Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 375 Finance of Northern Jiangsu

With ordnance products, railway materials and other civilian products, Fuyuan Machinery Factory has got rid of the simple arsenal model and grown into a super enterprise that crosses the military and civilian market and enters steel, chemical, machinery and national defense at the same time.

This super enterprise that integrates the capital of most of the northern capitalists has long been out of the control of Fuyuan Company. Now the total asset size of the arsenal directly under the headquarters and many subsidiaries of the enterprise has exceeded 50 million yuan, and its asset scale has long exceeded the regulations of the original parent company Fuyuan Company. Model.

Such a Fuyuan machine factory is a well-deserved super enterprise in contemporary China and even in the Far East.

The impact of such a huge thing on the local economy of Tangshan can be imagined. Half of the people living in the new urban area of Tangshan are direct or indirect employees of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, and the rest are the families of these employees!

With Fuyuan Machinery Factory, the development of Tangshan is naturally extremely rapid. Around this Fuyuan Machinery Factory, Tangshan has formed a preliminary heavy industrial zone. There are hundreds of private small and medium-sized enterprises in Tangshan to provide supporting services for Fuyuan Machinery Factory.

Heavy industry and the development of related industries have made the tax revenue in Tangshan area more and more day by day. The increase in tax revenue not only increases the treasury revenue, but also increases the local taxes of local prefectures and counties.

Taking the location of Tangshan Administrative Office, Fuyuan Machinery Factory and the headquarters of many directly affiliated enterprises as an example, the city that just changed its name to "city" after Yingkou at the beginning of this year is a well-known explosive rich city in contemporary China. Although it is only a county-level city, it is expected to be 1908. The annual fiscal revenue is expected to exceed 10 million. This data makes other cities dumbfounded, and even other provinces have to be frightened. Not to mention local governments and counties. In Henan, Anhui, Shanxi and Yunnan, the annual fiscal revenue of a province is only about 7 to 8 million to 10 million. You are in a county And it's not that big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have tens of millions of taxes a year. How do you let others live?

There is nothing you can do about envy and hatred. Who has the super giant Fuyuan Machinery Factory on its territory? More than 80% of these tens of millions of taxes are contributed by Fuyuan Machinery Factory and its directly affiliated enterprises!

Although most of these tens of millions of taxes have to be handed over to the state treasury, Luanzhou can still leave a considerable amount of taxes for local governments.

With the wave of the rich Luanzhou Municipal Government, it claimed to build a modern new urban area. At the same time, it also shouted the slogan of 'Tangshan Industrial Development Zone', trying to integrate the existing industrial planning and build China into the top heavy industrial city in the Far East.

Therefore, led by Luanzhou City and with the income from other places, the fiscal revenue of Tangshan Administrative Office in 1908 is expected to be about 20 million yuan.

In addition to the three provinces and the Tangshan Administrative Office, it is naturally Zhili that can also contribute a large amount of income to the Soviet system. Zhili's economic development can only be said to be the same. What was Wang Yingkai's era and what it is like now? In addition, excluding the Tangshan area, the Ministry of Finance predicts that Zhili Province in 1908 (no The fiscal revenue including Tangshan area is about 30 million yuan.

Then it will be Shandong, and the Ministry of Finance is expected to collect about 15 million yuan in taxes in the province.

And Henan only collected a few million in taxes last year. This year, even if the people's livelihood has been recovered after suppressing bandits, it is not strong enough. The Ministry of Finance is expected to be able to collect 10 million yuan, and it may not even have this number, and only 8`9 million is not impossible.

Then there is northern Jiangsu located in the front-line war zone. Although northern Jiangsu also belongs to Jiangsu, Jiangsu is the largest economic province in contemporary China. However, it is Jiangsu, but southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu are very different. The economic focus of contemporary Jiangsu is almost concentrated in southern Jiangsu, and although the situation in northern Jiangsu is better than other poor provinces. Some, but far from being rich, to put it bluntly, it is also a poor place.

We are also Jiangsu, but we can't confuse southern Jiangsu with northern Jiangsu!

There is no reason here. Although the northern part of Jiangsu is not small, the arable land area is far less than that of the south of the Yangtze River. In addition, the field in southern Jiangsu has always been extremely heavy and can collect a lot of taxes. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the total amount of Tianfu in various prefectures and counties in southern Jiangsu was about 6 million, compared with less than 100,000 in northern Jiangsu.

And the development of industry and commerce is not equal to one level. The most obvious is the three major gold general administrations of Jiangsu in the late Qing Dynasty, one is located in Shanghai, the other in Suzhou and the other in Jinling, but there is nothing to do in northern Jiangsu. The tariffs were all taken over by the Soviet government and county, and there was nothing wrong with northern Jiangsu.

As for the salt administration, in the late Qing Dynasty, the revenue of salt administration was a special income, which was not strictly under the jurisdiction of northern Jiangsu. In the late Qing Dynasty, the revenue of salt administration was not included in the financial revenue of northern Jiangsu, but rather included in the income.

Having said so much, I just want to emphasize that the financial revenue of northern Jiangsu in the late Qing Dynasty was extremely tragic. In the three-year budget of Xuantong, the revenue of northern Jiangsu was only 660,000 taels, while the financial revenue of northern Jiangsu only occupied Jiangsu's fiscal revenue of more than 40 million (including tariffs, salt taxes, etc.) in southern Jiangsu. 1.6 percent of the entry!

Don't be surprised, this data is so exaggerated!

However, this data cannot truly represent the economic level of northern Jiangsu and southern Jiangsu, because the late Qing Dynasty was separated from salt administration, tariffs, tea, tobacco and alcohol and other income. From the list, the income of northern Jiangsu is only more than 600,000 taels, but the level of northern Jiangsu is naturally far more than this level. For example, salt administration income, strictly speaking It should be allocated to northern Jiangsu rather than to the Ning region, and tariff revenue should also be allocated to a part of northern Jiangsu, not all to the Soviet region.

If these two items can be returned to northern Jiangsu, although the fiscal revenue of northern Jiangsu is far less than that of southern Jiangsu, it will not be so ugly!

In the pre-Qing era, these incomes were included in the Ning or the Soviet genea, but now, Jiangsu has been divided and two halves, and the northern Jiangsu under the control of the Soviet system is naturally separated from southern Jiangsu. Naturally, it is impossible for Zhao Dongyun to give tariffs and salt revenue to Duan Qirui.

Although it is impossible to increase much, the income of salt administration, tariffs and textiles is still very considerable!

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Finance, although northern Jiangsu is on the front line after the war, it is mainly based on salt politics, and its fiscal revenue in 1908 is still expected to reach about 10 million yuan.

However, this data is still far worse than the level of more than 50 million yuan in southern Jiangsu.

In Anhui, only the northern Anhui region is controlled by the Soviet system, and the important city of Anqing is not yet in its hands!

Anhui is originally a well-known poor province. Historically, the fiscal revenue of Anhui Province was only more than 7.4 million taels of silver in 1909. Now most of the northern Anhui region controlled by the Soviet system is full of war and is located on the front line. If it can collect 367 million yuan next year, it will have to burn high incense.

In 1908, the Soviet Union was expected to collect about 160 million yuan on these controlled territories, including the three eastern provinces, Tangshan Administrative Office, Zhili, Shandong, northern Jiangsu, northern Anhui, Chahar and other Mongolian regions.

This data looks good, but it is nothing for China.

Taking Duan Qirui, Zhao Dongyun's biggest competitor, as an example, now his Anhui system controls many areas in southern Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and Guangdong. According to the speculation of the Ministry of Finance, if Duan Qirui can maintain the above territory and keep the tax collection in a clear state, then he can easily If Duan Qirui also learns from Zhao Dongyun to rectify the fiscal and increase the amount of taxation on the jurisdiction, it is not impossible to easily surpass the Soviet system and finally go straight to the 200 million mark.

Moreover, Duan Qirui is not as burdened as Zhao Dongyun. The taxes he collects, regardless of so many messy arrears, are all needed to maintain administrative operation and expand the army.

However, since Zhao Dongyun became the president of the republican government and successively recognized the treaties signed by the former Qing Dynasty and the great powers, even though he obtained loans aftermath, he also carried a heavy burden. It only costs tens of millions of foreign loans, compensation principal and interest every year.

So just compared with the financial situation, the Soviet system led by Zhao Dongyun was completely defeated by Duan Qirui's Anhui system!

However, the battle for hegemony between warlords is not more than anyone else. It is said that there is more money. The previous Southern Federation has more money, and it is not the same that the northern warlords who can't even afford military money are beaten out.

"Next year's budget revenue is tentatively set at 160 million, but as the situation changes, if our army can cross the river and win the south of the Yangtze River, then with the south of the Yangtze River, the fiscal revenue can be easily increased by more than 50 million yuan!" Although Zhou Xuexi is not those militants of the military, he has always supported the military's preparation to cross the river south to fight, just to take the south of the Yangtze River.

If you can take Jiangnan, even if you spend tens of millions of war money, it will be worth it.

However, just like Fengtian and Tangshan, which are the core territory of the Soviet system, Zhao Dongyun's life, Jiangnan is also the core control area of the Anhui system, Duan Qirui's life.

In order to defend the south of the Yangtze River, Duan Qirui not only transferred troops from Jiangxi, Guangdong and other provinces to send reinforcements, but also quickly set up new troops. Although Duan Qirui was also short of money, his financial situation was much better than Zhao Dongyun. He said that the newly formed troops did not need to be like Zhao Dongyun, the 14th Division and the 15th Division. The formation plan has been put forward for half a year. Now it has formed a 14th Division. As for the 15th Division, there is only one unsatisfactory brigade. I don't know how long it will take to compile it.

It's definitely not that easy to take Jiangnan!

In order to prepare for the plan to continue to cross the river south, the Soviet Fengjun began to prepare in December, but it still fails to complete the preparations.

Zhou Xuexi thought about how much tax can be collected after taking over the south of the Yangtze River, but he was not distracted for a long time. He quickly said: "Although it is expected that we can collect about 160 thousand yuan in taxes this year, large-scale taxation will focus on summer and autumn taxes, and in recent months, the tax situation will be relatively Difficulty."

Zhao Dongyun said at this time, "Everyone knows the difficulties in recent months. You don't have to worry too much. The first batch of money borrowed from the aftermath is initially enough for war expenses. The military will not increase the financial pressure on the government in the short term!"

Although Zhou Xuexi said so, he didn't think so. Will the military not increase the financial pressure on the government? Just kidding, this is impossible.

Once there is a war, how long will it take for the five million pounds? At that time, the front line will run out of shells and bullets. Let's see if Zhao Dongping will ask him for money!