Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 360 50 million pounds

Rou Keyi continued: "I don't know how your country has gained in the London financial market?"

At this time, Zhao Dongyun has put away the mood of gossip and entered a state of diplomatic negotiations. He knew that Rou Keyi's move to send people to the London financial market for private placement was just an introduction to the topic. So he immediately said, "The situation is quite gratifying!"

Although Zhao Dongyun's face was indifferent, he sighed secretly in the bottom of his heart, because the private placement achievements abroad were really unsightly, and Zhao Dongyun was embarrassed to say it.

In order to raise funds for the war, the Soviet Union has been issuing 'patriotic bonds' since last year. This patriotic bonds have only been issued in China. The first phase has successfully raised more than 16 million yuan, and the subsequent second phase has also achieved good results, and more than 8 million yuan has been raised. It can be said that the funds raised by the first and second phases of 'patriotic bonds' issued in the domestic financial market are the main source of war funds in the past six months, accounting for nearly half of the Soviet war funds.

However, the amount of funds in the domestic financial market is also limited, and contemporary people are generally skeptical of various officially issued bonds. To put it bluntly, the government's credit is too low, and major banks, banks and other financial institutions lack confidence in buying long-term bonds. The purchase of the first and second phases of patriotic bonds issued by the Soviet system is mainly tentative, and basically half-year and one-year short-term bonds are purchased.

Before the previously issued patriotic bonds are paid off smoothly, there is no need to expect those capitalists to buy patriotic bonds in large quantities.

A few months ago, the Ministry of Finance found that the issuance of patriotic bonds was becoming weaker and weaker. In order to further raise funds, the Ministry of Finance sent people to London and Paris financial markets for private placement.

However, with the four banking groups, it is difficult for Soviet financial officials to find powerful banks to sell these bonds on their behalf. If there is no large-scale local banks to sell on their behalf, it is difficult to sell them on a large scale. Therefore, Soviet financial officials can only find a few small banks to cooperate with bonds. The issuance, and then the results are really ugly. In the few months, the issuance of bonds issued in Europe was less than 5 million.

This area 5 million, not to mention meeting the huge financial gap of the Soviet system, and even the one-month war funds of the Soviet system could not be maintained. Zhao Dongyun was extremely dissatisfied with this. Originally, he also wanted to bypass the four-nation banking group to issue bonds directly locally, not to mention raising hundreds of millions, but 20 to 30 million should be raised, but I didn't expect that the actual effect would be so much worse than I expected, so he has replaced two deputy directors of the Bond Department of the Ministry of Finance in charge of this matter.

But the depression in my heart naturally did not say it, but kept its face flat.

Rou Keyi didn't know whether he didn't see it or left face for Zhao Dongyun. He didn't continue to talk about it, but turned around and said, "Although Paris and London are still major international financial markets today, New York in China is also a financial center. I think those bankers in my country will welcome your country. Raise funds from the New York financial market!"

Rou Keyi is right. New York's Wall Street has been rising for a long time, and it is not bad in terms of financial strength. However, New York's position in the contemporary international financial market is actually very ordinary. It is the most famous in the contemporary world, and the law is the law with the largest liquidity. The financial market in Paris. As the heart of Britain's empire, London's capital strength is also quite strong. As for New York, it is as rich but unknown as the United States of this era.

It is thanks to the Russo-Japanese War that really made New York Wall Street the world's major financial market. Japan and Russia issued a large number of bonds in the United States and New York to raise war funds.

However, when Rou Keyi talked about New York Wall Street today, its purpose is not only to let Zhao Dongyun send people to New York to issue bonds to raise funds. He just expressed an attitude to Zhao Dongyun: the United States has the strength to provide a large amount of funds to the Soviet system!

Zhao Dongyun also heard the meaning of this sentence, but he cares more about what the United States needs to pay for itself?

"I have also heard about the reputation of Wall Street. If there is a chance, I will naturally be willing to raise funds in New York!" Zhao Dongyun said no more questions.

Rou Keyi smiled and then slapped, "If the president needs it, with the strength of our bankers, he can raise this number for you!"

Zhao Dongyun looked at his five fingers and asked tentatively, "50 million dollars?"

50 million US dollars, equivalent to about 100 million yuan. With the strength of Americans, it is not a big problem to take out 100 million yuan.

However, Rou Keyi shook his head with a smile: "Pound!"

50 million pounds? Zhao Dongyun almost spit out a mouthful of water. At least this is a formal diplomatic negotiation. You don't have to make a draft. You think the pound sterling is your dollar. 50 million pounds is enough to exchange nearly 260 million US dollars according to the exchange ratio of contemporary US dollars and pounds, which is converted into a contemporary Soviet-controlled Chinese bank. Huayuan is enough to exchange 500 million yuan, which is more than the Huayuan issued by the whole Bank of China.

If the Americans really have the strength to raise such a scale of war funds for themselves, don't sell small national interests, and be the godson sons of these Yankees.

But the question is, will they be so kind to give money to themselves? Even if you just borrow them, you won't borrow them easily.

Zhao Dongyun has never believed in the so-called pie falling from the sky. Even if you have money to pick it up on the road, you have to bend down to pick it up. No matter what the benefits, you always have to pay a price!

The problem now is that Americans boast that one mouth is 50 million pounds. Whether they can afford such a huge amount of money, even if they can take it out, they plan to give it, but the price required is absolutely unbearable by Zhao Dongyun.

So when Zhao Dongyun asked tentatively, "Oh, I don't know what your country requires!"

Rou Keyi still said with a smile, "We can raise at least 30 million pounds to undertake the construction of the Longhai Railway, the Jinpu Railway and the Guangdong-Han Railway that has started construction in your country in the future."

Hearing this, Zhao Dongyun frowned and was almost scared by this Rou Keyi. When he said 50 million pounds, he thought that Americans could provide themselves with 50 million pounds of war funds, but he didn't expect that it was just the so-called road-building funds. And they say it is to invest in these railways, but in fact they demand the right to build roads.

Zhao Dongyun was dissatisfied, but he continued to say, "Oh, what about the remaining 20 million?"

Rou Keyi said, "We can provide 20 million pounds of rehabilitation loans for His Excellency the President's government!"

Zhao Dongyun was still expressionless and continued, "Oh, I don't know what are the conditions for this aftercare loan?"

Rou Keyi said, "Naturally, your country needs to provide salt administration and fiscal revenue as a guarantee. As for discounts and interest, these can be discussed in detail at that time!"

Hearing this, Zhao Dongyun finally looked impatient: "Your Excellency thought I would agree?"

Rou Keyi shook his head again: "No!"

When he heard Rou Keyi's words, if it were someone else, he would have lost his temper immediately. However, as a politician, Zhao Dongyun's cultivation of self-cultivation was barely getting home, but his face turned black, and then he said softly.

Rou Keyi continued: "Although what I said looks very similar to what the banking group said, we do not require financial supervision, and if the railway is built, we will not send troops along the road like Japan himself!"

Although Rou Keyi said so, Zhao Dongyun still won't agree. Not to mention anything else, the salt government will never be mortgaged. Qian Qing is so fucked. He borrowed many times, and even did not mortgage the salt government under such difficult conditions in the year of Gengzi. You really think that the nobles of the former Qing Dynasty did not want to They don't want to mortgage Yanzheng, but dare not. In the late Qing Dynasty, Yanzheng's income was the majority of fiscal revenue. I don't know how many people stared at it with their eyes wide open. If Yanzheng is mortgaged, the subsequent fiscal revenue will immediately have to be reduced by a large part. The consequence is stricter than ceding millions of square kilometers of land. Much heavier.

So even Cixi, an old lady in the deep palace who would rather not be a domestic slave with outsiders and had such a short knowledge that she dared to go to war with the world, did not mortgage the salt government.

Now if Zhao Dongyun dares to open this door, people will have to point to his nose and scold the traitor the next day, and then countless people will come to assassinate him, and it is estimated that the Soviet system will also fall out.

Although Zhao Dongyun does not mind selling his national interests, he can't make it too obvious, especially on ** matters that the people are extremely concerned about. For example, salt government mortgage, financial supervision, and road construction rights are all political mines at the beginning of the end of the Qing Dynasty. Whoever touches him will die than directly cession of territory and rent. There are still tragedies in the world!

In this era, if you pay hundreds of millions of yuan and cede hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land, to be honest, there is really little concern to Chinese people. But if you engage in the sale of road rights, financial supervision, and salt government mortgages, you will have to become the point of ten thousand people and stink for ten thousand years.

Therefore, despite the two baits of Jinpu Railway and Longhai Railway, Zhao Dongyun never intended to let foreign countries build these two railways directly, but was ready to borrow money to build roads to minimize political influence.

Seeing that Zhao Dongyun's face does not seem to be very good, Rou Keyi does not intend to continue to pester this issue. Anyway, this loan cannot be negotiated in a short period of time, and the American commercial mission has not yet arrived. He came today to test Zhao Dongyun's mouth to prepare for the real price.

After sending Rou Keyi away, Zhao Dongyun called Lu Weixiang from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs again and asked about the current attitude of various countries.