Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 379 Appointment of the 15th Division

In the face of Zhao Dongyun's direct speech, Fang Biyong did not have much hesitation. After thinking about it a little, he said, "Then the Ministry of Service will brazenly recommend a few people. Of course, the selection of the chief officers of the 15th Division naturally requires the president to be arbitrary."

This sentence is very important. The right to appoint the chiefs of the army has always been Zhao Dongyun's exclusive right, and this exclusive right is reflected through the narrative, and other senior generals of the military actually do not have the power to appoint officers, even the commander of the army like Meng Enyuan, the chief of staff such as Fang Biyong In fact, there is no direct power to appoint even a battalion commander.

The appointment of all officers of the Feng army, from the military commander to the lowest-level platoon leader, are arranged by the office. At most, the senior generals use their influence to make suggestions.

And this powerful department has always been under the direct jurisdiction of Zhao Dongyun.

As for the appointment of senior generals above, it is decided by Zhao Dongyun himself, and no one can intervene.

Therefore, Fang Biyong's arbitrary words were not to compliment but to clarify that he undoubtedly interfered in the appointment of senior military generals. He just stood in the position of a chief of staff and provided some advice for Zhao Dongyun's senior military staff.

Therefore, Fang Biyong continued: "Although the 15th Division has not yet become an army, it is expected to invest a lot of financial resources and elite officers in our army at present and in the future. In the future, the department is very promising to grow into the main force and shoulder the heavy trust of our army's unification of China. In such an important department, the candidates for its chief officials must need highly qualified and talented people!"

From the opinion of the Ministry, General He Zhonglian, the commander of the 8th Division, and General Cao Kuan, the commander of the 11th Division, are also well-marished and talented among the senior generals of our army. In addition, General Li Chun, the commander of the 7th Mixed Brigade, was also senior and talented, which fully demonstrated his talent in defensive warfare in the Tangshan Campaign. All three appeals can shoulder the heavy responsibility of the 15th Division commander!"

Zhao Dongyun also secretly praised himself when he heard Fang Biyong's words. This Fang Biyong's words were relatively objective.

The three people he said are all Soviet generals who are rooted in Miaohong. Cao Kui and He Zonglian were representatives of the Beiyang Young Strong School for a few years. They were regarded as Soviet generals for a long time. Otherwise, after the three Beiyang bosses rose up, they would not have been placed under house arrest by the Qing court for the first time. Later, He Zonglian escaped from the capital by herself. In the northeast, Cao Kun was rescued by the people of the intelligence department and then to the northeast.

Li Chun also made friends with Zhao Dongyun when he was in the Beiyang Military and Political Department. When Zhao Dongyun was in charge of Fengtian, he defected to Zhao Dongyun in the northeast and became the third infantry standard belt of Fengtian's Second Mixed Association. He was also an important general in the early Soviet system.

These three people are also senior generals in the Soviet Department, which can be seen from their current positions. He Zonglian is the commander of the 8th Division, Cao Kun is the commander of the 11th Division, and Li Chun is the commander of the 7th Mixed Brigade. The military ranks are all major generals and medium generals. The status in the Feng army is slightly inferior to the official generals such as Gu Lanyu and Ren Cung-gao, but they are also far more than ordinary major generals.

As for the talent of these three people, they are the top figures in the second echelon of the Beiyang warlords in history. Any one of the above three people is a big warlord who shivered in the early political arena of the early Qing Dynasty in the original time and space. They can be able to be in the political arena of the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty with many heroes. It is enough to prove that they are talented. In addition, over the past year, they have followed the Feng army to fight south and have proved their extraordinary military talents.

For example, Li Chun was extremely good at offensive and combat in history. During the 1911 Revolution and the Second Revolution, his sixth town almost swept Hubei and Jiangxi, and the military front pointed out no enemy. In just two years, he reached the peak of his personal military career.

Only in this time and space, although Li Chun's military talent is still outstanding, it is not his offensive ability, but his defensive ability that makes him famous inside and outside the Soviet system.

At the beginning of the general situation of the Feng army's entry, when the main force of the Feng army was still in Shanhaiguan and before it could rush to Tangshan, he led the 7th Mixed Brigade to fight alone. With 5,000 troops, it blocked the attack of more than 30,000 direct troops, including Lu Yongxiang's First Division and Bao Guiqing's First Mixed Brigade, and successfully defended Tangshan. A strategic location has preserved Fuyuan Machinery Factory, an arsenal that is crucial for the Soviet system.

And this battle also made him famous in the defensive battle!

In the contemporary Feng army, if Gu Lanyu is the representative of the circuitous attack and Ren Cung-gao is the representative of the frontal attack, then Li Chun's reputation in defensive warfare is undoubtedly second to none. Otherwise, Zhao Dongyun would not have left the seventh mixed brigade in Nanyuan, Beijing.


Because after Zhao Dongyun entered the customs, the powers had to send troops to intervene in the customs, so if they sent troops from the northeast, they would send troops from Tianjin and then directly attack the Beijing division. Therefore, Zhao Dongyun will deploy considerable troops in Tianjin, Tangshan and Beijing divisions to block any possible enemy attack as much as possible, so as to wait to go south. The department went north to rescue.

In particular, the troops stationed in Beijing may not be good at attacking, but they must be good at defense, because as long as they can hold it, they can wait for the north rescue of the southbound department.

Therefore, since Zhao Dongyun moved into the capital, the seventh mixed brigade has been stationed in the south garden of Beijing to protect the political heart of the capital.

In addition to Li Chun, Cao Kuang and He Zonglian are also outstanding talents, and it is enough to serve as a fifteenth division.

In fact, not only the three of them, but also lack high-end comprehensive military talents such as Yang Deming, but there is no shortage of ordinary senior generals. Looking at the contemporary Soviet generals, let alone those Lu Yongxiang, Bao Guiqing, Zhang Dianru, Liu Chaolu and others who defected to the truth, they are simply the backbone generals of the Soviet system. The so-called historical generals are a lot.

Cao Kuan, He Zonglian, Li Chun, Meng Enyuan, Chen Guangyuan, Wu Peifu and so on are all the best in the era of civil warlords in history!

In addition to these people inherent in history, there are also a large number of middle and senior generals who were originally unknown, or started with Zhao Dongyun in the early days, or were born in Fengtian Military Academy or from Germany or from training classes.

Although Gu Lanyu, Yang Deming, Ren Cungao, Liu Tinggui, Lin Pingxiong and others are not famous in the original time and space, they are all famous people in contemporary China.

While gold shines when it goes there, current events will also make heroes!

While those famous generals in the original time and space shine brilliantly, due to the addition of Zhao Dongyun, more outstanding generals have emerged in this era than in the original time and space.

Not to mention in the Beiyang system, many outstanding generals have emerged even in the Southern Federation. Not to mention those who are famous in time and space, such as Liangbi, Tieliang and Yinchang. Xiliang, who was originally just a civilian, also became a military commander because of current affairs. Maybe his people will not specifically command War, but pulled out the Second Army of the Northern Expedition and created a few main forces in the Southern Federation such as the tenth town. Finally, they died because of defeat, making their influence much higher than the original time and space.

When historians talk about this civil war between the north and the south and study the rise and fall of the Northern Ocean and the Southern Federation, this person is a person who can never be bypassed.

There is also Zhao Erxun. Although he is also a civilian, he has become a military commander in the past two years. In the Southern Federation, he is similar to Xiliang. He established a base as a civilian, and then commanded the army to fight with Beiyang, abruptly creating a 19th town, which is enough to be enough to be in the north. The main foreign troops came to shoulder.

In addition, there are Li Yuanhong, Shu Qing'a, Xu Shaozhen, Qi Yun, Xiao Shixi and others.

Some of these people are historical celebrities, such as Li Yuanhong and Xu Shaozhen, and some are also people who have risen because of this civil war between the North and the South, such as Shu Qing'a and Xiao Shixi.

It is worth mentioning Xiao Shixi, who is this person? This person was originally the second standard of the Shaanxi Army Mixed Association. After the outbreak of the North-South Civil War, this person rose rapidly. He successively served as the commander of the Shanxi Army Mixed Association and made many contributions on the battlefield of Shanxi. Later, he was entrusted by Zhao Erxun to set up the 19th town and served as the control of the town.

Then he took the 19th town to fight in Shanxi and Wufengling for more than a year. Although he still had more defeats and won less, he abruptly blocked Wu Fengling's offensive from Shaanxi and continued to disturb the south of Shanxi, so that Wu Fengling has not to mention entering the Shaanxi-Gansu region. Control Shanxi.

Although the 19th town under the command of Xiao Shixi is an overstaffed force with nearly 30,000 soldiers. But it is undeniable that the Ministry is the only force in the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Southern Federation that has always dared to fight against the main force of the old Beiyang.

Xiao Shixi's outstanding achievements can be regarded as the first person in the Southern Federation. His position in the Southern Federation is very similar to that of Gu Lanyu in the Feng army.

In this era when the original time and space have become completely disfigured, too many people have risen and ended, dazzling outsiders!

Zhao Dongyun listened to the names of these three people and had his own decision in his heart, but there was no need for Fang Biyong to know this decision for the time being, so he just nodded slightly and said, "I know!"

Fang Biyong was not surprised that Zhao Dongyun did not make a decision on the spot. Because this appointment of senior generals has a great impact, it is impossible for Zhao Dongyun to reveal any words to him in advance. As the 15th Division is about to form an army, the appointment of the commander of the 30th Brigade of the 15th Division will not be delayed for too long. He believes that Zhao Dongyun will make a decision soon.

And Fang Biyong expected it. A few days later, Zhao Dongyun recalled Cao Kun from Henan. After Cao Kun arrived in Beijing by train and interviewed Zhao Dongyun, the office officially announced that he would appoint Cao Kun as the first division commander of the 15th Division.

At the same time, Li Xiangshao, the former director of the Strategy Department, was appointed as the brigade commander of the 30th Brigade, and Colonel Zhang Chaocheng, a 1906 advanced student, was appointed as the first chief of staff of the 15th Division.

The division commander, chief of staff and two brigade commanders represent that the command level of the 15th Division is in place, and the next step is to wait for the army to go south to fight.