Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 411 Welfare Factory Dividend

Tangshan, in the huge Fuyuan Machine Factory, among many huge factories, stands a three-storey Western-style office building covering an area of more than 600 square meters, which is the headquarters of Fuyuan Machine Factory, the largest enterprise in contemporary China.

A series of important institutions of Fuyuan Machinery Factory are set up here, including a series of administrative agencies such as the office of the chairman of the board of directors, the office of the general manager, the finance department, and the sales department.

The huge conference room on the third floor is a typical Italian style. There are oil paintings painted by unknown Italian painters on the wall. There are double-layer curtains on the huge glass windows. The afternoon sun falls on the carpet through the gap between the curtains, and there is a huge square table in the middle. Crystal lamps imported from Dali.

However, at this time, the tranquility of the conference room was broken. As the door of the conference room was opened, several men in Western-style formal clothes came in. They either held tea cups or various documents and quickly arranged them in this conference room. After they left, many people walked into the conference room again. .

Some of them wear Western-style tuxedos, some wear horse coats and robes, some elderly people with long beards, some middle-aged men with eight-character beards, about 40, and three blonde foreigners.

After they walked in, they sat down separately!

After these people came in, Zhao Chenbin, who sat at the top, took the lead and said, "You are also busy people. It is not easy to bring everyone together for this meeting today, but the board of directors has been extremely disappointed with our work recently. At yesterday's expanded meeting of the board of directors, the board of directors asked me as the board of directors. The chairman came up with an active and effective plan to provide the next extreme profit!"

Hearing Zhao Chenbin's words, the heads of various departments of Fuyuan Machinery Factory have changed their faces. Is the board of directors still dissatisfied with their work? How greedy people are to be dissatisfied with the profit level of the current Fuyuan Machinery Factory.

Fuyuan Machinery Factory is a typical heavy industrial complex with the theme of national defense work. Its main industries, arms manufacturing and steel industry, have developed rapidly in the past two years. Thanks to a series of moves by Fengjun to enter customs and expand the army, the arms sales performance of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is extremely gratifying, and the arms produced are basically As soon as it left the factory, it was transported to the front line. It is not an exagging to say that the supply was in short supply and demand. The arms manufacturing business alone created a gross profit of more than 4 million yuan for the Fuyuan Machinery Factory in 1907.

In addition to the arms manufacturing industry, another major business of Fuyuan Machinery Factory: the steel manufacturing industry, the situation is also very good. After the wholly owned Tangshan Iron and Steel Factory successively invested in many iron mines in Fushun, Tangshan and other places, iron ore sources are sufficient and cooperate with many coal factories in Tangshan, Fushun and other places. It can also get a high-quality coal supply.

After the output, the sales situation is also very good. In addition to the steel that Fuchang needs to make arms, the main sales direction of Tangshan Iron and Steel Plant is the steel needed for large-scale infrastructure projects. Through the early supply of Anfeng Railway, Huludao Line Railway, Yingkou Line Railway, Jingzhang Railway and Fushun Line Railway Tangshan Iron and Steel Factory has been initially developed and began to make profits with the railways required for railways such as roads and railways and steel required for a series of urban construction and port construction in Huludao and Yingkou.

At the beginning of this year, they received rail orders from Jinpu Railway and Longhai Railway, two major domestic arteries. These two large orders alone are enough to make Tangshan Iron and Steel Plant continue to make profits for many years.

As a complex enterprise of heavy industry, Fuyuan Machinery Factory naturally has more than these two major businesses. In fact, Fuyuan Machinery Factory also has a large number of subsidiaries, including timber factories, chemical plants and even hospitals, schools, etc. However, these affiliated enterprises are either for Fuyuan Machinery Factory itself or pure public welfare undertakings, and their profit level is very limited.

For example, timber factories and chemical factories are typical supporting enterprises, mainly for the arms manufacturing services of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, while hospitals, electric light companies, etc. are typical public welfare undertakings. The board of directors did not expect to rely on them to make profits, and the school, especially Tangshan University of Technology, is more like this university. It is a scientific research institution set up in Fuyuan Machine Factory. Not to mention profit, Fuyuan Machine Factory has to put hundreds of thousands of yuan every year.

However, in any case, the current Fuyuan Machinery Factory relies on the two major industries of arms manufacturing and steel, and its profit level is very high. You can see it just by looking at the financial report of Fuyuan Machinery Factory in the first quarter of 1908.

In the first quarter of 1908, the headquarters of Fuyuan Machinery Factory and its subordinate enterprises, including its total assets had reached more than 40 million yuan, which was not an exabling wealth, and this total asset did not include hidden assets such as brands and technology.

The total sales of Fuyuan Machinery Factory in the first quarter reached 18 million yuan. After deducting the messy costs, its net profit in the first quarter was as high as 2 million yuan.

However, why is Fuyuan Machinery Factory in such a good operating condition still accused by the board of directors of being unfavorable and requiring the leadership to come up with a plan to increase the profit level?

In fact, this problem is quite simple, that is, Fuyuan Machinery Factory has not paid any large-scale dividends since its establishment. Although it takes part of its profits to pay dividends every year, most of the operating profits of the factory are used for reinvestment and expansion.

This naturally makes the capitalists who took out a lot of money to buy the shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory. In the past few years, they could still understand that Fuyuan Machinery Factory did not pay dividends. After all, it is necessary for development, but now Fuyuan Machinery Factory has obviously become formal. Everyone thinks that it has been going through for several years, looking at 190 In 8 years, when the operation of Fuyuan Machinery Factory was in good condition and the expected profit was even as high as 10 million, both small shareholders and major shareholders could not sit still and wanted to get their own investment returns.

Zhao Chenbin knows about this. Why? Because he rejected the dividend proposal at every board meeting, relying on Fuyuan Company's up to 26 percent of the shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, and then pulling several major shareholders such as Dingsheng Bank, he forcibly rejected the dividend proposal by relying on the majority of shares every time.

Zhao Chenbin actually did not do this, but was instructed by Zhao Dongyun.

Zhao Chenbin's vision has also become higher and higher in recent years. Since he served as the chairman of the board of directors of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, he has watched Fuyuan Machinery Factory grow up with Fengjun at a glance. Fuyuan Machinery Factory is the basis for the expansion of Feng's army and an important pillar of Zhao Dongyun's hegemony. Although Zhao Chenbin is Fuyuan Machinery He is the chairman of the board of directors of the factory, but he is also a member of the Zhao family.

So he considers everything in the interests of the Zhao family, and what are the interests of the Zhao family? There is only one from beginning to end: that is, to support Zhao Dongyun to unify China, so that the Zhao family can become the first family in China. As for money, to be honest, the current Zhao family is really not short of money.

Relying on the profits of a series of other subsidiaries of Fuyuan Company, the Zhao family is not only not short of funds, but can even squeeze out part of the shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory every year. Last year, Fuyuan Company owned only about 20% of the shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, but after a year of share repurchase , has repurchased six percentage points of shares, so Fuyuan Company has also invested a lot of money.

The Zhao family has begun to transform from a purely commercial family to a political family. Many children in the family have begun to enter the military and political two terms under the influence and support of Zhao Dongyun. Zhao Dongyun's cousin Zhao Dongzhi is the most obvious example. Now he is a colonel of the army. It has become the most obvious sign of the Zhao family's comprehensive military and political march.

At present, although the status of the children of the Zhao family in the two terms of military and politics is not high, and the total number is not large, over time, as Zhao Dongyun's power becomes more and more powerful, the children of the Zhao family will gradually rise to a higher level over time, which will inevitably make the whole Zhao family play a greater role in domestic politics. Influence.

As the saying goes, the rise of Zhao Dongyun is bound to make the whole Zhao family rise.

Although Zhao Chenbin said that he is in the business circle, unlike ordinary businessmen, he shoulders more political pressure. Over the years, he has tried his best to develop Fuyuan Machinery Factory and compete with a large group of shareholders for profits in order to make Fuyuan Machinery Factory better serve Zhao Dongyun's unified cause.

In order for Fuyuan Machinery Factory to better serve Zhao Dongyun's unified cause, one thing must be done, that is, to solve the problem of the supply of weapons and ammunition in Fengjun.

Zhao Chenbin implemented a series of measures in Fuyuan Machinery Factory for the purpose of expanding the arms manufacturing industry.

Therefore, most of the profits of Fuyuan Machinery Factory over the years have been used by the leadership of Fuyuan Machinery Factory led by Zhao Chenbin to expand its own development and scale in order to produce more ordnance weapons and develop newer weapons and equipment.

As for dividends to shareholders, this has never been considered by Zhao Chenbin.

However, not everyone, like Zhao Chenbin, wants to support the development of Fengjun. The Fuyuan Machinery Factory is so large that it has many shareholders. At present, the Fuyuan Company of the Zhao family only controls 26 percent of the shares of the Fuyuan Machinery Factory, and other shares are all major capitals in the north. The division of families, especially those banks, Qianzhuang and other financial institutions in the north, are the main force controlling the shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory.

After all, the Fuyuan Machinery Factory is huge. It is impossible for individuals to spend millions of money to buy shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory. Only those financial institutions have the strength to continue to buy shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory.

However, one feature of these financial institutions is that they also need to make profits, and they also need to pay dividends to shareholders and investors.

Seeing that the shares of the Fuyuan Machinery Factory under its control are becoming more and more valuable, but in recent years, they have not been able to get a dime in dividends, which makes many financial institutions quite depressed.