Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 326 Caffe

Zhao Dongyun, who was in a bad mood, bent down and looked at the woman in front of him. The pitiful expression on her face made him feel a little trance for a moment. The hand that had stretched out to help her skipped her arm and fell on her chin.

Although Yu Wanling felt pain under her feet at this time, the expression on her face was no longer as painful as before, because she saw Zhao Dongyun actually stretched out his hand to hold her chin, and then she couldn't help looking up and see which one she had seen, but it seemed strange at this time. On her face, she could clearly see that Zhao Dongyun's eyes looking at her had changed. That look was not the kind of admiration that many people looked at her, but a kind of confusion.

He didn't seem to look at her again, but fell into an illusion!

The air seems to condense, and the noise around is as if it is still. In the whole space, only two people's eyes cross in the air and then collide with a trace of electric light.

But this situation didn't last long. Soon Yu Wanling saw Zhao Dongyun move his eyes away, and then her face changed slightly and his expression returned to the old. At this time, his voice also came to her ear: "Are you all right?"

When she heard this, she found that he didn't know when his hand had been removed from her chin, and then held her arm again to pull herself up.

At that moment, her face began to turn red, then lowered her eyelids and lowered her head, and said in a panic, "It's okay, it's okay!"

With Zhao Dongyun's hand, she struggled to stand up, but after a little force, there was a sharp pain from her right foot!

"What's going on? Did you get hurt there?" Zhao Dongyun's expression had returned as usual at this time. Although he said something of concern, Yu Wanling heard the thinness in his words. Looking at his eyes, he also found that there was no confusion in his eyes.

"It's okay!" She said so, but when she wanted to stand up again, the pain came from her right foot again, which made her moan softly again.

Zhao Dongyun said, "Is your foot sprained?"

As he spoke, he helped her up again with both hands. Yu Wanling barely stood up again with his hand, but relying on her left foot, which still could not support the weight of the whole body. Most of the weight of the body depended on Zhao Dongyun.

Although Zhao Dongyun is supporting her, from a side perspective, most of her body seems to be hanging on him.

As the distance between the two approached again, although Yu Wanling was not a shy girl, her face was inevitably flushed against Zhao Dongyun's behavior just now.

"I'll help you sit on the sofa for a while!" After Zhao Dongyun said that, he didn't wait for her to speak, but helped her to the sofa several meters away!

After Yu Wanling sat down, Zhao Dongyun said again, "Look where you are injured? Why don't I call Dr. Chen here?"

Yu Wanling shook her head quickly: "It's just that my feet hurt a little. I just need to do it. There's no need to bother Dr. Chen!"

At this time, several maids outside also quickly walked into the living room. Zhao Dongyun immediately said, "Go and call Dr. Chen here. Miss Yu's foot is sprained!"

Immediately, a maid quickly went out to call Dr. Chen, and Zhao Dongyun said again, "I'm really sorry that I didn't see you come out!"

Yu Wanling also said, "It's all my fault. I walked too fast, and I didn't see you come in!"

As she spoke, her eyes fell on the long skirt under her feet, and then smiled bitterly: "No wonder the skirt is too long!"

Not to mention, Zhao Dongyun's eyes fell on her skirt. This is a Western-style skirt with a fragrant neck, but it is obviously different from the back-supported skirt often worn by contemporary Western women. The upper body is similar, and the traces of the waist can be clearly seen, but the skirt is not There is support, but natural sagging, but the skirt is a little tight, and some of it is with the shadow of a staggering skirt, but it is not like, generally like the transition between the two.

This kind of skirt actually began to appear in the upper layers of China's military and politics this year, and the source of popularity is Fang Ruolian and Li Wan.

These two women usually wear Western-style clothes, because Zhao Dongyun really doesn't like them to wear traditional big collars, cheongsams and so on.

As the saying goes, these two women also adapt to Zhao Dongyun's hobbies in clothing. They wear Western-style skirts all year round, but the back-supported skirt with a strong late 19th century style is not liked by Zhao Dongyun, because it looks like a rooster with a raised tail and looks too funny. Therefore, the two women simply removed this kind of back support and then evolved into this kind of long skirt worn by Yu Wanling.

This has also created a very interesting situation. In recent years, although most of the women in the upper levels of the Soviet military and government have changed to wear Western-style skirts, they wear skirts between back-supported and staggering skirts improved by Fang Ruolian and Li Wan, and the popular back-supported or full-supported skirts popular in the contemporary West. There is a very obvious difference.

In addition to this Western-style skirt, in fact, it also set off a retro style after the republic last year. Although few people shouted slogans such as anti-Qing and Fuming, many people, especially those women in the upper class, wore skirts of the late Ming Dynasty.

The skirt on Yu Wanling's body is obviously too tight and small, and it is also a long skirt. Although this style of skirt will make women look more elegant when walking, it is absolutely not compatible with comfort. If the pace of walking is larger, it may trip over the skirt.

Obviously, Yu Wanling tripped and even sprained her foot because of her skirt just now.

I just have to say that even if Yu Wanling is sitting today, the dress on her makes her more attractive!

Yu Wanling's woman's intuition was still keen. When Zhao Dongyun's eyes changed slightly again, she noticed it, which made her a little nervous.

Although Yu Wanling is now wandering at the upper level of the military and political social circle, in fact, she is not very old. She is only 20 years old this year, but when she was very young, she traveled abroad with her father and went to the palace as a female official after returning to China.

Although this age is not small in this era, it is definitely not very big, and most women at this age have various fantasies.

It's not that she didn't think that Zhao Dongyun would have a good impression on herself, but in fact, the time for her time to enter and leave the Jurentang is not short, but Zhao Dongyun is very ordinary to her. Naturally, she will no longer think about these things for a long time, but she didn't expect that Zhao Dongyun today But it will be different from usual!

Does he like himself?

Yu Wanling couldn't help imagining this problem!

It's just that Zhao Dongyun is more difficult to guess than she thought. Today, his expression has been a series of gaffes, and this kind of thing is somewhat unacceptable for a man who is used to controlling everything and even wants to control other people's thoughts.

After being in a high position for a long time, Zhao Dongyun has begun to get used to some seemingly ridiculous things!

For example, don't let others see through their thoughts at any time. To put it rudely, except for Li San, a follower who can guess Zhao Dongyun's thoughts, it is difficult for others, even his wife, to detect what his real thoughts are.

It's just that he is not in a good mood today. On the one hand, he learned the news in the afternoon that the Intelligence Agency learned that he provided loans of up to 5 million yen to Duan Qirui through several Japanese banks, and all these loans will be delivered directly with ordnance ammunition, although Zhao Dongyun did not know Duan Qi. What price did Rui pay to get this batch of loans from Japan himself, but this is a very obvious signal, that is, as Zhao Dongyun became stronger and stronger, after sweeping the southern provinces to unify China, Ri himself began to sit still and began to directly support his opponent: Duan Qirui.

In tonight's reception, he heard that the front-line troops suffered a setback when attacking Suqian. After the 10th Division attacked Suqian, it still failed to make much progress. To a certain extent, it affected the whole process of the war in northern Jiangsu. Then his brother Zhao Dongquan rejected his suggestion to arrange for him to enter the government. Instead, he stubbornly wants to be a teacher.

Although Zhao Dongquan's ideal is worthy of affirmation and the starting point is also good, what Zhao Dongyun needs now is not a college teacher, but a younger brother with real talent to come to the government to help himself, especially Zhao Dongquan's political economy. If he can enter the Ministry of Finance, he will give himself The establishment of a modern financial system has provided great help.

Zhao Dongyun, who was in a bad mood, faced Yu Wanling, which was difficult for him to accept.

Zhao Dongyun, who was used to controlling everything, did not want to continue his composure in Yu Wanling, so he ordered the maid to call a doctor, and then told the maid to take good care of Yu Wanling, he was on the pretext that he had something to leave.

After Zhao Dongyun left, Yu Wanling reached out and touched her face, which seemed to be very hot!

However, today's president is different from before. Zhao Dongyun, whom Yu Wanling usually sees, is that kind of indifferent and confident. Seeing Zhao Dongyun's gaffe made her find that this man who was looked up to by countless people and made hundreds of thousands of soldiers fight with blood also have an ordinary person. Noodles.

Once this mind is activated, it will be chaotic!

Speaking of Yu Wanling, Zhao Dongyun was found by Li San after leaving the side hall, and then Li San said, "President, Director An of the Intelligence Department urgently asks for a meeting!"

"Oh? What is he doing at this time? Zhao Dongyun was slightly puzzled that the intelligence office under the same control was responsible for military intelligence, while the intelligence office was under the jurisdiction of the staff. His daily work was generally directly responsible to Fang Biyong, the chief of the staff.

Normally, An Yutong usually does not report his work directly to Zhao Dongyun, but at this time, An Yutong wants to see him urgently, so there is only one possibility, that is, the intelligence department has found significant military intelligence.

Although he didn't know what had happened, Zhao Dongyun's face also became cautious. The thoughts caused by Yu Wanling and Yu Wanling were instantly left behind, and then said, "Let him in!"