Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Looking at the signed telegram sent by Zhao Dongyun, Wang Shizhen fell into meditation. When he received Wang Shizhen's telegram, he thought that Zhao Dongyun only sent an ordinary caged telegram, but he did not expect that Zhao Dongyun said in the telegram that the Soviets intended to transfer a batch of second-hand artillery to allies, and the price was partly lower than the market price. There are a large number, more than 30 doors, enough to equip two artillery battalions.

Who are the allies of the Soviet Union? In fact, there is no ally, and the apparent allies are Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen.

Zhao Dongyun's telegram said that it was obvious that the artillery would be transferred, but it was also said that the transferred artillery was transferred to Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen at the same time to help improve the military strength of his allies.

However, Wang Shizhen read a different meaning from it, that is, he knows very well that Zhao Dongyun is definitely preparing this batch of artillery for himself. However, it is not so easy to get this batch of artillery, and the price he needs to pay is definitely not as simple as money.

Is the Soviet Union short of money now? Lack!

Is there a shortage of artillery in exchange for money? Absolutely impossible.

The artillery these days is an absolute strategic material. Although these more than 30 artillery are second-hand Japanese artillery in the hands of Fengjun, they are Japanese-made 31-year field guns and mountaineers. In terms of performance, they cannot be compared with the most advanced barrel retreat guns, but in any case, they are strategic support guns, and the firing speed is a little slower. But the range and power are not bad. These more than 30 old artillery are nothing for the Feng army, which has a great business and has hundreds of tube retreat guns, but for Wang Shizhen and Wu Fengling, who do not have dozens of guns in their hands, once they get them, they can definitely double their power.

At ordinary times, Feng will not be so kind to make his artillery. Even if the performance is poor, there is no problem to equip the second-line troops. Now Zhao Dongyun said that he wants to sell these second-hand Japanese artillery, and the representative behind it must be that Zhao Dongyun needs Wang Shizhen to pay a certain price.

Wang Shizhen is not a stupid person. After looking at the domestic map carefully, when he noticed the abnormal increase in the strength of the Southern Federation in southern Hubei, he guessed a trace of smell. Is there a strange movement in the Southern Federation?

When the Feng army and the Anhui army fought fiercely, once the Southern Federation suddenly made trouble with the Feng army, it would be very uncomfortable even if the Feng army was strong. In this case, Zhao Dongyun was not surprised to think of himself. He sold these guns cheaply to himself, which was nothing more than to increase his strength and then send troops to Wuchang. In order to relieve the pressure faced by Fengjun in southern Anhui and Jiangxi.

The situation in contemporary China can be said to be transparent. As long as you guess others with the most vicious mind, you will definitely be inseparable.

Although Wang Shizhen guessed this, he found that his choices were quite limited!

Because he really can't refuse this batch of low-priced artillery**, and since Zhao Dongyun is willing to sell all the guns that have not been sold to himself, the restrictions on other ordnance must be more relaxed. Although it is absolutely impossible to give away for free, he also has the opportunity to buy a large quantity and price from Zhao Dongyun. Cheap rifles, ammunition, machine guns and other weapons.

As long as he can obtain a large amount of cheap arms, Wang Shizhen is sure to improve his strength in a short time. If Zhang Zhidong really sends troops into Jiangxi and Fengjun to fight, then the troops in the direction of Wuchang will definitely be empty. At that time, he will not be able to break through the south in one fell swoop. The Yangtze River defense line of Fang Federation, then went south to Wuchang and the whole southern Hubei, and even marched to Hunan.

This is an opportunity for me, an opportunity to break through the current dilemma and rejection!

So although Wang Shizhen knew that Zhao Dongyun was uneasy and kind-hearted, and wanted to start a war with Zhang Zhidong again, and then help Feng Jun share the huge pressure, he still gritted his teeth and agreed, and not only agreed, but also planned to take the initiative to do it.

On the same day, he replied to Zhao Dongyun's telegram, saying that Hubei is currently in urgent need of various weapons and ammunition, and requested the central government to allocate some weapons and ammunition. At the same time, he also sent a detailed list, including 36 daily 31-year-style artillery enough to equip the two battalions, and 15,000 Type 88 rifles. Twenty-four Type 01 machine guns, 36 light machine guns, 30 mortars of 60 and 80 mm each, 20,000 shells of various types, and 1.5 million bullets of all kinds.

This list can be said to be selfish. If Zhao Dongyun really sells it to him, it will be enough for Wang Shizhen to expand a main division.

However, this list was accompanied by another secret telegram from Wang Shizhen. In the telegram, he only said that Hubei had prepared to launch another cross-river offensive in the near future, and must take Wuchang and complete the great cause of unifying China by the central government.

No matter what Wang Shizhen thinks, since he sent these two telegrams to Zhao Dongyun, it is enough to prove that he is still loyal to the central government on the surface, and also represents that Wang Shizhen will cooperate with the Feng army to launch a corresponding offensive against Wuchang, Hubei Province. These two points are the most important for Zhao Dongyun. Of.

As for what Wang Shizhen is planning behind, Zhao Dongyun is very clear, but he doesn't mind that what Wang Shizhen wants is nothing more than Hubei and even Hunan. He has confirmed his reputation as a lake patrol envoy. What he wants is similar to Wu Fengling, and it is just an expansion of territory.

However, Zhao Dongyun doesn't care. Now he only needs Wu Fengling to help him drag Zhao Erxun and help him drag Zhang Zhidong, so Zhao Dongyun is sure to control the subsequent situation. After he completely cleans up Duan Qirui and takes down Fujian and Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Guangdong, can Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen still turn over? It's just choosing to give in or resist to the end.

Zhao Dongyun, who was not too worried about Wang Shizhen's army expansion, extracted a large number of materials from the major military warehouses of the Soviet Union. Of course, he would not sell these weapons and ammunition to Wang Shizhen at one time. It's okay if you want to buy cheap weapons and ammunition, but you have to take practical actions to show your sincerity. Two telegrams are not enough to completely reassure Zhao Dongyun.

Soon, a train carried a large number of weapons and ammunition to go south. In this batch of weapons, there are eight 75mm field guns made every day in 31 years. In addition, there are 57mm mountain guns produced by domestic factories such as Han-made, and a batch of German-made original 88 rifles used by the military, and 16 heavy machine guns are 16 heavy machine guns. Russian Maxim heavy machine guns, as well as some mortars, light machine guns and ammunition.

In addition to the new ammunition, these ordnance weapons are basically second-hand goods used or seized by Feng Jun himself. This is not because Zhao Dongyun deliberately sold second-hand goods to Wang Shizhen, but because it was explained at the beginning that this batch of ordnance supporting Wang Shizhen is second-hand. Wang Shizhen doesn't mind the goods, why? It's cheap!

Not to mention the artillery, whether the advanced tube retreating guns are directly imported from Germany or Japan, or the 75mm field guns produced by Fuchang and Jiangnan Arsenal, the price is extremely expensive, plus the allocated shells, it needs to be equipped with a 16-door artillery battalion, and there is no five or 600,000 yuan at all. However, those second-hand old-style guns are much cheaper. Even if the price of domestic ordnance is high now, it is cheaper to get a 75mm field gun in a battalion, at most 2 to 300,000, which is directly less than half. If it is a 57mm gun, it is cheaper.

The same is true. At present, there are about three kinds of rifles widely used in China. One is the version of the 88 rifle used in a large number of Feng army, the Anhui army and the Southern Federation, including German-made, Hanyang-made, Jiangnan-made, Jinling-made, Guangdong-made, benefit-made, Sichuan-made and other. It is a 30-year-old style and a 38-year-year-old style made in Japan. The source is mainly from imports from Japan. Yuan Shikai in the old Beiyang era, Wang Yingkai of the direct army, Duan Qirui of the Anhui army, Duanfang, Xiliang, Zhang Zhidong and others of the Southern Federation all purchased Japanese armor rifles on a large scale, mainly in the 30-year style, 38 There are fewer styles. In the past, it was mainly concentrated in the Anhui army, but now there is also a part of the Feng army.

The rest of the contemporary domestic is relatively unfamiliar, that is, the Russian M1891 Mosinagan. The scope of use of this rifle is quite limited, mainly concentrated in the Shaanxi-Gan Army in the Southern Federal System, that is, the troops under Zhao Erxun. The famous 19th town is the same M1891 In addition, Mosinnagan, there is also a small amount in the hands of Wu Fengling's Jin army and Zhao Dongyun Feng's army. Needless to say, the M1891 Mosinnagan in the hands of the Jin army was captured from Zhao Erxun, and the number is small and not large.

M1891 Mosinagan in the Feng army was purchased during the large-scale stage of the Feng army in 1906 when collecting artillery guns everywhere. The number was small, only a few thousand, and it was not equipped with field troops. It was mainly assigned to several patrol infantry regiments stationed in Mongolia.

Of course, in addition to these rifles, there are many types of rifles in the hands of major Chinese warlords. British, French and even American rifles can basically be found, but they have not formed a large scale.

However, no matter what rifle is, the price of the new gun is not cheap. Although Wang Shizhen wants a new gun, even if the 88 rifle is relatively cheap, a brand-new rifle will sell up at least 40. However, if it is the used second-hand 88 rifle, especially the old-fashioned The barrel-type 88 rifle can basically be taken down in about 20 rounds.

Wang Shizhen is trapped in northern Hubei. She has little money in her hand and wants to get a large amount of arms from Zhao Dongyun. Needless Zhao Dongyun, he is willing to choose second-hand goods.

Anyway, if there is a war, the new guns and old guns are not used the same. Wang Shizhen's Hubei army is not as luxurious as the Feng army. Even the patrol infantry regiment is equipped with brand-new rifles.