Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 396 Overall

At dawn on March 9th, Jingshi Xiyuan.

Fang Ruolian habitually turned over and then stretched out her hand to hold her husband beside her, but her hand fell empty. She opened her eyes in a daze, but saw that the person beside the pillow had long disappeared.

"Have you been busy all night?" Fang Ruolian didn't say anything too unexpected. She was still in a confused state and continued to sleep after saying that she thought to herself.

At this time, Zhao Dongyun was busy all night as she said. At this moment, he was looking at the war report handed over by Shi Yanglin with a little blood.

Since the Feng army entered the customs last year, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Feng army have been fighting day and night, but Zhao Dongyun also can't sleep well when the war is tense. Most of the time, he would rather stay up all night waiting for the news of the front-line troops than lie in **.

Especially after determining the battle plan to cross the river, Zhao Dongyun has put all his thoughts on the front-line war. Most of the other military and political affairs have been pushed as soon as they can. Basically, he spend most of the time discussing various countermeasures with the generals of the command.

Although the river crossing battle we are seeing now is only a division-level crossing of the river in Hezhou and Dangtu, and only one brigade launched the landing operation, in fact, in order to allow the Fourth Army to successfully gather on the front line of Hezhou, it is necessary to ensure the smooth crossing of the 17th Brigade and the Fourth Army after crossing the river. The main force can cross the river safely. Not only are the officers of the 4th Army and the 17th Brigade on the front line who are thinking hard about various combat strategies, but in fact, more workload is in the command department, especially the operational staff of the combat office. In order to plan this river crossing battle plan and the subsequent Jiangnan strategic plan, it is already a company. He continued to work hard for more than two months, and stayed up day and night before the campaign was officially launched to improve and finalize the plan.

The officers of the command are busy. Although Zhao Dongyun did not say that he would participate in too detailed military affairs, as the supreme commander of the Feng army, every strategic plan and every key tactical arrangement of the front-line force actually needs him to make a final.

Don't think that Zhao Dongyun only signed simple words such as 'but' know' on those combat plans, but before signing his name, Zhao Dongyun also had to do a lot of work. For example, Meng Enyuan's final report to let Pan Luanqing's 17th Brigade serve as the first batch of forced troops, Zhao Dong The decision Yun has to make is 'Yes' or 'No'. However, the first batch of forced crossing troops are related to the whole river crossing battle and even the whole strategic layout of Jiangnan, so Zhao Dongyun has to have a detailed understanding of the situation of the 17th Brigade. He not only needs to check whether Pan Luan Qing is suitable as the commander of the first batch of crossing the river, but also the brigade. Zhao Dongyun had a detailed understanding of each officer above the major level, and combined with the previous battle cases of the 17th Brigade, so as to speculate whether the 17th Brigade really had the responsibility of taking on the first batch of forced troops.

When he learned more about the whole 17th Brigade, he signed his name on Meng Enyuan's request telegram.

So Zhao Dongyun is only making a simple decision, but in order to make this decision, his workload is not inferior to that of any combat staff.

After confirming the river crossing plan, he spent almost most of his time in the military intelligence conference room in Jurentang, either discussing military conditions or consulting a large amount of information and receiving a large number of generals.

It's the same as what he is doing now!

Since the 17th Brigade on the side of the state launched the battle of crossing the river yesterday, Zhao Dongyun has been staying in the military conference room with more than a dozen senior generals and core combat staff officers of the command.

Those staff officers, especially the communication officers of the Communications Section, kept walking in and out with various messages, and then issued various orders to the Feng army nationwide in the telegraph room next door.

Although the battle of crossing the river was only the 17th brigade in action at the beginning, in fact, in order to cooperate with the crossing of the river in Hezhou and Dangtu front lines, the Feng army nationwide took action. The third army in the direction of Henan strengthened the defense of the Jinghan line, especially the three strategic locations of Xinyang, Shijiazhuang and Zhengzhou. The army has been on full alert to prevent Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen, who have ostensibly reached an alliance agreement with the Feng army, and then attack the Jinghan line, which can be called the lifeline of the Feng army in the north of Anhui.

The Feng army not only guarded against Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen, but also paid close attention to and prepared for the possible foreign intervention forces. The 10th mixed brigade stationed in the northeast had already contracted its troops and retreated to Shenyang. It intends to use the large number of fortifications built in recent years to defend against the possible Japanese and Russian intervention forces.

The fifth mixed brigade, seventh mixed brigade and ninth mixed brigade in the direction of Tianjin and Beijing are also closely guarded for the dynamics of various countries in the direction of Tianjin. In addition, the first cavalry brigade also ended the task of suppressing bandits and countering rebellion in the direction of Mongolia ahead of schedule, and then returned to the front line of the Beijing Division in order to reinforce Tianjin or the northeast at any time.

As for the task of suppressing bandits and monitoring the local princes in the direction of Mongolia has been handed over to several patrol cavalry battalions and two patrol infantry regiments.

Speaking of this, it has to be mentioned that after the collapse of the Qing Dynasty in October 1906, many Mongolian princes sprouted independent thoughts, but at that time, Wang Yingkai was also a person with extremely strong traditional ideas. Regardless of the opposition of the Russians, he directly sent troops to Mongolia, and then killed a group of Mongolian kings and ancient support. After the bandits or rebels, they successfully calmed down Mongolia's independence. Although the Russians expressed strong protest, at that time, the Russians had just had a fight with Japan, and even the wounds were still not good. At that time, the four warlords of Beiyang had reached a secret agreement and formed Beiyang. The foreign republican government, at least on the surface, is a unified military group. It is not a waste for more than 100,000 Beiyang troops to put there. At that time, Russia really wanted to send troops to fight with Beiyang, and it would turn into a replica of the Russo-Japanese War. Because Japan and the British are also strongly against the Russians trying to incite Mongolia's independence, and even show that if the situation in Mongolia is not under control, they will support Beiyang to send troops to suppress the rebellion.

In the eyes of Japan and the British, especially the British, any expansion of the Russians in the Far East is unacceptable. Britain in 1906 is not Britain on the eve of World War I. Britain on the eve of World War I has no energy to deal with Germany, on the one hand, has no energy to take care of the Russians in the Far East. The other aspect of the action is also to attract Russia, so it acquiesced to Russia's action in Mongolia.

However, at present, in continental Europe, the Three Emperors Alliance is still very marketable. Germany has not completely torn up with Russia. As for why Russia has become an ally of Britain and France, there is much to say, not to mention it later.

However, after the Feng army entered the customs last year, the situation in China became more chaotic. Beiyang was completely divided and led to a civil war between several warlords, which once again gave the Russians an opportunity, so they began to incite the princes of Mongolia to independence.

In the face of the Mongolian issue, Zhao Dongyun could not perform worse than Wang Yingkai whether he wanted to or not, so he had just moved into the capital. When the Feng army was still going south to Shandong and Henan, the first cavalry brigade rushed to Mongolia to suppress the situation after the initial rest.

By the end of last year, in fact, the Feng army still had a large number of troops in Chahar, Mongolia and other directions, with the first cavalry brigade, five patrol cavalry battalions and two patrol regiments. Needless to say, the combat effectiveness of the first cavalry brigade is one of the two cavalry brigades of the Feng army, Meng Enyuan's starting unit. Although the five patrol cavalry battalions are known as patrol officers, in fact, their combat effectiveness is not bad. The patrol cavalry battalion and the patrol cavalry regiment are two concepts. The patrol cavalry battalion has always been the main field force in the Feng army sequence. As for the two patrol infantry regiments, although their combat effectiveness is a little poor, it is still not a big problem to deal with irregular armed forces. In addition, the two patrol infantry regiments are stationed in the city, so it is not a problem to serve as local defense.

With these troops, the independent actions of the Mongolian king Gu did not form a scale at all, and often were directly wiped out before many people were gathered. The overall situation is similar to that of the end of 1906.

It is precisely because Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun have maintained a high-pressure and repressive attitude towards Mongolia's independence that there has been no change in Mongolia, and no sound of Mongolian independence can be heard in other parts of the country.

Now the situation in Mongolia has stabilized. The five patrol cavalry battalions and two patrol infantry regiments in the direction of Mongolia, coupled with the cooperation of some Mongolian princes who are unwilling to be independent, are enough to deal with a small number of local rebel forces in Mongolia. Under such circumstances, the river crossing operation plan is about to be launched, and the first cavalry brigade will also end its defense mission in Mongolia, and then return to the front line of the Beijing Division to reinforce the front line of the Feng army in the Beijing Division.

At the same time, the first division and the fourth mixed brigade in northern Anhui have launched an active attack on the 6th division of the two rivers and the second mixed brigade of the Central Army in Anqing and Wuhu in advance. In addition to creating a strategic illusion for the Feng army, it is also intended to contain the Anhui army in these two directions. After all, the sixth of the two rivers in these two directions The division and the second mixed brigade of the Central Army are the main forces of the Anhui Army. Holding them on the front line of Anqing and Wuhu is of great strategic significance for the Feng army to conquer the Dangtu line in the future.

Not to mention the direction of northern Jiangsu, the 10th Division has launched several small-scale river crossing harassment operations. Although this small-scale river crossing harassment operation has not been effective at present, it is enough to attract the attention of the Anhui army and force the Anhui army to invest heavily in the heavy land of southern Jiangsu to prepare for the army. Large-scale crossing of the river.

After all, if the Anhui army has deployed a large number of troops in the direction of southern Jiangsu, so that the defense in the southern Jiangsu direction is empty, the Feng army will not have to land in Dangtu in northern Anhui. They can land directly in southern Jiangsu, so that they can directly insert into the current core of the Anhui army in southern Jiangsu. The ruling area led to the complete collapse of the Anhui army in the south of the Yangtze River.

In addition, in the direction of Jinling, where heavy troops gathered from both sides of Feng and Anhui, the Third Division also launched a large-scale offensive in a timely manner. Its purpose is also very simple, that is, to contain the mobilization of the Fourth Division.

The purpose of the mobilization and attack of the Feng army in many of the above directions is to cover the Fourth Army in Hezhou and the smooth crossing of the river.

So the Fourth Army only needs to manage its own crossing of the river, and the 17th Brigade only needs to guard the beach position, but for the senior staff officers of the command, they mobilize the Feng army deployed in the whole country at the same time. This means that the Feng army troops are not only 170,000 field troops, but also Including a large number of patrol infantry regiments and numerous auxiliary forces, including a large number of support regiments and transport regiments formed by the quartermaster's department.

These add up to a total of 30,000 to 400,000.

This is a very difficult task for the young Fengjun command system!

And Zhao Dongyun is also facing extremely difficult pressure for the supreme commander of this army!

The bloody eyes in front of you show all this!