Beiyang Xiaoxiong

367 Military Ceremony

On January 14, in the 14th Division of Nanjing Garden, the atmosphere today is different from usual.

Although the 14th Division is a new unit, it has attracted the attention of many military leaders since this division was only a paper plan. Yang Shande, the general manager of the Ministry of Education, who is responsible for the source of new soldiers of the division, personally went to the new barracks in Tangshan, Yongping, Chengde and other places where the division's recruits were recruited many times, and personally selected The best source of new recruits.

The quality of recruits of the 14th Division is far higher than that of the 11th Division and 12th Divisions trained last year. Since Yuan Shikai was assassinated in October 1906, the Feng army has entered a period of military expansion. At that time, in order to recruit more soldiers, it was limited by the small population base of the three eastern provinces at that time, which was inevitable. The recruitment requirements were lowered, so that the quality of the recruits of the Feng army from the end of 1906 to the second half of 1907 was much lower than that of the old standing army.

And Zhao Dongyun requested to create a new main division from the place where the 14th division was founded, so the Ministry of Education specially restored the recruitment requirements of the former Qing Beiyang Standing Army era for this division.

The new recruits are the same, and the officers are the same. Yang Jiayi of the command department took a lot of effort to select these dozens of excellent officers from the more than 200,000 troops of the Feng army. Later, he went to the Fengtian Military Academy in person to search for most of the outstanding students of the ninth crash class who graduated in the winter of 1907. Fourteenth Division.

In addition to personnel, the 14th Division is equipped with 1905 75mm field guns specially imported from Germany, and the mountain cannons are also imported from Germany.

Light weapons such as rifles, riding guns and pistols are all for the benefit, including the 88 rifle, the 88 riding pistol, the 1904 left-wheel pistol, and the 1905 automatic pistol.

In terms of machine guns, due to the insufficient production capacity of Fu Factory, nearly 60 heavy machine guns equipped with them are also imported directly from Germany. It is worth noting that this machine gun is different from the MG01 heavy machine gun imported from Germany in the past, but the MG08 machine gun developed based on the MG01 heavy machine gun.

In fact, when the Soviets purchased this batch of heavy machine guns in the second half of last year, the guns had not officially entered large-scale service in the German army, not even the name MG08 heavy machine guns. The current name is named after the company and is called the Spencer machine gun, but it does not prevent the manufacturer of the gun, Spentau. Si took him to sell it to the Su Department.

After knowing that the German manufacturer sold this machine gun to itself, in addition, in order to open up sales and win the opportunity to serve in the German army, Spendor urgently needed the actual combat performance of the machine gun. Although there are many wars that have broken out these days, there are still large-scale machine gun battles in the Chinese battlefield, in order to get the machine gun For the opportunity of actual inspection, the price given by Spendo Company was relatively favorable, so Zhao Dongyun did not hesitate too much and immediately ordered the purchase of heavy machine guns enough to be equipped with a division.

This heavy machine gun has just returned to China. In addition to equipping the 14th Division at the first time, Fuyuan Machinery Factory also immediately sent technicians to survey and map to improve the existing MG01 heavy machine gun production line.

Light machine guns have not been imported. This is not that Zhao Dongyun does not want to import them, but that Madsen, the only light machine gun manufacturer in the world, is too prosperous. Almost all European powers have purchased more or less heavy machine guns from them. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia and even the United Kingdom have purchased them. He Our orders are enough to keep their production line running for several years.

There is no way to import it, so it can only be produced by itself. However, the production capacity of Fu Factory is limited, and it is still difficult for its light machine gun production to meet the needs of more than 200,000 Feng army. Not to mention the new unit of the 14th Division, even the old main 3rd Division, the 9th Division and 10th Division There is also a shortage of light machine guns.

Although Zhao Dongyun personally ordered, the 14th Division's light machine guns should be fully compiled, and they still need to wait until after February.

The differences of the 14th Division are not only limited to the above, but even the horses mounted by his cavalry. The horses used by the division's cavalry regiment are not Mongolian horses used on a large scale by domestic cavalry forces, but Dun hippos introduced and cultivated by the Soviet Military and Livestock Bureau for several years.

Fengjun began to introduce Russian Don horses and French Anglo-Normand horses on a large scale as early as early as 1904. On the one hand, these horses were allowed to breed and expand the size of their flocks, and on the other hand, they were also used to breed with domestic Mongolian horses in an attempt to cultivate a better and more suitable one for China. The horses that the military needs are coming.

It takes a long time to cultivate new horse breeds. Now Fengjun does not expect to cultivate any horse species with both endurance and explosive power. It can only continue to cultivate existing horse breeds.

At present, the military horses of the Feng army, including riding horses, pulling horses and carrying horses, are still the main force of their unattracted Mongolian horses. A small number of Anglo-Mandy horses are mainly used as officers to ride horses, and Dun horses are also bred as cavalry horses and logistics horses, but the number is still too small, several Years later, only a few hundred could be made up to be assigned to the 14th Division Cavalry Regiment.

The goal of the 14th Division is to build a fourth main division after the 3rd Division, 9th Division and 10th Division.

After the 14th Division took countless human and material resources to form the army, its formal military formation ceremony was also highly valued by Zhao Dongyun, and even went to Nanyuan to participate in the formal military formation ceremony of the division.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the station of the 14th Division of the South Courtyard is a little different from the past!

As a group of officers and soldiers of the Presidential Palace Guards wearing dark blue coats, embroidered with gold edges on their cuffs and embroidered with golden stripes in black trousers, stepped into the 14th station, wearing a full army general's dress, and Yang Deming, who was also greeted with the epaulette of the Lieutenant General.

The visitor is Major General Bao Ganlong, the captain of the Presidential Palace Guard. This man wears a general's formal dress similar to Yang Deming, but his cuffs are embroidered with Phnom Penh, which is a unique military uniform style for the officers and soldiers of the Presidential Palace Guard.

Bao Ganlong is not from an old military background, and has not been trained in the domestic military rank, nor has he been to go to the Baoding Military Academy or Fengtian Military Academy. This person has no military academy qualifications, but is a person who gradually rises from a small soldier. However, the reason why he can serve as a team officer in the presidential palace guard and become a Fengjun system One of the dozens of young generals naturally has his reasons.

This person, like Li San, was born as a soldier of Zhao Dongyun. As early as the year of Xin Chou, he was Zhao Dongyun's personal soldier Ma Ben and served as Zhao Dongyun's personal guard for a long time. When he formed the escort of Shengjing General's Mansion, he became the team officer of the escort, and then Zhao Dongyun's personal guard followed Zhao Dongyun. The power rose and was renamed: the Governor's Office Guard of the three eastern provinces, the patrol envoy guard of the three provinces, and the Presidential Palace Guard.

He has always been the captain of the guard, and his rank has been promoted to major general.

However, this person seems to have a low status and is not famous in the Soviet Feng army, but no Soviet dignitary will ignore his existence, because he is Zhao Dongyun's most trusted person in recent years.

The trust is enough for him to shoulder his personal safety. This kind of trust is far less than that of Meng Enyuan and others.

However, although this person has a special status, he is extremely low-key. Although he often follows Zhao Dongyun, the outside world can rarely get other information about him except for his name. In addition, he has been following Zhao Dongyun all year round. After staying in the presidential palace, he eats and lives in Xiyuan. Other military and political officials of the Soviet Union have been dating.

This low profile is also one of the reasons why he won Zhao Dongyun's trust. After all, he is responsible for Zhao Dongyun's personal safety. If he keeps other military and political dignitaries of the Soviet Union closely, Zhao Dongyun will give his life to him for protection!

Yang Deming naturally met Bao Ganlong many times, and knew that this person had been low-key all year round, and even ignored Meng Enyuan, so he was not too surprised that Bao Ganlong only nodded slightly and responded.

Bao Ganlong came to the 14th Division station in advance not to say anything to Yang Deming. He came in advance to check the safety work and prepare to welcome Zhao Dongyun.

Since Yuan Shikai was assassinated in 1906, the bigwigs in Beiyang have strengthened their own security work. They are also afraid of follow in Yuan Shikai's footsteps and die in the hands of assassins.

Zhao Dongyun is naturally afraid of death, so he also takes hundreds of guards when he travels!

After Bao Ganlong took the guards of the presidential palace to check back and forth for half an hour, Yang Deming saw the arrival of the presidential convoy!

With the arrival of the presidential motorcade, the military band of the 14th Division began to play music, and Yang Deming also brought officers above the commander of the 14th Division to greet him.

After a while, after the motorcade stopped, Yang Deming saw Zhao Dongyun, dressed in military uniform and a coat, walking down from a four-wheeled carriage.

Beyond Zhao Dongyun, Fang Biyong, the chief of the staff, Yang Deming, the chief of the Ministry of Education, and other senior military generals also took the carriage.

At this time, Yang Deming quickly stepped forward and walked to Zhao Dongyun and said respectfully, "President!"

Zhao Dongyun did not wear a marshal's formal dress at this time, but only a blue-gray officer's regular suit, leather shoes and a black tweed officer's coat, but the clothes seemed ordinary, but the top was pinned with the epaulettes of Peony Venus. Peony Venus is Zhao Dongyun's unique 'Chinese Republic of China's land. The Great Marshal's micro chapter.

Strictly speaking, Zhao Dongyun's 'Marshal of the Republic of China' was not a military rank, but a position. However, Zhao Dongyun did not give up his status as an active soldier, and he was still an active soldier as a grand marshal, but it was not easy to arrange his rank. General and marshal can't do it.