Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 404 Lei Zhenchun committed suicide

At 9 p.m., the 34th Regiment of the 17th Brigade broke through the defense line of the 26th Regiment of the 7th Division of Liangjiang, thus announcing that the defense line deployed by Lei Zhenchun behind was completely lost, and then the 33rd and 34th Regiments of the 17th Brigade were able to directly attack the rest of the 7th Division of the Anhui Army, which was still in a breakout battle. .

That night, the remaining main force of the Seventh Division of the Two River continued to fight with the 17th Brigade of the 9th Division and the 36th Regiment of the 18th Brigade of the Feng Army, and by dawn the next day, the attacking troops of the 34th Regiment of the Feng Army had rushed to 500 meters away from the Lei Zhenchun headquarters.

Lei Zhenchun, with his eyes full of blood, seemed to be much older overnight. At this moment, there are still less than ten officers around him, and more officers of the 7th Division have surrendered without death or injury. Last night, the rest of the troops of the 7th Division were defeated one after another, and the speed of collapse was beyond ordinary people's imagination. Company by battalion continued to collapse, or were annihilated or surrendered. By dawn, there are still less than a thousand troops around Lei Zhenchun.

It can be said that at this point, even if Lei Zhenchun barely escaped with these remnants, the Seventh Division of Liangjiang disappeared forever.

"Thank you for your hard work these days!" Lei Zhenchun looked at the officers around him with a tired look, and then continued, "Although my seventh division has suffered defeat, it is an honor for me to fight with you in my life!"

"Master, although the situation is critical now, I will try my best to open a small gap!" The adjutant beside him said so.

But Lei Zhenchun shook his head: "When I was in Jiangbei, I escaped once. Although the general did not complain to me at the beginning, he also encouraged me to cheer up and fight again, but once in my life, it is enough to escape! Moreover, with more than 1,000 remnants now, how can we open the gap?

Since yesterday, he has led more than 7,000 main forces to break through the defense line of the 36th Regiment to open the gap. Now there are only more than 1,000 remaining soldiers left. Even if he gives Lei Zhenchun a hundred miracles, he can't open the gap and escape.

After saying that, he looked at the people present again and said, "Wait, I will scatter the troops and break through. You all go! Whether you can escape or not depends on God's will!"

After his voice fell, there was a violent explosion next to it. The impact of the explosion almost lifted these temporary headquarters. Lei Zhenchun, who had been fighting with the Feng army for many times, knew that this should be the 120 mm mortar of the Feng army. Only this kind of heavy mortar could cause such a huge explosion. Explosive power.

The 120mm mortar of the Feng army has always been a sharp weapon for short-range shelling support. Although its weight is not light, the maneuverability is not far, the range is not far, and the accuracy is so poor that it makes countless Feng officers and soldiers scold their daughters, but its power is incomparable. The 120mm shells are thrown out, and the explosion is more powerful than that of the Feng army. The 100mm cannon with the largest caliber field gun is much more powerful.

And Lei Zhenchun also knew that this kind of heavy mortar had a very close range. When its shell landed in front of him, it meant that the Feng army's front had advanced near his headquarters.

Lei Zhenchun immediately said, "The whole army is scattered and broke through!"

Then he sat down again. The other officers looked at me, and then after more than ten seconds of collective silence, several officers immediately turned around and walked out quickly. Several officers chose to sit down, and then took out their pistols at their waist and wiped them carefully.

They have a variety of pistols, some are 1904 revolvers and some are Japanese revolvers. Compared with the unified system of rifles, the pistols in various warlords, especially those worn by officers, are much more complicated and are basically worn according to personal preferences. This is true in the Feng army and the same in the Anhui army. Generally speaking, the ordnance department will not interfere too much in what pistols officers wear. Why?

Because this involves a military honor issue!

In modern times, there are only two pistols worn by officers, one for decoration and the other for suicide.

At this time, Lei Zhenchun also took out his pistol and wiped it carefully with a white cloth. This is a 1904 revolver pistol. Although the gun is a standard pistol, there is a word 'chun' engraved on the gun body. Although it has been worn for several years, it is usually maintained. When it's good, it looks like new.

He carefully wiped the pistol in his hand, very carefully. Every corner was wiped repeatedly. Just as he was wiping, there was a crisp gunshot beside him. He looked up slightly and saw that the major had been lying on his back on the chair, with red and white mixed ** on his head. His hands hung weakly, and the pistol also fell to the ground.

Then, two more shots were fired, but the two officers next to him pulled the trigger at the same time and fell to the ground.

Lei Zhenchun stopped wiping the gun at this time, and then clenched the grip of the pistol with his right hand. At this time, the chief of staff of the seventh division beside him also smiled at him and then whispered, "Brother Lei, I'll go first!"

Then he reached into the muzzle of the pistol. Maybe he hesitated for a few seconds, but finally pulled the trigger!

Then the sound of pistols in the house sounded intermittently, and more than a dozen people in the house drank bullets one after another, leaving Lei Zhenchun alone!

He sighed and said to himself, "How can I, Lei Zhenchun, live alone when more than 10,000 brothers throw their bodies on the battlefield?"

As soon as the voice fell, he pulled the trigger on his head. The high-speed bullet passed through the right side of his head, then rolled into his mind and stirred, and then drilled out from the other end, with a piece of red and white blood and brain plasma!

Lei Zhenchun committed suicide and became the first division-level senior general to commit suicide on the battlefield since the battle between the two armies of Feng and Anhui. He was also the second senior general to commit suicide after the uprising in Beiyang in 1906 and fell into a scuffle in China. Before him, he was Xiliang, the commander of the tenth town of the Southern Federation.

Ten minutes later, dozens of Feng soldiers carefully marched towards here. They held their guns and carefully explored the situation around them, but they were surprised not to find any living enemies. When they pushed open the simple door, they were stunned by the situation inside. There were more than a dozen in the room. The bodies of Anhui military officers, and it was known at a glance that they committed suicide, including two generals dressed in senior generals of the Anhui army.

"These are all senior officials. Look at this. This is a lieutenant general. Is that Lei Zhenchun?" A corporal soldier walked up carelessly, then bent down and squatted down as he spoke, rudely took off Lei Zhenchun's epaulettes body, and then picked up the pistol that fell to the ground.

However, after looking at the pistol, he was a little dissatisfied: "I thought this official would use something strong. Why did he take a benefit to make a left wheel!"

Because the 1904 revolver is convenient for mass production and cheap, it has been equipped with the Beiyang Standing Army on a large scale as early as the era of the Beiyang Standing Army, and then it has become the standard pistol of the Feng army, cavalry, artillery and machine gunners in the Feng army. Another standard pistol in the Feng army, that is, the 1905 automatic pistol imitated by Browning 1900, is mainly equipped with middle and senior officers because of the high cost.

So it's a pity for the comoral to seize only one lucky revolver.

After these soldiers took some trophies casually, they soon passed on the news that a large number of senior enemy generals had committed suicide.

Pan Yuqing felt a little sad when he learned that Lei Zhenchun committed suicide. Although he and Lei Zhenchun were enemies, there was no hatred between them. Now that Lei Zhenchun was defeated and committed suicide, he still felt a little sorry for him as a soldier. If he was defeated, did he also have the courage and Did he commit suicide the same?

Pan Luanqing shook his head and did not think about this problem that had not yet come. He immediately said, "Take proper control of the remains of General Lei and others and set up a monument to bury it!"

Lei Zhenchun died, and his two seventh divisions were also completely defeated. Although Lei Zhenchun finally issued the order to disperse and break through, there were only a few hundred Anhui officers and soldiers who could escape, which was a pitiful number for an army with more than 14,000 before the war.

The seventh division of Liangjiang has been completely annihilated!

The news of the destruction of the Seventh Division of Liangjiang and the defeat and the suicide of Lei Zhenchun came to Meng Enyuan, but Meng Enyuan did not have much feeling about Lei Zhenchun's suicide, but immediately said: "The command of the telegram reported the victory, that is to say that my army has fought hard day and night, successfully counterattacking and surrounding the enemy's 7th Division of Liangjiang, and the enemy's leader Lei Zhenchun More than ten thousand enemy troops have been annihilated, and you can consider the rest of the words!"

But after saying that, he immediately changed his words and said, "Forget it, I will draft the message myself!"

I immediately sat down, picked up a small pen and wrote: "Since the Ministry of Service has led the army across the river, the Fourth Army has no hope of the president, and has been fighting hard for days..."

Meng Enyuan wrote a war report with hundreds of words, and then looked at it carefully to confirm that the words were correct. Looking at the victory report again, Meng Enyuan's face also showed joy. He could already guess what kind of surprise President Zhao Dongyun would show after seeing the victory.

After reading it carefully several times, he signed his name in the back: Meng Enyuan, the commander of the Fourth Army.

Lei Zhenchun's good news was soon taken to the fourth army telegraph room next door, and then transmitted to the distance by radio waves.