Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 408 War and Song and Dance

Yu Wanling said, "We have just arranged a new dance these days, and we will not let you down!"

After saying that, she smiled gracefully. In an instant, it seemed that the lights around her dimmed, and only her smile was left in her eyes.

Yu Wanling saw Zhao Dongyun staring at her, and her expression was obviously discolored. Immediately, a trace of blush appeared on her delicate face, but she was a little proud in the bottom of her heart.

She is a smart woman. After many contacts with Zhao Dongyun, she has obviously felt that Zhao Dongyun may have a good impression on herself. Although the two people do not have much practical contact, Zhao Dongyun will not show too clearly, but she can still feel it.

She is a young and beautiful woman, and she has been active in the powerful class of Beijing all year round. She has seen a lot of young people and pursued you and her a lot, but can other young people be compared with Zhao Dongyun?

It can attract Zhao Dongyun's attention, which seems to her to be a kind of success!

The little ambiguity between the two in mid-air did not attract the attention of others. Outsiders seemed to be that Zhao Dongyun was still a smiling and amiable president.

Zhao Dongyun didn't say too much to Yu Wanling, but just asked a few questions and then left with Fang Ruolian, and Yu Wanling also arrived at the back stage and began to urge her dance troupe to prepare.

Zhao Dongyun's next work is very simple. Basically, he will have a little chat with the big rich people present. Naturally, he will not directly talk about how many patriotic bonds they will buy. Even on today's occasion, no one talks about the topic of patriotic bonds.

How vulgar it is to talk about money on such a high-level occasion today!

But the rich people who entered this occasion today would not take hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy patriotic bonds afterwards. They themselves were embarrassed to get along with the powerful class in Beijing.

Half an hour later, after the master of ceremonies came to the stage and said two sentences, the Xiyuan Dance Troupe soon came on the stage!

More than 20 young girls walked lightly on the stage in dance clothes, and then began to dance dazzlingly, which made many antiques who saw Western modern dance for the first time open their eyes.

But Zhao Dongyun's eyes were on one of them. She was Yu Wanling.

Yu Wanling, who was among the dancers, wore a light purple gauze dress like an elf who had just walked out of the deep forest, and instantly caught Zhao Dongyun's sight.

During the whole process, Zhao Dongyun didn't even feel the passage of time. A short song ended. As the dancers retreated, Zhao Dongyun came to his senses, and then an idea came to his mind: let her choose a dance for herself!

When the dancers in the Xiyuan of Beijing gave a gorgeous dance to the powerful, on the front line of the Jiangnan War, the Fourth Army was engaged in a cruel and fierce battle with the Anhui army, painting more gorgeous and dazzling pictures with blood and artillery fire.

In Dangtu County, Lin Yongquan frowned at the map in front of him.

"They could run, but they suddenly bypassed Dangtu and ran 30 miles away to cross the river!" Pan Luanqing beside him also felt a little depressed.

The Ninth Division was stationed in Dangtu. On the one hand, it was to rest to restore its combat effectiveness in its heyday, and on the other hand, it was to block the eastward advance of the second mixed brigade of the Anhui army.

For this reason, the 9th Division excavated a large number of fortifications on the front line of Dangtu, and even took great effort to pull the artillery of the two battalions on the mountain east of Dangtu County, but it did not expect that the opposite second mixed brigade only launched a tentative attack, immediately gave up the attack on Dangtu and made a detour to the east, and Crossing the Guxi River 30 kilometers away from Dangtu, which made the 9th Division's strong defense line built on the Dangtu line instantly turn into nothing, which can be said to have no effect.

"Now that the second mixed brigade has bypassed the Guxi River, they will definitely continue all the way north. At that time, it will not only endanger the safety of the Ma'anshan pontoon bridge, but also threaten the flank safety of the 14th Division and the first mixed brigade. We must stop them!" Sun Hanchen beside him said so.

"Ma'anshan pontoon bridge is related to the logistics and security of tens of thousands of soldiers of our Fourth Army, which must not be missed! Although there is a patrol regiment on the defensive task, it is never enough to stop the attack of the enemy's main force!" Lin Yongquan quickly made his own decision.

"The 18th Brigade immediately advanced eastward and intercepted the second mixed brigade. In addition, the 17th Brigade sent a regiment back to Ma'anshan!"

The biggest role of Dangtu is actually to cover the safety of Ma'anshan Beach. If the enemy bypasses Dangtu, it is superfluous for the 9th Division to continue to stick to Dangtu.

Following Lin Yongquan's order, the 18th Brigade, the main force of the 9th Division, immediately marched east, trying to pursue the march of the second mixed brigade.

Two days later, the 18th Brigade of the 9th Division encountered a battle with the enemy's second mixed brigade in the area around Pingxiang, and both sides suffered injuries.

The next day, the 33rd Regiment of Fang Qingkun of the 17th Brigade reported that there was a trace of enemy troops in Xiangshan Town and a small-scale exchange of fire. According to the firepower of the other party and the confessions of the captured prisoners during the exchange of fire, Fang Qingkun was very sure that the second regiment of the second mixed brigade.

"Is the enemy's first regiment in the direction of the screen and the enemy's second regiment in the direction of the mountain? What about their third regiment? Where is it?" Lin Yongquan looked at the military deployment signs of both sides on the map, and then drew a big question mark on the edge of the map!

As we all know, the second mixed brigade of the Central Army of the Anhui Army, as one of the two main divisions of the Anhui Army, although it is only known as a mixed brigade, in fact, the brigade already had three infantry regiments, two artillery battalions and a huge force of related heavy and engineering battalions last year, with a total strength of more than 10,000. Especially after Jin Yunpeng, another core general under Duan Qirui's command, served as the brigade commander at the beginning of this year, the strength of the brigade expanded a little.

You should know that although Jin Yunpeng's military rank in the central military position was only a major general, Duan Qirui privately granted him the rank of lieutenant general, a mixed brigade led by a lieutenant general, so that the mixed brigade could never be a simple mixed brigade. After Jin Yunpeng took office as the brigade commander, he led his troops to defend the Wuhu area. During this period It was continuous conscription training, and Duan Qirui supplemented him with a small number of artillery and other technical weapons.

Although the strength and weapons and equipment of the department are not as terrible as the three- brigades of the Fourth Division, the total strength has also reached more than 12,000. At present, there are three formal infantry regiments under its jurisdiction, and the two battalions and a company with a total of more than 40 advanced retreat 75 Nearly 50 millimeter artillery and heavy machine guns are also equipped with light machine guns and mortars, which are rare in other second-line troops of the Anhui army. Then he also has more heavy and engineering troops, and they are also auxiliary forces equipped with rifles. Obviously, Jin Yunpeng, like other warlord generals, also intends to use these auxiliary forces. Used as regular infantry.

If it is one-on-one, this second mixed brigade actually has the ability to fight with the Ninth Division.

Such an opponent deserves Lin Yongquan's careful treatment!

Because the 9th Division was more cautious, it did not say that it would take a roundabout attack as boldly as the 7th Division of the Liangjiang Army before, trying to lay the victory in the first battle, and Jin Yunpeng, who was opposite him also knew that he was the main force of the three main divisions of the Feng army, and he was also cautious when fighting.

So on the side of Dangtu, although the 9th Division and the 2nd Mixed Brigade played several games with each other, the scale was not large. Both sides contracted after tentative attacks, forming a stalemate.

However, this is also a good thing for the 9th Division. After all, the current 9th Division is not in a good state and is still in a recovery period. In addition, the task of the 9th Division is not to defeat the second mixed brigade, but to delay the stop and ensure the safety of the other main forces of the Fourth Army.

Jin Yunpeng's mind is similar. As one of the few core generals in the Anhui army, he naturally knows the whole strategy of the Anhui army, which is to delay time.

Drag the Anhui army to continue to transfer troops from other directions to the front lines of Dangtu and Jinling, and then gather superior forces to defeat the Fourth Army of the Feng army. Before that, the Anhui army also adopted delaying tactics, and sometimes even took the initiative to retreat to avoid indifferent consumption in the early stage.

The Anhui Army should be delayed, and the 9th Division of the Fourth Army should also be delayed, but the 14th Division and the 1st Mixed Brigade in the 4th Army cannot be delayed. They have to quickly tear open the defense line of the Anhui Army in the west of Jinling, and then go straight into Jinling to cooperate with the Third Division of the Second Army on the north bank of the Yangtze River and other units to launch the Jinling Campaign, as long as they take Jinling, Then half of the whole Jiangnan strategy has been completed.

Why, because from a military point of view, the status of Jinling may not be as important as Zhenjiang, Wuhu and other places, but the importance of Jinling cannot be viewed from a simple military perspective.

Jinling is not only a military town, but also a political city, which has great political influence in the vast southern China. Taking Jinling means that the Feng army has controlled the only two political cities in China.

As for Wuchang, which is controlled by Zhang Zhidong of the Southern Federation, it was actually only by chance that it was used as the temporary capital of the Southern Federation, but it does not have much political influence.

There are only two cities suitable for the capital in contemporary China, one is Jingshi and the other is Jinling, which has nothing to do with personal wishes, but to do with contemporary national conditions.

The 14th Division and the 1st Mixed Brigade have not stopped attacking since the day they launched the attack. In just a few days, they have made dozens of kilometers. Although there are factors here that the Anhui army took the initiative to retreat to preserve their strength, it is undeniable They have marched to the outer area of Jinling.

In exaggerated terms, Yang Deming has already smelled the smell of the Qinhuai River!