Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 435 Wu Fengling's depression

In this era, the southern federal forces and Anhui army gave full play to the role of transport captains. When the southern federation retreated from Liangjiang, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other provinces, it left more than 200,000 prisoners for the Anhui army, and also left a large number of rifles, artillery and other weapons and ammunition for the Anhui army.

After the Anhui army captured many ammunition and prisoners from the Southern Federation, it expanded to more than 100,000 people in just half a year.

However, now the Anhui army has retreated from the south of the Yangtze River, also leaving tens of thousands of prisoners to the Feng army, plus tens of thousands of rifles, pistols, hundreds of advanced artillery, and more strategically valuable Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and Jinling Manufacturing Bureau.

Relying on these captures, the Feng army was able to expand rapidly after the Jiangnan Campaign, rebuild the 4th Mixed Brigade, expand the 16th Division, and give it to the 8th Division, the 11th Division and the 13th Division.

The Feng army used these weapons and equipment that originally belonged to the Anhui army and quickly expanded more than 100,000 troops. After the overall strength of the Feng army increased, the number of troops that could be used naturally increased.

The Feng army, with sufficient troops and weapons and ammunition, launched another southern offensive, and took northern Zhejiang effortlessly, which was considered to completely control the Yangtze River Delta, a tax-bearing land, and then the Feng army continued to march towards southern Zhejiang and southern Anhui.

Correspondingly, Duan Qirui was also forced to withdraw to southern Zhejiang, and at the same time transferred troops from Fujian and Guangdong to Jiangxi and southern Zhejiang in an attempt to resist the next offensive of the Feng army.

But can they block it?

Zhao Dongyun doesn't know what others think, but in Zhao Dongyun's own opinion, the resistance of the Anhui army was already yesterday, and it is impossible to encounter any practical resistance in the next southward battle.

Since the Feng army took northern Zhejiang and marched into southern Anhui, Zhao Dongyun's eyes have shifted the Anhui army to the whole country.

For the future Soviet system, including the Anhui system, other Wu Fengling, Wang Shizhen, Zhang Zhidong and Wang Zhanyuan are all enemies.

Needless to say, the Anhui and Zhang Zhidong have irreconcilable contradictions with them.

The war between the Anhui and the Soviet system is not only a warlords fighting for territory, but also a war for the status of the boss of Beiyang. Zhao Dongyun won, so he is even the only successor to the Beiyang system. The contradiction between Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun is even more direct and fierce than the contradiction between Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun. Unless either side of Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun gives up the opportunity and ambition to unify China, the contradiction between them is irreconcilable.

As for the contradiction between the Soviet Union and the Southern Federation, this is a contradiction of political differences. You should know that there are two governments in China now, one is the Republic of China controlled by the North Sea. The other is the Chinese Federal Empire controlled by Zhang Zhidong, Duan Fang and other former ministers of the Qing Dynasty and the southern Han landlord group.

The contradiction between the Soviet Union and the Southern Federation is a contradiction between the Northern Ocean and the Southern Federation. Unless one of them completely falls, there is no possibility of adjustment.

And this is not because the faction within Beiyang controls all the changes in Beiyang. When Wang Yingkai controls Beiyang, Beiyang and the Southern Federation are enemies and are at war. Now Zhao Dongyun controls the Beiyang, and the Northern Ocean and the Southern Federation are also fighting. Assuming that Zhao Dongyun is defeated in the future, and Beiyang people such as Duan Qirui or Wu Fengling come to power to control the Beiyang, then Beiyang will still fight with the Southern Federation.

There are two reasons for the frequent wars of many warlords in China today: one is the internal contradictions of the North Sea, and the other is the contradictions between the North Sea and the Southern Federation.

It's just that for Zhao Dongyun, any reason is bullshit. All he knows is that now China is his own enemies except himself, and they all need to be destroyed one after another. No matter who is in the way of unifying China, it needs to be eliminated.

In this regard, Zhao Dongyun has the determination to fight all over the country. Even if the civil war has lasted for many years, countless people are killed and injured. Anyway, he needs to unify China.

This is not only his selfishness and desire for power, but also a sense of responsibility for the country and the nation.

When people are at different stages, their ideas are always different. At the beginning of the Beiyang uprising in 1906, what he wanted was to expand more troops and occupy more territory. He struggled to enter the customs. At that time, he would never consider any country or nation, let alone worry about his rash entry. It will completely set off a civil war in Beiyang and cause irreparable property and loss of life to the whole of northern China. This state has never changed until the Feng army went south to the south of the Yangtze River.

At that time, Zhao Dongyun never considered how many people would be killed or injured, how many families would break down, and he would not care about the protracted war between himself and other warlords, which may lead to China's division.

However, since the Jiangnan War in Feng and Anhui was defeated, and the Feng army occupied the Jiangnan area, it has been announced that the Soviet system has a great possibility of unifying China.

Today, the Soviet system has completely controlled the three eastern provinces, Mongolia, Zhili, Shandong, Henan, northern Anhui, Jiangsu and other provinces. At the same time, northern Zhejiang is also under the control of the Feng army. Southern Anhui will also join the Soviet family in the near future. The above areas include most of northern China, and also include the south of the Yangtze River. Important tax areas.

The Soviets with the above-mentioned territory can be said to have controlled more than half of China. Whether it is population, resources or economy, they all occupy most of the share of China.

In this case, Zhao Dongyun's perspective has expanded from a simple expansion and occupation of more territory to a unified country.

Although the Soviet system only controls half of China at present, it does not prevent Zhao Dongyun from considering problems from the perspective of national interests.

At this time, Zhao Dongyun will consider more issues about national and national interests, because these are issues that every ruler must consider.

Nowadays, China is fragmented. It can be said that it has fallen into a practical division for more than two years. If it continues, it is easy to fall into a completely divided situation. Even if it is slightly better, it may form a melee between the warlords of the Republic of China.

For Zhao Dongyun, who has regarded the whole of China as his pocket, this situation that may occur in the future is absolutely unacceptable to him.

And this idea can be said to be Zhao Dongyun's selfish desire, but from another perspective, you can also see Zhao Dongyun's sense of responsibility to this country and nation.

The same thing, when you look at it from different angles, is actually completely different.

Considering that the civil war should end as soon as possible to avoid the actual division of the country caused by the long civil war and the great blow to the strength of the country, it is required that the Soviets can quickly unify China.

In order to achieve the rapid unification of China, military means are necessary, but some political means also need to be used. After all, fighting for hegemony does not only rely on fighting and killing, but sometimes playing tricks can also achieve good results.

Military, the Feng army continued to attack southern Zhejiang and southern Anhui.

Politicalally, Zhao Dongyun continues to attract and appease Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen, so that they will not have any thoughts when they see Duan Qirui's defeat. Once they have such thoughts, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not unite with Duan Qirui and Wang Zhanyuan to fight against themselves.

"In Shanxi, the supply of ordnance should still be paid attention to the supply of ordnance. It will not allow the Jin army to be defeated by the 19th town, but it should not let them hoard too much ammunition to threaten us in turn!" Zhao Dongyun continued: "At present, the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi is still more in line with our strategic requirements!"

Wu Fengling of Shanxi and Zhao Erxun of Shaanxi and Gansu have fought many times in the past two years. Although the scale of the war is not as big as that of the Feng army went south and the direct army and the Anhui army, it also fought several battles of tens of thousands of people. Wu Fengling personally commanded all of its second division and the Shanxi army in March of the beginning of the year. The two mixed brigades fought with Zhao Erxun's 19th town and other troops. As a result, after more than half a month of the battle, both sides failed to make much progress, so they were forced to fight against each other again after thousands of people.

This makes Wu Fengling very aggrieved. His time to come to Shanxi is not be short. However, the troops under his command are still less than 50,000, and only more than 10,000 people in the Second Division can fight. There are several reasons for his slow development. One is that Zhao Erxun of Shaanxi and Gan are not easy to deal with. Jiuzhen blocked Wu Fengling's offensive.

Secondly, Shanxi is already barren. Even if Wu Fengling wants to expand his army, he can't make much money. Unless he directly raids the rich merchants and landlords in Shanxi regardless of the consequences, but Shanxi is his basic territory, and it is impossible to mess with Wang Zhanyuan. On the contrary, he also learns from Zhao Dongyun. It took a lot of effort to develop Shanxi's economy, especially relying on the Zhengtai Railway, supporting many textile, flour and other factories in Taiyuan, and even planning to build a Taiyuan arsenal to produce bullets. However, the people in their hands are short of money and can't do it at all. In fact, the Taiyuan Arsenal is actually only one repair. At the level of the Arsenal, it's okay to repair guns, and guns can barely make a few sample guns, but don't think about mass production without millions of yuan.

Shanxi's own barrenness makes it difficult for Wu Fengling to expand its army on a large scale. The last reason is Zhao Dongyun's control over Wu Fengling's ordnance and ammunition.

At present, the sources of weapons and ammunition of the Jin army under Wu Fengling rely on the supply of the Soviet system. Although Wu Fengling also spent real money to obtain these weapons and ammunition, sometimes Wu Fengling can't afford to buy them.

rifles and pistols are fine, but machine guns and artillery have always been strictly controlled by the Soviets. On the one hand, the output of these heavy weapons is limited, and it is difficult to satisfy the Feng army itself. On the other hand, Zhao Dongyun is also unwilling to see Wu Fengling have too much first. Enter the equipment.

Therefore, the control of heavy weapons and equipment has always been relatively strict. Only when it can't be delayed will it be sold to Wu Fengling at a small number of artillery and machine guns at a high price. What is the extent that can't be delayed? Generally, it generally means that when Wu Fengling really needs artillery and does not hesitate to spend a lot of money to purchase from foreign countries, In this case, Zhao Dongyun will generally sell a small amount of artillery to Wu Fengling at a slightly lower price than the foreign bank.

After all, if it is not sold to Wu Fengling at all, they will also directly find foreigners to import it. Well, if the money is earned by foreigners, it is not as good as the Soviet Union itself, and through a small amount of sales, and the price is slightly lower than that of foreign banks, it can effectively control Wu Fengling's heavy weapons such as artillery. Purchase quantity.

Due to the limitations of various factors such as economy and weapons, Wu Fengling has not really been able to get along in Shanxi, which is undoubtedly quite depressing for Wu Fengling, who has always had ambitions to compete for hegemony.

Wu Fengling is depressed, and Wang Shizhen is more depressed than him!