops of the Feng army!

It's just that the deployment of troops and reinforcements by the Feng army at the overall level is related to the civil war, and it can't solve the situation of lack of troops in the Battle of Bazhou. After all, whether it is Bao Guiqing's first mixed brigade, the first division or even other troops, it is impossible to reinforce Bazhou in just a few days. The only thing the headquarters can do is to increase the The logistics supply of the Battle of Bazhou will try to make the existing troops exert stronger combat effectiveness.

However, there are still so many troops. After the 10th Division and the 5th Brigade launched a large-scale attack on the north and east defense lines of the 7th Division, it was found that this was similar to the original Tangshan Campaign. Although it had an advantage in strength and firepower, the progress made was extremely limited.

"It is impossible to make a breakthrough in the north and east, but our hope is still in the south!" Chen Guangyuan said to Xu Bangjie, "Brother Xu, I will hand over this frontal attack to your 10th Division first!"

Xu Bangjie nodded: "Don't worry, this roundabout game is your third division's strength, but this positive breakthrough is my tenth division's specialty!"

Xu Bangjie did not brag. At the beginning, the 10th Division conquered the Yinfeng front line and defeated the first brigade of the first division with a large number of civil works and two artillery battalions in the frontal attack. This battle completely established the victory of the Tangshan Campaign and also established Xu Bangjie's status as the boss in the Feng army.

After Chen Guangyuan saw that he could not make a breakthrough head-on, he soon began to take the 5th Brigade of the 3rd Division and other troops to detour south, while further south of the 5th Brigade of the 3rd Division was Gu Lanyu's 6th Brigade.

The 6th Brigade made a circuitous march for many days and was attacked many times by the 7th Division Cavalry Regiment, and finally successfully detoured to the south of Bazhou.

The successful detour of the Sixth Brigade also announced that the Feng army had officially formed a three-sided attack on Bazhou!

Facing the 6th Brigade's detour to his side position, Wang Zhanyuan decisively sent his reserve team and an infantry regiment to fight!

So after the battlefield in the north and east of Bazhou, there was also gunfire in the south.