Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 420 Mingshu Yang Deming

Hundreds of thousands of people under the munitions department, even if a person's salary is one month, plus food and drink, etc., there will not be millions of expenses per month, which can make the Feng army support several more divisions.

So except for the captains of maritime transportation, river transportation, sailors, grooms and other technical personnel with high technical requirements, other ordinary hard workers can't get a dime.

Of course, Fengjun's recruitment of them will not last for a long time. Generally, they only need to work for a month or two to leave. Anyway, there are many people in the Soviet system, especially in Henan, Anhui, Shandong and other provinces, which are close to the front line. The population is large enough for the Feng army to continue to recruit hundreds of thousands of people in rotation to support the frontline troops. War.

This kind of thing is also very fucking for future generations and unreasonable for a normal modern country, but it is a very normal phenomenon in contemporary China.

If Zhao Dongyun insisted on holding the universal values of later generations or the thinking of good people and not conscripting people's husbands or giving money to hire people's husbands, then he is absolutely ridiculous.

After the quartermaster began to split a large number of active transport regiments and then added them to the field troops, on the one hand, the field troops were given a large number of heavy personnel, and on the other hand, it also simplified the personnel to be managed by the quartermaster's department.

Although the quartermaster department is only an agency responsible for logistics, in fact, there are many personnel managed by the quartermaster department. Previously, the quartermaster department had more than a dozen transport regiments, and there were more than 30,000 active heavy soldiers under the management and command of the quartermaster department, and more than 300,000 civilian husbands in active service.

Now, after handing over these transport regiments to the field troops, there are only various civil husbands left in the quartermaster department, so the management has been simplified a lot.

After a large number of transportation regiments of the quartermaster's headquarters were added to the field forces, the 3rd Division, 9th Division, 10th Division and other units were first expanded into 1908-type troops, and then the 1st Division, 14th Division, 4th Mixed Brigade and 1st Mixed Brigade were also expanded to 1908-type units.

Other units of the 8th Division, 11th Division, 13th Division, 16th Division and 15th Division have no expansion plan for the time being, because these troops are not on the front line, and the transportation regiment of the Quartermaster's Department has also been supplemented. If the above-mentioned troops are to be expanded, new recruits will have to be recruited, which is a large amount. The expenses. Therefore, when Jiangnan is strategically tense, Zhao Dongyun just intends to continue to expand the 15th Division, because this force is formed as the main division and will soon go to the south to fight, so expansion is needed. As for other troops, they should slow down first and wait until the military spending is relaxed.

In this way, two kinds of formations have emerged in the Feng army, one is the old 1907 type and the other is the new 1908 type. The difference between these two types is not in technical weapons and combatants, but in the gap in logistics personnel.

And this gap in establishment is somewhat similar to that of peacetime and wartime in other countries.

In Japan, Germany and other countries, their troops are actually not as large in peacetime as during the war. Taking the Japanese Army, a relatively similar force to the Beiyang Army, as an example, one of their standing divisions is actually only more than 10,000 in peacetime, which will not be better than the Beiyang. How many soldiers are there?

But during the war, one of their divisions could be expanded to more than 20,000. Later generations know that more than 20,000 people in Japan was actually fully supplementing soldiers during the war, especially the establishment of logistics personnel.

Several main divisions of the Feng army have increased a lot in total strength, but in fact, the total strength of the Feng army on the front line of Jinling has not changed. The only difference is that many logistics personnel who originally belonged to the quartermaster's department have been directly assigned to those field troops. The total strength of the Feng army has not increased much.

However, although the total strength has not increased, the logistics structure has been simplified. After the logistics personnel in the division-level units have been greatly increased, it has effectively improved the combat effectiveness of the front-line troops of the Feng army to a certain extent, especially for the main forces such as the Third Division and the Ninth Division.

In the past, they were limited by the lack of their own logistics personnel. When fighting, they often communicated with the military department or the quartermaster department to provide front-line logistical support, but now, their own logistics strength is enough to complete their own front-line supply tasks.

Especially at this distance within five kilometers from the material supply point to the front line, it used to be completed by the transport regiments of the military headquarters and the quartermaster department. However, now the division-level troops's own heavy troops are enough to complete the transportation task at this distance, which invisibly improves the replenishment efficiency of the troops, and the supply efficiency is improved. The front-line troops have enough ammunition, which is even more convenient for the war.

The improvement of this situation was more obvious when the Feng army launched a general attack on Jinling City. In the past, a large amount of ammunition was hoarded in the rear, but two shells were fired on the artillery positions on the front line, and there were no shells.

The well-replenished Feng artillery fired a large number of shells at Jinling City. With the support of artillery, tens of thousands of Feng infantry men rushed to the Anhui army in front of them in the sound of the bronze whistle of the officers.

On April 3, the 3rd and 14th divisions of the Feng Army launched their first comprehensive attack in the south of Jinling. On the frontal front, more than 20,000 Feng soldiers launched a charge from the sound of artillery fire.

The shells of the Anhui army fell in the charging Feng army. After the explosion, the shrapnel and shock wave overturned one Feng soldiers after another, and in the sound of the heavy machine guns of the Anhui army on the opposite side, countless Feng soldiers fell down piece by piece.

Although the Feng army suffered a large number of casualties from the beginning, as the supreme commander of the Battle of Jinling, the commander of the Fourth Army did not issue any retreat orders. As usual, he climbed the hill with a large number of officers and watched his soldiers fall in pieces with binoculars.

At this time, his expression fully reflected the cruelty of a general. In the face of hundreds or even thousands of casualties, Meng Enyuan did not show any pity. On the contrary, when he saw a regiment of the 14th Division rush into the Anhui army position and directly captured the position with a bayonet hand-to-hand battle, he still smiled.

"Good! The 14th Division is as brave as the old troops of the Third Division!" Meng Enyuan excitedly put down his telescope and turned to the officers beside him and said, "After this battle, I will personally ask the president for the officers who fought in blood for the 14th Division!"

"Although Mingshuai is a new star in our army, his bravery in combat is not much worse than Yushuai!" General Gu Qizhi, the chief of staff of the Fourth Army, also praised him.

Gu Qizhi was also an old man in the Feng army. In 1901, he was the second battalion and team officer of the Right Army under Zhao Dongyun. He participated in the suppression of the Guangzong Rebellion with Zhao Dongyun. Later, Zhao Dongyun left the Third Association of the Commander of the Right Army of Wuwei. Although he did not follow him, Zhao Dongyun went to the northeast to edit. When practicing the third town, he once again went to the northeast to join Zhao Dongyun. Later, he served as a battalion officer and standard. Last year, he was promoted to the rank of major general. After serving in the command department for half a year, he was transferred to the chief of staff of the Fourth Army this year.

Because he had fewer years following Zhao Dongyun, his status in the Feng army was much lower than Lin Yongquan and others who was also a team officer. As the saying goes, everyone has their own opportunities, which does not mean that individuals can follow Zhao Dongyun from the beginning and have a smooth sailing.

And the Mingshuai in Gu Qizhi's mouth is naturally talking about Yang Deming. Yushuai is either later generations or Gu Lanyu. According to some secret names in the contemporary Fengjun, subordinates generally honor senior generals at the division level as a commander, generally naming one of the words, while some people take the words One word is not the same.

With Yang Deming's appointment as the commander of the 14th Division, those subordinates naturally called him 'Mingshuai' according to this custom, but this Mingshuai is generally only for those whose military rank is lower than him, and division commanders with a similar status, mixed brigade commanders and so on generally call him 'Master Yang' Or General Yang, he will also be called in informal situations, and those who have a better relationship may be called 'Brother Yang' and so on.

As for his higher status, for example, Meng Enyuan sometimes calls him Master Yang, and sometimes calls him 'Deming' directly.

And the name 'Deming', except for the commander Zhao Dongyun, can only be called so, and others are not qualified.

In this era, people's names are more particular, and it is easy for later generations to confuse them.

Since Yang Deming led the 14th Division to participate in the Battle of Jinling, he has not humiliated the title of 'Mingshuai'. Although the 14th Division has suffered great losses in previous battles, its results are quite large, and its achievements are comparable to those of the 3rd Division.

The excellent performance of the 14th Division makes people see the next Gu Lanyu slowly emerges, but also makes people have more expectations for the 14th Division and hope that this division can become the next third division.

However, Yang Deming's reputation in the Feng army, the growth of the 14th Division is costly. Since crossing the river and participating in the battle, the total number of casualties of the 14th Division has reached more than 3,000, including nearly 2,000 killed in the battle.

Most of the casualties of Fengjun in the Battle of Jinling were actually the casualties of the 14th Division.

The huge casualties forced the Ministry of Education to replenish new recruits to the 14th Division almost every few days to keep the 14th Division full. However, the large number of people added means more deaths and injuries. The new recruits serving in the 14th Division suffered huge casualties on the front line and even reached the new barracks of the Feng army.

Many new recruits who have just completed the training were full of worries when they heard that they were going to be added to the 14th Division, and even several desertion incidents occurred.

The casualties of soldiers are large, but the casualties of the officers of the 14th Division are small. In addition to the excellent graduates supplemented by the military academy, most of the officers of the 14th Division are officers who have served for many years and are experienced in combat, and it is the experienced officers who support the 14th Division.

Even if the soldiers of the 14th Division suffered huge casualties and a group of new recruits were added, the 14th Division became stronger and stronger, and the excellent group of officers played a huge role.

This is the case with the current 14th Division. Although the 14th Division participated in the attack suffered heavy casualties, under the leadership of those experienced officers, the 14th Division successfully broke through the defensive position of the Anhui Army and was pushed to Jinling City for the first time by the Feng army's front.

The news of the 14th Division's attack on Jinling City spread to Jurentang. Zhao Dongyun was not too surprised, but said with a smile on his face, "He fought well!"

Zhao Dongyun's expectations for Yang Deming are quite high. As the only few people in the Feng army who have received a complete higher military education, and he is also a top student who graduated from Berlin military cadets. Zhao Dongyun hopes that he can grow up quickly and eventually become the commander of the army.

If he, a top student of Berlin military cadet, can't win the battle in this generally low military quality environment in China, then Zhao Dongyun will have to doubt Germany's military education level.