Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 365 Grab the Cake

After Zhao Dongyun separated the aftermath loan from the railway loan, and then negotiated with various countries respectively. Although countries, especially the United Kingdom, were dissatisfied, he still quickly achieved practical results.

On December 8, the Soviet republican government officially signed a loan agreement with the German side. China borrowed 3 million pounds from Germany, which was delivered at a discount of 87%, with an interest of 5%. The money was repaid in 20 years by part of the tariffs as collateral.

Of course, there are a lot of additional conditions. The Soviet republican government recognizes the treaties between the former Qing Dynasty and Germany. Loans must be given priority to the repayment of China's arrears to Germany, and the remaining half must be used to purchase German products, including military materials and machines.

The reason why the agreement was signed with Germany so quickly is that the Soviet government has ordered a large number of military supplies, especially artillery, from Germany in recent years. At the same time, the Soviet government also wants to import more German ordnance but has no money, so Germany wants to continue to sell arms through loans.

You should know that Germany's biggest interest in China is the arms trade. The loan to Zhao Dongyun is to continue to expand this interest. As for other sovereignty, railway construction, etc. Although the Germans want it, it is very difficult to get involved, so they can get the orders for the arms trade first.

As soon as Germany started this, it meant that the banking group of the four countries had completely disappeared, and then the French also signed a relevant loan agreement with the Soviet republican government of 2 million pounds. Various conditions are similar to those of Germany, mainly to recognize the previous treaties and limit the repayment of arrears.

After France and Germany signed a loan agreement with the Soviet system, it did not end there, but continued to negotiate with the Soviet republican government in an attempt to compete for the big cake of railway borrowing.

At this time, the Americans couldn't sit still. They also didn't care about the right to build roads. They immediately promised to give up the direct construction of railways and provide railway loans instead. In addition, they didn't have too many sovereign interests, so they soon signed relevant agreements.

There are two parts of the agreement. One is to borrow aftermath. China borrows 10 million pounds from the United States as collateral for salt administration income. China wants to set up a new salt administration department, and the United States can send a general consultant to supervise salt affairs. The amount is paid at a 10% discount and 5% interest. China continues to recognize the treaties signed by the United States. At the same time, the amount must be given priority to the payment owed to the United States. One-third of the amount must be used to purchase warships from the United States, and an annex has been added to increase the number of international students in Gengzi's compensation, from 100 per year. Increase to 200 people per year.

The second part is the railway loan agreement. China Railway Corporation borrowed 8 million pounds from American enterprises to prepare for the construction of the Longhai Railway, which will be repaid in 30 years. The railway construction will be led by the United States to send chief engineers for technical guidance. During the repayment period, the United States and the China Railway Corporation jointly sent personnel to establish the Longhai Railway Company. China is responsible for the railway operation, and the United States supervises the railway operation, and the profits are used to repay the loan.

This railway loan agreement can be regarded as the product of a compromise between the two sides. The United States has given up its full operating rights, while the Chinese side has been forced to accept the supervision and operation of American enterprises.

Together with aftercare loans and railway loans, Americans have received loans of up to 18 million pounds at a time, which can be said to be the biggest piece of cake for Americans so far.

In the face of the successive agreements between Germany, France and the United States and Zhao Dongyun, the British also could not sit still, especially after Zhao Dongyun officially gave up seeking formal recognition from the British side, the British lost their greatest condition.

After hearing that Belgians, Germans and even Americans and Russians were seizing the loan rights of the Jinpu Railway, Zhu Erdian finally went to the Xiyuan Presidential Palace again to find Zhao Dongyun, and then signed the relevant loan agreement in a friendly atmosphere.

The British side borrowed 10 million pounds from China and used salt revenue as collateral. At the same time, the British also asked to send a consultant to supervise China's new salt affairs. The payment was paid at a 10% discount and an interest rate of 5%. Zhao Dongyun must recognize a series of treaties signed between the former Qing Dynasty and the United Kingdom.

Again, it is the loan agreement of Jinpu Railway, which is similar to the railway loan agreement of the United States. The British side borrowed 7 million pounds from the China Railway Corporation. The British side sent the chief engineer for technical guidance and dispatched personnel to supervise the daily operation of the Jinpu Railway Company during the repayment period, and the profits from the operation were used to repay. Borrowing.

This series of negotiations on aftercare loans and railway loans lasted for a whole month until the beginning of January 1908.

At this time, Zhao Dongyun had accumulated a total of 27 million pounds of after-care loans from Belgium, Germany, France, the United States and the United Kingdom. As for railway loans, although there are more than 10 million pounds, the money used to build the railway has little to do with Zhao Dongyun himself. It is the cake taken out by Zhao Dongyun to attract loans from various countries to deal with the aftermath.

This loan of 27 million pounds is Zhao Dongyun's real purpose!

However, the loan of more than 27 million pounds does not mean that he can get all of it. After deducting discounts, various messy expenses, and many arrears, Zhao Dongyun can get less than 18 million pounds.

And this 18 million pounds will also be delivered in several times, and the first delivery is only about 5 million pounds.

That is to say, Although Zhao Dongyun signed a loan agreement with other countries with a total loan of 27 million pounds, he was only able to get 5 million pounds in January 1908.

As soon as the money arrived, it was placed by Zhao Dongyun in the Bank of China as a reserve for the issuance of paper coins!

After all, these pounds are all gold-based currencies, similar to gold, and can be used as reserves to issue Huayuan paper coins.

And the issuance of Huayuan paper coins is overissued, which can play a greater role than 5 million pounds.

With this five million pounds, the financial situation of the Soviet system at the beginning of 1908 improved.

And what is the first thing to do with money?

There is no doubt about it: expansion!

On January 7, 1908, the Yingtai in the South Sea of Xiyuan was different from the desertedness when receiving foreign guests in the past. Today, it looks extremely lively, with a large number of generals in high-end general dresses coming and going.

Looking around today, there are dozens of senior generals, many of whom are generals fighting outside.

For example, Xu Bangjie, the commander of the Second Army, should have been in northern Jiangsu. Another example is Chen Guangyuan, the commander of the Third Army, who should have been from Henan. In addition, there are many division commanders and brigade commanders. In today's war period, you can't see so many foreign generals returning to Beijing.

And it can bring them together because Zhao Dongyun is going to hold a title ceremony today!

In the center of the venue, Xu Bangjie is talking in a low voice with Chen Guangyuan!

"Brother Xu, you were in the limelight in Jiangbei a few months ago. Lien Zhan's victory made me very envious!" Chen Guangyuan said with a smile, with obvious envy on his face.

Although they are all commanders of the army, the two sides fought in the south with great differences. Xu Bangjie led the second army all the way from Zhili to Shandong and then to northern Jiangsu. While Gu Lanyu and Ren Cun, the high-level generals under his command became famous for the army, Xu Bangjie, became one of the bigwigs in the Soviet army. , there has been a vague posture of competing with Meng Enyuan.

However, although Chen Guangyuan himself has also won a commander of the Third Army, the Third Army is on a strategic defensive position in Henan, and there is no battle at all. Therefore, the Third Army has not been famous in the battle south of the Feng army in the past six months. When others talk about the Third Army, it is estimated that even the Third Army has Several main forces don't know.

However, the second army is different. The third and tenth divisions under its command are the absolute main forces of the Feng army. In terms of strength, in fact, the second army commanded by Xu Bangjie is the most powerful army in the Feng army, which is stronger than the first army led by Meng Enyuan.

Xu Bangjie has made outstanding achievements in the battle, but Chen Guangyuan knows that in this award ceremony, the president will officially award Xu Bangjie the rank of general in the army.

As for Chen Guangyuan himself, he can only continue to hang on the rank of lieutenant general and add general, which is still some distance away from the official army general.

However, although it is impossible for him to be promoted to general this time, the reason why he came back all the way is that Zhao Dongyun wants to give him a medal. He used to be three, and this time he will be promoted to two, just like Meng Enyuan and Xu Bangjie.

Of course, the generals who have come back from the front line far away are not one or two. They will be promoted or promoted in rank, and many of them have been awarded for the first time.

For example, several generals who came to serve Zhao Dongyun, Lu Yongxiang, commander of the 1st Division, Zhang Dianru, commander of the 13th Division, and Bao Guiqing, commander of the 1st Mixed Brigade, in order to continue to buy people's hearts, their current achievements are not significant, but they will also get the rank.

When these dignitaries of the Feng army talked separately, Li San appeared at the door. As soon as others saw Li San, they knew that Zhao Dongyun had arrived. Immediately, they stopped talking and turned to the door.

With a loud voice: The president is there!

Zhao Dongyun also entered the venue in a marshal's dress. He slowly stepped onto the stage and said, "In the past year, you have worked hard for the rise of the country and the nation! However, the unification has not been completed, and the tasks of national republics have worked together with me!

In the past year..."

Zhao Dongyun, who has never liked to make long speeches, is no exception this time. He only said that he stopped after about ten minutes!

And next is naturally today's highlight, awarding the ranks of Fengjun generals!

Xu Bangjie, the commander of the Second Army, was the first to come to power. When Zhao Dongyun personally bid him off the rank of general in the army, Zhao Dongyun could clearly see that the veteran under his command was full of excitement.

The reason why many literary and military generals of the Soviet line want to enter the customs and want to go south to unify China is to have the addiction of founding meritorious officials, and now, Xu Bangjie has tasted this feeling!